예제 #1
  * Creates an order for the specified user, and redirects to the edit page.
  * @param \Drupal\user\UserInterface $user
  *   The user to create the order for.
 public function createForUser(UserInterface $user)
     $order = Order::create(['uid' => $user->id(), 'order_status' => uc_order_state_default('post_checkout')]);
     uc_order_comment_save($order->id(), \Drupal::currentUser()->id(), $this->t('Order created by the administration.'), 'admin');
     return $this->redirect('entity.uc_order.edit_form', ['uc_order' => $order->id()]);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $items = \Drupal::service('uc_cart.manager')->get()->getContents();
     $paypal_config = $this->config('uc_paypal.settings');
     if (empty($items)) {
         drupal_set_message($this->t('You do not have any items in your shopping cart.'));
     list($desc, $subtotal) = _uc_paypal_product_details($items);
     $order = Order::create(['uid' => $this->currentUser()->id()]);
     $nvp_request = array('METHOD' => 'SetExpressCheckout', 'RETURNURL' => Url::fromRoute('uc_paypal.ec_review', [], ['absolute' => TRUE])->toString(), 'CANCELURL' => Url::fromRoute('uc_cart.cart', [], ['absolute' => TRUE])->toString(), 'AMT' => uc_currency_format($subtotal, FALSE, FALSE, '.'), 'CURRENCYCODE' => $order->getCurrency(), 'PAYMENTACTION' => $paypal_config->get('wpp_cc_txn_type') == 'authorize' ? 'Authorization' : 'Sale', 'DESC' => substr($desc, 0, 127), 'INVNUM' => $order->id() . '-' . REQUEST_TIME, 'REQCONFIRMSHIPPING' => $paypal_config->get('ec_rqconfirmed_addr'), 'BUTTONSOURCE' => 'Ubercart_ShoppingCart_EC_US', 'NOTIFYURL' => Url::fromRoute('uc_paypal.ipn', [], ['absolute' => TRUE])->toString(), 'LANDINGPAGE' => $paypal_config->get('ec_landingpage_style'));
     $order->products = $items;
     $nvp_response = uc_paypal_api_request($nvp_request, $paypal_config->get('wpp_server'));
     if ($nvp_response['ACK'] != 'Success') {
         drupal_set_message($this->t('PayPal reported an error: @code: @message', ['@code' => $nvp_response['L_ERRORCODE0'], '@message' => $nvp_response['L_LONGMESSAGE0']]), 'error');
     $session = \Drupal::service('session');
     $session->set('cart_order', $order->id());
     $session->set('TOKEN', $nvp_response['TOKEN']);
     $sandbox = '';
     if (strpos($paypal_config->get('wpp_server'), 'sandbox') > 0) {
         $sandbox = 'sandbox.';
     header('Location: https://www.' . $sandbox . 'paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&token=' . $session->get('TOKEN'));
  * Tests customer overview.
 public function testCustomerAdminPages()
     $country = Country::load('US');
     Order::create(array('uid' => $this->customer->id(), 'billing_country' => $country->id(), 'billing_zone' => 'AK'))->save();
     $this->assertLinkByHref('user/' . $this->customer->id());
예제 #4
 public function testShipmentsUI()
     $method = $this->createPaymentMethod('other');
     // Process an anonymous, shippable order.
     $order = Order::create(['uid' => 0, 'primary_email' => $this->randomString() . '@example.org', 'payment_method' => $method['id']]);
     // Add three more products to use for our tests.
     $products = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) {
         $product = $this->createProduct(array('uid' => $this->adminUser->id(), 'promote' => 0));
         $order->products[$i] = OrderProduct::create(array('nid' => $product->nid->target_id, 'title' => $product->title->value, 'model' => $product->model, 'qty' => 1, 'cost' => $product->cost->value, 'price' => $product->price->value, 'weight' => $product->weight, 'data' => []));
         $order->products[$i]->data->shippable = 1;
     $order = Order::load($order->id());
     uc_payment_enter($order->id(), $method['id'], $order->getTotal());
     // Now quickly package all the products in this order.
     $this->drupalGet('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages');
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, array('shipping_types[small_package][table][1][checked]' => 1, 'shipping_types[small_package][table][2][checked]' => 1, 'shipping_types[small_package][table][3][checked]' => 1, 'shipping_types[small_package][table][4][checked]' => 1), t('Create one package'));
     // Test "Ship" operations for this package.
     $this->drupalGet('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages');
     $this->assertUrl('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/shipments/new?pkgs=1');
     foreach ($order->products as $sequence => $item) {
         $this->assertText($item->qty->value . ' x ' . $item->model->value, 'Product quantity x SKU found.');
         // Test for weight here too? How do we compute this?
     // We're shipping a specific package, so it should already be checked.
     foreach ($order->products as $sequence => $item) {
         $this->assertFieldByName('shipping_types[small_package][table][1][checked]', 1, 'Package is available for shipping.');
     $this->assertFieldByName('method', 'manual', 'Manual shipping method selected.');
     // Test presence and operation of ship operation on order admin View.
     $this->assertLinkByHref('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/shipments');
     // Test action.
     $this->assertUrl('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/shipments/new');
     $this->assertText('No shipments have been made for this order.', 'Ship action found.');
     $this->assertText($order->products[1]->qty->value . ' x ' . $order->products[1]->model->value, 'Product quantity x SKU found.');
     $this->assertFieldByName('method', 'manual', 'Manual shipping method selected.');
     // Test reaching this through the shipments tab too ...
예제 #5
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     switch ($form_state->getValue('customer_type')) {
         case 'search':
             $uid = $form_state->getValue(['customer', 'uid']);
         case 'create':
             // Create new account.
             $email = trim($form_state->getValue(['customer', 'email']));
             $fields = array('name' => uc_store_email_to_username($email), 'mail' => $email, 'pass' => user_password(), 'status' => $this->config('uc_cart.settings')->get('new_customer_status_active') ? 1 : 0);
             $account = \Drupal\user\Entity\User::create($fields);
             $uid = $account->id();
             if ($form_state->getValue(['customer', 'sendmail'])) {
                 // Manually set the password so it appears in the e-mail.
                 $account->password = $fields['pass'];
                 \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.mail')->mail('user', 'register_admin_created', $email, uc_store_mail_recipient_langcode($email), array('account' => $account), uc_store_email_from());
                 drupal_set_message(t('A welcome message has been e-mailed to the new user.'));
             $uid = 0;
     $order = \Drupal\uc_order\Entity\Order::create(array('uid' => $uid, 'order_status' => uc_order_state_default('post_checkout')));
     uc_order_comment_save($order->id(), \Drupal::currentUser()->id(), t('Order created by the administration.'), 'admin');
     $form_state->setRedirect('entity.uc_order.edit_form', ['uc_order' => $order->id()]);
  * Creates a new order directly, without going through checkout.
 protected function createOrder($edit = [])
     if (empty($edit['primary_email'])) {
         $edit['primary_email'] = $this->randomString() . '@example.org';
     $order = Order::create($edit);
     if (!isset($edit['products'])) {
         $order->products[] = OrderProduct::create(array('nid' => $this->product->nid->target_id, 'title' => $this->product->title->value, 'model' => $this->product->model, 'qty' => 1, 'cost' => $this->product->cost->value, 'price' => $this->product->price->value, 'weight' => $this->product->weight, 'data' => []));
     return Order::load($order->id());
  * Displays the cart checkout page built of checkout panes from enabled modules.
 public function checkout()
     $cart_config = $this->config('uc_cart.settings');
     $items = $this->cartManager->get()->getContents();
     if (count($items) == 0 || !$cart_config->get('checkout_enabled')) {
         return $this->redirect('uc_cart.cart');
     // Send anonymous users to login page when anonymous checkout is disabled.
     if ($this->currentUser()->isAnonymous() && !$cart_config->get('checkout_anonymous')) {
         drupal_set_message($this->t('You must login before you can proceed to checkout.'));
         if ($this->config('user.settings')->get('register') != USER_REGISTER_ADMINISTRATORS_ONLY) {
             drupal_set_message($this->t('If you do not have an account yet, you should <a href=":url">register now</a>.', [':url' => Url::fromRoute('user.register', [], ['query' => drupal_get_destination()])->toString()]));
         return $this->redirect('user.page', [], ['query' => drupal_get_destination()]);
     // Load an order from the session, if available.
     if ($this->session->has('cart_order')) {
         $order = $this->loadOrder();
         if ($order) {
             // Don't use an existing order if it has changed status or owner, or if
             // there has been no activity for 10 minutes (to prevent identity theft).
             if ($order->getStateId() != 'in_checkout' || $this->currentUser()->isAuthenticated() && $this->currentUser()->id() != $order->getOwnerId() || $order->getChangedTime() < REQUEST_TIME - CartInterface::CHECKOUT_TIMEOUT) {
                 if ($order->getStateId() == 'in_checkout' && $order->getChangedTime() < REQUEST_TIME - CartInterface::CHECKOUT_TIMEOUT) {
                     // Mark expired orders as abandoned.
         } else {
             // Ghost session.
             drupal_set_message($this->t('Your session has expired or is no longer valid.  Please review your order and try again.'));
             return $this->redirect('uc_cart.cart');
     // Determine whether the form is being submitted or built for the first time.
     if (isset($_POST['form_id']) && $_POST['form_id'] == 'uc_cart_checkout_form') {
         // If this is a form submission, make sure the cart order is still valid.
         if (!isset($order)) {
             drupal_set_message($this->t('Your session has expired or is no longer valid.  Please review your order and try again.'));
             return $this->redirect('uc_cart.cart');
         } elseif ($this->session->has('uc_cart_order_rebuild')) {
             drupal_set_message($this->t('Your shopping cart contents have changed. Please review your order and try again.'));
             return $this->redirect('uc_cart.cart');
     } else {
         // Prepare the cart order.
         $rebuild = FALSE;
         if (!isset($order)) {
             // Create a new order if necessary.
             $order = Order::create(array('uid' => $this->currentUser()->id()));
             $this->session->set('cart_order', $order->id());
             $rebuild = TRUE;
         } elseif ($this->session->has('uc_cart_order_rebuild')) {
             // Or, if the cart has changed, then remove old products and line items.
             $result = \Drupal::entityQuery('uc_order_product')->condition('order_id', $order->id())->execute();
             if (!empty($result)) {
                 $storage = $this->entityTypeManager()->getStorage('uc_order_product');
                 $entities = $storage->loadMultiple(array_keys($result));
             uc_order_delete_line_item($order->id(), TRUE);
             $rebuild = TRUE;
         if ($rebuild) {
             // Copy the cart contents to the cart order.
             $order->products = array();
             foreach ($items as $item) {
                 $order->products[] = $item->toOrderProduct();
         } elseif (!uc_order_product_revive($order->products)) {
             drupal_set_message($this->t('Some of the products in this order are no longer available.'), 'error');
             return $this->redirect('uc_cart.cart');
     $min = $cart_config->get('minimum_subtotal');
     if ($min > 0 && $order->getSubtotal() < $min) {
         drupal_set_message($this->t('The minimum order subtotal for checkout is @min.', ['@min' => uc_currency_format($min)]), 'error');
         return $this->redirect('uc_cart.cart');
     // Trigger the "Customer starts checkout" hook and event.
     $this->moduleHandler()->invokeAll('uc_cart_checkout_start', array($order));
     // rules_invoke_event('uc_cart_checkout_start', $order);
     return $this->formBuilder()->getForm('Drupal\\uc_cart\\Form\\CheckoutForm', $order);
예제 #8
 public function testPackagesUI()
     $method = $this->createPaymentMethod('other');
     // Process an anonymous, shippable order.
     $order = Order::create(['uid' => 0, 'primary_email' => $this->randomString() . '@example.org', 'payment_method' => $method['id']]);
     // Add three more products to use for our tests.
     $products = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) {
         $product = $this->createProduct(array('uid' => $this->adminUser->id(), 'promote' => 0));
         $order->products[$i] = OrderProduct::create(array('nid' => $product->nid->target_id, 'title' => $product->title->value, 'model' => $product->model, 'qty' => 1, 'cost' => $product->cost->value, 'price' => $product->price->value, 'weight' => $product->weight, 'data' => []));
         $order->products[$i]->data->shippable = 1;
     $order = Order::load($order->id());
     uc_payment_enter($order->id(), $method['id'], $order->getTotal());
     // Order with 4 products shippable products. (where do we test not-shippable?)
     // Check all, make one package, verify we're on packages page with only one packge.
     // Try create package link, should see there are no products message.
     // Delete package.
     // Check all, make shipment, verify we're on packages page with N packages.
     // Delete packages.
     // How does Sep work? how does making 2 packages out of 4 products work?
     // Check all, cancel, verify we're on order page.
     // After packages made and check for # (check make one and make shipment, use sep. as well)
     // Can use edit/delete actions to package then start over with the same order.
     // and check for full table at /packages and check for action on /packages page,
     // goto shipments tab and look for No shipments have been made for this order.  as well as a list of all the packages.
     // Test presence and operation of package operation on order admin View.
     $this->assertLinkByHref('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages');
     // Test action.
     $this->assertText('This order\'s products have not been organized into packages.', 'Package action found.');
     // Now package the products in this order.
     $this->drupalGet('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages');
     $this->assertUrl('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages/new');
     // First time through we'll be verbose - skip this on subsequent tests.
     foreach ($order->products as $sequence => $item) {
         $this->assertText($item->title->value, 'Product title found.');
         $this->assertText($item->model->value, 'Product SKU found.');
         $this->assertFieldByName('shipping_types[small_package][table][' . $sequence . '][checked]', 0, 'Product is available for packaging.');
     // Select all products and test the "Cancel" button.
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, array('shipping_types[small_package][table][1][checked]' => 1, 'shipping_types[small_package][table][2][checked]' => 1, 'shipping_types[small_package][table][3][checked]' => 1, 'shipping_types[small_package][table][4][checked]' => 1), t('Cancel'));
     // Go back to Packages tab and try something else.
     $this->assertUrl('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id());
     $this->assertUrl('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages/new');
     $this->assertText('This order\'s products have not been organized into packages.', 'Package action found.');
     // Now test the "Create one package" button without selecting anything.
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, array(), t('Create one package'));
     $this->assertUrl('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages/new');
     $this->assertText('Packages must contain at least one product.', 'Validation that there must be products in a package.');
     // Now test the "Create one package" button with all products selected.
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, array('shipping_types[small_package][table][1][checked]' => 1, 'shipping_types[small_package][table][2][checked]' => 1, 'shipping_types[small_package][table][3][checked]' => 1, 'shipping_types[small_package][table][4][checked]' => 1), t('Create one package'));
     // Check that we're now on the package list page.
     $this->assertUrl('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages');
     foreach ($order->products as $sequence => $item) {
         $this->assertText($item->qty->value . ' x ' . $item->model->value, 'Product quantity x SKU found.');
     // The "Create packages" local action should now be available too.
     $this->assertLink(t('Create packages'));
     $this->clickLink(t('Create packages'));
     $this->assertUrl('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages/new');
     // But we've already packaged everything...
     $this->assertText('There are no products available for this type of package.', 'Create packages local action found.');
     // Test "Ship", "Edit", and "Delete" operations for this package.
     // First "Ship".
     $this->drupalGet('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages');
     $this->assertUrl('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/shipments/new?pkgs=1');
     foreach ($order->products as $sequence => $item) {
         $this->assertText($item->qty->value . ' x ' . $item->model->value, 'Product quantity x SKU found.');
     // Second, "Edit".
     $this->drupalGet('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages');
     // (Use Href to distinguish Edit operation from Edit tab.)
     $this->assertLinkByHref('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages/1/edit');
     $this->drupalGet('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages/1/edit');
     // We're editing the package we already made, so all the
     // products should be checked.
     foreach ($order->products as $sequence => $item) {
         $this->assertFieldByName('products[' . $sequence . '][checked]', 1, 'Product is available for packaging.');
     // Third, "Delete".
     $this->drupalGet('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages');
     // Delete takes us to confirm page.
     $this->assertUrl('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages/1/delete');
     $this->assertText('The products it contains will be available for repackaging.', 'Deletion confirm question found.');
     // "Cancel" returns to the package list page.
     $this->assertLinkByHref('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages');
     // Again with the "Delete".
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, array(), t('Delete'));
     // Delete returns to new packages page with all packages unchecked.
     $this->assertUrl('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages/new');
     $this->assertText('Package 1 has been deleted.', 'Package deleted message found.');
     foreach ($order->products as $sequence => $item) {
         $this->assertFieldByName('shipping_types[small_package][table][' . $sequence . '][checked]', 0, 'Product is available for packaging.');
     // Back to no packages. Now test making more than one package.
     // Now test the "Create one package" button with all products selected.
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, array('shipping_types[small_package][table][1][checked]' => 1, 'shipping_types[small_package][table][2][checked]' => 1), t('Create one package'));
     // Check that we're now on the package list page.
     $this->assertUrl('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages');
     $this->assertText($order->products[1]->qty->value . ' x ' . $order->products[1]->model->value, 'Product quantity x SKU found.');
     $this->assertText($order->products[2]->qty->value . ' x ' . $order->products[2]->model->value, 'Product quantity x SKU found.');
     $this->assertNoText($order->products[3]->qty->value . ' x ' . $order->products[3]->model->value, 'Product quantity x SKU not found.');
     $this->assertNoText($order->products[4]->qty->value . ' x ' . $order->products[4]->model->value, 'Product quantity x SKU not found.');
     // Use "Create packages" to create a second package.
     $this->assertLink(t('Create packages'));
     $this->clickLink(t('Create packages'));
     $this->assertUrl('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages/new');
     $this->assertNoText($order->products[1]->model->value, 'Product SKU not found.');
     $this->assertNoText($order->products[2]->model->value, 'Product SKU not found.');
     $this->assertText($order->products[3]->model->value, 'Product SKU found.');
     $this->assertText($order->products[4]->model->value, 'Product SKU found.');
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, array('shipping_types[small_package][table][3][checked]' => 1, 'shipping_types[small_package][table][4][checked]' => 1), t('Create one package'));
     $this->assertLinkByHref('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages');
     foreach ($order->products as $sequence => $item) {
         $this->assertText($item->qty->value . ' x ' . $item->model->value, 'Product quantity x SKU found.');
     // How do we test for two packages? Look for two "Ship" links
     $this->assertLinkByHref('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/shipments/new?pkgs=2');
     $this->assertLinkByHref('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/shipments/new?pkgs=3');
     // Now delete both packages.
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, array(), t('Delete'));
     $this->assertText('Package 2 has been deleted.', 'Package deleted message found.');
     // There's still one left to delete...
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, array(), t('Delete'));
     $this->assertUrl('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages/new');
     $this->assertText('Package 3 has been deleted.', 'Package deleted message found.');
     // Back to no packages. Now test "Make packages" button.
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, array('shipping_types[small_package][table][1][checked]' => 1, 'shipping_types[small_package][table][2][checked]' => 1, 'shipping_types[small_package][table][3][checked]' => 1, 'shipping_types[small_package][table][4][checked]' => 1), t('Make packages'));
     // Check that we're now on the package list page.
     $this->assertUrl('admin/store/orders/' . $order->id() . '/packages');
     foreach ($order->products as $sequence => $item) {
         $this->assertText($item->qty->value . ' x ' . $item->model->value, 'Product quantity x SKU found.');
예제 #9
 protected function ucCreateOrder($customer)
     $order = Order::create(array('uid' => $customer->id()));
     uc_order_comment_save($order->id(), 0, t('Order created programmatically.'), 'admin');
     $order_ids = \Drupal::entityQuery('uc_order')->condition('order_id', $order->id())->execute();
     $this->assertTrue(in_array($order->id(), $order_ids), SafeMarkup::format('Found order ID @order_id', ['@order_id' => $order->id()]));
     $country_manager = \Drupal::service('country_manager');
     $country = array_rand($country_manager->getEnabledList());
     $zones = $country_manager->getZoneList($country);
     $delivery_address = new Address();
     $delivery_address->first_name = $this->randomMachineName(12);
     $delivery_address->last_name = $this->randomMachineName(12);
     $delivery_address->street1 = $this->randomMachineName(12);
     $delivery_address->street2 = $this->randomMachineName(12);
     $delivery_address->city = $this->randomMachineName(12);
     $delivery_address->zone = array_rand($zones);
     $delivery_address->postal_code = mt_rand(10000, 99999);
     $delivery_address->country = $country;
     $billing_address = new Address();
     $billing_address->first_name = $this->randomMachineName(12);
     $billing_address->last_name = $this->randomMachineName(12);
     $billing_address->street1 = $this->randomMachineName(12);
     $billing_address->street2 = $this->randomMachineName(12);
     $billing_address->city = $this->randomMachineName(12);
     $billing_address->zone = array_rand($zones);
     $billing_address->postal_code = mt_rand(10000, 99999);
     $billing_address->country = $country;
     $order->setAddress('delivery', $delivery_address)->setAddress('billing', $billing_address)->save();
     // Force the order to load from the DB instead of the entity cache.
     $db_order = \Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('uc_order')->loadUnchanged($order->id());
     // Compare delivery and billing addresses to those loaded from the database.
     $db_delivery_address = $db_order->getAddress('delivery');
     $db_billing_address = $db_order->getAddress('billing');
     $this->assertEqual($delivery_address, $db_delivery_address, 'Delivery address is equal to delivery address in database.');
     $this->assertEqual($billing_address, $db_billing_address, 'Billing address is equal to billing address in database.');
     return $order;