예제 #1
 public function build()
     echo sprintf("\nBuilding easybook %s package\n%s\n", $this->version, str_repeat('=', 80));
     // add book script
     $this->addFile(new \SplFileInfo($this->rootDir . '/book'));
     // add autoloaders
     $this->addFile(new \SplFileInfo($this->rootDir . '/vendor/autoload.php'));
     $this->addFile(new \SplFileInfo($this->rootDir . '/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php'));
     $this->addFile(new \SplFileInfo($this->rootDir . '/vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php'));
     $this->addFile(new \SplFileInfo($this->rootDir . '/vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php'));
     // add resources
     $finder = new Finder();
     $finder->files()->ignoreVCS(true)->notName('.DS_Store')->in($this->rootDir . '/app/Resources');
     foreach ($finder as $file) {
     // add sample books
     $finder = new Finder();
     $finder->files()->ignoreVCS(true)->notName('.DS_Store')->exclude('Output')->exclude('Resources')->in(array($this->rootDir . '/doc/easybook-doc-en', $this->rootDir . '/doc/easybook-doc-es'));
     foreach ($finder as $file) {
     // add core classes
     $finder = new Finder();
     $finder->files()->ignoreVCS(true)->name('*.php')->notName('.DS_Store')->exclude('Tests')->notName('Builder.php')->in($this->rootDir . '/src');
     foreach ($finder as $file) {
     // add vendors
     $finder = new Finder();
     $finder->files()->ignoreVCS(true)->notName('.DS_Store')->notName('README*')->notName('CHANGELOG')->notName('AUTHORS')->notName('create_pear_package.php')->notName('composer.json')->notName('installed.json')->notName('package.xml.tpl')->notName('phpunit.xml.dist')->exclude(array('docs', 'tests', 'twig/bin', 'twig/doc', 'twig/ext', 'twig/test'))->in($this->rootDir . '/vendor');
     foreach ($finder as $file) {
     // add license and Readme
     $this->addFile(new \SplFileInfo($this->rootDir . '/LICENSE.md'));
     $this->addFile(new \SplFileInfo($this->rootDir . '/README.md'));
     // compress all files into a single ZIP file
     Toolkit::zip($this->packageDir, './' . $this->zipFile);
     // delete temp directory
     echo sprintf("\n %d files added\n\n %s (%.2f MB) package built successfully\n\n", $this->fileCount, $this->zipFile, filesize($this->zipFile) / (1024 * 1024));
예제 #2
 public function build($zipFile = null)
     $this->zipFile = $zipFile ?: sprintf('%s/easybook-%s.zip', $this->rootDir, $this->version);
     if (file_exists($this->zipFile)) {
     // add package files
     // compress all files into a single ZIP file
     Toolkit::zip($this->packageDir, $this->zipFile);
     // delete temp directory
     echo sprintf("\n %d files added\n\n %s (%.2f MB) package built successfully\n\n", $this->fileCount, $this->zipFile, filesize($this->zipFile) / (1024 * 1024));
예제 #3
 public function assembleBook()
     // set the edition id needed for ebook generation
     $this->app->edition('id', $this->app['publishing.id']);
     // variables needed to hold the list of images and fonts of the book
     $bookImages = array();
     $bookFonts = array();
     // prepare the temp directory used to build the book
     $bookTempDir = $this->app['app.dir.cache'] . '/' . $this->app['publishing.book.slug'] . '-' . $this->app['publishing.edition'];
     $this->app->get('filesystem')->mkdir(array($bookTempDir, $bookTempDir . '/book', $bookTempDir . '/book/META-INF', $bookTempDir . '/book/OEBPS', $bookTempDir . '/book/OEBPS/css', $bookTempDir . '/book/OEBPS/images', $bookTempDir . '/book/OEBPS/fonts'));
     // generate easybook CSS file
     if ($this->app->edition('include_styles')) {
         $this->app->renderThemeTemplate('style.css.twig', array('resources_dir' => '..'), $bookTempDir . '/book/OEBPS/css/easybook.css');
         // copy book fonts and prepare font data for ebook manifest
         $this->app->get('filesystem')->copy($this->app['app.dir.resources'] . '/Fonts/Inconsolata/Inconsolata.ttf', $bookTempDir . '/book/OEBPS/fonts/Inconsolata.ttf');
         $bookFonts[] = array('id' => 'font-1', 'filePath' => 'fonts/Inconsolata.ttf', 'mediaType' => 'application/octet-stream');
     // generate custom CSS file
     $customCss = $this->app->getCustomTemplate('style.css');
     if (file_exists($customCss)) {
         $this->app->get('filesystem')->copy($customCss, $bookTempDir . '/book/OEBPS/css/styles.css', true);
     // each book element will generate an HTML page
     // use automatic slugs (chapter-1, chapter-2, ...) instead of
     // semantic slugs (lorem-ipsum, dolor-sit-amet, ...)
     $this->app->set('publishing.slugs', array());
     $items = array();
     foreach ($this->app['publishing.items'] as $item) {
         $pageName = array_key_exists('number', $item['config']) ? $item['config']['element'] . ' ' . $item['config']['number'] : $item['config']['element'];
         $slug = $this->app->get('slugger')->slugify(trim($pageName));
         $item['slug'] = $slug;
         // TODO: document this new item property
         $item['fileName'] = $slug . '.html';
         $items[] = $item;
     // update `publishing items` with the new slug value
     $this->app->set('publishing.items', $items);
     // generate one HTML page for every book item
     $items = array();
     foreach ($this->app['publishing.items'] as $item) {
         $this->app->renderThemeTemplate('chunk.twig', array('item' => $item, 'has_custom_css' => file_exists($customCss)), $bookTempDir . '/book/OEBPS/' . $item['fileName']);
     // copy book images and prepare image data for ebook manifest
     if (file_exists($imagesDir = $this->app['publishing.dir.contents'] . '/images')) {
         $images = $this->app->get('finder')->files()->in($imagesDir);
         $i = 1;
         foreach ($images as $image) {
             $this->app->get('filesystem')->copy($image->getPathName(), $bookTempDir . '/book/OEBPS/images/' . $image->getFileName());
             $bookImages[] = array('id' => 'figure-' . $i++, 'filePath' => 'images/' . $image->getFileName(), 'mediaType' => 'image/' . pathinfo($image->getFilename(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
     // look for cover images
     $cover = null;
     if (null != ($image = $this->app->getCustomCoverImage())) {
         list($width, $height, $type) = getimagesize($image);
         $cover = array('height' => $height, 'width' => $width, 'filePath' => 'images/' . basename($image), 'mediaType' => image_type_to_mime_type($type));
         // copy the cover image
         $this->app->get('filesystem')->copy($image, $bookTempDir . '/book/OEBPS/images/' . basename($image));
     // generate book cover
     $this->app->renderThemeTemplate('cover.twig', array('cover' => $cover), $bookTempDir . '/book/OEBPS/titlepage.html');
     // generate OPF file
     $this->app->renderThemeTemplate('content.opf.twig', array('cover' => $cover, 'has_custom_css' => file_exists($customCss), 'fonts' => $bookFonts, 'images' => $bookImages), $bookTempDir . '/book/OEBPS/content.opf');
     // generate NCX file
     $this->app->renderThemeTemplate('toc.ncx.twig', array(), $bookTempDir . '/book/OEBPS/toc.ncx');
     // generate container.xml and mimetype files
     $this->app->renderThemeTemplate('container.xml.twig', array(), $bookTempDir . '/book/META-INF/container.xml');
     $this->app->renderThemeTemplate('mimetype.twig', array(), $bookTempDir . '/book/mimetype');
     // compress book contents as ZIP file and rename to .epub
     // TODO: the name of the book file (book.epub) must be configurable
     Toolkit::zip($bookTempDir . '/book', $bookTempDir . '/book.zip');
     $this->app->get('filesystem')->copy($bookTempDir . '/book.zip', $this->app['publishing.dir.output'] . '/book.epub', true);
     // remove temp directory used to build the book
예제 #4
  * It generates the compressed file required for the ePub book.
  * To compress the contents, it uses the 'Zip' PHP extension.
  * @param string $directory Book contents directory
  * @param string $zip_file  The path of the generated ZIP file
 private function zipBookContentsWithPhpExtension($directory, $zip_file)
     Toolkit::zip($directory, $zip_file);
예제 #5
 private function zipBookContents($directory, $zip_file)
     if (extension_loaded('zip')) {
         return Toolkit::zip($directory, $zip_file);
     // After several hours trying to create ZIP files with lots of PHP
     // tools and libraries (Archive_Zip, Pclzip, zetacomponents/archive, ...)
     // I can't produce a proper ZIP file for ebook readers.
     // Therefore, if ZIP extension isn't enabled, the ePub ZIP file is
     // generated by executing 'zip' command
     // check if 'zip' command exists
     $process = new Process('zip');
     if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
         throw new \RuntimeException("[ERROR] You must enable the ZIP extension in PHP \n" . " or your system should be able to execute 'zip' console command.");
     // To generate the ePub file, you must execute the following commands:
     //   $ cd /path/to/ebook/contents
     //   $ zip -X0 book.zip mimetype
     //   $ zip -rX9 book.zip * -x mimetype
     $command = sprintf('cd %s && zip -X0 %s mimetype && zip -rX9 %s * -x mimetype', $directory, $zip_file, $zip_file);
     $process = new Process($command);
     if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
         throw new \RuntimeException("[ERROR] 'zip' command execution wasn't successful.\n\n" . "Executed command:\n" . " {$command}\n\n" . "Result:\n" . $process->getErrorOutput());