public function checkValidDiaporama($value, ExecutionContextInterface $context) { $value = intval($value); if (is_null(DiaporamaQuery::create()->findOneById($value))) { $context->addViolation($this->trans('diaporama.delete.invalid_diaporama %diaporama_id', array('diaporama_id' => $value))); } }
protected function getDiaporama(DiaporamaEvent $event) { $model = DiaporamaQuery::create()->findPk($event->getId()); if (null === $model) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("The 'diaporama' id '%d' doesn't exist", $event->getId())); } return $model; }
/** * Get the associated ChildDiaporama object * * @param ConnectionInterface $con Optional Connection object. * @return ChildDiaporama The associated ChildDiaporama object. * @throws PropelException */ public function getDiaporama(ConnectionInterface $con = null) { if ($this->aDiaporama === null && $this->id !== null) { $this->aDiaporama = ChildDiaporamaQuery::create()->findPk($this->id, $con); /* The following can be used additionally to guarantee the related object contains a reference to this object. This level of coupling may, however, be undesirable since it could result in an only partially populated collection in the referenced object. $this->aDiaporama->addDiaporamaVersions($this); */ } return $this->aDiaporama; }
/** * Performs an INSERT on the database, given a Diaporama or Criteria object. * * @param mixed $criteria Criteria or Diaporama object containing data that is used to create the INSERT statement. * @param ConnectionInterface $con the ConnectionInterface connection to use * @return mixed The new primary key. * @throws PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be * rethrown wrapped into a PropelException. */ public static function doInsert($criteria, ConnectionInterface $con = null) { if (null === $con) { $con = Propel::getServiceContainer()->getWriteConnection(DiaporamaTableMap::DATABASE_NAME); } if ($criteria instanceof Criteria) { $criteria = clone $criteria; // rename for clarity } else { $criteria = $criteria->buildCriteria(); // build Criteria from Diaporama object } if ($criteria->containsKey(DiaporamaTableMap::ID) && $criteria->keyContainsValue(DiaporamaTableMap::ID)) { throw new PropelException('Cannot insert a value for auto-increment primary key (' . DiaporamaTableMap::ID . ')'); } // Set the correct dbName $query = DiaporamaQuery::create()->mergeWith($criteria); try { // use transaction because $criteria could contain info // for more than one table (I guess, conceivably) $con->beginTransaction(); $pk = $query->doInsert($con); $con->commit(); } catch (PropelException $e) { $con->rollBack(); throw $e; } return $pk; }
/** * Load an existing object from the database */ protected function getExistingObject() { return DiaporamaQuery::create()->findPk($this->getRequest()->query->get("diaporama_id")); }
/** * Checks whether the current state must be recorded as a version * * @return boolean */ public function isVersioningNecessary($con = null) { if ($this->alreadyInSave) { return false; } if ($this->enforceVersion) { return true; } if (ChildDiaporamaQuery::isVersioningEnabled() && ($this->isNew() || $this->isModified()) || $this->isDeleted()) { return true; } return false; }