예제 #1
  * Tests creating a block type programmatically and via a form.
 public function testBlockContentTypeCreation()
     // Login a test user.
     // Test the page with no block-types.
     $this->assertText('You have not created any block types yet');
     $this->clickLink('block type creation page');
     // Create a block type via the user interface.
     $edit = array('id' => 'foo', 'label' => 'title for foo');
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
     $block_type = BlockContentType::load('foo');
     $this->assertTrue($block_type, 'The new block type has been created.');
     $field_definitions = \Drupal::entityManager()->getFieldDefinitions('block_content', 'foo');
     $this->assertTrue(isset($field_definitions['body']), 'Body field created when using the UI to create block content types.');
     // Check that the block type was created in site default language.
     $default_langcode = \Drupal::languageManager()->getDefaultLanguage()->getId();
     $this->assertEqual($block_type->language()->getId(), $default_langcode);
     // Create block types programmatically.
     $this->createBlockContentType('basic', TRUE);
     $field_definitions = \Drupal::entityManager()->getFieldDefinitions('block_content', 'basic');
     $this->assertTrue(isset($field_definitions['body']), "Body field for 'basic' block type created when using the testing API to create block content types.");
     $field_definitions = \Drupal::entityManager()->getFieldDefinitions('block_content', 'other');
     $this->assertFalse(isset($field_definitions['body']), "Body field for 'other' block type not created when using the testing API to create block content types.");
     $block_type = BlockContentType::load('other');
     $this->assertTrue($block_type, 'The new block type has been created.');
     $this->drupalGet('block/add/' . $block_type->id());
예제 #2
  * Tests creating a block type programmatically and via a form.
 public function testBlockContentTypeCreation()
     // Login a test user.
     // Test the page with no block-types.
     $this->assertRaw(t('You have not created any block types yet. Go to the <a href="!url">block type creation page</a> to add a new block type.', ['!url' => Url::fromRoute('block_content.type_add')->toString()]));
     // Now create an initial block-type.
     $this->createBlockContentType('basic', TRUE);
     // Create a block type programmatically.
     $type = $this->createBlockContentType('other');
     $block_type = BlockContentType::load('other');
     $this->assertTrue($block_type, 'The new block type has been created.');
     $this->drupalGet('block/add/' . $type->id());
     $this->assertResponse(200, 'The new block type can be accessed at block/add.');
     // Create a block type via the user interface.
     $edit = array('id' => 'foo', 'label' => 'title for foo');
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/block/block-content/types/add', $edit, t('Save'));
     $block_type = BlockContentType::load('foo');
     $this->assertTrue($block_type, 'The new block type has been created.');
     $field_definitions = \Drupal::entityManager()->getFieldDefinitions('block_content', 'foo');
     $this->assertTrue(isset($field_definitions['body']), 'Body field was created when using the UI to create block content types.');
     // Check that the block type was created in site default language.
     $default_langcode = \Drupal::languageManager()->getDefaultLanguage()->getId();
     $this->assertEqual($block_type->language()->getId(), $default_langcode);
  * Tests the block content type migration.
 public function testBlockContentTypeMigration()
     /** @var \Drupal\block_content\BlockContentTypeInterface $entity */
     $entity = BlockContentType::load('basic');
     $this->assertTrue($entity instanceof BlockContentTypeInterface);
     $this->assertIdentical('Basic', $entity->label());
  * Creates a custom block type (bundle).
  * @param array $values
  *   An array of settings to change from the defaults.
  * @return \Drupal\block_content\Entity\BlockContentType
  *   Created custom block type.
 protected function createBlockContentType(array $values = array())
     // Find a non-existent random type name.
     if (!isset($values['id'])) {
         do {
             $id = strtolower($this->randomMachineName(8));
         } while (BlockContentType::load($id));
     } else {
         $id = $values['id'];
     $values += array('id' => $id, 'label' => $id, 'revision' => FALSE);
     $bundle = BlockContentType::create($values);
     $status = $bundle->save();
     $this->assertEqual($status, SAVED_NEW, SafeMarkup::format('Created block content type %bundle.', array('%bundle' => $bundle->id())));
     return $bundle;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function entityFormTitle(EntityInterface $entity)
     $block_type = BlockContentType::load($entity->bundle());
     return t('<em>Edit @type</em> @title', array('@type' => $block_type->label(), '@title' => $entity->label()));