public function render() { if ($this->callback instanceof Closure) { $this->value = call_user_func($this->callback, $this->value); } return parent::render(); }
public function render() { $this->options['format'] = $this->format; $this->options['locale'] = 'zh-cn'; $this->script = "\$('#{$this->id}').datetimepicker(" . json_encode($this->options) . ");"; return parent::render(); }
public function render() { $this->options['format'] = $this->format; $this->options['locale'] = config('app.locale'); $this->script = "\$('#{$this->id}').datetimepicker(" . json_encode($this->options) . ');'; return parent::render(); }
public function render() { $this->script = <<<EOT \$('#{$this->id}').inputmask("currency", {radixPoint: '.', prefix:''}) EOT; return parent::render()->with(['symbol' => $this->symbol]); }
public function render() { if (empty($this->format)) { $this->format(); } $options = json_encode(['mask' => $this->format]); $this->script = <<<EOT \$('#{$this->id}').inputmask({$options}); EOT; return parent::render(); }
public function render() { if ($this->form->builder()->isMode('create')) { return; } $model = $this->form->model(); $relation = call_user_func([$model, $this->relationName]); if (!$relation instanceof Relation) { throw new \Exception('embedsMany field must be a EmbedsMany relation.'); } $form = new Form($relation->getRelated(), $this->builder); $form->build(); return parent::render()->with(['form' => $form->builder()])->render(); }
public function render() { $this->default(0); $this->script = <<<EOT \$('#{$this->id}').bootstrapNumber({ \tupClass: 'success', \tdownClass: 'primary', \tcenter: true }); EOT; return parent::render(); }
public function render() { if ($this->form->builder()->isMode('create')) { return; } $model = $this->form->model(); $relation = call_user_func([$model, $this->relationName]); if (!$relation instanceof Relation) { throw new \Exception('hasMany field must be a HasMany relation.'); } $grid = new Grid($relation->getRelated(), $this->builder); $grid->build(); return parent::render()->with(['grid' => $grid]); }
public function render() { $this->script = <<<EOT var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("{$this->id}"), { lineNumbers: true, mode: "application/ld+json", lineWrapping: true, matchBrackets: true, autoCloseBrackets: true, }); EOT; return parent::render(); }
public function render() { $key = array_search($this->value, $this->states); $this->value = $key == 'on' ? 'on' : 'off'; $this->script = <<<EOT \$('#{$this->id}_checkbox').bootstrapSwitch({ size:'small', onSwitchChange: function(event, state) { \$('#{$this->id}').val(state ? 'on' : 'off'); } });; EOT; return parent::render(); }
public function render() { $this->options['locale'] = 'zh-cn'; $startOptions = json_encode($this->options); $endOptions = json_encode($this->options + ['useCurrent' => false]); $this->script = <<<EOT \$('#{$this->id['start']}').datetimepicker({$startOptions}); \$('#{$this->id['end']}').datetimepicker({$endOptions}); \$("#{$this->id['start']}").on("dp.change", function (e) { \$('#{$this->id['end']}').data("DateTimePicker").minDate(; }); \$("#{$this->id['end']}").on("dp.change", function (e) { \$('#{$this->id['start']}').data("DateTimePicker").maxDate(; }); EOT; return parent::render(); }
public function render() { $this->script = <<<EOT var lat = \$('#{$this->id['lat']}').val(); var lng = \$('#{$this->id['lng']}').val(); var center = new qq.maps.LatLng(lat, lng); var container = document.getElementById("container"); var map = new qq.maps.Map(container, { center: center, zoom: 13 }); var marker = new qq.maps.Marker({ position: center, draggable: true, map: map }); if( ! lat || ! lng) { var citylocation = new qq.maps.CityService({ complete : function(result){ map.setCenter(result.detail.latLng); marker.setPosition(result.detail.latLng); } }); citylocation.searchLocalCity(); } qq.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function(event) { marker.setPosition(event.latLng); }); qq.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'position_changed', function(event) { var position = marker.getPosition(); \$('#{$this->id['lat']}').val(position.getLat()); \$('#{$this->id['lng']}').val(position.getLng()); }); EOT; return parent::render(); }
public function render() { if (empty($this->mode)) { $this->lang(); } $this->script = <<<EOT var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("{$this->id}"), { lineNumbers: true, mode: "{$this->mode}", extraKeys: { "Tab": function(cm){ cm.replaceSelection(" " , "end"); } } }); EOT; return parent::render(); }
public function render() { $this->options['checkboxClass'] = 'icheckbox_minimal-blue'; $this->script = "\$('.{$this->column}').iCheck(" . json_encode($this->options) . ");"; return parent::render()->with(['values' => $this->values]); }
/** * @param Field $field * * @return $this */ public function pushField(Field $field) { $field->setForm($this); $this->builder->fields()->push($field); return $this; }
public function render() { $this->script = "\$('#{$this->id}').inputmask('decimal', {\n rightAlign: true\n });"; return parent::render(); }
public function render() { $this->script = '$("[data-mask]").inputmask();'; return parent::render(); }
public function render() { $this->script = "\$('#{$this->id}').colorpicker();"; return parent::render(); }
public function render() { Admin::script('$("[data-mask]").inputmask();'); return parent::render(); }
public function render() { $option = json_encode($this->options); $this->script = "\$('#{$this->id}').ionRangeSlider({$option})"; return parent::render(); }
public function render() { $this->script = "CKEDITOR.replace('{$this->column}');"; return parent::render(); }
public function render() { $this->script = "\$('.{$this->id}').bootstrapSwitch();"; return parent::render()->with(['values' => $this->values]); }
public function render() { $this->js[] = 'bootstrap-fileinput/js/fileinput_locale_' . config('app.locale') . '.js'; $this->options['initialCaption'] = basename($this->value); if (!empty($this->value)) { $this->options['initialPreview'] = $this->preview(); } $options = json_encode($this->options); $this->script = <<<EOT \$("#{$this->id}").fileinput({$options}); \$("#{$this->id}").on('filecleared', function(event) { \$("#{$this->id}_action").val(1); }); EOT; return parent::render(); }
public function render() { $this->script .= "\$(\"#{$this->id}\").select2({allowClear: true});"; return parent::render()->with(['options' => $this->options]); }
public function render() { $this->options['radioClass'] = 'iradio_minimal-blue'; Admin::script("\$('.{$this->id}').iCheck(" . json_encode($this->options) . ");"); return parent::render()->with(['values' => $this->values]); }