예제 #1
  * Send new password to defined E-Mail.
 protected function send()
     if ($crumbComponent = $this->document->componentManager->getBlockByName('breadCrumbs')) {
     if ($component = $this->document->componentManager->getBlockByName('textBlockRestorePassword')) {
     if (!isset($_POST['u_name'])) {
         $message = $this->translate('ERR_NO_U_NAME');
     } else {
         $uName = $_POST['u_name'];
         if (!($UID = $this->dbh->getScalar('user_users', 'u_id', array('u_name' => $uName)))) {
             $message = $this->translate('ERR_NO_U_NAME');
         } else {
             $password = User::generatePassword();
             $this->dbh->modify(QAL::UPDATE, 'user_users', array('u_password' => password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT)), array('u_id' => $UID));
             $user = new User($UID);
             $template = new MailTemplate('user_restore_password', ['user_login' => $uName, 'user_name' => $user->getValue('u_fullname'), 'user_password' => $password, 'site_url' => E()->getSiteManager()->getCurrentSite()->base, 'site_name' => $this->translate('TXT_SITE_NAME')]);
             $mailer = new Mail();
             $message = $this->translate('MSG_PASSWORD_SENT');
             try {
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 $message = $e->getMessage();
     $messageField = new Field('restore_password_result');
예제 #2
  * @copydoc ExtendedSaver::setData
 public function setData(Data $data)
     if (!$data->getFieldByName('news_segment')->getRowData(0)) {
         $f = new Field('news_segment');
         $translitedTitle = Translit::asURLSegment($data->getFieldByName('news_title')->getRowData(0));
         $filter = array();
         $pkF = $this->getData()->getFieldByName($this->getPK());
         if ($pkF = $pkF->getRowData(0)) {
             $filter[$this->getPK()] = $pkF;
         for ($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++) {
             $tempTitle = $translitedTitle;
             if ($i) {
                 $tempTitle = $translitedTitle . '-' . $i;
             $filter = array('news_segment' => $tempTitle);
             if (!$this->dbh->getScalar($this->getTableName(), 'news_segment', $filter)) {
             } else {
                 $tempTitle = $translitedTitle . '-' . $i;
         $translitedTitle = $tempTitle;
         for ($i = 0, $l = sizeof(E()->getLanguage()->getLanguages()); $i < $l; $i++) {
             $f->setRowData($i, $translitedTitle);
예제 #3
  * Show login form.
 public function showLoginForm()
     if (isset($_COOKIE[UserSession::FAILED_LOGIN_COOKIE_NAME])) {
         $messageField = new FieldDescription('message');
         $messageField = new Field('message');
     //Во избежание появления empty рекордсета
     $this->getData()->addField((new Field('username'))->setRowData(0, ''));
     //Если есть информация о авторизации через фейсбук
     foreach (array('auth.facebook', 'auth.vk') as $configSectionName) {
         if ($this->getToolbar()) {
             list($tbr) = array_values($this->getToolbar());
             if ($ctrl = $tbr->getControlByID($configSectionName)) {
             if ($ctrl && $this->getConfigValue($configSectionName)) {
                 if ($appID = $this->getConfigValue($configSectionName . '.appID')) {
                     $ctrl->setAttribute('appID', $appID);
예제 #4
  * @copydoc ExtendedFeedEditor::add
 protected function add()
     $f = new Field('news_is_active');
     $f->setData(true, true);
예제 #5
 protected function prepare()
     if (in_array($this->getState(), array('add', 'edit'))) {
         $fd = new FieldDescription('questions');
         $fd->setProperty('title', $this->translate('TAB_VOTE_QUESTIONS'));
         $field = new Field('questions');
         $state = $this->getState();
         $tab_url = ($state != 'add' ? $this->getData()->getFieldByName($this->getPK())->getRowData(0) : '') . '/question/';
         $field->setData($tab_url, true);
예제 #6
 private function buildGroups(Field $field)
     $builder = new SimpleBuilder();
     $data = new Data();
     $dd = new DataDescription();
     $dd->load(['id' => ['type' => FieldDescription::FIELD_TYPE_INT, 'key' => true], 'link' => ['type' => FieldDescription::FIELD_TYPE_STRING], 'title' => ['type' => FieldDescription::FIELD_TYPE_STRING], 'text' => ['type' => FieldDescription::FIELD_TYPE_HTML_BLOCK]]);
     foreach ($field as $key => $id) {
         if ($d = $this->dbh->select('SELECT t.top_id as id, top_name as `title`, top_link as link,top_text_rtf as `text`  FROM apps_tops t LEFT JOIN apps_tops_translation tt ON (tt.top_id=t.top_id) AND (lang_id=%s) WHERE (t.tg_id =%s) AND top_is_active ORDER BY top_order_num', $this->document->getLang(), $id)) {
             $am = new AttachmentManager($dd, $data, 'apps_tops');
             $am->createField('top_id', false, $data->getFieldByName('id')->getData());
             $field->setRowData($key, $builder->getResult());
         } else {
             $field->setRowData($key, null);
예제 #7
  * Edit ad.
  * Modify input DataDescription argument by adding to it an information about ad.
  * @param Data $d Data.
  * @param DataDescription $dd Data description.
 public function edit(Data $d, DataDescription $dd)
     $fds = $this->dbh->getColumnsInfo(self::TABLE_NAME);
     $fds['ad_id']['key'] = false;
     foreach ($fds as $key => $value) {
         $fds[$key]['tabName'] = 'TXT_ADS';
     $data = $this->dbh->select(self::TABLE_NAME, array_keys($fds), array('smap_id' => $d->getFieldByName('smap_id')->getRowData(0)));
     if (is_array($data)) {
         //Тут как всегда проблема с загрузкой значений в мультиязычный билдер
         foreach ($data[0] as $fieldName => $fieldData) {
             $f = new Field($fieldName);
             for ($i = 0, $l = sizeof(E()->getLanguage()->getLanguages()); $i < $l; $i++) {
                 $f->setRowData($i, $fieldData);
예제 #8
  * @copydoc LoginForm::showLoginForm
 public function showLoginForm()
     if (isset($_COOKIE[UserSession::FAILED_LOGIN_COOKIE_NAME])) {
         $messageField = new FieldDescription('message');
         $messageField = new Field('message');
     //Во избежание появления empty рекордсета
     $f = new Field('username');
     //Если есть информация о авторизации через соц. сети
     foreach (['fb', 'vk', 'ok', 'goo'] as $socialType) {
         foreach (array_values($this->getToolbar()) as $tbr) {
             if ($ctrl = $tbr->getControlByID('auth.' . $socialType)) {
             if ($ctrl && $this->getConfigValue('auth.' . $socialType)) {
                 if (($appID = $this->getConfigValue('auth.' . $socialType . '.appID')) && ($secretKey = $this->getConfigValue('auth.' . $socialType . '.appID'))) {
                     $authClassName = 'Energine\\user\\gears\\' . strtoupper($socialType) . 'OAuth';
                      * @var $auth IOAuth
                     $auth = new $authClassName(['appId' => $appID, 'secret' => $secretKey, 'public' => $this->getConfigValue('auth.' . $socialType . '.publicKey')]);
                     $ctrl->setAttribute('loginUrl', $auth->getLoginUrl(['redirect_uri' => ($base = E()->getSiteManager()->getCurrentSite()->base) . 'auth.php?' . $socialType . 'Auth&return=' . $this->getReturnUrl(), 'scope' => $ctrl->getAttribute('permissions')]));
                     $ctrl->setAttribute('appID', $appID);
예제 #9
 protected function prepare()
     if (in_array($this->getState(), array('add', 'edit'))) {
         $fd = new FieldDescription('domains');
         $fd->setProperty('title', $this->translate('TAB_DOMAINS'));
         $field = new Field('domains');
         $state = $this->getState();
         $tab_url = ($state != 'add' ? $this->getData()->getFieldByName($this->getPK())->getRowData(0) : '') . '/domains/';
         $field->setData($tab_url, true);
         $fd = $this->getDataDescription()->getFieldDescriptionByName('site_folder');
         $fd->loadAvailableValues($this->loadFoldersData(), 'key', 'value');
         if ($this->getData()->getFieldByName('site_is_default')->getRowData(0) == 1) {
         $tagField = new FieldDescription('tags');
         if ($this->getState() == 'add') {
             //Добавляем селект позволяющий скопировать структуру одного из существующих сайтов в новый
             $fd = new FieldDescription('copy_site_structure');
             $fd->loadAvailableValues($this->dbh->select('SELECT ss.site_id, site_name FROM share_sites ss LEFT JOIN share_sites_translation sst ON ss.site_id = sst.site_id WHERE lang_id =%s ', $this->document->getLang()), 'site_id', 'site_name');
         } else {
             $tm = new TagManager($this->getDataDescription(), $this->getData(), $this->getTableName());
 protected function prepare()
     if (in_array($this->getState(), ['add', 'edit'])) {
         $fd = new FieldDescription('users');
         $fd->setProperty('title', $this->translate('TAB_SUBSCRIBED_USERS'));
         $field = new Field('users');
         $state = $this->getState();
         $tab_url = ($state != 'add' ? $this->getData()->getFieldByName($this->getPK())->getRowData(0) : '') . '/users/';
         $field->setData($tab_url, true);
         $fd = new FieldDescription('emails');
         $fd->setProperty('title', $this->translate('TAB_SUBSCRIBED_EMAILS'));
         $field = new Field('emails');
         $state = $this->getState();
         $tab_url = ($state != 'add' ? $this->getData()->getFieldByName($this->getPK())->getRowData(0) : '') . '/email/';
         $field->setData($tab_url, true);
예제 #11
  * Build form.
  * It adds form name and information about the form.
 private function buildForm()
     $result = $this->dbh->select('frm_forms_translation', ['form_name', 'form_annotation_rtf', 'form_post_annotation_rtf'], ['form_id' => $this->formID, 'lang_id' => E()->getLanguage()->getCurrent()]);
     if (is_array($result)) {
         //Если поля не существует - создаем
         if (!($field = $this->getData()->getFieldByName('form_date'))) {
             $field = new Field('form_date');
         //заполняем текущей датой
         $field->setData(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
         //Если описания не существует - создаем и добавляем
         if (!($fd = $this->getDataDescription()->getFieldDescriptionByName('form_date'))) {
             $fd = new FieldDescription('form_date');
         } else {
             //Удаялем и добавляем
             //Это нужно для того чтобы перенести поле в конец списка
         $f = new Field('form_description');
         $f->setData($result[0]['form_annotation_rtf'], true);
         $fd = new FieldDescription('form_description');
         $f = new Field('form_post_description');
         $f->setData($result[0]['form_post_annotation_rtf'], true);
         $fd = new FieldDescription('form_post_description');
         if (!($this->document->getUser()->isAuthenticated() || $this->getParam('noCaptcha'))) {
             $fd = new FieldDescription('captcha');
         foreach ($this->getDataDescription() as $fd) {
             if ($fd->getType() == FieldDescription::FIELD_TYPE_BOOL) {
                 $fd->setProperty('yes', $this->translate('TXT_YES'))->setProperty('no', $this->translate('TXT_NO'));
예제 #12
  * Success.
 protected function success()
     $dataDescription = new DataDescription();
     $ddi = new FieldDescription('result');
     $data = new Data();
     $di = new Field('result');
예제 #13
  * Build the list of additional files.
  * @param string $tableName Table name.
  * @param bool $data Data.
  * @see DivisionEditor
  * @see ProductEditor
  * @note It is used for the cases when additional tab with attached files to the record should be created.
 protected function linkExtraManagers($tableName, $data = false)
     if ($this->dbh->tableExists($tableName . AttachmentManager::ATTACH_TABLE_SUFFIX) && $this->getState() != 'attachments') {
         $fd = new FieldDescription('attached_files');
         $fd->setProperty('title', $this->translate('TAB_ATTACHED_FILES'));
         $fd->setProperty('tableName', $tableName . AttachmentManager::ATTACH_TABLE_SUFFIX);
         $field = new Field('attached_files');
         $state = $this->getState();
         $tab_url = ($state != 'add' ? $this->getData()->getFieldByName($this->getPK())->getRowData(0) : '') . '/attachments/';
         $field->setData($tab_url, true);
     if ($this->dbh->getTagsTablename($this->getTableName())) {
         $tm = new TagManager($this->getDataDescription(), $this->getData(), $this->getTableName());
예제 #14
  * @copydoc Grid::edit
 protected function edit()
     $this->buildRightsTab($smapID = $this->getData()->getFieldByName('smap_id')->getRowData(0));
     //Выводим УРЛ в поле сегмента
     $field = $this->getData()->getFieldByName('smap_pid');
     $site = E()->getSiteManager()->getSiteByID($this->getData()->getFieldByName('site_id')->getRowData(0));
     foreach ([Document::TMPL_CONTENT, Document::TMPL_LAYOUT] as $type) {
         if ($f = $this->getDataDescription()->getFieldDescriptionByName('smap_' . $type)) {
             $old_value = $this->getData()->getFieldByName('smap_' . $type)->getRowData(0);
             $template_data = $this->loadTemplateData($type, $site->folder, $old_value);
             $f->loadAvailableValues($template_data, 'key', 'value');
     //Если изменен  - вносим исправления в список возможных значений
     if ($contentXMLFieldData = $this->dbh->getScalar($this->getTableName(), 'smap_content_xml', ['smap_id' => $this->getData()->getFieldByName('smap_id')->getRowData(0)])) {
         $contentFilename = $this->getData()->getFieldByName('smap_content')->getRowData(0);
         $contentFD = $this->getDataDescription()->getFieldDescriptionByName('smap_content');
         $contentFD->setProperty('reset', $this->translate('TXT_RESET_CONTENT'));
         $av =& $contentFD->getAvailableValues();
         if (isset($av[$contentFilename])) {
             $av[$contentFilename]['value'] .= ' - ' . $this->translate('TXT_CHANGED');
         $newField = new FieldDescription('smap_content_xml');
         $newField->setProperty('nullable', true);
         $newField->setProperty('tableName', $this->getTableName());
         $newField->setProperty('tabName', $contentFD->getPropertyValue('tabName'));
         $this->getDataDescription()->addFieldDescription($newField, DataDescription::FIELD_POSITION_AFTER, 'smap_content');
         $newField = new Field('smap_content_xml');
         $doc = new \DOMDocument();
         $doc->formatOutput = true;
         $doc->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
         $newField->setData($doc->saveXML(null, LIBXML_NOEMPTYTAG), true);
         unset($contentFilename, $contentFD, $av, $doc, $newField);
     $smapSegment = '';
     if ($field->getRowData(0) !== null) {
         $smapSegment = E()->getMap($site->id)->getURLByID($field->getRowData(0));
     } else {
         foreach (['smap_is_disabled', 'smap_segment', 'smap_redirect_url', 'smap_meta_robots', 'smap_meta_keywords', 'smap_meta_description'] as $fieldName) {
             if ($f = $this->getDataDescription()->getFieldDescriptionByName($fieldName)) {
     $smapName = $this->dbh->getScalar($this->getTranslationTableName(), 'smap_name', ['smap_id' => $field->getRowData(0), 'lang_id' => $this->document->getLang()]);
     for ($i = 0; $i < ($langs = count(E()->getLanguage()->getLanguages())); $i++) {
         $field->setRowProperty($i, 'data_name', $smapName);
         $field->setRowProperty($i, 'segment', $smapSegment);
     $tm = new TagManager($this->getDataDescription(), $this->getData(), $this->getTableName());
     if (class_exists('AdsManager', false) && AdsManager::isActive()) {
         $ads = new AdsManager();
         $ads->edit($this->getData(), $this->getDataDescription());
예제 #15
  * Return empty recordset.
 private function returnEmptyRecordset()
     //Тип форми змінюється для того, щоб xslt опрацював помилку не в Grid'і.
     $f = new Field('error_msg');
     $fd = new FieldDescription('error_msg');
     $f->setData($this->translate('ERROR_NO_FORM'), true);
     $d = new Data();
     $dd = new DataDescription();
     $this->setBuilder(new SimpleBuilder());
예제 #16
 protected function createData()
     $result = parent::createData();
     if ($this->getType() != self::COMPONENT_TYPE_LIST) {
         $f = new Field('group_div_rights');
     return $result;
예제 #17
  * Show message about incorrect password.
  * @throws SystemException 'ERR_404'
 protected function error()
     //если в сессии нет переменной error, значит этот метод пытаются дернуть напрямую. Не выйдет!
     if (!isset($_SESSION['error'])) {
         throw new SystemException('ERR_404', SystemException::ERR_404);
     //Мавр сделал свое дело...
     $dd = new DataDescription();
     $ddi = new FieldDescription('error_message');
     $d = new Data();
     $di = new Field('error_message');
예제 #18
  * Add directory.
 protected function addDir()
     $sp = $this->getStateParams(true);
     if (isset($sp['pid'])) {
         $uplPID = (int) $sp['pid'];
     } else {
         $uplPID = '';
     $this->setData(new Data());
     $f = new Field('upl_pid');
     $this->js = $this->buildJS();
예제 #19
  * Create field.
  * @param int|array $targetIds Comment ID(s).
  * @return Field
 protected function createField($targetIds)
     $f = new Field($this->commentsFieldName);
     $f->setRowProperty(0, 'is_tree', (bool) $this->isTree);
     $f->setRowProperty(0, 'is_editable', (int) E()->getUser()->isAuthenticated());
     $data = $this->getBuildedListByIds($targetIds);
     return $f;
예제 #20
  * Build for for editing component parameters.
  * The form creation is based on XML widget's data received per POST request.
  * @throws SystemException 'ERR_INSUFFICIENT_DATA'
  * @throws SystemException 'ERR_BAD_XML_DESCR'
 protected function buildParamsForm()
     if (!isset($_POST['modalBoxData'])) {
         throw new SystemException('ERR_INSUFFICIENT_DATA');
     if (!($widgetXML = simplexml_load_string($_POST['modalBoxData']))) {
         throw new SystemException('ERR_BAD_XML_DESCR');
     list($componentName) = $this->getStateParams();
     $component = ComponentManager::findBlockByName($widgetXML, $componentName);
     $dd = new DataDescription();
     $d = new Data();
     $this->setBuilder(new Builder());
     $this->js = $this->buildJS();
     foreach ($component->params->children() as $param) {
         $paramName = (string) $param['name'];
         $paramType = isset($param['type']) ? (string) $param['type'] : FieldDescription::FIELD_TYPE_STRING;
         $fd = new FieldDescription($paramName);
         if (isset($param['nullable'])) {
             $fd->setProperty('nullable', true);
         $fd->setType($paramType)->setProperty('tabName', E()->Utils->translate('TAB_PARAMS'));
         if ($paramType == FieldDescription::FIELD_TYPE_SELECT && isset($param['values'])) {
             $availableValues = array();
             foreach (explode('|', (string) $param['values']) as $value) {
                 array_push($availableValues, array('key' => $value, 'value' => $value));
             $fd->loadAvailableValues($availableValues, 'key', 'value');
         $f = new Field($paramName);
         $f->setRowData(0, $param);
예제 #21
  * Show registration result.
 protected function success()
     //если в сессии нет переменной saved значит этот метод пытаются вызвать напрямую. Не выйдет!
     /*if (!isset($_SESSION['saved'])) {
           throw new SystemException('ERR_404', SystemException::ERR_404);
     if ($textBlock = $this->document->componentManager->getBlockByName('RegTextBlock')) {
     $dataDescription = new DataDescription();
     $ddi = new FieldDescription('success_message');
     $data = new Data();
     $di = new Field('success_message');
예제 #22
 protected function prepare()
     if ($this->getState() == 'deleteComment') {
     } else {
         if ($this->bindComponent && $this->bindComponent->getState() == $this->getParam('bind_state') && $this->getState() == 'main' && $this->getParam('show_form') && $this->getParam('show_comments') && $this->isExistsNeedTables()) {
             if (($this->document->getUser()->isAuthenticated() or !$this->getParam('use_captcha')) && ($captcha = $this->getDataDescription()->getFieldDescriptionByName('captcha'))) {
             //ID комментируемого элемента
             $ap = $this->bindComponent->getStateParams(true);
             //Тут костыль
             if (is_array($ap)) {
                 $apk = array_keys($ap);
                 $param_idx = $this->getParam('bind_pk_param_idx');
                 $apName = isset($apk[$param_idx]) ? $apk[$param_idx] : $apk[sizeof($apk) - 1];
                 $targetId = $ap[$apName];
             } else {
                 $targetId = $this->document->getID();
             if ($this->isTargetEditable()) {
                 $f = new Field('target_id');
                 // добавляем переводы для формы
                 // коментировать
                 // коментировать новость
                 // осталось
                 // символ
                 // символа
                 // символов
                 // Действительно удалить комментарий?
             } else {
                 // форма нужна только для вывода списка комментариев
                 $this->setProperty('hide_form', 1);
             // коментирии
         } else {
         if ($this->getParam('show_comments') && $this->isExistsNeedTables() && is_object($this->bindComponent) && $this->bindComponent->getState() == $this->getParam('bind_state') && $this->bindComponent->getData() && !$this->bindComponent->getData()->isEmpty()) {
예제 #23
 protected function createData()
     $data = new Data();
     $field = new Field($this->getName());
     return $data;