public function testOne() { /** @type Cluster $_cluster */ $_cluster = Cluster::byNameOrId('cluster-east-1')->firstOrFail(); $_assigns = $_cluster->assignedServers(); foreach ($_assigns as $_assign) { if ($_assign->server) { $_server = $_assign->server; if ($_server->mount) { $_mount = $_server->mount; } } } }
public function index() { $_clusters = Cluster::join('cluster_server_asgn_t', 'cluster_id', '=', 'id')->distinct()->get(['cluster_t.*', 'cluster_id']); $_excluded = []; foreach ($_clusters as $_cluster) { $_excluded[] = $_cluster->id; } $_notAssigned = Cluster::whereNotIn('id', $_excluded)->get(); $result = array_merge(json_decode($_clusters), json_decode($_notAssigned)); return $this->renderView('app.clusters', ['clusters' => $result]); }
/** * @return array */ protected function gatherConsoleStatistics() { $_stats = ['uri' => config('app.url', \Request::getSchemeAndHttpHost()), 'user' => ServiceUser::count(), 'mount' => Mount::count(), 'server' => Server::count(), 'cluster' => Cluster::count(), 'limit' => Limit::count(), 'instance' => Instance::count()]; return $_stats; // The new way //return $this->telemetry->make('console')->getTelemetry(); }
/** * @param string|int $clusterId * * @return Cluster */ protected static function findCluster($clusterId) { return Cluster::byNameOrId($clusterId)->firstOrFail(); }
public function edit($id) { return $this->renderView('app.instances.edit', ['instance_id' => $id, 'instance' => Instance::with(['user', 'cluster'])->find($id), 'clusters' => Cluster::all()]); }
/** * Cluster in which I belong * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany|Cluster */ public function cluster() { return Cluster::whereRaw('id IN (SELECT csa.cluster_id FROM cluster_server_asgn_t csa WHERE csa.server_id = :server_id)', [':server_id' => $this->id])->first(); }
/** * Create a cluster * * @param $clusterId * * @return bool|\DreamFactory\Enterprise\Database\Models\Cluster */ protected function _createCluster($clusterId) { if (false === ($_data = $this->_prepareData($clusterId))) { return false; } $_cluster = Models\Cluster::create($_data); $this->concat('cluster id ')->asComment($clusterId)->flush(' created.'); return $_cluster; }
/** * @param integer $id * * @return \Illuminate\View\View */ public function edit($id) { /** @type Limit $_limit */ $_limit = Limit::find($id); $_values = ['limit_nbr' => $_limit->limit_nbr, 'user_id' => null, 'service_name' => '', 'role_id' => 0, 'api_key' => '', 'period_name' => '', 'label_text' => $_limit->label_text, 'cluster_id_text' => '', 'instance_id_text' => '']; $defaultPos = strpos($_limit['limit_key_text'], 'default.'); $clusterDefaultPos = strpos($_limit['limit_key_text'], 'cluster.default.'); $instanceDefaultPos = strpos($_limit['limit_key_text'], 'instance.default.'); if ($defaultPos !== false && $defaultPos == 0) { $_values['notes'] = 'Default for all clusters and instances'; } elseif ($clusterDefaultPos !== false && $clusterDefaultPos == 0) { $_values['notes'] = 'Default for cluster'; } elseif ($instanceDefaultPos !== false && $instanceDefaultPos == 0) { $_values['notes'] = 'Default for instance'; } else { $_values['notes'] = ''; } $_userName = null; $_this_limit_type = null; foreach (explode('.', $_limit['limit_key_text']) as $_value) { $_limit_key = explode(':', $_value); switch ($_limit_key[0]) { case 'default': break; case 'cluster': $_this_limit_type = 'cluster'; break; case 'instance': $_this_limit_type = 'instance'; break; case 'user': $_values['user_id'] = $_limit_key[1]; $_this_limit_type = 'user'; break; case 'service': $_values['service_name'] = $_limit_key[1]; break; case 'role': $_values['role_id'] = $_limit_key[1]; break; case 'api_key': $_values['api_key'] = $_limit_key[1]; break; default: // It's time period $_values['period_name'] = ucwords(str_replace('-', ' ', $_limit_key[0])); } } if (!empty($_limit->cluster_id)) { $_cluster = $this->_findCluster($_limit['cluster_id']); $_values['cluster_id_text'] = $_cluster->cluster_id_text; } if (!empty($_limit->instance_id)) { $_instance = $this->_findInstance($_limit->instance_id); $_values['instance_id_text'] = $_instance->instance_id_text; if (!empty($_values['user_id'])) { if (false !== ($_rows = $this->getInstanceUsers($_instance))) { foreach ($_rows as $_user) { if ($_user['id'] != $_values['user_id']) { continue; } $_userName = $_user['name']; break; } } } } $_limits = ['id' => $_limit['id'], 'type' => $_this_limit_type, 'cluster_id' => $_limit['cluster_id'], 'cluster_id_text' => $_values['cluster_id_text'], 'instance_id' => $_limit['instance_id'], 'instance_id_text' => $_values['instance_id_text'], 'user_id' => $_values['user_id'], 'user_name' => $_userName, 'period_name' => $_values['period_name'], 'limit_nbr' => $_limit->limit_nbr, 'label_text' => $_limit->label_text, 'active_ind' => $_limit->active_ind, 'notes' => $_values['notes']]; logger('limit: ' . print_r($_limits, true)); return \View::make('app.limits.edit', ['limitPeriods' => $this->periods, 'prefix' => $this->_prefix, 'clusters' => Cluster::all(), 'limit' => $_limits]); }