예제 #1
  * Test navigating a tree of terms.
  * \Educa\DSB\Client\Curriculum\Term\TermInterface elements provide methods
  * for navigating their tree structure. Construct a tree and test the
  * navigation methods.
  * We construct a tree that looks as follows:
  * - a
  *   +- b
  *   +- c
  *      +- d
  *      +- e
  *         +- f
  *            +- g
  *   +- h
  *   +- i
 public function testTreeNavigation()
     $a = new BaseTerm('a', 'a');
     $b = new BaseTerm('b', 'b');
     $c = new BaseTerm('c', 'c');
     $d = new BaseTerm('d', 'd');
     $e = new BaseTerm('e', 'e');
     $f = new BaseTerm('f', 'f');
     $g = new BaseTerm('g', 'g');
     $h = new BaseTerm('h', 'h');
     $i = new BaseTerm('i', 'i');
     // Checking if root is root must return true.
     $this->assertTrue($a->isRoot(), "Checking if root is root returns true.");
     // Checking if a non-root term is root must return false.
     $this->assertFalse($b->isRoot(), "Checking if a non-root term is root returns false.");
     // Fetching the root of any item in the tree must return $a.
     $this->assertEquals($a, $d->getRoot(), "Fetching the root of d return a.");
     $this->assertEquals($a, $g->getRoot(), "Fetching the root of g return a.");
     // Trying to fetch the parent element of $a (the root) should throw
     // an exception.
     try {
         $this->fail("Fetching the parent of the root element must throw an exception.");
     } catch (TermHasNoParentException $exception) {
         $this->assertTrue(true, "Fetching the parent of the root element must throw an exception.");
     // Trying to fetch the parent element of $h should throw an exception.
     try {
         $this->assertTrue(true, "Fetching the parent of a non-root element does not throw an exception.");
     } catch (TermHasNoParentException $exception) {
         $this->fail("Fetching the parent of a non-root element does not throw an exception.");
     // Checking if a root element has a parent returns false.
     $this->assertFalse($a->hasParent(), "Checking if a root element has a parent returns false.");
     // Checking if a non-root element has a parent returns true.
     $this->assertTrue($b->hasParent(), "Checking if a non-root element has a parent returns true.");
     // Fetching the parent of an element returns the correct element.
     $this->assertEquals($a, $b->getParent(), "Fetching the parent of b returns a.");
     $this->assertEquals($c, $e->getParent(), "Fetching the parent of e returns c.");
     // Trying to fetch the child elements of $a should not throw an
     // exception.
     try {
         $this->assertTrue(true, "Fetching the child elements of a parent must not throw an exception.");
     } catch (TermHasNoChildrenException $exception) {
         $this->fail("Fetching the child elements of a parent must not throw an exception.");
     // Trying to fetch the child elements of $g should not throw an
     // exception.
     try {
         $this->fail("Fetching the child elements of a leaf element must throw an exception.");
     } catch (TermHasNoChildrenException $exception) {
         $this->assertTrue(true, "Fetching the child elements of a leaf element must throw an exception.");
     // Checking if a parent element has children returns true.
     $this->assertTrue($c->hasChildren(), "Checking if a parent element has children returns true.");
     // Checking if a leaf element has children returns false.
     $this->assertFalse($h->hasChildren(), "Checking if a leaf element has children returns false.");
     // Fetching the children of an element returns the correct elements.
     $this->assertEquals([$d, $e], $c->getChildren(), "Fetching the children of c returns d and e.");
     $this->assertEquals([$b, $c, $h, $i], $a->getChildren(), "Fetching the children of a returns b, c, h and i.");
     // Trying to fetch the "previous" sibling of $d should throw an
     // exception.
     try {
         $this->fail("Fetching the previous sibling of an element that has none must throw an exception.");
     } catch (TermHasNoPrevSiblingException $exception) {
         $this->assertTrue(true, "Fetching the previous sibling of an element that has none must throw an exception.");
     // Trying to fetch the "previous" sibling of $e should not throw an
     // exception.
     try {
         $this->assertTrue(true, "Fetching the previous sibling of an element that has one must not throw an exception.");
     } catch (TermHasNoPrevSiblingException $exception) {
         $this->fail("Fetching the previous sibling of an element that has one must not throw an exception.");
     // Checking if $d has a previous sibling returns false.
     $this->assertFalse($d->hasPrevSibling(), "Checking if d has a previous sibling returns false.");
     // Checking if $e has a previous sibling returns true.
     $this->assertTrue($e->hasPrevSibling(), "Checking if e has a previous sibling returns true.");
     // Fetching the previous sibling of $e returns $d.
     $this->assertEquals($d, $e->getPrevSibling(), "Fetching the previous sibling of e returns d.");
     // Trying to fetch the "next" sibling of $e should throw an
     // exception.
     try {
         $this->fail("Fetching the next sibling of an element that has none must throw an exception.");
     } catch (TermHasNoNextSiblingException $exception) {
         $this->assertTrue(true, "Fetching the next sibling of an element that has none must throw an exception.");
     // Trying to fetch the "next" sibling of $d should not throw an
     // exception.
     try {
         $this->assertTrue(true, "Fetching the next sibling of an element that has one must not throw an exception.");
     } catch (TermHasNoNextSiblingException $exception) {
         $this->fail("Fetching the next sibling of an element that has one must not throw an exception.");
     // Checking if $e has a next sibling returns false.
     $this->assertFalse($e->hasNextSibling(), "Checking if e has a next sibling returns false.");
     // Checking if $d has a next sibling returns true.
     $this->assertTrue($d->hasNextSibling(), "Checking if d has a next sibling returns true.");
     // Fetching the next sibling of $d returns $e.
     $this->assertEquals($e, $d->getNextSibling(), "Fetching the next sibling of d returns e.");