예제 #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     foreach (Element::children($form_state->getValue('stock')) as $sku) {
         $stock = $form_state->getValue(['stock', $sku]);
         db_merge('uc_product_stock')->key(array('sku' => $sku))->updateFields(array('active' => $stock['active'], 'stock' => $stock['stock'], 'threshold' => $stock['threshold']))->insertFields(array('sku' => $sku, 'active' => $stock['active'], 'stock' => $stock['stock'], 'threshold' => $stock['threshold'], 'nid' => $form_state->getValue('nid')))->execute();
     drupal_set_message($this->t('Stock settings saved.'));
예제 #2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function view(EntityInterface $entity, $view_mode = 'full', $langcode = NULL)
     $build = parent::view($entity, $view_mode, $langcode);
     if ($view_mode == 'mail') {
         // Convert field labels into headings.
         // @todo Improve drupal_html_to_text() to convert DIVs correctly.
         foreach (Element::children($build) as $key) {
             if (isset($build[$key]['#label_display']) && $build[$key]['#label_display'] == 'above') {
                 $build[$key] += array('#prefix' => '');
                 $build[$key]['#prefix'] = $build[$key]['#title'] . ":\n";
                 $build[$key]['#label_display'] = 'hidden';
         $build = array('#markup' => drupal_html_to_text(drupal_render($build)));
     return $build;
예제 #3
  * Tests sorting by weight.
 function testDrupalRenderSorting()
     $first = $this->randomMachineName();
     $second = $this->randomMachineName();
     // Build an array with '#weight' set for each element.
     $elements = array('second' => array('#weight' => 10, '#markup' => $second), 'first' => array('#weight' => 0, '#markup' => $first));
     $output = drupal_render($elements);
     // The lowest weight element should appear last in $output.
     $this->assertTrue(strpos($output, $second) > strpos($output, $first), 'Elements were sorted correctly by weight.');
     // Confirm that the $elements array has '#sorted' set to TRUE.
     $this->assertTrue($elements['#sorted'], "'#sorted' => TRUE was added to the array");
     // Pass $elements through \Drupal\Core\Render\Element::children() and
     // ensure it remains sorted in the correct order. drupal_render() will
     // return an empty string if used on the same array in the same request.
     $children = Element::children($elements);
     $this->assertTrue(array_shift($children) == 'first', 'Child found in the correct order.');
     $this->assertTrue(array_shift($children) == 'second', 'Child found in the correct order.');
     // The same array structure again, but with #sorted set to TRUE.
     $elements = array('second' => array('#weight' => 10, '#markup' => $second), 'first' => array('#weight' => 0, '#markup' => $first), '#sorted' => TRUE);
     $output = drupal_render($elements);
     // The elements should appear in output in the same order as the array.
     $this->assertTrue(strpos($output, $second) < strpos($output, $first), 'Elements were not sorted.');
예제 #4
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function checkoutSettingsForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state, JobInterface $job)
     if (!Element::children($form)) {
         $form['#description'] = t("The @translator translator doesn't provide any checkout settings.", array('@translator' => $job->getTranslator()->label()));
     return $form;
 protected function assertFallbackFormatter($entity, array $formatters = array(), array $expected_output)
     $display = array('type' => 'fallback', 'settings' => array('formatters' => $formatters));
     $output = $entity->test_text->view($display);
     $output = array_intersect_key($output, Element::children($output));
     $this->assertEqual($output, $expected_output);
예제 #6
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $filter_values = $this->translateFilterValues();
     $langcode = $filter_values['langcode'];
     $languages = $this->languageManager->getLanguages();
     $langname = isset($langcode) ? $languages[$langcode]->getName() : "- None -";
     $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'locale/drupal.locale.admin';
     $form['langcode'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $filter_values['langcode']);
     $form['strings'] = array('#type' => 'table', '#tree' => TRUE, '#language' => $langname, '#header' => [$this->t('Source string'), $this->t('Translation for @language', ['@language' => $langname])], '#empty' => $this->t('No strings available.'), '#attributes' => ['class' => ['locale-translate-edit-table']]);
     if (isset($langcode)) {
         $strings = $this->translateFilterLoadStrings();
         $plural_formulas = $this->state->get('locale.translation.plurals') ?: array();
         foreach ($strings as $string) {
             // Cast into source string, will do for our purposes.
             $source = new SourceString($string);
             // Split source to work with plural values.
             $source_array = $source->getPlurals();
             $translation_array = $string->getPlurals();
             if (count($source_array) == 1) {
                 // Add original string value and mark as non-plural.
                 $plural = FALSE;
                 $form['strings'][$string->lid]['original'] = array('#type' => 'item', '#title' => $this->t('Source string (@language)', array('@language' => $this->t('Built-in English'))), '#title_display' => 'invisible', '#markup' => '<span lang="en">' . String::checkPlain($source_array[0]) . '</span>');
             } else {
                 // Add original string value and mark as plural.
                 $plural = TRUE;
                 $original_singular = ['#type' => 'item', '#title' => $this->t('Singular form'), '#markup' => '<span lang="en">' . String::checkPlain($source_array[0]) . '</span>', '#prefix' => '<span class="visually-hidden">' . $this->t('Source string (@language)', array('@language' => $this->t('Built-in English'))) . '</span>'];
                 $original_plural = ['#type' => 'item', '#title' => $this->t('Plural form'), '#markup' => '<span lang="en">' . String::checkPlain($source_array[1]) . '</span>'];
                 $form['strings'][$string->lid]['original'] = [$original_singular, ['#markup' => '<br>'], $original_plural];
             if (!empty($string->context)) {
                 $form['strings'][$string->lid]['original'][] = ['#type' => 'inline_template', '#template' => '<br><small>{{ context_title }}: <span lang="en">{{ context }}</span></small>', '#context' => ['context_title' => $this->t('In Context'), 'context' => $string->context]];
             // Approximate the number of rows to use in the default textarea.
             $rows = min(ceil(str_word_count($source_array[0]) / 12), 10);
             if (!$plural) {
                 $form['strings'][$string->lid]['translations'][0] = array('#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => $this->t('Translated string (@language)', array('@language' => $langname)), '#title_display' => 'invisible', '#rows' => $rows, '#default_value' => $translation_array[0], '#attributes' => array('lang' => $langcode));
             } else {
                 // Dealing with plural strings.
                 if (isset($plural_formulas[$langcode]['plurals']) && $plural_formulas[$langcode]['plurals'] > 2) {
                     // Add a textarea for each plural variant.
                     for ($i = 0; $i < $plural_formulas[$langcode]['plurals']; $i++) {
                         $form['strings'][$string->lid]['translations'][$i] = array('#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => $i == 0 ? $this->t('Singular form') : $this->formatPlural($i, 'First plural form', '@count. plural form'), '#rows' => $rows, '#default_value' => isset($translation_array[$i]) ? $translation_array[$i] : '', '#attributes' => array('lang' => $langcode), '#prefix' => $i == 0 ? '<span class="visually-hidden">' . $this->t('Translated string (@language)', array('@language' => $langname)) . '</span>' : '');
                 } else {
                     // Fallback for unknown number of plurals.
                     $form['strings'][$string->lid]['translations'][0] = array('#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => $this->t('Singular form'), '#rows' => $rows, '#default_value' => $translation_array[0], '#attributes' => array('lang' => $langcode), '#prefix' => '<span class="visually-hidden">' . $this->t('Translated string (@language)', array('@language' => $langname)) . '</span>');
                     $form['strings'][$string->lid]['translations'][1] = array('#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => $this->t('Plural form'), '#rows' => $rows, '#default_value' => isset($translation_array[1]) ? $translation_array[1] : '', '#attributes' => array('lang' => $langcode));
         if (count(Element::children($form['strings']))) {
             $form['actions'] = array('#type' => 'actions');
             $form['actions']['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => $this->t('Save translations'));
     $form['pager']['#type'] = 'pager';
     return $form;
예제 #7
  * Stores the errors of each element directly on the element.
  * We must provide a way for non-form functions to check the errors for a
  * specific element. The most common usage of this is a #pre_render callback.
  * @param array $elements
  *   An associative array containing the structure of a form element.
  * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
  *   The current state of the form.
 protected function setElementErrorsFromFormState(array &$elements, FormStateInterface &$form_state)
     // Recurse through all children.
     foreach (Element::children($elements) as $key) {
         if (isset($elements[$key]) && $elements[$key]) {
             $this->setElementErrorsFromFormState($elements[$key], $form_state);
     // Store the errors for this element on the element directly.
     $elements['#errors'] = $form_state->getError($elements);
예제 #8
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state, CartInterface $cart = NULL)
     $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'uc_cart/uc_cart.styles';
     $cart_config = $this->config('uc_cart.settings');
     $form['items'] = array('#type' => 'table', '#tree' => TRUE, '#header' => array('remove' => array('data' => $this->t('Remove'), 'class' => array('remove')), 'image' => array('data' => $this->t('Products'), 'class' => array('image')), 'desc' => array('data' => '', 'class' => array('desc')), 'qty' => array('data' => $this->t('Quantity'), 'class' => array('qty')), 'total' => array('data' => $this->t('Total'), 'class' => array('price'))));
     $form['data'] = array('#tree' => TRUE, '#parents' => array('items'));
     $i = 0;
     $subtotal = 0;
     foreach ($cart->getContents() as $cart_item) {
         $item = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invoke($cart_item->data->module, 'uc_cart_display', array($cart_item));
         if (Element::children($item)) {
             $form['items'][$i]['remove'] = $item['remove'];
             $form['items'][$i]['remove']['#name'] = 'remove-' . $i;
             $form['items'][$i]['image'] = uc_product_get_picture($item['nid']['#value'], 'uc_cart');
             $form['items'][$i]['desc']['title'] = $item['title'];
             $form['items'][$i]['desc']['description'] = $item['description'];
             $form['items'][$i]['qty'] = $item['qty'];
             $form['items'][$i]['total'] = array('#theme' => 'uc_price', '#price' => $item['#total'], '#wrapper_attributes' => array('class' => 'total'));
             if (!empty($item['#suffixes'])) {
                 $form['items'][$i]['total']['#suffixes'] = $item['#suffixes'];
             $form['data'][$i]['module'] = $item['module'];
             $form['data'][$i]['nid'] = $item['nid'];
             $form['data'][$i]['data'] = $item['data'];
             $form['data'][$i]['title'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $item['title']['#markup']);
             $subtotal += $item['#total'];
     $form['items'][]['total'] = array('#theme' => 'uc_price', '#prefix' => '<span id="subtotal-title">' . $this->t('Subtotal') . ':</span> ', '#price' => $subtotal, '#wrapper_attributes' => array('colspan' => 5, 'class' => array('subtotal')));
     $form['actions'] = array('#type' => 'actions');
     // If the continue shopping element is enabled...
     if (($cs_type = $cart_config->get('continue_shopping_type')) !== 'none') {
         // Add the element to the form based on the element type.
         if ($cart_config->get('continue_shopping_type') == 'link') {
             $form['actions']['continue_shopping'] = array('#markup' => $this->l($this->t('Continue shopping'), Url::fromUri('internal:' . $this->continueShoppingUrl())));
         } elseif ($cart_config->get('continue_shopping_type') == 'button') {
             $form['actions']['continue_shopping'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => $this->t('Continue shopping'), '#submit' => array(array($this, 'submitForm'), array($this, 'continueShopping')));
     // Add the empty cart button if enabled.
     if ($cart_config->get('empty_button')) {
         $form['actions']['empty'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => $this->t('Empty cart'), '#submit' => array(array($this, 'emptyCart')));
     // Add the control buttons for updating and proceeding to checkout.
     $form['actions']['update'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#name' => 'update-cart', '#value' => $this->t('Update cart'), '#submit' => array(array($this, 'submitForm'), array($this, 'displayUpdateMessage')));
     $form['actions']['checkout'] = array('#theme' => 'uc_cart_checkout_buttons');
     if ($cart_config->get('checkout_enabled')) {
         $form['actions']['checkout']['checkout'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => $this->t('Checkout'), '#button_type' => 'primary', '#submit' => array(array($this, 'submitForm'), array($this, 'checkout')));
     $this->renderer->addCacheableDependency($form, $cart);
     $this->renderer->addCacheableDependency($form, $cart_config);
     return $form;
예제 #9
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function preRender(&$element, $rendering_object)
     $element += array('#prefix' => '<div class=" ' . implode(' ', $this->getClasses()) . '">', '#suffix' => '</div>', '#tree' => TRUE, '#parents' => array($this->group->group_name), '#default_tab' => '');
     if ($this->getSetting('id')) {
         $element['#id'] = Html::getId($this->getSetting('id'));
     // By default tabs don't have titles but you can override it in the theme.
     if ($this->getLabel()) {
         $element['#title'] = SafeMarkup::checkPlain($this->getLabel());
     $form_state = new \Drupal\Core\Form\FormState();
     if ($this->getSetting('direction') == 'vertical') {
         $element += array('#type' => 'vertical_tabs', '#theme_wrappers' => array('vertical_tabs'));
         $complete_form = array();
         $element = \Drupal\Core\Render\Element\VerticalTabs::processVerticalTabs($element, $form_state, $complete_form);
     } else {
         $element += array('#type' => 'horizontal_tabs', '#theme_wrappers' => array('horizontal_tabs'));
         $on_form = $this->context == 'form';
         $element = \Drupal\field_group\Element\HorizontalTabs::processHorizontalTabs($element, $form_state, $on_form);
     // Make sure the group has 1 child. This is needed to succeed at form_pre_render_vertical_tabs().
     // Skipping this would force us to move all child groups to this array, making it an un-nestable.
     $element['group']['#groups'][$this->group->group_name] = array(0 => array());
     $element['group']['#groups'][$this->group->group_name]['#group_exists'] = TRUE;
     // Search for a tab that was marked as open. First one wins.
     foreach (\Drupal\Core\Render\Element::children($element) as $tab_name) {
         if (!empty($element[$tab_name]['#open'])) {
             $element[$this->group->group_name . '__active_tab']['#default_value'] = $tab_name;
예제 #10
파일: Overview.php 프로젝트: nsp15/Drupal8
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $forum_config = $this->config('forum.settings');
     $vid = $forum_config->get('vocabulary');
     $vocabulary = $this->entityManager->getStorage('taxonomy_vocabulary')->load($vid);
     if (!$vocabulary) {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException();
     // Build base taxonomy term overview.
     $form = parent::buildForm($form, $form_state, $vocabulary);
     foreach (Element::children($form['terms']) as $key) {
         if (isset($form['terms'][$key]['#term'])) {
             $term = $form['terms'][$key]['#term'];
             $form['terms'][$key]['term']['#url'] = Url::fromRoute('forum.page', ['taxonomy_term' => $term->id()]);
             $route_parameters = $form['terms'][$key]['operations']['#links']['edit']['url']->getRouteParameters();
             if (!empty($term->forum_container->value)) {
                 $form['terms'][$key]['operations']['#links']['edit']['title'] = $this->t('edit container');
                 $form['terms'][$key]['operations']['#links']['edit']['url'] = Url::fromRoute('entity.taxonomy_term.forum_edit_container_form', $route_parameters);
             } else {
                 $form['terms'][$key]['operations']['#links']['edit']['title'] = $this->t('edit forum');
                 $form['terms'][$key]['operations']['#links']['edit']['url'] = Url::fromRoute('entity.taxonomy_term.forum_edit_form', $route_parameters);
             // We don't want the redirect from the link so we can redirect the
             // delete action.
     // Remove the alphabetical reset.
     // Use the existing taxonomy overview submit handler.
     $form['terms']['#empty'] = $this->t('No containers or forums available. <a href="@container">Add container</a> or <a href="@forum">Add forum</a>.', array('@container' => $this->url('forum.add_container'), '@forum' => $this->url('forum.add_forum')));
     return $form;
예제 #11
  * Will replace placeholders in the #text offsets.
  * @param array $data
  *   Data structures where to replace placeholders.
  * @param $variables
  *   Key value pairs.
 protected function replacePlaceholders(&$data, $variables)
     foreach (Element::children($data) as $key) {
         if (isset($data[$key]['#text'])) {
             $data[$key]['#text'] = (string) new FormattableMarkup($data[$key]['#text'], $variables);
         } else {
             $this->replacePlaceholders($data[$key], $variables);
예제 #12
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function view(FieldItemListInterface $items, $langcode = NULL)
     // Default the language to the current content language.
     if (empty($langcode)) {
         $langcode = \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage(LanguageInterface::TYPE_CONTENT)->getId();
     $elements = $this->viewElements($items, $langcode);
     // If there are actual renderable children, use #theme => field, otherwise,
     // let access cacheability metadata pass through for correct bubbling.
     if (Element::children($elements)) {
         $entity = $items->getEntity();
         $entity_type = $entity->getEntityTypeId();
         $field_name = $this->fieldDefinition->getName();
         $info = array('#theme' => 'field', '#title' => $this->fieldDefinition->getLabel(), '#label_display' => $this->label, '#view_mode' => $this->viewMode, '#language' => $items->getLangcode(), '#field_name' => $field_name, '#field_type' => $this->fieldDefinition->getType(), '#field_translatable' => $this->fieldDefinition->isTranslatable(), '#entity_type' => $entity_type, '#bundle' => $entity->bundle(), '#object' => $entity, '#items' => $items, '#formatter' => $this->getPluginId(), '#is_multiple' => $this->fieldDefinition->getFieldStorageDefinition()->isMultiple());
         $elements = array_merge($info, $elements);
     return $elements;
예제 #13
 * Allows modules to modify forms before Drupal invokes hook_form_alter().
 * This hook will normally be used by core modules so any form modifications
 * they make can be further modified by contrib modules using a normal
 * hook_form_alter(). At this point, drupal_prepare_form() has not been called,
 * so none of the automatic form data (e.g.: #parameters, #build_id, etc.) has
 * been added yet.
 * @see hook_form_alter()
function hook_uc_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id)
    // If the node has a product list, add attributes to them
    if (isset($form['products']) && count(Element::children($form['products']))) {
        foreach (Element::children($form['products']) as $key) {
            $form['products'][$key]['attributes'] = _uc_attribute_alter_form(node_load($key));
            if (is_array($form['products'][$key]['attributes'])) {
                $form['products'][$key]['attributes']['#tree'] = TRUE;
                $form['products'][$key]['#type'] = 'details';
    } else {
        $form['attributes'] = _uc_attribute_alter_form($node);
        if (is_array($form['attributes'])) {
            $form['attributes']['#tree'] = TRUE;
            $form['attributes']['#weight'] = -1;
예제 #14
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function view(EntityInterface $entity, $view_mode = 'full', $langcode = NULL)
     $build = parent::view($entity, $view_mode, $langcode);
     if ($view_mode == 'mail') {
         // Convert field labels into headings.
         // @todo Improve \Drupal\Core\Mail\MailFormatHelper::htmlToText() to
         // convert DIVs correctly.
         foreach (Element::children($build) as $key) {
             if (isset($build[$key]['#label_display']) && $build[$key]['#label_display'] == 'above') {
                 $build[$key] += array('#prefix' => '');
                 $build[$key]['#prefix'] = $build[$key]['#title'] . ":\n";
                 $build[$key]['#label_display'] = 'hidden';
         $build['#post_render'][] = function ($html, array $elements) {
             return MailFormatHelper::htmlToText($html);
     return $build;
예제 #15
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function build()
     $cart = Cart::create(\Drupal::getContainer());
     $product_count = count($cart->getContents());
     // Display nothing if the block is set to hide on empty and there are no
     // items in the cart.
     if (!$this->configuration['hide_empty'] || $product_count) {
         $items = array();
         $item_count = 0;
         $total = 0;
         if ($product_count) {
             foreach ($cart->getContents() as $item) {
                 $display_item = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invoke($item->data->module, 'uc_cart_display', array($item));
                 if (count(Element::children($display_item))) {
                     $items[] = array('nid' => $display_item['nid']['#value'], 'qty' => $display_item['qty']['#default_value'], 'title' => $display_item['title']['#markup'], 'price' => $display_item['#total'], 'desc' => isset($display_item['description']['#markup']) ? $display_item['description']['#markup'] : FALSE);
                     $total += $display_item['#total'];
                     $item_count += $display_item['qty']['#default_value'];
         // Build the cart links.
         $summary_links['view-cart'] = array('title' => $this->t('View cart'), 'url' => Url::fromRoute('uc_cart.cart'), 'attributes' => array('rel' => ['nofollow']));
         // Only add the checkout link if checkout is enabled.
         if (\Drupal::config('uc_cart.settings')->get('checkout_enabled')) {
             $summary_links['checkout'] = array('title' => $this->t('Checkout'), 'url' => Url::fromRoute('uc_cart.checkout'), 'attributes' => array('rel' => ['nofollow']));
         $build['block'] = array('#theme' => 'uc_cart_block', '#items' => $items, '#item_count' => $item_count, '#total' => $total, '#summary_links' => $summary_links, '#collapsed' => $this->configuration['collapsed']);
         // Add the cart block CSS.
         $build['#attached']['library'][] = 'uc_cart/uc_cart_block.styles';
         // If the block is collapsible, add the appropriate JS.
         if ($this->configuration['collapsible']) {
             $build['#attached']['library'][] = 'system/drupal.system';
             $build['#attached']['library'][] = 'uc_cart/uc_cart_block.scripts';
         return $build;
예제 #16
   * Tests that #cache_properties are properly handled.
   * @param array $expected_results
   *   An associative array of expected results keyed by property name.
   * @covers ::render
   * @covers ::doRender
   * @covers \Drupal\Core\Render\RenderCache::get
   * @covers \Drupal\Core\Render\RenderCache::set
   * @covers \Drupal\Core\Render\RenderCache::createCacheID
   * @covers \Drupal\Core\Render\RenderCache::getCacheableRenderArray
   * @dataProvider providerTestRenderCacheProperties
  public function testRenderCacheProperties(array $expected_results) {

    $element = $original = [
      '#cache' => [
        'keys' => ['render_cache_test'],
      // Collect expected property names.
      '#cache_properties' => array_keys(array_filter($expected_results)),
      'child1' => ['#markup' => Markup::create('1')],
      'child2' => ['#markup' => Markup::create('2')],
      // Mark the value as safe.
      '#custom_property' => Markup::create('custom_value'),
      '#custom_property_array' => ['custom value'],


    $cache = $this->cacheFactory->get('render');
    $data = $cache->get('render_cache_test:en:stark')->data;

    // Check that parent markup is ignored when caching children's markup.
    $this->assertEquals($data['#markup'] === '', (bool) Element::children($data));

    // Check that the element properties are cached as specified.
    foreach ($expected_results as $property => $expected) {
      $cached = !empty($data[$property]);
      $this->assertEquals($cached, (bool) $expected);
      // Check that only the #markup key is preserved for children.
      if ($cached) {
        $this->assertEquals($data[$property], $original[$property]);
    // #custom_property_array can not be a safe_cache_property.
    $safe_cache_properties = array_diff(Element::properties(array_filter($expected_results)), ['#custom_property_array']);
    foreach ($safe_cache_properties as $cache_property) {
      $this->assertTrue(SafeMarkup::isSafe($data[$cache_property]), "$cache_property is marked as a safe string");
예제 #17
  * Helper method to allow for easy menu link tree structure assertions.
  * Converts the result of MenuLinkTree::build() in a "menu link ID tree".
  * @param array $build
  *   The return value of of MenuLinkTree::build()
  * @return array
  *   The "menu link ID tree" representation of the given render array.
 protected function convertBuiltMenuToIdTree(array $build)
     $level = [];
     foreach (Element::children($build) as $id) {
         $level[$id] = [];
         if (isset($build[$id]['below'])) {
             $level[$id] = $this->convertBuiltMenuToIdTree($build[$id]['below']);
     return $level;
예제 #18
파일: WebTestBase.php 프로젝트: Wylbur/gj
  * Builds the renderable view of an entity.
  * Entities postpone the composition of their renderable arrays to #pre_render
  * functions in order to maximize cache efficacy. This means that the full
  * renderable array for an entity is constructed in drupal_render(). Some
  * tests require the complete renderable array for an entity outside of the
  * drupal_render process in order to verify the presence of specific values.
  * This method isolates the steps in the render process that produce an
  * entity's renderable array.
  * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
  *   The entity to prepare a renderable array for.
  * @param string $view_mode
  *   (optional) The view mode that should be used to build the entity.
  * @param null $langcode
  *   (optional) For which language the entity should be prepared, defaults to
  *   the current content language.
  * @param bool $reset
  *   (optional) Whether to clear the cache for this entity.
  * @return array
  * @see drupal_render()
 protected function drupalBuildEntityView(EntityInterface $entity, $view_mode = 'full', $langcode = NULL, $reset = FALSE)
     $ensure_fully_built = function (&$elements) use(&$ensure_fully_built) {
         // If the default values for this element have not been loaded yet, populate
         // them.
         if (isset($elements['#type']) && empty($elements['#defaults_loaded'])) {
             $elements += \Drupal::service('element_info')->getInfo($elements['#type']);
         // Make any final changes to the element before it is rendered. This means
         // that the $element or the children can be altered or corrected before the
         // element is rendered into the final text.
         if (isset($elements['#pre_render'])) {
             foreach ($elements['#pre_render'] as $callable) {
                 $elements = call_user_func($callable, $elements);
         // And recurse.
         $children = Element::children($elements, TRUE);
         foreach ($children as $key) {
     $render_controller = $this->container->get('entity.manager')->getViewBuilder($entity->getEntityTypeId());
     if ($reset) {
     $build = $render_controller->view($entity, $view_mode, $langcode);
     return $build;
  * Adds members of this group as actual elements for rendering.
  * @param array $element
  *   An associative array containing the properties and children of the
  *   element.
  * @return array
  *   The modified element with all group members.
 public static function preRenderGroup($element)
     // The element may be rendered outside of a Form API context.
     if (!isset($element['#parents']) || !isset($element['#groups'])) {
         return $element;
     // Inject group member elements belonging to this group.
     $parents = implode('][', $element['#parents']);
     $children = Element::children($element['#groups'][$parents]);
     if (!empty($children)) {
         foreach ($children as $key) {
             // Break references and indicate that the element should be rendered as
             // group member.
             $child = (array) $element['#groups'][$parents][$key];
             $child['#group_details'] = TRUE;
             // Inject the element as new child element.
             $element[] = $child;
             $sort = TRUE;
         // Re-sort the element's children if we injected group member elements.
         if (isset($sort)) {
             $element['#sorted'] = FALSE;
     if (isset($element['#group'])) {
         // Contains form element summary functionalities.
         $element['#attached']['library'][] = 'core/drupal.form';
         $group = $element['#group'];
         // If this element belongs to a group, but the group-holding element does
         // not exist, we need to render it (at its original location).
         if (!isset($element['#groups'][$group]['#group_exists'])) {
             // Intentionally empty to clarify the flow; we simply return $element.
         } elseif (!empty($element['#group_details'])) {
             // Intentionally empty to clarify the flow; we simply return $element.
         } elseif (Element::children($element['#groups'][$group])) {
             $element['#printed'] = TRUE;
     return $element;
예제 #20
 * Alter the render array generated by an EntityDisplay for an entity.
 * @param array $build
 *   The renderable array generated by the EntityDisplay.
 * @param array $context
 *   An associative array containing:
 *   - entity: The entity being rendered.
 *   - view_mode: The view mode; for example, 'full' or 'teaser'.
 *   - display: The EntityDisplay holding the display options.
 * @ingroup entity_crud
function hook_entity_display_build_alter(&$build, $context)
    // Append RDF term mappings on displayed taxonomy links.
    foreach (Element::children($build) as $field_name) {
        $element =& $build[$field_name];
        if ($element['#field_type'] == 'entity_reference' && $element['#formatter'] == 'entity_reference_label') {
            foreach ($element['#items'] as $delta => $item) {
                $term = $item->entity;
                if (!empty($term->rdf_mapping['rdftype'])) {
                    $element[$delta]['#options']['attributes']['typeof'] = $term->rdf_mapping['rdftype'];
                if (!empty($term->rdf_mapping['name']['predicates'])) {
                    $element[$delta]['#options']['attributes']['property'] = $term->rdf_mapping['name']['predicates'];
예제 #21
  * Builds the Toolbar as a structured array ready for drupal_render().
  * Since building the toolbar takes some time, it is done just prior to
  * rendering to ensure that it is built only if it will be displayed.
  * @param array $element
  *   A renderable array.
  * @return array
  *  A renderable array.
  * @see toolbar_page_top().
 public static function preRenderToolbar($element)
     // Get the configured breakpoints to switch from vertical to horizontal
     // toolbar presentation.
     $breakpoints = static::breakpointManager()->getBreakpointsByGroup('toolbar');
     if (!empty($breakpoints)) {
         $media_queries = array();
         foreach ($breakpoints as $id => $breakpoint) {
             $media_queries[$id] = $breakpoint->getMediaQuery();
         $element['#attached']['drupalSettings']['toolbar']['breakpoints'] = $media_queries;
     $module_handler = static::moduleHandler();
     // Get toolbar items from all modules that implement hook_toolbar().
     $items = $module_handler->invokeAll('toolbar');
     // Allow for altering of hook_toolbar().
     $module_handler->alter('toolbar', $items);
     // Sort the children.
     uasort($items, array('\\Drupal\\Component\\Utility\\SortArray', 'sortByWeightProperty'));
     // Merge in the original toolbar values.
     $element = array_merge($element, $items);
     // Assign each item a unique ID, based on its key.
     foreach (Element::children($element) as $key) {
         $element[$key]['#id'] = Html::getId('toolbar-item-' . $key);
     return $element;
예제 #22
  * Rewrite #states selectors.
  * @param array $elements
  *   A renderable array element having a #states property.
  * @param string $search
  *   A partial or entire jQuery selector string to replace in #states.
  * @param string $replace
  *   The string to replace all instances of $search with.
  * @see drupal_process_states()
 public static function rewriteStatesSelector(array &$elements, $search, $replace)
     if (!empty($elements['#states'])) {
         foreach ($elements['#states'] as $state => $ids) {
             static::processStatesArray($elements['#states'][$state], $search, $replace);
     foreach (Element::children($elements) as $key) {
         static::rewriteStatesSelector($elements[$key], $search, $replace);
예제 #23
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $config = $this->config('cosign.settings');
     foreach (Element::children($form) as $variable) {
         $config->set($variable, $form_state->getValue($form[$variable]['#parents']));
     if (method_exists($this, '_submitForm')) {
         $this->_submitForm($form, $form_state);
     parent::submitForm($form, $form_state);
예제 #24
  * Returns the title for the element.
  * If the element has no title, this will recurse through all children of the
  * element until a title is found.
  * @param array $element
  *   An associative array containing the properties of the form element.
  * @return string
  *   The title of the element, or an empty string if none is found.
 public static function getElementTitle(array $element)
     $title = '';
     if (isset($element['#title'])) {
         $title = $element['#title'];
     } else {
         foreach (Element::children($element) as $key) {
             if ($title = static::getElementTitle($element[$key])) {
     return $title;
예제 #25
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function view(FieldItemListInterface $items)
     $elements = $this->viewElements($items);
     // If there are actual renderable children, use #theme => field, otherwise,
     // let access cacheability metadata pass through for correct bubbling.
     if (Element::children($elements)) {
         $entity = $items->getEntity();
         $entity_type = $entity->getEntityTypeId();
         $field_name = $this->fieldDefinition->getName();
         $info = array('#theme' => 'field', '#title' => $this->fieldDefinition->getLabel(), '#label_display' => $this->label, '#view_mode' => $this->viewMode, '#language' => $items->getLangcode(), '#field_name' => $field_name, '#field_type' => $this->fieldDefinition->getType(), '#field_translatable' => $this->fieldDefinition->isTranslatable(), '#entity_type' => $entity_type, '#bundle' => $entity->bundle(), '#object' => $entity, '#items' => $items, '#formatter' => $this->getPluginId());
         $elements = array_merge($info, $elements);
     return $elements;
예제 #26
  * Implements preRenderAddThisWrapper()
  *   - Defines consistent markup for the addthis_wrapper render element.
  * @param $element
  * @return mixed
 public static function preRenderAddThisWrapper($element)
     $tag_open = '<' . $element['#tag'] . new Attribute($element['#attributes']) . '>';
     $children = Element::children($element);
     $output = '';
     if (count($children) > 0) {
         foreach ($children as $child) {
             $output .= render($element[$child]);
     $tag_close = '</' . $element['#tag'] . ">  \n";
     $element['#markup'] = $tag_open . $output . $tag_close;
     return $element;
예제 #27
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $form = parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);
     // If we are adding the field storage as a dependency to delete, then that
     // will list the field as a dependency. That is confusing, so remove it.
     // Also remove the entity type and the whole entity deletions details
     // element if nothing else is in there.
     if (isset($form['entity_deletes']['field_config']['#items']) && isset($form['entity_deletes']['field_config']['#items'][$this->entity->id()])) {
         if (empty($form['entity_deletes']['field_config']['#items'])) {
             if (!Element::children($form['entity_deletes'])) {
                 $form['entity_deletes']['#access'] = FALSE;
     return $form;
예제 #28
파일: Data.php 프로젝트: andrewl/andrewlnet
  * Converts a nested data array into a flattened structure with a combined key.
  * This function can be used by translators to help with the data conversion.
  * Nested keys will be joined together using a colon, so for example
  * $data['key1']['key2']['key3'] will be converted into
  * $flattened_data['key1][key2][key3'].
  * @param array $data
  *   The nested array structure that should be flattened.
  * @param string $prefix
  *   Internal use only, indicates the current key prefix when recursing into
  *   the data array.
  * @param array $label
  *   Label for the data.
  * @return array
  *   The flattened data array.
 public function flatten(array $data, $prefix = NULL, $label = array())
     $flattened_data = array();
     if (isset($data['#label'])) {
         $label[] = $data['#label'];
     // Each element is either a text (has #text property defined) or has children,
     // not both.
     if (!empty($data['#text'])) {
         $flattened_data[$prefix] = $data;
         $flattened_data[$prefix]['#parent_label'] = $label;
     } else {
         $prefix = isset($prefix) ? $prefix . static::TMGMT_ARRAY_DELIMITER : '';
         foreach (Element::children($data) as $key) {
             $flattened_data += $this->flatten($data[$key], $prefix . $key, $label);
     return $flattened_data;
예제 #29
  * #pre_render callback for #type 'actions'.
  * This callback iterates over all child elements of the #type 'actions'
  * container to look for elements with a #dropbutton property, so as to group
  * those elements into dropbuttons. As such, it works similar to #group, but is
  * specialized for dropbuttons.
  * The value of #dropbutton denotes the dropbutton to group the child element
  * into. For example, two different values of 'foo' and 'bar' on child elements
  * would generate two separate dropbuttons, which each contain the corresponding
  * buttons.
  * @param array $element
  *   The #type 'actions' element to process.
  * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
  *   The current state of the form.
  * @param array $complete_form
  *   The complete form structure.
  * @return array
  *   The processed #type 'actions' element, including individual buttons grouped
  *   into new #type 'dropbutton' elements.
 public static function preRenderActionsDropbutton(&$element, FormStateInterface $form_state, &$complete_form)
     $dropbuttons = array();
     foreach (Element::children($element, TRUE) as $key) {
         if (isset($element[$key]['#dropbutton'])) {
             $dropbutton = $element[$key]['#dropbutton'];
             // If there is no dropbutton for this button group yet, create one.
             if (!isset($dropbuttons[$dropbutton])) {
                 $dropbuttons[$dropbutton] = array('#type' => 'dropbutton');
             // Add this button to the corresponding dropbutton.
             // @todo Change #type 'dropbutton' to be based on theme_item_list()
             //   instead of links.html.twig to avoid this preemptive rendering.
             $button = drupal_render($element[$key]);
             $dropbuttons[$dropbutton]['#links'][$key] = array('title' => $button, 'html' => TRUE);
     // @todo For now, all dropbuttons appear first. Consider to invent a more
     //   fancy sorting/injection algorithm here.
     return $dropbuttons + $element;
예제 #30
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildConfigurationForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $form = $this->plugin->buildConfigurationForm([], $form_state);
     // Move the menu levels section to the bottom.
     $form['menu_levels']['#weight'] = 100;
     $form['entity_form'] = ['#type' => 'details', '#title' => $this->t('Edit menu %label', array('%label' => $this->entity->label())), '#open' => TRUE];
     $form['entity_form'] += $this->getEntityForm($this->entity)->buildForm([], $form_state);
     // Print the menu link titles as text instead of a link.
     if (!empty($form['entity_form']['links']['links'])) {
         foreach (Element::children($form['entity_form']['links']['links']) as $child) {
             $title = $form['entity_form']['links']['links'][$child]['title'][1]['#title'];
             $form['entity_form']['links']['links'][$child]['title'][1] = ['#markup' => $title];
     // Change the header text.
     $form['entity_form']['links']['links']['#header'][0] = $this->t('Link');
     $form['entity_form']['links']['links']['#header'][1]['data'] = $this->t('On');
     // Remove the label, ID, description, and buttons from the entity form.
     unset($form['entity_form']['label'], $form['entity_form']['id'], $form['entity_form']['description'], $form['entity_form']['actions']);
     // Since the overview form is further nested than expected, update the
     // #parents. See \Drupal\menu_ui\MenuForm::form().
     $form_state->set('menu_overview_form_parents', ['settings', 'entity_form', 'links']);
     return $form;