getOpenAction() 공개 메소드

public getOpenAction ( ) : Action_LogItem | null
리턴 Action_LogItem | null
예제 #1
  * @covers DataSift\Storyplayer\PlayerLib\Action_LogItem::startStep
  * @covers DataSift\Storyplayer\PlayerLib\Action_LogItem::endStep
  * @covers DataSift\Storyplayer\PlayerLib\Action_LogItem::getOpenAction
 public function testAddAStepWithoutUsingACallable()
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
     // setup your test
     // the messages we are logging
     $startMsg1 = "This is a test message";
     $startMsg2 = "This is the nested test message";
     // our DI container
     $i = new Injectables();
     // our mocked output object
     $i->output = Mockery::mock("DataSift\\Storyplayer\\Output");
     $i->output->shouldReceive('logPhaseActivity')->once()->with($startMsg1, null);
     $i->output->shouldReceive('logPhaseActivity')->once()->with('  ' . $startMsg2, null);
     // our real data formatter
     $i->dataFormatter = new DataFormatter();
     // our unit under test
     $obj = new Action_LogItem($i, 1);
     // make sure the message started
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
     // perform the change
     $nestedObj = $obj->getOpenAction();
     $this->assertNotSame($obj, $nestedObj);
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
     // test the results