  * @covers ::prepareFiles
 public function testPrepareFiles()
     $packages = [];
     $packages['test_feature'] = new Package('test_feature', ['config' => ['test_config'], 'name' => 'Test feature']);
     $config_collection = [];
     $config_collection['test_config'] = new ConfigurationItem('test_config', ['foo' => 'bar']);
     $files = $packages['test_feature']->getFiles();
     $this->assertCount(2, $files);
     $this->assertEquals('test_feature.info.yml', $files['info']['filename']);
     $this->assertEquals(Yaml::encode(['name' => 'Test feature', 'type' => 'module', 'core' => '8.x', 'config' => ['test_config'], 'features' => TRUE]), $files['info']['string']);
     $this->assertEquals('test_config.yml', $files['test_config']['filename']);
     $this->assertEquals(Yaml::encode(['foo' => 'bar']), $files['test_config']['string']);
예제 #2
  * Generates a file representation of configuration packages and, optionally,
  * an install profile.
  * @param string $method_id
  *   The ID of the generation method to use.
  * @param string[] $package_names
  *   Names of packages to be generated. If none are specified, all
  *   available packages will be added.
  * @param \Drupal\features\FeaturesBundleInterface $bundle
  *   The optional bundle used for the generation.  Used to generate profiles.
  * @return array
  *   Array of results for profile and/or packages, each result including the
  *   following keys:
  *   - 'success': boolean TRUE or FALSE for successful writing.
  *   - 'display': boolean TRUE if the message should be displayed to the
  *     user, otherwise FALSE.
  *   - 'message': a message about the result of the operation.
  *   - 'variables': an array of substitutions to be used in the message.
 protected function generate($method_id, array $package_names = array(), FeaturesBundleInterface $bundle = NULL)
     // Prepare the files.
     $packages = $this->featuresManager->getPackages();
     // Filter out the packages that weren't requested.
     if (!empty($package_names)) {
         $packages = array_intersect_key($packages, array_fill_keys($package_names, NULL));
     $return = $this->applyGenerationMethod($method_id, $packages, $bundle);
     foreach ($return as $message) {
         if ($message['display']) {
             $type = $message['success'] ? 'status' : 'error';
             drupal_set_message($this->t($message['message'], $message['variables']), $type);
         $type = $message['success'] ? 'notice' : 'error';
         \Drupal::logger('features')->{$type}($message['message'], $message['variables']);
     return $return;