/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { if (Auth::guest()) { return view('login'); } else { $efectos = array(); if (isset($_GET['verbloqueados'])) { $efectos2 = \Ermtool\Effect::where('status', 1)->get(); //select efectos bloqueados } else { $efectos2 = \Ermtool\Effect::where('status', 0)->get(); //select efectos desbloqueados } $i = 0; // ---recorremos todas las efectos para asignar formato de datos correspondientes--- // foreach ($efectos2 as $efecto) { //damos formato a fecha de creación if ($efecto['created_at'] != NULL) { $fecha_creacion = date_format($efecto['created_at'], "d-m-Y"); } else { $fecha_creacion = NULL; } //damos formato a fecha de actualización if ($efecto['updated_at'] != NULL) { $fecha_act = date_format($efecto['updated_at'], "d-m-Y"); } else { $fecha_act = NULL; } $efectos[$i] = array('id' => $efecto['id'], 'nombre' => $efecto['name'], 'descripcion' => $efecto['description'], 'fecha_creacion' => $fecha_creacion, 'fecha_act' => $fecha_act, 'estado' => $efecto['status']); $i += 1; } if (Session::get('languaje') == 'en') { return view('en.datos_maestros.efectos.index', ['efectos' => $efectos]); } else { return view('datos_maestros.efectos.index', ['efectos' => $efectos]); } } }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function edit($id) { if (Auth::guest()) { return view('login'); } else { //obtenemos riesgo $risk = \Ermtool\Risk::find($id); if ($risk->type == 0) { $subprocesos = DB::table('subprocesses')->join('organization_subprocess', 'organization_subprocess.subprocess_id', '=', 'subprocesses.id')->where('organization_subprocess.organization_id', '=', $_GET['org'])->where('subprocesses.status', '=', 0)->lists('subprocesses.name', 'subprocesses.id'); $sub_selected = array(); $subs = DB::table('risk_subprocess')->where('risk_subprocess.risk_id', '=', $id)->select('risk_subprocess.subprocess_id')->get(); $i = 0; foreach ($subs as $sub) { $sub_selected[$i] = $sub->subprocess_id; $i += 1; } } else { if ($risk->type == 1) { $objectives = DB::table('objectives')->where('organization_id', '=', $_GET['org'])->where('status', '=', 0)->lists('name', 'id'); $obj_selected = array(); $orgs = DB::table('objective_risk')->where('objective_risk.risk_id', '=', $id)->select('objective_risk.objective_id')->get(); $i = 0; foreach ($subs as $sub) { $obj_selected[$i] = $obj->objective_id; $i += 1; } } } //categorias de riesgo $categorias = \Ermtool\Risk_category::where('status', 0)->lists('name', 'id'); //causas $causas = \Ermtool\Cause::where('status', 0)->lists('name', 'id'); //efectos $efectos = \Ermtool\Effect::where('status', 0)->lists('name', 'id'); $causes_selected = array(); $effects_selected = array(); //obtenemos causas seleccionadas $causes = DB::table('cause_risk')->where('risk_id', '=', $id)->select('cause_risk.cause_id')->get(); $i = 0; foreach ($causes as $cause) { $causes_selected[$i] = $cause->cause_id; $i += 1; } //obtenemos efectos seleccionados $effects = DB::table('effect_risk')->where('risk_id', '=', $id)->select('effect_risk.effect_id')->get(); $i = 0; foreach ($effects as $effect) { $effects_selected[$i] = $effect->effect_id; $i += 1; } //riesgos tipo $riesgos_tipo = \Ermtool\Risk::where('status', 0)->where('type2', 0)->lists('name', 'id'); //obtenemos lista de stakeholders $stakeholders = \Ermtool\Stakeholder::where('status', 0)->select('id', DB::raw('CONCAT(name, " ", surnames) AS full_name'))->orderBy('name')->lists('full_name', 'id'); if (Session::get('languaje') == 'en') { if ($risk->type == 0) { return view('en.riesgos.edit', ['risk' => $risk, 'riesgos_tipo' => $riesgos_tipo, 'causas' => $causas, 'categorias' => $categorias, 'efectos' => $efectos, 'stakeholders' => $stakeholders, 'causes_selected' => $causes_selected, 'effects_selected' => $effects_selected, 'subprocesos' => $subprocesos, 'sub_selected' => $sub_selected, 'org_id' => $_GET['org']]); } else { return view('en.riesgos.edit', ['risk' => $risk, 'riesgos_tipo' => $riesgos_tipo, 'causas' => $causas, 'categorias' => $categorias, 'efectos' => $efectos, 'stakeholders' => $stakeholders, 'causes_selected' => $causes_selected, 'effects_selected' => $effects_selected, 'objetivos' => $objetivos, 'obj_selected' => $obj_selected, 'org_id' => $_GET['org']]); } } else { if ($risk->type == 0) { return view('riesgos.edit', ['risk' => $risk, 'riesgos_tipo' => $riesgos_tipo, 'causas' => $causas, 'categorias' => $categorias, 'efectos' => $efectos, 'stakeholders' => $stakeholders, 'causes_selected' => $causes_selected, 'effects_selected' => $effects_selected, 'subprocesos' => $subprocesos, 'sub_selected' => $sub_selected, 'org_id' => $_GET['org']]); } else { return view('riesgos.edit', ['risk' => $risk, 'riesgos_tipo' => $riesgos_tipo, 'causas' => $causas, 'categorias' => $categorias, 'efectos' => $efectos, 'stakeholders' => $stakeholders, 'causes_selected' => $causes_selected, 'effects_selected' => $effects_selected, 'objetivos' => $objetivos, 'obj_selected' => $obj_selected, 'org_id' => $_GET['org']]); } } } }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function edit($id) { if (Auth::guest()) { return view('login'); } else { $riesgo = \Ermtool\Risk::find($id); $categorias = \Ermtool\Risk_category::where('status', 0)->lists('name', 'id'); $causas = \Ermtool\Cause::where('status', 0)->lists('name', 'id'); $efectos = \Ermtool\Effect::where('status', 0)->lists('name', 'id'); $causes_selected = array(); $effects_selected = array(); //obtenemos causas seleccionadas $causes = DB::table('cause_risk')->where('risk_id', '=', $riesgo->id)->select('cause_risk.cause_id')->get(); $i = 0; foreach ($causes as $cause) { $causes_selected[$i] = $cause->cause_id; $i += 1; } //obtenemos efectos seleccionados $effects = DB::table('effect_risk')->where('risk_id', '=', $riesgo->id)->select('effect_risk.effect_id')->get(); $i = 0; foreach ($effects as $effect) { $effects_selected[$i] = $effect->effect_id; $i += 1; } if (Session::get('languaje') == 'en') { return view('en.datos_maestros.riesgos_tipo.edit', ['riesgo' => $riesgo, 'categorias' => $categorias, 'causas' => $causas, 'efectos' => $efectos, 'causes_selected' => $causes_selected, 'effects_selected' => $effects_selected]); } else { return view('datos_maestros.riesgos_tipo.edit', ['riesgo' => $riesgo, 'categorias' => $categorias, 'causas' => $causas, 'efectos' => $efectos, 'causes_selected' => $causes_selected, 'effects_selected' => $effects_selected]); } } }