예제 #1
 public function entityCommand($categoryName, $entityName, $commandKey, $instanceId, Request $request)
     // Find Entity config (from sharp CMS config file)
     $entity = SharpCmsConfig::findEntity($categoryName, $entityName);
     // Have to manage access auth here, because it can be managed from the config
     $granted = SharpAccessManager::granted('entity', $entity->commands->entity->{$commandKey}->auth ?: "update", $entity->key);
     if (!$granted) {
         return redirect("/");
     $commandForm = $this->commandsManager->getEntityCommandForm($entity, $commandKey);
     $error = false;
     if ($commandForm) {
         // There's a form attached to the command:
         if (!$request->has("sharp_form_valued")) {
             // Return the view of the form
             // to make the user fill parameters before send the command
             return view("sharp::cms.partials.list.commandForm", ['fields' => $commandForm, 'url' => route('cms.entityCommand', array_merge([$categoryName, $entityName, $commandKey, $instanceId], $request->all()))]);
         // Form posted: call the command with the values of the form
         try {
             $commandReturn = $this->commandsManager->executeEntityCommand($entity, $commandKey, $instanceId, $request->only(array_keys($commandForm)));
         } catch (CommandValidationException $ex) {
             $commandReturn = $ex->getMessage();
             $error = true;
     } else {
         $commandReturn = $this->commandsManager->executeEntityCommand($entity, $commandKey, $instanceId);
     return $this->handleCommandReturn($entity->commands->entity->{$commandKey}, $commandReturn, $categoryName, $entityName, $request->except(array_merge(["_token", "sharp_form_valued"], $commandForm ? array_keys($commandForm) : [])), $error);
예제 #2
 public function entityCommand($categoryName, $entityName, $commandKey, $instanceId)
     // Find Entity config (from sharp CMS config file)
     $entity = SharpCmsConfig::findEntity($categoryName, $entityName);
     // Have to manage access auth here, because it can be managed from the config
     $granted = SharpAccessManager::granted('entity', $entity->commands->entity->{$commandKey}->auth ?: "update", $entity->key);
     if (!$granted) {
         return redirect("/");
     $commandReturn = $this->commandsManager->executeEntityCommand($entity, $commandKey, $instanceId);
     return $this->handleCommandReturn($entity->commands->entity->{$commandKey}, $commandReturn, $categoryName, $entityName);
예제 #3
파일: SharpEntity.php 프로젝트: dvlpp/sharp
 public function __construct($data, $parent)
     parent::__construct($data, $parent);
     if (isset($this->data['extends']) && $this->data['extends']) {
         // This Entity is configured to extend another entity config
         list($cat, $ent) = explode(".", $this->data['extends']);
         $extendedEntity = SharpCmsConfig::findEntity($cat, $ent, false);
         if (!$extendedEntity) {
             throw new EntityConfigurationNotFoundException("Extended entity [" . $this->data['extends'] . "] configuration not found");
         $entendedEntityData = $extendedEntity->getData();
         $this->data = array_merge($entendedEntityData, $this->data);
예제 #4
  * The actual HTML creation of the field.
  * @return string
  * @throws MandatoryClassNotFoundException
  * @throws \Dvlpp\Sharp\Exceptions\EntityConfigurationNotFoundException
  * @throws \Dvlpp\Sharp\Exceptions\MandatoryEntityAttributeNotFoundException
 function make()
     $this->_checkMandatoryAttributes(['listitem_template', 'result_template', 'id_attribute']);
     $this->addData("template", $this->field->listitem_template);
     $this->addData("idattr", $this->field->id_attribute);
     if ($this->field->min_char) {
         $this->addData("minchar", $this->field->min_char);
     $modalTitle = $this->field->modal_title ?: trans("sharp::ui.form_customSearchField_modalTitle");
     $this->addData("remote", route("cms.customSearchField", [$this->field->getCategoryKey(), $this->field->getEntityKey(), $this->fieldName]));
     if (!$this->instance && $this->isListItem) {
         // No data and part of a list item: this field is meant to be in the template item.
         // In this case, we don't set the "sharp-file" class which will trigger the JS code for
         // the file upload component creation
     } else {
     // Render the valuated view
     $valuated = false;
     $strValuatedView = "";
     if ($this->fieldValue || $this->isRepopulated()) {
         // Instantiate entity repository
         $entity = SharpCmsConfig::findEntity($this->field->getCategoryKey(), $this->field->getEntityKey());
         $repo = app($entity->repository);
         if (!$repo instanceof SharpHasCustomSearch) {
             throw new MandatoryClassNotFoundException("Repository [{$entity->repository}] must implement the " . 'Dvlpp\\Sharp\\Repositories\\SharpHasCustomSearch' . " interface");
         $value = $this->fieldValue ?: $this->getOldValue();
         $result = $repo->getCustomSearchResult($value);
         $strValuatedView = $this->wrapIntoPanel(view($this->field->result_template, $result)->render());
         $valuated = true;
     $strTemplateView = $this->wrapIntoPanel(view($this->field->result_template)->render(), true);
     // Render the result modal (where results will be displayed)
     $strModal = view('sharp::cms.partials.fields.customsearchfield_modal', ["field" => $this->fieldName, "title" => $modalTitle])->render();
     return '<div class="search ' . ($valuated ? "hidden" : "") . '">' . Form::text("__customSearchBox__" . $this->fieldName, "", $this->attributes) . '</div>' . Form::hidden($this->fieldName, $this->fieldValue, ["autocomplete" => "off"]) . $strValuatedView . $strTemplateView . $strModal;
  * Updates the field value (in db).
  * @param $instance
  * @param $data
  * @param $configFieldAttr
  * @param $dataAttribute
  * @param null $listKey
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 public function updateField($instance, $data, $configFieldAttr, $dataAttribute, $listKey = null)
     // First test if there is a special hook method on the controller
     // that takes the precedence. Method name should be :
     // "update[$dataAttribute]Attribute" for a normal field
     // "update[$listKey]List[$dataAttribute]Attribute" for an list item field.
     // For example : updateBooksListTitleAttribute
     $methodName = "update" . ($listKey ? ucFirst(Str::camel($listKey)) . "List" : "") . ucFirst(Str::camel(str_replace("~", "_", $dataAttribute))) . "Attribute";
     if (method_exists($this->sharpRepository, $methodName)) {
         // Method exists, we call it
         if (!$this->sharpRepository->{$methodName}($instance, $data[$dataAttribute])) {
             // Returns false: we are done with this attribute.
     // Otherwise, we have to manage this attribute ourselves...
     $value = $data[$dataAttribute];
     // These vars are used to store old values of $dataAttribute and $entity
     // in case of modification by singleRelationCase (below)
     $baseInstance = null;
     $baseAttribute = null;
     $isSingleRelationCase = strpos($dataAttribute, "~");
     if ($isSingleRelationCase) {
         // If there's a "~" in the field $key, this means we are in a single relation case
         // (One-To-One or Belongs To). The ~ separates the relation name and the value.
         // For instance : boss~name indicate that the instance as a single "boss" relation,
         // which has a "name" attribute.
         list($relationKey, $relationAttribute) = explode("~", $dataAttribute);
         $relationObject = $instance->{$relationKey};
         if (!$relationObject) {
             if (array_key_exists($relationKey, $this->singleRelationOneToOneObjects)) {
                 $relationObject = $this->singleRelationOneToOneObjects[$relationKey];
             } elseif (array_key_exists($relationKey, $this->singleRelationBelongsToObjects)) {
                 $relationObject = $this->singleRelationBelongsToObjects[$relationKey];
         if (!$relationObject) {
             // Related object has to be created.
             // If value is null, we won't create the related instance
             if (!$value) {
             // We create the related object
             $relationObject = $instance->{$relationKey}()->getRelated()->newInstance([]);
             // Unset the relation to be sure that other attribute of the same relation will
             // use the created related object (otherwise, relation is cached to null by Laravel)
         // Then, we have to save the related object in order to persist it at the end of the update process
         // We can't save it right now because of potential mandatory attributes which will be treated later
         // in the process, and for the OneToOne case because we can't be sure that the current instance
         // has an ID to provide
         //            if($configFieldAttr->type != "list")
         //            {
         if ($instance->{$relationKey}() instanceof BelongsTo) {
             // BelongsTo: foreign key is on the instance object side
             $this->singleRelationBelongsToObjects[$relationKey] = $relationObject;
         } else {
             // One-to-one or morphOne: foreign key is on the related object side
             $this->singleRelationOneToOneObjects[$relationKey] = $relationObject;
         //            }
         // Finally, we translate attributes to the related object
         $baseAttribute = $dataAttribute;
         $dataAttribute = $relationAttribute;
         $instance = $relationObject;
     $valuator = null;
     switch ($configFieldAttr->type) {
         case "text":
         case "ref":
         case "refSublistItem":
         case "check":
         case "choose":
         case "textarea":
         case "password":
         case "markdown":
         case "customSearch":
             $valuator = new SimpleValuator($instance, $dataAttribute, $value);
         case "date":
             $valuator = new DateValuator($instance, $dataAttribute, $value);
         case "file":
             $cropValues = isset($data["__filecrop__" . $dataAttribute]) ? $data["__filecrop__" . $dataAttribute] : null;
             $valuator = new FileValuator($instance, $dataAttribute, $value, $this->sharpRepository, $cropValues);
         case "list":
             // Find list config
             $listFieldConfig = $this->findListConfig($baseAttribute ?: $dataAttribute);
             $valuator = new ListValuator($instance, $dataAttribute, $value, $listFieldConfig, $this->sharpRepository, $this);
         case "pivot":
             // Find pivot config
             $pivotConfig = $this->findPivotConfig($baseAttribute ?: $dataAttribute, $listKey);
             $valuator = new PivotTagValuator($instance, $dataAttribute, $value, $pivotConfig, $this->sharpRepository);
         case "embed":
             $embedConfig = SharpCmsConfig::findEntity($configFieldAttr->entity_category, $configFieldAttr->entity);
             $valuator = new EmbedValuator($instance, $dataAttribute, $value, $embedConfig, $this->sharpRepository);
         case "embed_list":
             $embedConfig = SharpCmsConfig::findEntity($configFieldAttr->entity_category, $configFieldAttr->entity);
             $valuator = new EmbedListValuator($instance, $dataAttribute, $value, $configFieldAttr, $embedConfig, $this->sharpRepository);
         case "label":
             // Nothing to do...
             throw new InvalidArgumentException("Config type [" . $configFieldAttr->type . "] is invalid.");
예제 #6
  * @param $masterCategoryKey
  * @param $masterEntityKey
  * @param $masterFieldKey
  * @param $embeddedCategoryKey
  * @param $embeddedEntityKey
  * @param $id
  * @param bool $creation
  * @return mixed
 private function save($masterCategoryKey, $masterEntityKey, $masterFieldKey, $embeddedCategoryKey, $embeddedEntityKey, $id, $creation = false)
     $data = Input::all();
     // Find Entity config (from sharp CMS config file)
     $entity = SharpCmsConfig::findEntity($embeddedCategoryKey, $embeddedEntityKey);
     try {
         // First : validation
         if ($entity->validator) {
             $validator = App::make($entity->validator);
             $validator->validate($data, !$creation ? $id : null);
         // Data is valid, we are going back to the master form. Let's restore the master form data...
         $masterInstanceData = sharp_decode_embedded_entity_data($data['masterInstanceData']);
         // ... add the embedded form data...
         $embeddedInstanceData = sharp_encode_embedded_entity_data(Input::except(["_method", "_token", "masterInstanceData", "masterInstanceId", "masterEntityLabel"]));
         if (strpos($masterFieldKey, ".") !== false) {
             // Embedded instance in part of a list item
             list($listKey, $itemId, $fieldKey) = explode(".", $masterFieldKey);
             $masterInstanceData[$listKey][$itemId][$fieldKey] = $embeddedInstanceData;
         } else {
             $masterInstanceData[$masterFieldKey] = $embeddedInstanceData;
         Session::flash('masterInstanceData', serialize($masterInstanceData));
         // ... and redirect back to the master entity form
         return $this->redirectToMaster($masterCategoryKey, $masterEntityKey, $data['masterInstanceId']);
     } catch (ValidationException $e) {
         return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($e->getErrors());
예제 #7
파일: EmbedField.php 프로젝트: dvlpp/sharp
  * @return string
  * @throws \Dvlpp\Sharp\Exceptions\EntityConfigurationNotFoundException
 private function initValue()
     // First time we display the embed field. We have to valuate its __embed_data field,
     // in order to post the current value of the embedded object
     $embeddedEntityConfig = SharpCmsConfig::findEntity($this->field->entity_category, $this->field->entity);
     $std = [];
     foreach ($embeddedEntityConfig->data["form_fields"] as $fieldKey => $configField) {
         $std[$fieldKey] = $this->initValueFormField($fieldKey, $configField, $this->fieldValue);
     $std["__sharp_duplication"] = $this->instance->__sharp_duplication;
     // Add Id
     $std[$embeddedEntityConfig->id_attribute] = $this->fieldValue->{$embeddedEntityConfig->id_attribute};
     $initialVal = sharp_encode_embedded_entity_data($std);
     return $initialVal;
예제 #8
  * @param $categoryName
  * @param $entityName
  * @param Request $request
  * @param $id
  * @return mixed
  * @throws \Dvlpp\Sharp\Exceptions\EntityConfigurationNotFoundException
 private function save($categoryName, $entityName, Request $request, $id)
     $creation = $id === null;
     $data = $request->all();
     // Find Entity config (from sharp CMS config file)
     $entity = SharpCmsConfig::findEntity($categoryName, $entityName);
     // Instantiate the entity repository
     $repo = app($entity->repository);
     try {
         // First : validation
         if ($entity->validator) {
             $validator = app($entity->validator);
             $validator->validate($data, $id);
         // Then : update (calling repo)
         if ($creation) {
         } else {
             $repo->update($id, $data);
         // And redirect
         return redirect()->route("cms.list", [$categoryName, $entityName]);
     } catch (ValidationException $e) {
         return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors($e->getErrors());
예제 #9
  * @param $categoryName
  * @param $entityName
  * @param $id
  * @return mixed
 private function save($categoryName, $entityName, $id)
     $creation = $id === null;
     $data = Input::all();
     // Find Entity config (from sharp CMS config file)
     $entity = SharpCmsConfig::findEntity($categoryName, $entityName);
     // Instantiate the entity repository
     $repo = App::make($entity->repository);
     // if  duplicate / changing lang, set the new lang to repo
     if (isset($data['lang'])) {
         $repo->lang = $data['lang'];
     try {
         // First : validation
         if ($entity->validator) {
             $validator = App::make($entity->validator);
             $validator->validate($data, $id);
         // Then : update (calling repo)
         if ($creation) {
         } else {
             $repo->update($id, $data);
         // And redirect
         return redirect()->route("cms.list", [$categoryName, $entityName]);
     } catch (ValidationException $e) {
         return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors($e->getErrors());