부터: 1.0
저자: Jonathan H. Wage (jonwage@gmail.com)
저자: Bulat Shakirzyanov (mallluhuct@gmail.com)
상속: implements Doctrine\MongoDB\IteratorAggregate
 function let(DocumentManager $manager, ChannelInterface $ecommerce, ChannelInterface $mobile, LocaleInterface $enUs, LocaleInterface $frFr, CategoryInterface $category, ChannelManager $channelManager, CategoryRepositoryInterface $categoryRepository, ProductRepository $productRepository, QueryBuilder $ormQb, Builder $odmQb, Query $odmQuery, Cursor $cursor)
     $ecommerce->getLocales()->willReturn(array($enUs, $frFr));
     $categoryRepository->getAllChildrenQueryBuilder($category, true)->willReturn($ormQb);
     $categoryRepository->getCategoryIds($category, $ormQb)->willReturn(array(1, 2, 3));
     $channelManager->getFullChannels()->willReturn(array($ecommerce, $mobile));
     $this->beConstructedWith($manager, $channelManager, $categoryRepository, 'pim_product_class');
예제 #2
 public function testGeoNearOptionsArePassed()
     $collection = $this->getMockCollection();
     $queryArray = array('type' => Query::TYPE_GEO_LOCATION, 'geoNear' => array('near' => array(50, 50), 'distanceMultiplier' => 2.5, 'maxDistance' => 5, 'spherical' => true), 'limit' => 10, 'query' => array('altitude' => array('$gt' => 1)));
     $query = new Query($this->getMockDatabase(), $collection, $queryArray, array(), '');
     $collection->expects($this->any())->method('geoNear')->with(array(50, 50), array('altitude' => array('$gt' => 1)), $this->logicalAnd(new ArrayHasValueUnderKey('distanceMultiplier', 2.5), new ArrayHasValueUnderKey('maxDistance', 5), new ArrayHasValueUnderKey('spherical', true), new ArrayHasValueUnderKey('num', 10)));
예제 #3
 function it_reads_mongodb_records_one_by_one(Query $query, Cursor $cursor)
     $result = ['foo', 'bar'];
     $cursor->next()->will(function () use($cursor, &$result) {
예제 #4
 public function testEagerCursorPreparation()
     $cursor = $this->getMockCursor();
     $collection = $this->getMockCollection();
     $collection->expects($this->once())->method('find')->with(array('foo' => 'bar'))->will($this->returnValue($cursor));
     $queryArray = array('type' => Query::TYPE_FIND, 'query' => array('foo' => 'bar'), 'eagerCursor' => true);
     $query = new Query($collection, $queryArray, array());
     $eagerCursor = $query->execute();
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Doctrine\\MongoDB\\EagerCursor', $eagerCursor);
     $this->assertSame($cursor, $eagerCursor->getCursor());
예제 #5
파일: Query.php 프로젝트: noikiy/inovi
  * Execute the query and returns the results.
  * @return mixed
 public function execute()
     $uow = $this->dm->getUnitOfWork();
     if ($this->isIndexRequired() && !$this->isIndexed()) {
         throw MongoDBException::queryNotIndexed($this->class->name, $this->getUnindexedFields());
     $results = parent::execute();
     $hints = array();
     if ($this->refresh) {
         $hints[self::HINT_REFRESH] = true;
     if ($this->query['slaveOkay'] === true) {
         $hints[self::HINT_SLAVE_OKAY] = true;
     // Unwrap the BaseEagerCursor
     if ($results instanceof BaseEagerCursor) {
         $results = $results->getCursor();
     // Convert the regular mongodb cursor to the odm cursor
     if ($results instanceof BaseCursor) {
         $results = $this->wrapCursor($results, $hints);
     // Wrap odm cursor with EagerCursor if true
     if ($this->query['eagerCursor'] === true) {
         $results = new EagerCursor($results, $this->dm->getUnitOfWork(), $this->class);
     // GeoLocationFindQuery just returns an instance of ArrayIterator so we have to
     // iterator over it and hydrate each object.
     if ($this->query['type'] === self::TYPE_GEO_LOCATION && $this->hydrate) {
         foreach ($results as $key => $result) {
             $document = $result['obj'];
             if ($this->class->distance) {
                 $document[$this->class->distance] = $result['dis'];
             $results[$key] = $uow->getOrCreateDocument($this->class->name, $document, $hints);
     if ($this->primers) {
         $documentPersister = $this->dm->getUnitOfWork()->getDocumentPersister($this->class->name);
         foreach ($this->primers as $fieldName => $primer) {
             if ($primer) {
                 $documentPersister->primeCollection($results, $fieldName, $primer, $hints);
     if ($this->hydrate && is_array($results) && isset($results['_id'])) {
         // Convert a single document array to a document object
         $results = $uow->getOrCreateDocument($this->class->name, $results, $hints);
     return $results;
예제 #6
  * Execute the query and returns the results.
  * @return mixed
 public function execute()
     $uow = $this->dm->getUnitOfWork();
     $results = parent::execute();
     // Convert the regular mongodb cursor to the odm cursor
     if ($results instanceof BaseCursor) {
         $cursor = $results->getMongoCursor();
         $results = new Cursor($cursor, $this->dm->getUnitOfWork(), $this->class);
     $hints = array();
     if ($this->refresh) {
         $hints[self::HINT_REFRESH] = true;
     // GeoLocationFindQuery just returns an instance of ArrayIterator so we have to
     // iterator over it and hydrate each object.
     if ($this->query['type'] === self::TYPE_GEO_LOCATION && $this->hydrate) {
         foreach ($results as $key => $result) {
             $document = $result['obj'];
             if ($this->class->distance) {
                 $document[$this->class->distance] = $result['dis'];
             $results[$key] = $uow->getOrCreateDocument($this->class->name, $document, $hints);
     if ($this->hydrate && is_array($results) && isset($results['_id'])) {
         // Convert a single document array to a document object
         $results = $uow->getOrCreateDocument($this->class->name, $results, $hints);
     return $results;
예제 #7
  * Prepare the Cursor returned by {@link Query::execute()}.
  * This method will wrap the base Cursor with an ODM Cursor or EagerCursor,
  * and set the hydrate option and UnitOfWork hints. This occurs in addition
  * to any preparation done by the base Query class.
  * @see \Doctrine\MongoDB\Cursor::prepareCursor()
  * @param BaseCursor $cursor
  * @return Cursor|EagerCursor
 protected function prepareCursor(BaseCursor $cursor)
     $cursor = parent::prepareCursor($cursor);
     // Unwrap a base EagerCursor
     if ($cursor instanceof BaseEagerCursor) {
         $cursor = $cursor->getCursor();
     // Convert the base Cursor into an ODM Cursor
     $cursor = new Cursor($cursor, $this->dm->getUnitOfWork(), $this->class);
     // Wrap ODM Cursor with EagerCursor
     if (!empty($this->query['eagerCursor'])) {
         $cursor = new EagerCursor($cursor, $this->dm->getUnitOfWork(), $this->class);
     return $cursor;
예제 #8
 public function testSpecifyMaxTimeMSOnCursor()
     $cursor = $this->getMockCursor();
     $collection = $this->getMockCollection();
     $collection->expects($this->once())->method('find')->with($this->equalTo(['foo' => 'bar']))->will($this->returnValue($cursor));
     $queryArray = ['type' => Query::TYPE_FIND, 'query' => ['foo' => 'bar'], 'maxTimeMS' => 30000];
     $query = new Query($collection, $queryArray, []);
     $this->assertSame($cursor, $query->execute());
예제 #9
 public function testUseIdentifierKeys()
     $cursor = $this->getMockCursor();
     $collection = $this->getMockCollection();
     $collection->expects($this->once())->method('find')->with(array('foo' => 'bar'))->will($this->returnValue($cursor));
     $queryArray = array('type' => Query::TYPE_FIND, 'query' => array('foo' => 'bar'), 'useIdentifierKeys' => false);
     $query = new Query($collection, $queryArray, array());
     $this->assertSame($cursor, $query->execute());
예제 #10
  * Prepare the Cursor returned by {@link Query::execute()}.
  * This method will wrap the base Cursor with an ODM Cursor or EagerCursor,
  * and set the hydrate option and UnitOfWork hints. This occurs in addition
  * to any preparation done by the base Query class.
  * @see \Doctrine\MongoDB\Cursor::prepareCursor()
  * @param BaseCursor $cursor
  * @return CursorInterface
 protected function prepareCursor(BaseCursor $cursor)
     $cursor = parent::prepareCursor($cursor);
     // Convert the base Cursor into an ODM Cursor
     $cursorClass = !empty($this->query['eagerCursor']) ? 'Doctrine\\ODM\\MongoDB\\EagerCursor' : 'Doctrine\\ODM\\MongoDB\\Cursor';
     $cursor = new $cursorClass($cursor, $this->dm->getUnitOfWork(), $this->class);
     if (!empty($this->primers)) {
         $referencePrimer = new ReferencePrimer($this->dm, $this->dm->getUnitOfWork());
         $cursor->enableReferencePriming($this->primers, $referencePrimer);
     return $cursor;