예제 #1
  * Hidden method to factory mvc components like models, views or controllers
  * @param string $name
  *            Components name
  * @param string $type
  *            Components type
  * @param mixed $arguments
  *            Optional arguments to be passed into the object to create
  * @return Model|View|Controller
 private function MVCFactory(string $name, string $type, $arguments = null)
     // Here we make sure that CSS and JS will correctly and only once be initiated!
     if (!in_array($this->name, self::$init_done)) {
         // Init css and js only on non ajax requests
         if (!$this->core->router->isAjax()) {
         // Store our apps name to be initiated
         self::$init_done[] = $this->name;
     $string = new CamelCase($name);
     $name = $string->camelize($name);
     // Create classname of component to create
     $class = $this->getNamespace() . '\\' . $type . '\\' . $name . $type;
     // By default each MVC component constructor needs at least a name and this app object as argument
     $args = [$name, $this];
     // Add additional arguments
     if (isset($arguments)) {
         if (!is_array($arguments)) {
             $arguments = (array) $arguments;
         foreach ($arguments as $arg) {
             $args[] = $arg;
     $classfile = new Classfile($class);
     if (!$classfile->exists()) {
         return false;
     $object = $this->core->di->instance($class, $args);
     switch ($type) {
         case 'Controller':
             $object->model = $this->getModel($name);
     return $object;
예제 #2
  * Get a singleton app object
  * @param string $name
  *            Name of app instance to get
  * @return \Core\Framework\Amvc\App\AbstractApp
 public function &getAppInstance(string $name)
     if (empty($name)) {
         throw new AppHandlerException('AppHandler::getAppInstance() method needs a camelized appname.');
     $string = new CamelCase($name);
     $name = $string->camelize();
     // App instances are singletons!
     if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->instances)) {
         // Create class name
         $class = '\\AppHandler\\' . $name . '\\' . $name;
         $filename = BASEDIR . str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $class) . '.php';
         if (!file_exists($filename)) {
             throw new AppHandlerException(sprintf('AppHandler could not find an app classfile "%s" for app "%s"', $name, $filename));
         // Default arguments for each app instance
         $args = [$name, $this, $this->config->getStorage($name), 'core.page', 'core.di'];
         $instance = $this->di->instance($class, $args);
         if (!$instance instanceof AbstractApp) {
             throw new AppHandlerException('AppHandler must be an instance of AbstractApp class!');
         $this->instances[$name] = $instance;
     return $this->instances[$name];
예제 #3
  * Creates a formcontrol and adds it by it's name to the controls list.
  * @param string $type
  *            The type of control to create
  * @param string $name
  *            Name of the control. Ths name is used to bind the control to a model field.
  * @return \Core\Html\Form\AbstractForm
 public function &addControl($control, $name = '', $label = '', $value = '', $description = '', $unbound = false)
     $string = new CamelCase($control);
     $control = $this->factory->create('FormDesigner\\Controls\\' . $string->camelize() . 'Control');
     // Set name
     // set contols name
     if ($unbound && method_exists($control, 'setUnbound')) {
     // Label set?
     if (!empty($label) && method_exists($control, 'setLabel')) {
     if (!empty($value) && method_exists($control, 'setValue')) {
     if (!empty($description) && method_exists($control, 'setDescription')) {
     if ($control instanceof Button) {
     // Create element
     $this->elementFactory('control', $control);
     return $control;
예제 #4
  * Sets controller action
  * @param string $action
 public function setAction(string $action)
     $string = new CamelCase($action);
     $this->action = $string->camelize();
예제 #5
  * Get a singleton app object
  * @param string $name
  *            Name of app instance to get
  * @return \Core\Framework\Amvc\App\AbstractApp
 public function &getAppInstance(string $name)
     if (empty($name)) {
         throw new FrameworkException('Core::getAppInstance() needs an app name');
     $string = new CamelCase($name);
     $name = $string->camelize();
     // App instances are singletons!
     if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->apps)) {
         // Create class name
         $class = '\\Apps\\' . $name . '\\' . $name;
         $filename = $this->basedir . str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $class) . '.php';
         if (!file_exists($filename)) {
             throw new FrameworkException(sprintf('Apps could not find an app classfile "%s" for app "%s"', $name, $filename));
         // Default arguments for each app instance
         $args = [$name, $this->config->createStorage($name), $this];
         $instance = $this->di->instance($class, $args);
         if (!$instance instanceof AbstractApp) {
             throw new FrameworkException('Apps must be an instance of AbstractApp class!');
         $instance->language->setCode($this->config->get('Core', 'site.language.default'));
         $this->apps[$name] = $instance;
     return $this->apps[$name];
예제 #6
  * Creates and returns a singleton rule object
  * @param string $rule_name
  *            Name of the rule
  * @return RuleInterface
 public function &createRule($rule_name) : RuleInterface
     // Make sure that the rules name is camelcased
     $string = new CamelCase($rule_name);
     $rule_name = $string->camelize();
     // Rules have to be singletons
     if (empty(self::$rules[$rule_name])) {
         // Without a leading \ in the rulename it is assumened that we use a Core FW builtin rule
         // otherwise the $rule_name points to a class somewhere outsite of the frameworks default rules.
         $rule_class = strpos($rule_name, '\\') == 0 ? __NAMESPACE__ . '\\Rules\\' . $rule_name . 'Rule' : $rule_name;
         // Create the rule obejct instance
         $rule_object = new $rule_class($this);
         // The rule object must be a child of RuleAbstract!
         if (!$rule_object instanceof RuleInterface) {
             throw new ValidatorException('Validator rules MUST be a either implement the \\Core\\Validator\\Rules\\RuleInterface or be an instance of \\Core\\Validator\\Rules\\AbstractRule which implements this interface.');
         // Add rule to the rules stack
         self::$rules[$rule_name] = $rule_object;
     } else {
         // Reset existing rules
     return self::$rules[$rule_name];