예제 #1
$sportsVenueUI = new Presentation\SportsVenueUI();
echo $sportsVenueUI->listSportsVenueInfo($sportsVenueModel);
echo "<h2>Leagues used in</h2>";
echo $sportsVenueUI->listLeaguesUsedIn(null, $sportsVenueId);

//if admin allow update and deletion of sports venues and assignment to league
if ($_SESSION['userType'] == 1) {
    echo $sportsVenueUI->listAddToLeagueButton($sportsVenueId);
    echo "<h3>Update Sports Venue</h3><br/><form action = 'updateSportsVenue.php' method = 'post' >\n    <input type = 'hidden' name = 'sportsVenueId' value = '{$sportsVenueId}'>\n        <input type ='submit' value ='Update the Sports Venue'>\n</form >";
if ($_SESSION['userType'] == 1) {
    /* echo "<h3>Delete Sports Venue</h3><br/><form action = 'php/doDeleteSportsVenue.php' method = 'post'>
        <input type = 'hidden' name = 'userId' value = '{$_SESSION['userId']}'>
        <input type = 'hidden' name = 'sportsVenueId' value = '{$sportsVenueId}'>
            <input type ='submit' value ='Delete the Sports Venue'>
    </form >";
    // echo $sportsVenueUI->listUpdateButton(null, $sportsVenueId);
if ($_SESSION['userType'] == 1) {
    echo $sportsVenueUI->listDeleteButton(null, $sportsVenueId);

include 'includes/footer.php';