예제 #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * Set the block plugin id.
 public function transform($value, MigrateExecutableInterface $migrate_executable, Row $row, $destination_property)
     if (is_array($value)) {
         list($module, $delta) = $value;
         switch ($module) {
             case 'aggregator':
                 list($type, $id) = explode('-', $delta);
                 if ($type == 'feed') {
                     return 'aggregator_feed_block';
             case 'menu':
                 return "system_menu_block:{$delta}";
             case 'block':
                 if ($this->blockContentStorage) {
                     $block_id = $this->migrationPlugin->transform($delta, $migrate_executable, $row, $destination_property);
                     if ($block_id) {
                         return 'block_content:' . $this->blockContentStorage->load($block_id)->uuid();
     } else {
         return $value;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function resolveCurrencyLocale($language_type = LanguageInterface::TYPE_CONTENT)
     if (empty($this->currencyLocales[$language_type])) {
         $currency_locale = NULL;
         $language_code = $this->languageManager->getCurrentLanguage($language_type)->getId();
         // Try this request's country code.
         $country_code = $this->eventDispatcher->resolveCountryCode();
         if ($country_code) {
             $currency_locale = $this->currencyLocaleStorage->load($language_code . '_' . $country_code);
         // Try the site's default country code.
         if (!$currency_locale) {
             $country_code = $this->configFactory->get('system.data')->get('country.default');
             if ($country_code) {
                 $currency_locale = $this->currencyLocaleStorage->load($language_code . '_' . $country_code);
         // Try the Currency default.
         if (!$currency_locale) {
             $currency_locale = $this->currencyLocaleStorage->load($this::DEFAULT_LOCALE);
         if ($currency_locale) {
             $this->currencyLocales[$language_type] = $currency_locale;
         } else {
             throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('The currency locale for %s could not be loaded.', $this::DEFAULT_LOCALE));
     return $this->currencyLocales[$language_type];
예제 #3
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * Set the block plugin id.
 public function transform($value, MigrateExecutableInterface $migrate_executable, Row $row, $destination_property)
     if (is_array($value)) {
         list($module, $delta) = $value;
         switch ($module) {
             case 'aggregator':
                 list($type, $id) = explode('-', $delta);
                 if ($type == 'category') {
                     // @TODO skip row.
                     // throw new MigrateSkipRowException();
                 $value = 'aggregator_feed_block';
             case 'menu':
                 $value = "system_menu_block:{$delta}";
             case 'block':
                 if ($this->blockContentStorage) {
                     $block_ids = $this->processPluginManager->createInstance('migration', array('migration' => 'd6_custom_block'), $this->migration)->transform($delta, $migrate_executable, $row, $destination_property);
                     $value = 'block_content:' . $this->blockContentStorage->load($block_ids[0])->uuid();
                 } else {
                     throw new MigrateSkipRowException();
                 throw new MigrateSkipRowException();
     return $value;
예제 #4
   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function import($currencyCode) {
    if ($existingEntity = $this->storage->load($currencyCode)) {
      // Pretend the currency was just imported.
      return $existingEntity;

    $defaultLangcode = $this->languageManager->getDefaultLanguage()->getId();
    $currency = $this->externalRepository->get($currencyCode, $defaultLangcode, 'en');
    $values = [
      'langcode' => $defaultLangcode,
      'currencyCode' => $currency->getCurrencyCode(),
      'name' => $currency->getName(),
      'numericCode' => $currency->getNumericCode(),
      'symbol' => $currency->getSymbol(),
      'fractionDigits' => $currency->getFractionDigits(),
    $entity = $this->storage->create($values);
    if ($this->languageManager->isMultilingual()) {
      // Import translations for any additional languages the site has.
      $languages = $this->languageManager->getLanguages(LanguageInterface::STATE_CONFIGURABLE);
      $languages = array_diff_key($languages, [$defaultLangcode => $defaultLangcode]);
      $langcodes = array_map(function ($language) {
        return $language->getId();
      }, $languages);
      $this->importEntityTranslations($entity, $langcodes);

    return $entity;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function match(AddressInterface $address)
     $zone = $this->zoneStorage->load($this->configuration['zone']);
     if ($zone) {
         return $zone->match($address);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildRow(EntityInterface $entity)
     $row['to']['#markup'] = $this->stateStorage->load($entity->getToState())->label();
     $row['label'] = $entity->label();
     $row['roles']['#markup'] = implode(', ', user_role_names(FALSE, 'use ' . $entity->id() . ' transition'));
     return $row + parent::buildRow($entity);
예제 #7
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * Find the parent link GUID.
 public function transform($value, MigrateExecutableInterface $migrate_executable, Row $row, $destination_property)
     $parent_id = array_shift($value);
     if (!$parent_id) {
         // Top level item.
         return '';
     try {
         $already_migrated_id = $this->migrationPlugin->transform($parent_id, $migrate_executable, $row, $destination_property);
         if ($already_migrated_id && ($link = $this->menuLinkStorage->load($already_migrated_id))) {
             return $link->getPluginId();
     } catch (MigrateSkipRowException $e) {
     if (isset($value[1])) {
         list($menu_name, $parent_link_path) = $value;
         $url = Url::fromUserInput("/{$parent_link_path}");
         if ($url->isRouted()) {
             $links = $this->menuLinkManager->loadLinksByRoute($url->getRouteName(), $url->getRouteParameters(), $menu_name);
             if (count($links) == 1) {
                 /** @var \Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuLinkInterface $link */
                 $link = reset($links);
                 return $link->getPluginId();
     throw new MigrateSkipRowException();
예제 #8
  * Checks if a node's type requires a redirect.
  * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\GetResponseEvent $event
  *   The event to process.
 public function purlCheckNodeContext(GetResponseEvent $event, $eventName, EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher_interface)
     $route_options = $this->routeMatch->getRouteObject()->getOptions();
     $isAdminRoute = array_key_exists('_admin_route', $route_options) && $route_options['_admin_route'];
     if (!$isAdminRoute && ($matched = $this->matchedModifiers->getMatched() && ($entity = $this->routeMatch->getParameter('node')))) {
         $node_type = $this->entityStorage->load($entity->bundle());
         $purl_settings = $node_type->getThirdPartySettings('purl');
         if (!isset($purl_settings['keep_context']) || !$purl_settings['keep_context']) {
             $url = \Drupal\Core\Url::fromRoute($this->routeMatch->getRouteName(), $this->routeMatch->getRawParameters()->all(), ['host' => Settings::get('purl_base_domain'), 'absolute' => TRUE]);
             try {
                 $redirect_response = new TrustedRedirectResponse($url->toString());
                 $modifiers = $event->getRequest()->attributes->get('purl.matched_modifiers', []);
                 $new_event = new ExitedContextEvent($event->getRequest(), $redirect_response, $this->routeMatch, $modifiers);
                 $dispatcher_interface->dispatch(PurlEvents::EXITED_CONTEXT, $new_event);
             } catch (RedirectLoopException $e) {
                 $response = new Response();
                 $response->setContent('Service unavailable');
예제 #9
파일: View.php 프로젝트: alnutile/drunatra
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function render($empty = FALSE)
     if (!empty($this->options['view_to_insert'])) {
         list($view_name, $display_id) = explode(':', $this->options['view_to_insert']);
         $view = $this->viewStorage->load($view_name)->getExecutable();
         if (empty($view) || !$view->access($display_id)) {
             return array();
         // Avoid recursion
         $view->parent_views += $this->view->parent_views;
         $view->parent_views[] = "{$view_name}:{$display_id}";
         // Check if the view is part of the parent views of this view
         $search = "{$view_name}:{$display_id}";
         if (in_array($search, $this->view->parent_views)) {
             drupal_set_message(t("Recursion detected in view @view display @display.", array('@view' => $view_name, '@display' => $display_id)), 'error');
         } else {
             if (!empty($this->options['inherit_arguments']) && !empty($this->view->args)) {
                 $output = $view->preview($display_id, $this->view->args);
             } else {
                 $output = $view->preview($display_id);
             $this->isEmpty = $view->display_handler->outputIsEmpty();
             return $output;
     return array();
예제 #10
  * Render node type as human readable name, unless using machine_name option.
 function render_name($data, $values)
     if ($this->options['machine_name'] != 1 && $data !== NULL && $data !== '') {
         $type = $this->nodeTypeStorage->load($data);
         return $type ? $this->t($this->sanitizeValue($type->label())) : '';
     return $this->sanitizeValue($data);
예제 #11
  * Imports a single tax type.
  * @param \CommerceGuys\Tax\Model\TaxTypeInterface $taxType
  *   The tax type.
 protected function importTaxType(ExternalTaxTypeInterface $taxType)
     if ($this->taxTypeStorage->load($taxType->getId())) {
     $values = ['id' => $taxType->getId(), 'name' => $this->t($taxType->getName()), 'compound' => $taxType->isCompound(), 'displayInclusive' => $taxType->isDisplayInclusive(), 'roundingMode' => $taxType->getRoundingMode(), 'tag' => $taxType->getTag(), 'rates' => array_keys($taxType->getRates())];
     return $this->taxTypeStorage->create($values);
예제 #12
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function processItem($data)
     /** @var NodeInterface $node */
     $node = $this->nodeStorage->load($data->nid);
     if (!$node->isPublished() && $node instanceof NodeInterface) {
         return $this->publishNode($node);
예제 #13
  * {@inheritdoc}
 function eventType($entity_type, $bundle)
     $ids = $this->eventTypeStorage->getQuery()->condition('entity_type', $entity_type, '=')->condition('bundle', $bundle, '=')->execute();
     if ($ids) {
         return $this->eventTypeStorage->load(reset($ids));
     return NULL;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildRow(EntityInterface $entity)
     /** @var ModerationStateTransitionInterface $entity */
     $row['label'] = $entity->label();
     $row['id']['#markup'] = $entity->id();
     $row['from']['#markup'] = $this->stateStorage->load($entity->getFromState())->label();
     $row['to']['#markup'] = $this->stateStorage->load($entity->getToState())->label();
     return $row + parent::buildRow($entity);
예제 #15
  * Tests Rules default components.
 public function testDefaultComponents()
     $config_entity = $this->storage->load('rules_test_default_component');
     $user = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('user')->create(['mail' => '*****@*****.**']);
     $config_entity->getComponent()->setContextValue('user', $user)->execute();
     // Test that the action was executed correctly.
     $messages = drupal_get_messages();
     $message_string = isset($messages['status'][0]) ? (string) $messages['status'][0] : NULL;
     $this->assertEquals($message_string, '*****@*****.**');
예제 #16
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function render(ResultRow $values)
     $currency_code = $this->getValue($values);
     $currency = $this->currencyStorage->load($currency_code);
     if ($currency) {
         return call_user_func([$currency, $this->configuration['currency_method']]);
     } else {
         return $this->t('Unknuwn currency %currency_code', array('%currency_code' => $currency_code));
예제 #17
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function sendMailMessages(MessageInterface $message, AccountInterface $sender)
     // Clone the sender, as we make changes to mail and name properties.
     $sender_cloned = clone $this->userStorage->load($sender->id());
     $params = array();
     $current_langcode = $this->languageManager->getCurrentLanguage()->getId();
     $recipient_langcode = $this->languageManager->getDefaultLanguage()->getId();
     $contact_form = $message->getContactForm();
     if ($sender_cloned->isAnonymous()) {
         // At this point, $sender contains an anonymous user, so we need to take
         // over the submitted form values.
         $sender_cloned->name = $message->getSenderName();
         $sender_cloned->mail = $message->getSenderMail();
         // For the email message, clarify that the sender name is not verified; it
         // could potentially clash with a username on this site.
         $sender_cloned->name = $this->t('@name (not verified)', array('@name' => $message->getSenderName()));
     // Build email parameters.
     $params['contact_message'] = $message;
     $params['sender'] = $sender_cloned;
     if (!$message->isPersonal()) {
         // Send to the form recipient(s), using the site's default language.
         $params['contact_form'] = $contact_form;
         $to = implode(', ', $contact_form->getRecipients());
     } elseif ($recipient = $message->getPersonalRecipient()) {
         // Send to the user in the user's preferred language.
         $to = $recipient->getEmail();
         $recipient_langcode = $recipient->getPreferredLangcode();
         $params['recipient'] = $recipient;
     } else {
         throw new MailHandlerException('Unable to determine message recipient');
     // Send email to the recipient(s).
     $key_prefix = $message->isPersonal() ? 'user' : 'page';
     $this->mailManager->mail('contact', $key_prefix . '_mail', $to, $recipient_langcode, $params, $sender_cloned->getEmail());
     // If requested, send a copy to the user, using the current language.
     if ($message->copySender()) {
         $this->mailManager->mail('contact', $key_prefix . '_copy', $sender_cloned->getEmail(), $current_langcode, $params, $sender_cloned->getEmail());
     // If configured, send an auto-reply, using the current language.
     if (!$message->isPersonal() && $contact_form->getReply()) {
         // User contact forms do not support an auto-reply message, so this
         // message always originates from the site.
         if (!$sender_cloned->getEmail()) {
             $this->logger->error('Error sending auto-reply, missing sender e-mail address in %contact_form', ['%contact_form' => $contact_form->label()]);
         } else {
             $this->mailManager->mail('contact', 'page_autoreply', $sender_cloned->getEmail(), $current_langcode, $params);
     if (!$message->isPersonal()) {
         $this->logger->notice('%sender-name (@sender-from) sent an email regarding %contact_form.', array('%sender-name' => $sender_cloned->getUsername(), '@sender-from' => $sender_cloned->getEmail(), '%contact_form' => $contact_form->label()));
     } else {
         $this->logger->notice('%sender-name (@sender-from) sent %recipient-name an email.', array('%sender-name' => $sender_cloned->getUsername(), '@sender-from' => $sender_cloned->getEmail(), '%recipient-name' => $message->getPersonalRecipient()->getUsername()));
예제 #18
   * Menu callback for linkit search autocompletion.
   * Like other autocomplete functions, this function inspects the 'q' query
   * parameter for the string to use to search for suggestions.
   * @param Request $request
   *   The request.
   * @param $linkit_profile_id
   *   The linkit profile id.
   * @return JsonResponse
   *   A JSON response containing the autocomplete suggestions.
  public function autocomplete(Request $request, $linkit_profile_id) {
    $this->linkitProfile = $this->linkitProfileStorage->load($linkit_profile_id);
    $string = Unicode::strtolower($request->query->get('q'));

    $matches = $this->resultManager->getResults($this->linkitProfile, $string);

    $json_object = new \stdClass();
    $json_object->matches = $matches;

    return new JsonResponse($json_object);
예제 #19
  * Override the behavior of title(). Get the title of the node.
 function title()
     // There might be no valid argument.
     if ($this->argument) {
         $term = $this->termStorage->load($this->argument);
         if (!empty($term)) {
             return String::checkPlain($term->getName());
     // TODO review text
     return $this->t('No name');
예제 #20
  * Make sure that expressions using context definitions can be exported.
 public function testContextDefinitionExport()
     $rule = $this->expressionManager->createRule(['context_definitions' => ['test' => ContextDefinition::create('string')->setLabel('Test string')->toArray()]]);
     $config_entity = $this->storage->create(['id' => 'test_rule'])->setExpression($rule);
     $loaded_entity = $this->storage->load('test_rule');
     // Create the Rules expression object from the configuration.
     $expression = $loaded_entity->getExpression();
     $context_definitions = $expression->getContextDefinitions();
     $this->assertEqual($context_definitions['test']->getDataType(), 'string', 'Data type of context definition is correct.');
     $this->assertEqual($context_definitions['test']->getLabel(), 'Test string', 'Label of context definition is correct.');
예제 #21
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function build(RouteMatchInterface $route_match)
     $breadcrumb = [Link::createFromRoute($this->t('Home'), '<front>')];
     $entity = $route_match->getParameter('entity');
     $breadcrumb[] = new Link($entity->label(), $entity->urlInfo());
     if (($pid = $route_match->getParameter('pid')) && ($comment = $this->storage->load($pid))) {
         /** @var \Drupal\comment\CommentInterface $comment */
         // Display link to parent comment.
         // @todo Clean-up permalink in https://www.drupal.org/node/2198041
         $breadcrumb[] = new Link($comment->getSubject(), $comment->urlInfo());
     return $breadcrumb;
예제 #22
  * Make sure that expressions using context definitions can be exported.
 public function testContextDefinitionExport()
     $component = RulesComponent::create($this->expressionManager->createRule())->addContextDefinition('test', ContextDefinition::create('string')->setLabel('Test string'));
     $config_entity = $this->storage->create(['id' => 'test_rule'])->updateFromComponent($component);
     $loaded_entity = $this->storage->load('test_rule');
     // Create the Rules expression object from the configuration.
     $expression = $loaded_entity->getExpression();
     $this->assertInstanceOf(Rule::class, $expression);
     $context_definitions = $loaded_entity->getContextDefinitions();
     $this->assertEquals($context_definitions['test']->getDataType(), 'string', 'Data type of context definition is correct.');
     $this->assertEquals($context_definitions['test']->getLabel(), 'Test string', 'Label of context definition is correct.');
예제 #23
  * Validates the currency code.
 public function validateCurrencyCode(array $element, FormStateInterface &$form_state, array $form)
     $currency = $this->getEntity();
     $currency_code = $element['#value'];
     if (!preg_match('/^[A-Z]{3}$/', $currency_code)) {
         $form_state->setError($element, $this->t('The currency code must consist of three uppercase letters.'));
     } elseif ($currency->isNew()) {
         $loaded_currency = $this->storage->load($currency_code);
         if ($loaded_currency) {
             $form_state->setError($element, $this->t('The currency code is already in use.'));
예제 #24
  * Returns a set of route objects.
  * @return \Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection
  *   A route collection.
 public function routes()
     $collection = new RouteCollection();
     //return $collection;
     foreach ($this->getBrowserIDsWithRoute() as $id) {
         /** @var $browser \Drupal\entity_browser\EntityBrowserInterface */
         $browser = $this->browserStorage->load($id);
         if ($route = $browser->route()) {
             $collection->add('entity_browser.' . $browser->id(), $route);
     return $collection;
예제 #25
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function formElement(FieldItemListInterface $items, $delta, array $element, array &$form, array &$form_state)
     // We are nesting some sub-elements inside the parent, so we need a wrapper.
     // We also need to add another #title attribute at the top level for ease in
     // identifying this item in error messages. We do not want to display this
     // title because the actual title display is handled at a higher level by
     // the Field module.
     $element['#theme_wrappers'][] = 'datetime_wrapper';
     $element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'container-inline';
     $element['#element_validate'][] = 'datetime_datetime_widget_validate';
     // Identify the type of date and time elements to use.
     switch ($this->getFieldSetting('datetime_type')) {
         case DateTimeItem::DATETIME_TYPE_DATE:
             $date_type = 'date';
             $time_type = 'none';
             $date_format = $this->dateStorage->load('html_date')->getPattern();
             $time_format = '';
             $element_format = $date_format;
             $storage_format = DATETIME_DATE_STORAGE_FORMAT;
             $date_type = 'date';
             $time_type = 'time';
             $date_format = $this->dateStorage->load('html_date')->getPattern();
             $time_format = $this->dateStorage->load('html_time')->getPattern();
             $element_format = $date_format . ' ' . $time_format;
             $storage_format = DATETIME_DATETIME_STORAGE_FORMAT;
     $element['value'] = array('#type' => 'datetime', '#default_value' => NULL, '#date_increment' => 1, '#date_date_format' => $date_format, '#date_date_element' => $date_type, '#date_date_callbacks' => array(), '#date_time_format' => $time_format, '#date_time_element' => $time_type, '#date_time_callbacks' => array(), '#date_timezone' => drupal_get_user_timezone(), '#required' => $element['#required']);
     // Set the storage and widget options so the validation can use them. The
     // validator will not have access to the field definition.
     $element['value']['#date_element_format'] = $element_format;
     $element['value']['#date_storage_format'] = $storage_format;
     if ($items[$delta]->date) {
         $date = $items[$delta]->date;
         // The date was created and verified during field_load(), so it is safe to
         // use without further inspection.
         $date->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone($element['value']['#date_timezone']));
         if ($this->getFieldSetting('datetime_type') == DateTimeItem::DATETIME_TYPE_DATE) {
             // A date without time will pick up the current time, use the default
             // time.
         $element['value']['#default_value'] = $date;
     return $element;
예제 #26
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $response = new AjaxResponse();
     // Convert any uploaded files from the FID values to data-entity-uuid
     // attributes and set data-entity-type to 'file'.
     $fid = $form_state->getValue(array('fid', 0));
     if (!empty($fid)) {
         $file = $this->fileStorage->load($fid);
         $file_url = file_create_url($file->getFileUri());
         // Transform absolute image URLs to relative image URLs: prevent problems
         // on multisite set-ups and prevent mixed content errors.
         $file_url = file_url_transform_relative($file_url);
         $form_state->setValue(array('attributes', 'src'), $file_url);
         $form_state->setValue(array('attributes', 'data-entity-uuid'), $file->uuid());
         $form_state->setValue(array('attributes', 'data-entity-type'), 'file');
     // When the alt attribute is set to two double quotes, transform it to the
     // empty string: two double quotes signify "empty alt attribute". See above.
     if (trim($form_state->getValue(array('attributes', 'alt'))) === '""') {
         $form_state->setValue(array('attributes', 'alt'), '');
     if ($form_state->getErrors()) {
         unset($form['#prefix'], $form['#suffix']);
         $form['status_messages'] = ['#type' => 'status_messages', '#weight' => -10];
         $response->addCommand(new HtmlCommand('#editor-image-dialog-form', $form));
     } else {
         $response->addCommand(new EditorDialogSave($form_state->getValues()));
         $response->addCommand(new CloseModalDialogCommand());
     return $response;
예제 #27
  * Collects all REST end-points.
  * @param \Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteBuildEvent $event
  *   The route build event.
 public function onRouteAlter(RouteBuildEvent $event) {
   $collection = $event->getRouteCollection();
   foreach ($collection->all() as $route_name => $route) {
     // Rest module endpoint.
     if (strpos($route_name, 'rest.') === 0) {
       $this->restRouteNames[$route_name] = $route_name;
     // Views module route.
     if (strpos($route_name, 'view.') === 0 && ($parts = explode('.', $route_name))
       && count($parts) == 3) {
       // We need to introspect the display type.
       list(, $view_id, $display_id) = $parts;
       $entity = $this->viewsStorage->load($view_id);
       if (empty($entity)) {
         // Non-existent view.
       // Build the view.
       if (empty($this->builtViews[$view_id])) {
         $this->builtViews[$view_id] = $this->executableFactory->get($entity);
         $view = $this->builtViews[$view_id];
       else {
         $view = $this->builtViews[$view_id];
       // Set the given display.
       $display = $view->getDisplay();
       if ($display instanceof RestExport) {
         $this->restRouteNames[$route_name] = $route_name;
예제 #28
  * Alters base_route and parent_id into the views local tasks.
 public function alterLocalTasks(&$local_tasks)
     $view_route_names = $this->state->get('views.view_route_names');
     foreach ($this->getApplicableMenuViews() as $pair) {
         list($view_id, $display_id) = $pair;
         /** @var $executable \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable */
         $executable = $this->viewStorage->load($view_id)->getExecutable();
         $menu = $executable->display_handler->getOption('menu');
         // We already have set the base_route for default tabs.
         if (in_array($menu['type'], array('tab'))) {
             $plugin_id = 'view.' . $executable->storage->id() . '.' . $display_id;
             $view_route_name = $view_route_names[$executable->storage->id() . '.' . $display_id];
             // Don't add a local task for views which override existing routes.
             if ($view_route_name != $plugin_id) {
             // Find out the parent route.
             // @todo Find out how to find both the root and parent tab.
             $path = $executable->display_handler->getPath();
             $split = explode('/', $path);
             $path = implode('/', $split);
             $pattern = '/' . str_replace('%', '{}', $path);
             if ($routes = $this->routeProvider->getRoutesByPattern($pattern)) {
                 foreach ($routes->all() as $name => $route) {
                     $local_tasks['views_view:' . $plugin_id]['base_route'] = $name;
                     // Skip after the first found route.
예제 #29
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getDerivativeDefinitions($base_plugin_definition)
     $links = array();
     $views = Views::getApplicableViews('uses_menu_links');
     foreach ($views as $data) {
         list($view_id, $display_id) = $data;
         /** @var \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable $executable */
         $executable = $this->viewStorage->load($view_id)->getExecutable();
         if ($result = $executable->getMenuLinks($display_id)) {
             foreach ($result as $link_id => $link) {
                 $links[$link_id] = $link + $base_plugin_definition;
     return $links;
예제 #30
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function loadMultiple(EntityStorageInterface $storage, array $sub_ids = NULL)
     /** @var \Drupal\migrate\Entity\MigrationInterface $bundle_migration */
     $bundle_migration = $storage->load('d6_taxonomy_vocabulary');
     $migrate_executable = new MigrateExecutable($bundle_migration, new MigrateMessage());
     $process = array_intersect_key($bundle_migration->get('process'), $bundle_migration->getDestinationPlugin()->getIds());
     $migrations = array();
     $vid_map = array();
     foreach ($bundle_migration->getIdMap() as $key => $value) {
         $old_vid = unserialize($key)['sourceid1'];
         $new_vid = $value['destid1'];
         $vid_map[$old_vid] = $new_vid;
     foreach ($bundle_migration->getSourcePlugin()->getIterator() as $source_row) {
         $row = new Row($source_row, $source_row);
         $migrate_executable->processRow($row, $process);
         $old_vid = $source_row['vid'];
         $new_vid = $row->getDestinationProperty('vid');
         $vid_map[$old_vid] = $new_vid;
     foreach ($vid_map as $old_vid => $new_vid) {
         $values = $this->migration->toArray();
         $migration_id = $this->migration->id() . ':' . $old_vid;
         $values['id'] = $migration_id;
         $values['source']['vid'] = $old_vid;
         $values['process'][$new_vid] = 'tid';
         $migrations[$migration_id] = $storage->create($values);
     return $migrations;