예제 #1
 public function run(Message $message, Discord $discord, WebSocket $webSocket, Logger $log, &$audioStreams, Channel $channel, cURL $curl)
     $exp = explode(" ", $message->content);
     $youtubeLink = implode(" ", $exp);
     // URL Checker
     $parts = parse_url($youtubeLink);
     if (!stristr($parts["host"], "youtube.com")) {
         return $message->reply("Error, you can only use youtube links!");
     // Generate song md5
     $md5 = md5($youtubeLink);
     // Now get the mp3 from the cache
     $songFile = __DIR__ . "/../../../../../cache/songs/{$md5}.mp3";
     $dl = new YoutubeDl(["extract-audio" => true, "audio-format" => "mp3", "audio-quality" => 0, "output" => $songFile]);
     $title = "";
     try {
         $video = $dl->download($youtubeLink);
         $title = $video->getTitle();
         $log->addNotice("Downloading {$title} from YouTube");
     } catch (NotFoundException $e) {
         $log->addError("Error: the song was not found: {$e->getMessage()}");
         $message->reply("Error: the song was not found: {$e->getMessage()}");
     } catch (PrivateVideoException $e) {
         $log->addError("Error: song has been made private: {$e->getMessage()}");
         $message->reply("Error: song has been made private: {$e->getMessage()}");
     } catch (CopyrightException $e) {
         $log->addError("Error: song is under copyright: {$e->getMessage()}");
         $message->reply("Error: song is under copyright: {$e->getMessage()}");
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $log->addError("Error: {$e->getMessage()}");
         $message->reply("Error: {$e->getMessage()}");
     $webSocket->joinVoiceChannel($channel)->then(function (VoiceClient $vc) use($message, $discord, $webSocket, $log, &$audioStreams, $channel, $curl, $songFile, $title) {
         $guildID = $message->getChannelAttribute()->guild_id;
         if (file_exists($songFile)) {
             // Add this audio stream to the array of audio streams
             $audioStreams[$guildID] = $vc;
             $vc->setFrameSize(40)->then(function () use($vc, &$audioStreams, $guildID, $songFile, $log, $message, $title, $channel) {
                 $message->reply("Now playing **{$title}** in {$channel->name}");
                 $vc->playFile($songFile, 2)->done(function () use($vc, &$audioStreams, $guildID) {
예제 #2
 public function run(Message $message, Discord $discord, WebSocket $webSocket, Logger $log, &$audioStreams, Channel $channel, cURL $curl)
     $webSocket->joinVoiceChannel($channel)->then(function (VoiceClient $vc) use($message, $discord, $webSocket, $log, &$audioStreams, $channel) {
         $guildID = $message->getChannelAttribute()->guild_id;
         // Add this audio stream to the array of audio streams
         $audioStreams[$guildID] = $vc;
         $vc->setFrameSize(40)->then(function () use($vc, &$audioStreams, $guildID) {
             $number = mt_rand(1, 6);
             $file = __DIR__ . "/../../../sounds/horns/{$number}.mp3";
             $vc->playFile($file, 2)->done(function () use($vc, &$audioStreams, $guildID) {