상속: implements IteratorAggregat\IteratorAggregate
예제 #1
 * Example of a package file.
 * To create the corresponding package, simply run:
 * ./package examples/example6.csv examples/example7-phar.php
 * @package Coseva
 * @subpackage Examples
// Coseva will be automatically included by the created package.
use Coseva\CSV;
$fromCurrency = 'EUR';
$toCurrency = 'USD';
// Fetch the current conversion from Google Finance.
$conversionRate = file_get_contents('http://www.google.com/finance/converter?' . http_build_query(array('a' => 1, 'from' => $fromCurrency, 'to' => $toCurrency)));
// Extract the conversion rate from the HTML.
$conversionRate = explode('<span class=bld>', $conversionRate, 2);
$conversionRate = explode('</span>', $conversionRate[1], 2);
$conversionRate = $conversionRate[0] + 0;
// Open the examples file with income for a week.
// SOURCE_FILE will be defined by the package bootstrap code.
$csv = CSV::getInstance(SOURCE_FILE);
// Filter the income.
$csv->filter(function (array $day, $conversionRate, $toCurrency) {
    // Convert the currency.
    $day[1] = number_format($day[1] * $conversionRate, 2);
    // Overwrite the currency unit.
    $day[2] = $toCurrency;
    return $day;
}, $conversionRate, $toCurrency);
// Output the converted income.
echo '<h1>Income in ' . $toCurrency . '</h1>' . $csv;
예제 #2

 * Table example
 * @package Coseva
 * @subpackage Examples
require_once '../src/Coseva/CSV.php';
use Coseva\CSV;
// Get an instance of CSV.
echo CSV::getInstance('example1.csv');
예제 #3

 * Example of using Coseva CSV with instances.
 * @package Coseva
 * @subpackage Examples
require_once '../src/Coseva/CSV.php';
use Coseva\CSV;
// Get an instance of CSV.
$csv = CSV::getInstance('example1.csv');
// Get a duplicate reference.
$dupe = CSV::getInstance('example1.csv');
// Add a filter.
$csv->filter(function (array $row) {
    // Cast each cell as an integer.
    foreach ($row as &$cell) {
        $cell += 0;
    return $row;
// Parse the CSV.
// Output the CSV as JSON.
$json = $csv->toJSON();
echo $json;
// [[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4]]
// No matter in which scope you currently are, you can always fetch a previous
// instance and use currently parsed data. This allows for data to be parsed
// only once and to be used all over your code base.
예제 #4

 * Converting currency on-the-fly with Coseva.
 * @package Coseva
 * @subpackage Examples
require_once '../src/Coseva/CSV.php';
use Coseva\CSV;
$fromCurrency = 'EUR';
$toCurrency = 'USD';
// Fetch the current conversion from Google Finance.
$conversionRate = file_get_contents('http://www.google.com/finance/converter?' . http_build_query(array('a' => 1, 'from' => $fromCurrency, 'to' => $toCurrency)));
// Extract the conversion rate from the HTML.
$conversionRate = explode('<span class=bld>', $conversionRate, 2);
$conversionRate = explode('</span>', $conversionRate[1], 2);
$conversionRate = $conversionRate[0] + 0;
// Open the examples file with income for a week.
$csv = CSV::getInstance('example6.csv');
// Filter the income.
$csv->filter(function (array $day, $conversionRate, $toCurrency) {
    // Convert the currency.
    $day[1] = number_format($day[1] * $conversionRate, 2);
    // Overwrite the currency unit.
    $day[2] = $toCurrency;
    return $day;
}, $conversionRate, $toCurrency);
// Output the converted income.
echo '<h1>Income in ' . $toCurrency . '</h1>' . $csv;
예제 #5
    return $row;
// Get an instance of CSV.
$csv = CSV::getInstance($testFile);
// Set the flag to remove rows when empty.
// Pro tip, this can actually speed up filters of the second iteration.
// Especially on large data sets.
// If Coseva finds your file to be large, it'll enable this by default.
// If you've got the memory to spare, disable garbage collection when using large
// data sets, since garbage collection actually takes time.
// If Coseva finds you have enough memory for it, it'll disable this by default.
// Get a duplicate reference.
$dupe = CSV::getInstance($testFile);
// Add a filter.
// Parse the CSV for the first time. This should open the file and apply filters.
$start = microtime(true);
$end = microtime(true);
echo 'Round #1: Parsing took ' . number_format(($end - $start) * 1000, 2) . ' ms' . PHP_EOL;
// Add the filter again, since parse will flush the filters.
// Parse it again. We use $dupe for this, but it's the same instance as $csv.
// It shouldn't have to parse the file again, but will iterate over each row.
$start = microtime(true);
$end = microtime(true);
echo 'Round #2: Parsing took ' . number_format(($end - $start) * 1000, 2) . ' ms' . PHP_EOL;