예제 #1
  * Delete any existing settings from the database.  Done inside a transaction
  * while saving new settings.
  * @return void
 public function deleteCurrentSettings()
     $this->dbAdapter->delete('dewdrop_field_groups', $this->dbAdapter->quoteInto('dewdrop_field_group_id IN (
                 SELECT dewdrop_field_group_id
                 FROM dewdrop_sorted_fields
                 WHERE component = ?
             )', $this->componentName));
     $this->dbAdapter->delete('dewdrop_sorted_fields', $this->dbAdapter->quoteInto('component = ?', $this->componentName));
예제 #2
  * Assemble WHERE clause for  for finding a row by its primary key.
  * @param array $args The primary key values
  * @return string
 public function assembleFindWhere(array $args)
     $pkey = $this->getPrimaryKey();
     foreach ($pkey as $index => $column) {
         if (!isset($args[$index])) {
             $pkeyColumnCount = count($pkey);
             throw new Exception("Db\\Table: You must specify a value for all {$pkeyColumnCount} primary key columns");
         $where[] = $this->db->quoteInto($this->db->quoteIdentifier($column) . ' = ?', $args[$index]);
     return implode(' AND ', $where);
예제 #3
  * Returns an associative array containing all the unique constraints on a table.
  * The array has the following format:
  * <pre>
  * array(
  *     'key_name' => array(
  *         sequence_in_index => 'column_name'
  *     )
  * )
  * </pre>
  * @param string $tableName
  * @return array
 public function listUniqueConstraints($tableName)
     $sql = "SELECT\n                    co.oid,\n                    a.attname\n                FROM pg_constraint co\n                JOIN pg_class cl ON cl.oid = co.conrelid\n                JOIN pg_namespace n ON cl.relnamespace = n.oid\n                JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = cl.oid\n                WHERE\n                    cl.relname = ?\n                    AND co.contype = 'u'\n                    AND a.attnum = ANY(co.conkey)";
     $sql = $this->adapter->quoteInto($sql, $tableName);
     $sql .= ' ORDER BY co.oid, a.attname';
     $result = $this->fetchAll($sql, array(), Adapter::ARRAY_A);
     $constraints = array();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         if (!array_key_exists($row['oid'], $constraints)) {
             $constraints[$row['oid']] = array();
         $constraints[$row['oid']][] = $row['attname'];
     return $constraints;
예제 #4
  * Internal function for creating the where clause
  * @param string   $condition
  * @param mixed    $value  optional
  * @param string   $type   optional
  * @param boolean  $bool  true = AND, false = OR
  * @return string  clause
 protected function whereInternal($condition, $value = null, $type = null, $bool = true)
     if (count($this->parts[self::UNION])) {
         throw new SelectException("Invalid use of where clause with " . self::SQL_UNION);
     if ($value !== null) {
         $condition = $this->adapter->quoteInto($condition, $value, $type);
     $cond = "";
     if ($this->parts[self::WHERE]) {
         if ($bool === true) {
             $cond = self::SQL_AND . ' ';
         } else {
             $cond = self::SQL_OR . ' ';
     return $cond . "({$condition})";
예제 #5
  * While saving, delete existing values.  If the new values will be limited to the
  * logged-in user, we only delete any settings specific to that user.  Otherwise,
  * we also delete any current values not specific to a user.
  * @param boolean $applyToAllUsers
 protected function deleteExistingValuesForSave($applyToAllUsers)
     $where = $this->dbAdapter->quoteInto('component = ?', $this->componentName);
     $references = $this->getUserReferenceValues();
     // We always delete per-user settings
     foreach ($references as $column => $value) {
         $where .= $this->dbAdapter->quoteInto(sprintf(' AND %s = ?', $this->dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier($column)), $value);
     $this->dbAdapter->delete($this->dbTableName, $where);
     // If applying settings to all users, we _also_ delete the current global settings
     if ($applyToAllUsers) {
         $where = $this->dbAdapter->quoteInto('component = ?', $this->componentName);
         foreach ($references as $column => $value) {
             $where .= sprintf(' AND %s IS NULL', $this->dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier($column));
         $this->dbAdapter->delete($this->dbTableName, $where);
예제 #6
  * Build a WHERE clause for use in deleting cross-reference values while
  * saving.  If we have no cross-reference values, we delete all cross-reference
  * rows with the given anchor value.  Otherwise, we only delete those rows
  * that are not related to the newly supplied $xrefValues.
  * @param DbAdapter $db
  * @param array $xrefValues
  * @param mixed $anchorValue
  * @return string
 private function buildDeleteWhereClause(DbAdapter $db, array $xrefValues, $anchorValue)
     $anchorName = $db->quoteIdentifier("{$this->xrefTableName}.{$this->getXrefAnchorColumnName()}");
     if (!count($xrefValues) || $this->allowDuplicateValues) {
         $where = "{$anchorName} = ?";
         $where = $db->quoteInto($where, $anchorValue);
     } else {
         $refName = $db->quoteIdentifier("{$this->xrefTableName}.{$this->getXrefReferenceColumnName()}");
         $where = "{$anchorName} = ? AND {$refName} NOT IN (?)";
         $where = $db->quoteInto($where, $anchorValue, null, 1);
         $where = $db->quoteInto($where, $xrefValues, null, 1);
     return $where;