/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { Model::unguard(); // $this->call('UserTableSeeder'); DB::table('users')->truncate(); User::create(['id' => 1, 'username' => 'admin', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => \Hash::make('11431143'), 'role' => User::ROLE_ADMIN, 'status' => User::STATUS_NORMAL]); DB::table('suppliers')->truncate(); Supplier::create(['id' => 1, 'username' => 'nanpufood', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'title' => '南浦集团', 'description' => '快速消费品综合代理和营销集团', 'service_phone' => '021-61923399', 'status' => 1]); //店铺 DB::table('shops')->truncate(); Shop::create(['id' => 1, 'short_id' => "yayao", 'province_id' => 310000, 'city_id' => 310100, 'county_id' => 310110, 'type' => 2, 'name' => '丫摇官方直营店', 'seller_id' => 1, 'thumbnail' => '', 'title' => '丫摇小店', 'subtitle' => '丫摇官方直营店', 'is_direct_sale' => Shop::IS_DIRECT_SALE_YES, 'banner' => '/images/banner_7.jpg', 'thumbnail' => '/images/logo_160.png']); //卖家 DB::table('sellers')->truncate(); \Dajiayao\Model\Seller::create(['id' => 1, 'wx_user_id' => 1, 'mobile' => '15995420354', 'parent_id' => 0, 'realname' => '丫摇官方店主']); \Dajiayao\Model\Seller::create(['id' => 2, 'wx_user_id' => 2, 'mobile' => '13800138000', 'parent_id' => 0, 'realname' => '测试店主']); //微信user DB::table('wx_users')->truncate(); \Dajiayao\Model\WxUser::create(['id' => 1, 'subscribe' => 1, 'openid' => 'oVtn9t9nmKQodGDQHLHfbHE_CDPI', 'nickname' => '小明', 'sex' => 1, 'city' => '苏州', 'country' => '中国', 'province' => '江苏', 'language' => 'zh_CN', 'role' => 2, 'headimgurl' => 'http://wx.qlogo.cn/mmopen/NWsF4EmJMsG8AeztibfdK5NWzAN6oX6PEwUOzeia9gzTvKW753aV0icuqTetiap4Tgf7q5sEdIaEstoa9hvvdlesuw/0']); \Dajiayao\Model\WxUser::create(['id' => 2, 'subscribe' => 1, 'openid' => 'oVtn9t9nmKQodGDQHLHfbHE_CDPI', 'nickname' => '小明2', 'sex' => 1, 'city' => '苏州', 'country' => '中国', 'province' => '江苏', 'language' => 'zh_CN', 'role' => 2, 'headimgurl' => 'http://wx.qlogo.cn/mmopen/NWsF4EmJMsG8AeztibfdK5NWzAN6oX6PEwUOzeia9gzTvKW753aV0icuqTetiap4Tgf7q5sEdIaEstoa9hvvdlesuw/0']); DB::table('items')->truncate(); Item::create(['id' => 1, 'name' => '星巴克 星冰乐咖啡', 'title' => '星巴克 星冰乐咖啡', 'code' => '1234', 'barcode' => '678952135', 'type_id' => 1, 'supplier_id' => 1, 'spec' => '摩卡味 281ml', 'weight' => 281, 'volume' => 281, 'price' => 18, 'market_price' => 28, 'stock' => 10000, 'shelf_status' => 1, 'sale_status' => 1, 'comment' => '真便宜啊', 'postage_type' => 2]); Item::create(['id' => 2, 'name' => '星巴克 星冰乐咖啡', 'title' => '星巴克 星冰乐 香草味 咖啡饮料 281ml*6美国进口', 'code' => '1235', 'barcode' => '678952185', 'type_id' => 1, 'supplier_id' => 1, 'spec' => '摩卡味 281ml * 6', 'weight' => 1686, 'volume' => 1686, 'price' => 108, 'market_price' => 168, 'stock' => 10000, 'shelf_status' => 1, 'sale_status' => 1, 'comment' => '真的很便宜啊', 'postage_type' => 2]); Item::create(['id' => 3, 'name' => '星巴克 星冰乐咖啡', 'title' => '星巴克 星冰乐 摩卡 咖啡饮料 281ml*6美国进口', 'code' => '1236', 'barcode' => '678952165', 'type_id' => 1, 'supplier_id' => 1, 'spec' => '摩卡味 281ml * 6', 'weight' => 1686, 'volume' => 1686, 'price' => 108, 'market_price' => 168, 'stock' => 10000, 'shelf_status' => 1, 'sale_status' => 1, 'comment' => '买买买啊', 'postage_type' => 2]); DB::table('shop_items')->truncate(); \Dajiayao\Model\ShopItem::create(["shop_id" => 1, "item_id" => 1, "stock" => 1000, "sort" => 1, "is_single" => 1]); \Dajiayao\Model\ShopItem::create(["shop_id" => 1, "item_id" => 2, "stock" => 1000, "sort" => 1, "is_single" => 1]); \Dajiayao\Model\ShopItem::create(["shop_id" => 1, "item_id" => 3, "stock" => 1000, "sort" => 1, "is_single" => 1]); DB::table('images')->truncate(); \Dajiayao\Model\Image::create(['url' => '/images/product.jpg', 'name' => '星巴克', 'type' => 1]); DB::table('item_images')->truncate(); \Dajiayao\Model\ItemImage::create(['item_id' => 1, 'image_id' => 1]); \Dajiayao\Model\ItemImage::create(['item_id' => 2, 'image_id' => 1]); \Dajiayao\Model\ItemImage::create(['item_id' => 3, 'image_id' => 1]); DB::table('item_type')->truncate(); ItemType::create(['id' => 1, 'name' => '饮料', 'sort' => 1]); ItemType::create(['id' => 2, 'name' => '酒类', 'sort' => 2]); ItemType::create(['id' => 3, 'name' => '坚果', 'sort' => 3]); DB::table('expresses')->truncate(); \Dajiayao\Model\Express::create(['name' => '圆通', 'code' => 'yuantong', 'website' => 'http://www.yto.net.cn', 'phone' => '95554']); \Dajiayao\Model\Express::create(['name' => '申通', 'code' => 'shentong', 'website' => 'http://www.sto.cn', 'phone' => '95543']); \Dajiayao\Model\Express::create(['name' => '韵达', 'code' => 'yunda', 'website' => 'http://www.yundaex.com', 'phone' => '400-821-6789']); \Dajiayao\Model\Express::create(['name' => '顺丰', 'code' => 'shunfeng', 'website' => 'http://www.sf-express.com', 'phone' => '95338']); DB::table('settings')->truncate(); \Dajiayao\Model\Setting::create(['key' => 'commissions:rate', 'name' => '佣金比例', 'value' => '0.1', 'description' => '佣金 = 实际成交价 x 佣金比例', 'parent_id' => 0]); \Dajiayao\Model\Setting::create(['key' => 'order:payment:duration', 'name' => '订单最晚支付时间', 'value' => '1', 'parent_id' => 0]); \Dajiayao\Model\Setting::create(['key' => 'order:auto:receive:duration', 'name' => '发货后自动收货时间', 'value' => '36', 'parent_id' => 0]); \Dajiayao\Model\Setting::create(['key' => 'order:postage', 'name' => '统一邮费', 'value' => '10', 'parent_id' => 0]); DB::table('buyers')->truncate(); \Dajiayao\Model\Buyer::create(['id' => 2, 'wx_user_id' => 2, 'mobile' => '18600186000', 'subscribe_status' => 1]); DB::table('buyer_addresses')->truncate(); \Dajiayao\Model\BuyerAddress::create(['buyer_id' => 2, 'address_id' => 320507, 'address' => '相城区元和街道', 'postcode' => 215000, 'receiver' => 'zzq', 'mobile' => 159987548, 'default' => 1]); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function fire() { $this->info('Start to create a shop, please wait...'); $shop = Shop::where('seller_id', 1)->first(); if (count($shop) > 0) { $this->info('A shop exist, seller_id = 1'); return; } $seller = Seller::find(1); $shopService = new ShopService(); $shopService->createShop($seller, 1, 1, '测试小店', '测试小店', 'test', 'http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz/4atXZMyxUkdTkThhj8icicfHpd07oaflgJpwwLficHRaLZQzYU8C7A3gWpua4dogmUefNln5K4ChSU9LeCanib6vEw/0?wx_fmt=png'); $this->info('Finished'); return; }
public function addPost() { $input = Input::all(); $validator = Validator::make($input, ['mobile' => 'required', 'realname' => 'required']); if ($validator->fails()) { return redirect()->back()->with('error_tips', "参数错误: " . $validator->messages()->first()); } $mobile = trim($input['mobile']); $realname = trim($input['realname']); $sellerByMobile = Seller::where('mobile', $mobile)->first(); if (count($sellerByMobile) > 0) { return redirect()->back()->with('error_tips', "手机号已存在")->withInput(); } // add weixin user // $wxUser = new WxUser(); // $wxUser->subscribe = 1; // $wxUser->openid = Uuid::v4(false); //TODO // $wxUser->nickname = $input['nickname']; // $wxUser->sex = 1; // $wxUser->city = '苏州'; // $wxUser->country = '中国'; // $wxUser->province = '江苏'; // $wxUser->language = 'zh_CN'; // $wxUser->headimgurl = ''; // $wxUser->role = WxUser::ROLE_SELLER; // $wxUser->status = 1; // $wxUser->save(); // $wxUserId = $wxUser->id; // add seller $seller = new Seller(); //$seller->wx_user_id = $wxUserId; $seller->mobile = $mobile; $seller->status = 1; $seller->parent_id = 0; $seller->realname = $realname; $seller->save(); // add shop $shopService = new ShopService(); $shopService->createShop($seller, Shop::TYPE_DIRECT, Shop::MODE_NORMAL, '丫摇小店', '丫摇小店', '', 'images/logo_160.png', '/images/banner_' . rand(1, 9) . '.jpg'); return redirect()->route('sellers')->with('success_tips', "操作成功"); }
public function getSellerById($id) { return Seller::getById($id); }
public function __construct(Request $request) { parent::__construct(); $this->seller = Seller::find($this->sellerId); $this->inputData = $request; }
public function activateS2() { $shop = Seller::find($this->sellerId)->shop; return view('seller.activate2')->with('shop_id', $shop->id)->with('config', $this->getJsapiConfig()); }