예제 #1
 public function composeMessage($message)
     $mimeheaders = array();
     $message['headers']['To'] = $message['to'];
     foreach ($message['headers'] as $name => $value) {
         $mimeheaders[] = $name . ': ' . Unicode::mimeHeaderEncode($value);
     $line_endings = Settings::get('mail_line_endings', PHP_EOL);
     $output = join($line_endings, $mimeheaders) . $line_endings;
     // 'Subject:' is a mail header and should not be translated.
     $output .= 'Subject: ' . $message['subject'] . $line_endings;
     // Blank line to separate headers from body.
     $output .= $line_endings;
     $output .= preg_replace('@\\r?\\n@', $line_endings, $message['body']);
     return $output;
예제 #2
파일: PhpMail.php 프로젝트: nsp15/Drupal8
  * Sends an email message.
  * @param array $message
  *   A message array, as described in hook_mail_alter().
  * @return bool
  *   TRUE if the mail was successfully accepted, otherwise FALSE.
  * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php
  * @see \Drupal\Core\Mail\MailManagerInterface::mail()
 public function mail(array $message)
     // If 'Return-Path' isn't already set in php.ini, we pass it separately
     // as an additional parameter instead of in the header.
     if (isset($message['headers']['Return-Path'])) {
         $return_path_set = strpos(ini_get('sendmail_path'), ' -f');
         if (!$return_path_set) {
             $message['Return-Path'] = $message['headers']['Return-Path'];
     $mimeheaders = array();
     foreach ($message['headers'] as $name => $value) {
         $mimeheaders[] = $name . ': ' . Unicode::mimeHeaderEncode($value);
     $line_endings = Settings::get('mail_line_endings', PHP_EOL);
     // Prepare mail commands.
     $mail_subject = Unicode::mimeHeaderEncode($message['subject']);
     // Note: email uses CRLF for line-endings. PHP's API requires LF
     // on Unix and CRLF on Windows. Drupal automatically guesses the
     // line-ending format appropriate for your system. If you need to
     // override this, adjust $settings['mail_line_endings'] in settings.php.
     $mail_body = preg_replace('@\\r?\\n@', $line_endings, $message['body']);
     // For headers, PHP's API suggests that we use CRLF normally,
     // but some MTAs incorrectly replace LF with CRLF. See #234403.
     $mail_headers = join("\n", $mimeheaders);
     $request = \Drupal::request();
     // We suppress warnings and notices from mail() because of issues on some
     // hosts. The return value of this method will still indicate whether mail
     // was sent successfully.
     if (!$request->server->has('WINDIR') && strpos($request->server->get('SERVER_SOFTWARE'), 'Win32') === FALSE) {
         // On most non-Windows systems, the "-f" option to the sendmail command
         // is used to set the Return-Path. There is no space between -f and
         // the value of the return path.
         $additional_headers = isset($message['Return-Path']) ? '-f' . $message['Return-Path'] : '';
         $mail_result = @mail($message['to'], $mail_subject, $mail_body, $mail_headers, $additional_headers);
     } else {
         // On Windows, PHP will use the value of sendmail_from for the
         // Return-Path header.
         $old_from = ini_get('sendmail_from');
         ini_set('sendmail_from', $message['Return-Path']);
         $mail_result = @mail($message['to'], $mail_subject, $mail_body, $mail_headers);
         ini_set('sendmail_from', $old_from);
     return $mail_result;
예제 #3
  * Tests multibyte encoding and decoding.
  * @dataProvider providerTestMimeHeader
  * @covers ::mimeHeaderEncode
  * @covers ::mimeHeaderDecode
 public function testMimeHeader($value, $encoded)
     $this->assertEquals($encoded, Unicode::mimeHeaderEncode($value));
     $this->assertEquals($value, Unicode::mimeHeaderDecode($encoded));
  * Implements SourceInterface::getFromFormatted().
 function getFromFormatted()
     // Windows based PHP systems don't accept formatted email addresses.
     if (Unicode::substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
         return $this->getFromAddress();
     return '"' . addslashes(Unicode::mimeHeaderEncode($this->getNewsletter()->from_name)) . '" <' . $this->getFromAddress() . '>';
  * Gives useful defaults for standard email headers.
  * @param array $headers
  *   Message headers.
  * @param string $from
  *   The address of the sender.
  * @return array
  *   Overwrited headers.
 public static function mimeMailHeaders($headers, $from = NULL)
     $default_from = \Drupal::config('system.site')->get('mail');
     // Overwrite standard headers.
     if ($from) {
         if (!isset($headers['From']) || $headers['From'] == $default_from) {
             $headers['From'] = $from;
         if (!isset($headers['Sender']) || $headers['Sender'] == $default_from) {
             $headers['Sender'] = $from;
         // This may not work. The MTA may rewrite the Return-Path.
         if (!isset($headers['Return-Path']) || $headers['Return-Path'] == $default_from) {
             if (preg_match('/[a-z\\d\\-\\.\\+_]+@(?:[a-z\\d\\-]+\\.)+[a-z\\d]{2,4}/i', $from, $matches)) {
                 $headers['Return-Path'] = "<{$matches['0']}>";
     // Convert From header if it is an array.
     if (is_array($headers['From'])) {
         $headers['From'] = static::mimeMailAddress($headers['From']);
     // Run all headers through mime_header_encode() to convert non-ascii
     // characters to an rfc compliant string, similar to drupal_mail().
     foreach ($headers as $key => $value) {
         $headers[$key] = Unicode::mimeHeaderEncode($value);
     return $headers;
  * Send a newsletter with the HTML format.
 function testSendHTML()
     // Use custom testing mail system to support HTML mails.
     $mail_config = $this->config('system.mail');
     $mail_config->set('interface.default', 'test_simplenews_html_mail');
     // Set the format to HTML.
     $edit_newsletter = array('format' => 'html', 'from_name' => 'Drupäl', 'from_address' => $this->randomEmail(), 'receipt' => TRUE);
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit_newsletter, t('Save'));
     $edit = array('title[0][value]' => $this->randomString() . '\'<', 'body[0][value]' => "Mail token: <strong>[simplenews-subscriber:mail]</strong>", 'simplenews_issue' => 'default');
     $this->drupalPostForm('node/add/simplenews_issue', $edit, 'Save and publish');
     $this->assertTrue(preg_match('|node/(\\d+)$|', $this->getUrl(), $matches), 'Node created');
     $node = Node::load($matches[1]);
     // Add node to spool.
     // Send mails.
     // Make sure that 5 mails have been sent.
     $this->assertEqual(5, count($this->drupalGetMails()));
     // Test that tokens are correctly replaced.
     foreach (array_slice($this->drupalGetMails(), 0, 3) as $mail) {
         // Verify title.
         $this->assertTrue(strpos($mail['body'], '<h2>' . Html::escape($node->getTitle()) . '</h2>') !== FALSE);
         // Verify the format/content type.
         $this->assertEqual($mail['params']['format'], 'text/html');
         $this->assertEqual($mail['params']['plain'], NULL);
         $this->assertEqual($mail['headers']['Content-Type'], 'text/html; charset=UTF-8');
         // Make sure that the same mail was used in the body token as it has been
         // sent to.
         $this->assertTrue(strpos($mail['body'], '<strong>' . $mail['to'] . '</strong>') !== FALSE);
         // Make sure the body is only attached once.
         $this->assertEqual(1, preg_match_all('/Mail token/', $mail['body'], $matches));
         // Check the plaintext version, both params][plaintext (Mime Mail) and
         // plain (Swiftmailer).
         $this->assertTrue(strpos($mail['params']['plaintext'], $mail['to']) !== FALSE);
         $this->assertFalse(strpos($mail['params']['plaintext'], '<strong>'));
         $this->assertEqual($mail['params']['plaintext'], $mail['plain']);
         // Make sure the body is only attached once.
         $this->assertEqual(1, preg_match_all('/Mail token/', $mail['params']['plaintext'], $matches));
         // Check the attachments and files arrays.
         $this->assertEqual($mail['params']['attachments'], $mail['params']['files']);
         // Make sure formatted address is properly encoded.
         $from = '"' . addslashes(Unicode::mimeHeaderEncode($edit_newsletter['from_name'])) . '" <' . $edit_newsletter['from_address'] . '>';
         $this->assertEqual($from, $mail['reply-to']);
         // And make sure it won't get encoded twice.
         $this->assertEqual($from, Unicode::mimeHeaderEncode($mail['reply-to']));
         // @todo: Improve this check, there are currently two spaces, not sure
         // where they are coming from.
         $this->assertTrue(strpos($mail['body'], 'class="newsletter-footer"'));
         // Verify receipt headers.
         $this->assertEqual($mail['headers']['Disposition-Notification-To'], $edit_newsletter['from_address']);
         $this->assertEqual($mail['headers']['X-Confirm-Reading-To'], $edit_newsletter['from_address']);
예제 #7
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getFrom()
     $address = $this->config->get('newsletter.from_address');
     $name = $this->config->get('newsletter.from_name');
     // Windows based PHP systems don't accept formatted email addresses.
     $formatted_address = Unicode::substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN' ? $address : '"' . addslashes(Unicode::mimeHeaderEncode($name)) . '" <' . $address . '>';
     return array('address' => $address, 'formatted' => $formatted_address);