getDocumentIdentifier() 공개 메소드

Gets the identifier of a document.
public getDocumentIdentifier ( object $document ) : mixed
$document object
리턴 mixed The identifier value
  * Releases any lock that exists on this document.
  * @param object $document
 public function unlock($document)
     $criteria = array('_id' => $this->uow->getDocumentIdentifier($document));
     $lockMapping = $this->class->fieldMappings[$this->class->lockField];
     $this->collection->update($criteria, array($this->cmd.'unset' => array($lockMapping['name'] => true)));
     $this->class->reflFields[$this->class->lockField]->setValue($document, null);
예제 #2
  * Returns the value of the identifier field of a document
  * Doctrine must know about this document, that is, the document must already
  * be persisted or added to the identity map before. Otherwise an
  * exception is thrown.
  * @param  object $document  The document for which to get the identifier
  * @throws FormException   If the document does not exist in Doctrine's
  *                         identity map
 public function getIdentifierValue($document)
     if (!$this->unitOfWork->isInIdentityMap($document)) {
         throw new FormException('documents passed to the choice field must be managed');
     return $this->unitOfWork->getDocumentIdentifier($document);
     * Returns the reference representation to be stored in mongodb or null if not applicable.
     * @param array $referenceMapping
     * @param Document $document
     * @return array|null
    public function prepareReferencedDocValue(array $referenceMapping, $document)
        $id = null;
        if (is_array($document)) {
            $className = $referenceMapping['targetDocument'];
        } else {
            $className = get_class($document);
            $id = $this->uow->getDocumentIdentifier($document);
        $class = $this->dm->getClassMetadata($className);
        if (null !== $id) {
            $id = $class->getDatabaseIdentifierValue($id);
        $ref = array(
            $this->cmd . 'ref' => $class->getCollection(),
            $this->cmd . 'id' => $id,
            $this->cmd . 'db' => $class->getDatabase()

        // Store a discriminator value if the referenced document is not mapped explicitely to a targetDocument
        if ( ! isset($referenceMapping['targetDocument'])) {
            $discriminatorField = isset($referenceMapping['discriminatorField']) ? $referenceMapping['discriminatorField'] : '_doctrine_class_name';
            $discriminatorValue = isset($referenceMapping['discriminatorMap']) ? array_search($class->getName(), $referenceMapping['discriminatorMap']) : $class->getName();
            $ref[$discriminatorField] = $discriminatorValue;
        return $ref;
예제 #4
  * Get shard key aware query for single document.
  * @param object $document
  * @return array
 private function getQueryForDocument($document)
     $id = $this->uow->getDocumentIdentifier($document);
     $id = $this->class->getDatabaseIdentifierValue($id);
     $shardKeyQueryPart = $this->getShardKeyQuery($document);
     $query = array_merge(array('_id' => $id), $shardKeyQueryPart);
     return $query;
예제 #5
  * Prime a collection of documents property with an efficient single query instead of
  * lazily loading each field with a single query.
  * @param Iterator $collection
  * @param string $fieldName
  * @param Closure|boolean $primer
  * @param array $hints
 public function primeCollection(Iterator $collection, $fieldName, $primer, array $hints = array())
     $collection = $collection->toArray();
     if (!count($collection)) {
     $collectionMetaData = $this->dm->getClassMetaData(get_class(current($collection)));
     $fieldMapping = $collectionMetaData->fieldMappings[$fieldName];
     $cmd = $this->cmd;
     $groupedIds = array();
     foreach ($collection as $element) {
         if ($fieldMapping['type'] == 'many') {
             $fieldValue = $collectionMetaData->getFieldValue($element, $fieldName);
             if ($fieldValue instanceof PersistentCollection) {
                 foreach ($fieldValue->getMongoData() as $key => $reference) {
                     if (isset($fieldMapping['simple']) && $fieldMapping['simple']) {
                         $className = $fieldMapping['targetDocument'];
                         $mongoId = $reference;
                     } else {
                         $className = $this->dm->getClassNameFromDiscriminatorValue($fieldMapping, $reference);
                         $mongoId = $reference[$cmd . 'id'];
                     $id = (string) $mongoId;
                     $document = $this->uow->tryGetById($id, $className);
                     if (!$document || $document instanceof Proxy && !$document->__isInitialized__) {
                         if (!isset($groupedIds[$className])) {
                             $groupedIds[$className] = array();
                         $groupedIds[$className][] = $mongoId;
         } else {
             if ($fieldMapping['type'] == 'one') {
                 $document = $collectionMetaData->getFieldValue($element, $fieldName);
                 if ($document && $document instanceof Proxy && !$document->__isInitialized__) {
                     $class = $this->dm->getClassMetadata(get_class($document));
                     $groupedIds[$class->name][] = $this->uow->getDocumentIdentifier($document);
     foreach ($groupedIds as $className => $ids) {
         $class = $this->dm->getClassMetadata($className);
         if ($primer instanceof \Closure) {
             $primer($this->dm, $className, $fieldName, $ids, $hints);
         } else {
             $repository = $this->dm->getRepository($className);
             $qb = $repository->createQueryBuilder()->field($class->identifier)->in($ids);
             if (isset($hints[Query::HINT_SLAVE_OKAY])) {
             $query = $qb->getQuery();
  * Returns the reference representation to be stored in mongodb or null if not applicable.
  * @param ClassMetadata $class
  * @param Document $doc
  * @return array|null
 private function _prepareDocReference(ClassMetadata $class, $doc)
     if (!is_object($doc)) {
         return $doc;
     $id = $this->_uow->getDocumentIdentifier($doc);
     if (null !== $id) {
         $id = $class->getPHPIdentifierValue($id);
     $ref = array($this->_cmd . 'ref' => $class->getCollection(), $this->_cmd . 'id' => $id, $this->_cmd . 'db' => $class->getDB());
     return $ref;
  * Returns the reference representation to be stored in mongodb or null if not applicable.
  * @param array $referenceMapping
  * @param Document $document
  * @return array|null
 private function prepareReferencedDocValue(array $referenceMapping, $document)
     $class = $this->dm->getClassMetadata(get_class($document));
     $id = $this->uow->getDocumentIdentifier($document);
     if (null !== $id) {
         $id = $class->getDatabaseIdentifierValue($id);
     $ref = array($this->cmd . 'ref' => $class->getCollection(), $this->cmd . 'id' => $id, $this->cmd . 'db' => $class->getDB());
     if (!isset($referenceMapping['targetDocument'])) {
         $discriminatorField = isset($referenceMapping['discriminatorField']) ? $referenceMapping['discriminatorField'] : '_doctrine_class_name';
         $discriminatorValue = isset($referenceMapping['discriminatorMap']) ? array_search($class->getName(), $referenceMapping['discriminatorMap']) : $class->getName();
         $ref[$discriminatorField] = $discriminatorValue;
     return $ref;
  * Prime references within a mapped field of one or more documents.
  * If a $primer callable is provided, it should have the same signature as
  * the default primer defined in the constructor. If $primer is not
  * callable, the default primer will be used.
  * @param ClassMetadata      $class     Class metadata for the document
  * @param array|\Traversable $documents Documents containing references to prime
  * @param string             $fieldName Field name containing references to prime
  * @param array              $hints     UnitOfWork hints for priming queries
  * @param callable           $primer    Optional primer callable
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the mapped field is not the owning
  *                                   side of a reference relationship.
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If $primer is not callable
  * @throws \LogicException If the mapped field is a simple reference and is
  *                         missing a target document class.
 public function primeReferences(ClassMetadata $class, $documents, $fieldName, array $hints = array(), $primer = null)
     $data = $this->parseDotSyntaxForPrimer($fieldName, $class, $documents);
     $mapping = $data['mapping'];
     $fieldName = $data['fieldName'];
     $class = $data['class'];
     $documents = $data['documents'];
     /* Inverse-side references would need to be populated before we can
      * collect references to be primed. This is not supported.
     if (!isset($mapping['reference']) || !$mapping['isOwningSide']) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Field "%s" is not the owning side of a reference relationship in class "%s"', $fieldName, $class->name));
     /* Simple reference require a target document class so we can construct
      * the priming query.
     if (!empty($mapping['simple']) && empty($mapping['targetDocument'])) {
         throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Field "%s" is a simple reference without a target document class in class "%s"', $fieldName, $class->name));
     if ($primer !== null && !is_callable($primer)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$primer is not callable');
     $primer = $primer ?: $this->defaultPrimer;
     $groupedIds = array();
     /* @var $document PersistentCollection */
     foreach ($documents as $document) {
         $fieldValue = $class->getFieldValue($document, $fieldName);
         /* The field will need to be either a Proxy (reference-one) or
          * PersistentCollection (reference-many) in order to prime anything.
         if (!is_object($fieldValue)) {
         if ($mapping['type'] === 'one' && $fieldValue instanceof Proxy && !$fieldValue->__isInitialized()) {
             $refClass = $this->dm->getClassMetadata(get_class($fieldValue));
             $id = $this->uow->getDocumentIdentifier($fieldValue);
             $groupedIds[$refClass->name][serialize($id)] = $id;
         } elseif ($mapping['type'] == 'many' && $fieldValue instanceof PersistentCollection) {
             $this->addManyReferences($fieldValue, $groupedIds);
     foreach ($groupedIds as $className => $ids) {
         $refClass = $this->dm->getClassMetadata($className);
         call_user_func($primer, $this->dm, $refClass, array_values($ids), $hints);
예제 #9
  * Returns a DBRef array for the supplied document.
  * @param mixed $document A document object
  * @param array $referenceMapping Mapping for the field that references the document
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return array A DBRef array
 public function createDBRef($document, array $referenceMapping = null)
     if (!is_object($document)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot create a DBRef, the document is not an object');
     $class = $this->getClassMetadata(get_class($document));
     $id = $this->unitOfWork->getDocumentIdentifier($document);
     if (!$id) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot create a DBRef for class %s without an identifier. Have you forgotten to persist/merge the document first?', $class->name));
     if ($referenceMapping['storeAs'] === ClassMetadataInfo::REFERENCE_STORE_AS_ID) {
         if ($class->inheritanceType === ClassMetadataInfo::INHERITANCE_TYPE_SINGLE_COLLECTION) {
             throw MappingException::simpleReferenceMustNotTargetDiscriminatedDocument($referenceMapping['targetDocument']);
         return $class->getDatabaseIdentifierValue($id);
     $dbRef = array('$ref' => $class->getCollection(), '$id' => $class->getDatabaseIdentifierValue($id));
     if ($referenceMapping['storeAs'] === ClassMetadataInfo::REFERENCE_STORE_AS_DB_REF_WITH_DB) {
         $dbRef['$db'] = $this->getDocumentDatabase($class->name)->getName();
     /* If the class has a discriminator (field and value), use it. A child
      * class that is not defined in the discriminator map may only have a
      * discriminator field and no value, so default to the full class name.
     if (isset($class->discriminatorField)) {
         $dbRef[$class->discriminatorField] = isset($class->discriminatorValue) ? $class->discriminatorValue : $class->name;
     /* Add a discriminator value if the referenced document is not mapped
      * explicitly to a targetDocument class.
     if ($referenceMapping !== null && !isset($referenceMapping['targetDocument'])) {
         $discriminatorField = $referenceMapping['discriminatorField'];
         $discriminatorValue = isset($referenceMapping['discriminatorMap']) ? array_search($class->name, $referenceMapping['discriminatorMap']) : $class->name;
         /* If the discriminator value was not found in the map, use the full
          * class name. In the future, it may be preferable to throw an
          * exception here (perhaps based on some strictness option).
          * @see PersistenceBuilder::prepareEmbeddedDocumentValue()
         if ($discriminatorValue === false) {
             $discriminatorValue = $class->name;
         $dbRef[$discriminatorField] = $discriminatorValue;
     return $dbRef;
예제 #10
  * Returns a DBRef array for the supplied document.
  * @param mixed $document A document object
  * @param array $referenceMapping Mapping for the field that references the document
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return array A DBRef array
 public function createDBRef($document, array $referenceMapping = null)
     if (!is_object($document)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot create a DBRef, the document is not an object');
     $class = $this->getClassMetadata(get_class($document));
     $id = $this->unitOfWork->getDocumentIdentifier($document);
     if (!$id) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot create a DBRef without an identifier. UnitOfWork::getDocumentIdentifier() did not return an identifier for class %s', $class->name));
     if (!empty($referenceMapping['simple'])) {
         return $class->getDatabaseIdentifierValue($id);
     $dbRef = array('$ref' => $class->getCollection(), '$id' => $class->getDatabaseIdentifierValue($id));
     if (empty($referenceMapping['partial'])) {
         $dbRef['$db'] = $this->getDocumentDatabase($class->name)->getName();
     /* If the class has a discriminator (field and value), use it. A child
      * class that is not defined in the discriminator map may only have a
      * discriminator field and no value, so default to the full class name.
     if (isset($class->discriminatorField)) {
         $dbRef[$class->discriminatorField] = isset($class->discriminatorValue) ? $class->discriminatorValue : $class->name;
     /* Add a discriminator value if the referenced document is not mapped
      * explicitly to a targetDocument class.
     if ($referenceMapping !== null && !isset($referenceMapping['targetDocument'])) {
         $discriminatorField = $referenceMapping['discriminatorField'];
         $discriminatorValue = isset($referenceMapping['discriminatorMap']) ? array_search($class->name, $referenceMapping['discriminatorMap']) : $class->name;
         /* If the discriminator value was not found in the map, use the full
          * class name. In the future, it may be preferable to throw an
          * exception here (perhaps based on some strictness option).
          * @see PersistenceBuilder::prepareEmbeddedDocumentValue()
         if ($discriminatorValue === false) {
             $discriminatorValue = $class->name;
         $dbRef[$discriminatorField] = $discriminatorValue;
     return $dbRef;
예제 #11
  * Returns a DBRef array for the supplied document.
  * @param mixed $document A document object
  * @param array $referenceMapping Mapping for the field the references the document
  * @return array A DBRef array
 public function createDBRef($document, array $referenceMapping = null)
     if (!is_object($document)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot create a DBRef, the document is not an object');
     $className = get_class($document);
     $class = $this->getClassMetadata($className);
     $id = $this->unitOfWork->getDocumentIdentifier($document);
     $dbRef = array($this->cmd . 'ref' => $class->getCollection(), $this->cmd . 'id' => $class->getDatabaseIdentifierValue($id), $this->cmd . 'db' => $this->getDocumentDatabase($className)->getName());
     if ($class->discriminatorField) {
         $dbRef[$class->discriminatorField['name']] = $class->discriminatorValue;
     // add a discriminator value if the referenced document is not mapped explicitely to a targetDocument
     if ($referenceMapping && !isset($referenceMapping['targetDocument'])) {
         $discriminatorField = isset($referenceMapping['discriminatorField']) ? $referenceMapping['discriminatorField'] : '_doctrine_class_name';
         $discriminatorValue = isset($referenceMapping['discriminatorMap']) ? array_search($class->getName(), $referenceMapping['discriminatorMap']) : $class->getName();
         $dbRef[$discriminatorField] = $discriminatorValue;
     return $dbRef;