예제 #1
  * Maps variables from rules state into the plugin context.
  * @param \Drupal\Core\Plugin\ContextAwarePluginInterface $plugin
  *   The plugin that is populated with context values.
  * @param \Drupal\rules\Engine\ExecutionStateInterface $state
  *   The Rules state containing available variables.
  * @throws \Drupal\rules\Exception\RulesEvaluationException
  *   In case a required context is missing for the plugin.
 protected function mapContext(CoreContextAwarePluginInterface $plugin, ExecutionStateInterface $state)
     $context_definitions = $plugin->getContextDefinitions();
     foreach ($context_definitions as $name => $definition) {
         // Check if a data selector is configured that maps to the state.
         if (isset($this->configuration['context_mapping'][$name])) {
             $typed_data = $state->fetchDataByPropertyPath($this->configuration['context_mapping'][$name]);
             if ($typed_data->getValue() === NULL && !$definition->isAllowedNull()) {
                 throw new RulesEvaluationException('The value of data selector ' . $this->configuration['context_mapping'][$name] . " is NULL, but the context {$name} in " . $plugin->getPluginId() . ' requires a value.');
             $context = $plugin->getContext($name);
             $new_context = Context::createFromContext($context, $typed_data);
             $plugin->setContext($name, $new_context);
         } elseif (isset($this->configuration['context_values']) && array_key_exists($name, $this->configuration['context_values'])) {
             if ($this->configuration['context_values'][$name] === NULL && !$definition->isAllowedNull()) {
                 throw new RulesEvaluationException("The context value for {$name} is NULL, but the context {$name} in " . $plugin->getPluginId() . ' requires a value.');
             $context = $plugin->getContext($name);
             $new_context = Context::createFromContext($context, $this->configuration['context_values'][$name]);
             $plugin->setContext($name, $new_context);
         } elseif ($definition->isRequired()) {
             throw new RulesEvaluationException("Required context {$name} is missing for plugin " . $plugin->getPluginId() . '.');
예제 #2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function executeWithState(ExecutionStateInterface $state)
     $list_data = $state->fetchDataByPropertyPath($this->configuration['list']);
     // Use a configured list item variable name, otherwise fall back to just
     // 'list_item' as variable name.
     $list_item_name = isset($this->configuration['list_item']) ? $this->configuration['list_item'] : 'list_item';
     foreach ($list_data as $item) {
         $state->setVariableData($list_item_name, $item);
         foreach ($this->actions as $action) {
     // After the loop the list item is out of scope and cannot be used by any
     // following actions.
예제 #3
  * Prepares plugin context based upon the set context configuration.
  * The plugin is prepared for execution by mapping the variables from the
  * execution state into the plugin context and applying data processors.
  * In addition, it is ensured that all required context is basically
  * available as defined. This include the following checks:
  *  - Required context must have a value set.
  *  - Context may not have NULL values unless the plugin allows it.
  * @param \Drupal\Core\Plugin\ContextAwarePluginInterface $plugin
  *   The plugin that is populated with context values.
  * @param \Drupal\rules\Engine\ExecutionStateInterface $state
  *   The execution state containing available variables.
  * @throws \Drupal\rules\Exception\RulesEvaluationException
  *   Thrown if some context is not satisfied; e.g. a required context is
  *   missing.
  * @see ::prepareContextWithMetadata()
 protected function prepareContext(CoreContextAwarePluginInterface $plugin, ExecutionStateInterface $state)
     if (isset($this->configuration['context_values'])) {
         foreach ($this->configuration['context_values'] as $name => $value) {
             $plugin->setContextValue($name, $value);
     $selected_data = [];
     // Map context by applying data selectors and collected the definitions of
     // selected data for refining context definitions later. Note, that we must
     // refine context definitions on execution time also, such that provided
     // context gets the right metadata attached.
     if (isset($this->configuration['context_mapping'])) {
         foreach ($this->configuration['context_mapping'] as $name => $selector) {
             $typed_data = $state->fetchDataByPropertyPath($selector);
             $plugin->setContextValue($name, $typed_data);
             $selected_data[$name] = $typed_data->getDataDefinition();
     if ($plugin instanceof ContextAwarePluginInterface) {
         // Getting context values may lead to undocumented exceptions if context
         // is not set right now. So catch those exceptions.
         // @todo: Remove ones https://www.drupal.org/node/2677162 got fixed.
         try {
         } catch (ContextException $e) {
             if (strpos($e->getMessage(), 'context is required') === FALSE) {
                 throw new RulesEvaluationException($e->getMessage());
     // Apply data processors.
     $this->processData($plugin, $state);
     // Finally, ensure all contexts are set as expected now.
     foreach ($plugin->getContextDefinitions() as $name => $definition) {
         if ($plugin->getContextValue($name) === NULL && $definition->isRequired()) {
             // If a context mapping has been specified, the value might end up NULL
             // but valid (e.g. a reference on an empty property). In that case
             // isAllowedNull determines whether the context is conform.
             if (!isset($this->configuration['context_mapping'][$name])) {
                 throw new RulesEvaluationException("Required context {$name} is missing for plugin " . $plugin->getPluginId() . '.');
             } elseif (!$definition->isAllowedNull()) {
                 throw new RulesEvaluationException("The context for {$name} is NULL, but the context {$name} in " . $plugin->getPluginId() . ' requires a value.');