/** * Performs an INSERT on the database, given a OrderAddressIcirelais or Criteria object. * * @param mixed $criteria Criteria or OrderAddressIcirelais object containing data that is used to create the INSERT statement. * @param ConnectionInterface $con the ConnectionInterface connection to use * @return mixed The new primary key. * @throws PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be * rethrown wrapped into a PropelException. */ public static function doInsert($criteria, ConnectionInterface $con = null) { if (null === $con) { $con = Propel::getServiceContainer()->getWriteConnection(OrderAddressIcirelaisTableMap::DATABASE_NAME); } if ($criteria instanceof Criteria) { $criteria = clone $criteria; // rename for clarity } else { $criteria = $criteria->buildCriteria(); // build Criteria from OrderAddressIcirelais object } // Set the correct dbName $query = OrderAddressIcirelaisQuery::create()->mergeWith($criteria); try { // use transaction because $criteria could contain info // for more than one table (I guess, conceivably) $con->beginTransaction(); $pk = $query->doInsert($con); $con->commit(); } catch (PropelException $e) { $con->rollBack(); throw $e; } return $pk; }
public function exportfile() { if (null !== ($response = $this->checkAuth(array(AdminResources::MODULE), array('DpdPickup'), AccessManager::UPDATE))) { return $response; } if (is_readable(ExportExaprint::getJSONpath())) { $admici = json_decode(file_get_contents(ExportExaprint::getJSONpath()), true); $keys = array("name", "addr", "zipcode", "city", "tel", "mobile", "mail", "expcode"); $valid = true; foreach ($keys as $key) { $valid &= isset($admici[$key]) && ($key === "assur" ? true : !empty($admici[$key])); } if (!$valid) { return Response::create(Translator::getInstance()->trans("The file DpdPickup/Config/exportdat.json is not valid. Please correct it.", [], DpdPickup::DOMAIN), 500); } } else { return Response::create(Translator::getInstance()->trans("Can't read DpdPickup/Config/exportdat.json. Did you save the export information ?", [], DpdPickup::DOMAIN), 500); } $exp_name = $admici['name']; $exp_address1 = $admici['addr']; $exp_address2 = isset($admici['addr2']) ? $admici['addr2'] : ""; $exp_zipcode = $admici['zipcode']; $exp_city = $admici['city']; $exp_phone = $admici['tel']; $exp_cellphone = $admici['mobile']; $exp_email = $admici['mail']; $exp_code = $admici['expcode']; $res = self::harmonise('$' . "VERSION=110", 'alphanumeric', 12) . "\r\n"; $orders = OrderQuery::create()->filterByDeliveryModuleId(DpdPickup::getModuleId())->find(); // FORM VALIDATION $form = new ExportExaprintSelection($this->getRequest()); $status_id = null; try { $vform = $this->validateForm($form); $status_id = $vform->get("new_status_id")->getData(); if (!preg_match("#^nochange|processing|sent\$#", $status_id)) { throw new \Exception("Invalid status ID. Expecting nochange or processing or sent"); } } catch (\Exception $e) { Tlog::getInstance()->error("Form dpdpickup.selection sent with bad infos. "); return Response::create(Translator::getInstance()->trans("Got invalid data : %err", ['%err' => $e->getMessage()], DpdPickup::DOMAIN), 500); } // For each selected order /** @var Order $order */ foreach ($orders as $order) { $orderRef = str_replace(".", "-", $order->getRef()); $collectionKey = array_search($orderRef, $vform->getData()['order_ref']); if (false !== $collectionKey && array_key_exists($collectionKey, $vform->getData()['order_ref_check']) && $vform->getData()['order_ref_check'][$collectionKey]) { // Get if the package is assured, how many packages there are & their weight $assur_package = array_key_exists($collectionKey, $vform->getData()['assur']) ? $vform->getData()['assur'][$collectionKey] : false; $pkgNumber = array_key_exists($collectionKey, $vform->getData()['pkgNumber']) ? $vform->getData()['pkgNumber'][$collectionKey] : null; $pkgWeight = array_key_exists($collectionKey, $vform->getData()['pkgWeight']) ? $vform->getData()['pkgWeight'][$collectionKey] : null; // Check if status has to be changed if ($status_id == "processing") { $event = new OrderEvent($order); $status = OrderStatusQuery::create()->findOneByCode(OrderStatus::CODE_PROCESSING); $event->setStatus($status->getId()); $this->getDispatcher()->dispatch(TheliaEvents::ORDER_UPDATE_STATUS, $event); } elseif ($status_id == "sent") { $event = new OrderEvent($order); $status = OrderStatusQuery::create()->findOneByCode(OrderStatus::CODE_SENT); $event->setStatus($status->getId()); $this->getDispatcher()->dispatch(TheliaEvents::ORDER_UPDATE_STATUS, $event); } //Get invoice address $address = OrderAddressQuery::create()->findPK($order->getInvoiceOrderAddressId()); //Get Customer object $customer = CustomerQuery::create()->findPK($order->getCustomerId()); //Get OrderAddressDpdPickup object $icirelais_code = OrderAddressIcirelaisQuery::create()->findPK($order->getDeliveryOrderAddressId()); if ($icirelais_code !== null) { // Get Customer's cellphone if (null == ($cellphone = $address->getCellphone())) { $address->getPhone(); } //Weight & price calc $price = 0; $price = $order->getTotalAmount($price, false); // tax = 0 && include postage = flase $pkgWeight = floor($pkgWeight * 100); $assur_price = $assur_package == 'true' ? $price : 0; $date_format = date("d/m/y", $order->getUpdatedAt()->getTimestamp()); $res .= self::harmonise($order->getRef(), 'alphanumeric', 35); // Order ref $res .= self::harmonise("", 'alphanumeric', 2); $res .= self::harmonise($pkgWeight, 'numeric', 8); // Package weight $res .= self::harmonise("", 'alphanumeric', 15); $res .= self::harmonise($address->getLastname(), 'alphanumeric', 35); // Charged customer $res .= self::harmonise($address->getFirstname(), 'alphanumeric', 35); $res .= self::harmonise($address->getAddress2(), 'alphanumeric', 35); // Invoice address info $res .= self::harmonise($address->getAddress3(), 'alphanumeric', 35); $res .= self::harmonise("", 'alphanumeric', 35); $res .= self::harmonise("", 'alphanumeric', 35); $res .= self::harmonise($address->getZipcode(), 'alphanumeric', 10); // Invoice address $res .= self::harmonise($address->getCity(), 'alphanumeric', 35); $res .= self::harmonise("", 'alphanumeric', 10); $res .= self::harmonise($address->getAddress1(), 'alphanumeric', 35); $res .= self::harmonise("", 'alphanumeric', 10); $res .= self::harmonise("F", 'alphanumeric', 3); // Default invoice country code $res .= self::harmonise($address->getPhone(), 'alphanumeric', 30); // Invoice phone $res .= self::harmonise("", 'alphanumeric', 15); $res .= self::harmonise($exp_name, 'alphanumeric', 35); // Expeditor name $res .= self::harmonise($exp_address2, 'alphanumeric', 35); // Expeditor address $res .= self::harmonise("", 'alphanumeric', 140); $res .= self::harmonise($exp_zipcode, 'alphanumeric', 10); $res .= self::harmonise($exp_city, 'alphanumeric', 35); $res .= self::harmonise("", 'alphanumeric', 10); $res .= self::harmonise($exp_address1, 'alphanumeric', 35); $res .= self::harmonise("", 'alphanumeric', 10); $res .= self::harmonise("F", 'alphanumeric', 3); // Default expeditor country code $res .= self::harmonise($exp_phone, 'alphanumeric', 30); // Expeditor phone $res .= self::harmonise("", 'alphanumeric', 35); // Order comment 1 $res .= self::harmonise("", 'alphanumeric', 35); // Order comment 2 $res .= self::harmonise("", 'alphanumeric', 35); // Order comment 3 $res .= self::harmonise("", 'alphanumeric', 35); // Order comment 4 $res .= self::harmonise($date_format . ' ', 'alphanumeric', 10); // Date $res .= self::harmonise($exp_code, 'numeric', 8); // Expeditor DPD code $res .= self::harmonise("", 'alphanumeric', 35); // Bar code $res .= self::harmonise($customer->getRef(), 'alphanumeric', 35); // Customer ref $res .= self::harmonise("", 'alphanumeric', 29); $res .= self::harmonise($assur_price, 'float', 9); // Insured value $res .= self::harmonise("", 'alphanumeric', 8); $res .= self::harmonise($customer->getId(), 'alphanumeric', 35); // Customer ID $res .= self::harmonise("", 'alphanumeric', 46); $res .= self::harmonise($exp_email, 'alphanumeric', 80); // Expeditor email $res .= self::harmonise($exp_cellphone, 'alphanumeric', 35); // Expeditor cellphone $res .= self::harmonise($customer->getEmail(), 'alphanumeric', 80); // Customer email $res .= self::harmonise($cellphone, 'alphanumeric', 35); // Invoice cellphone $res .= self::harmonise("", 'alphanumeric', 96); $res .= self::harmonise($icirelais_code->getCode(), 'alphanumeric', 8); // DPD relay ID $res .= "\r\n"; } } } $response = new Response(utf8_decode(mb_strtoupper($res)), 200, array('Content-Type' => 'application/csv-tab-delimited-table;charset=iso-8859-1', 'Content-disposition' => 'filename=export.dat')); return $response; }
/** * Removes this object from datastore and sets delete attribute. * * @param ConnectionInterface $con * @return void * @throws PropelException * @see OrderAddressIcirelais::setDeleted() * @see OrderAddressIcirelais::isDeleted() */ public function delete(ConnectionInterface $con = null) { if ($this->isDeleted()) { throw new PropelException("This object has already been deleted."); } if ($con === null) { $con = Propel::getServiceContainer()->getWriteConnection(OrderAddressIcirelaisTableMap::DATABASE_NAME); } $con->beginTransaction(); try { $deleteQuery = ChildOrderAddressIcirelaisQuery::create()->filterByPrimaryKey($this->getPrimaryKey()); $ret = $this->preDelete($con); if ($ret) { $deleteQuery->delete($con); $this->postDelete($con); $con->commit(); $this->setDeleted(true); } else { $con->commit(); } } catch (Exception $e) { $con->rollBack(); throw $e; } }