예제 #1
  * Get an element named $skey stored at $pos with value $val at this
  * position.
  * @param $index index addressing the element that should be gathered.
  *               if the default values for the upcoming parameters are
  *               overridden then additional checks for the element at
  *               $index are performed. if the default index value is
  *               not overridden then the upcoming parameters can be used 
  *               to perom a search.
  * @param $skey string key to lookup for an element in the shared memory 
  *              element
  * @param $pos positional parameter to look up $skey for
  * @param $val value to compare with the last serialized object of the
  *             element adressable by $skey and $pos. if it is a string
  *             then it needs to be the class string the object is an 
  *             serialized is an instance of
  * @param $full set to true if you want to get the complete element
  *              found 
  * @throws ParamNotValidException
  * @throws ReadAccessException
  * @return unserialized object if $full is set to false or the complete
  *         string value for the element adressed by $skey, $pos and $val
  *         stored in the shared memory segment pinned. In case no element
  *         is found or an error occured an empty string is returned.
 public function get($index = -1, $skey = "", $pos = -1, $val = null, $full = true)
     // TODO: only attach if all requirements present
     // attach to the shared memory segment first
     // read ro,rw segments
     $found = "";
     if ($this->get_shm_seg()->get_shm_seg_access_type() === 0 || $this->get_shm_seg()->get_shm_seg_access_type() === 2) {
         // try to read the element
         $shm_reader = new SharedMemoryReader($this->get_shm_seg());
         $this->log(__METHOD__ . ": %", array($shm_reader));
         if (strncmp(gettype($index), "integer", 7) == 0 && strncmp(gettype($skey), "string", 6) == 0 && strncmp(gettype($pos), "integer", 7) == 0 && strncmp(gettype($full), "boolean", 7) == 0) {
             $found = $shm_reader->read($index, $skey, $pos, $val, $full);
         } else {
             $this->log(__METHOD__ . ": %", array(new ParamNotValidException(__CLASS__ . "::get()" . ": index(int)=" . var_export($index, true) . ", skey(string)=" . var_export($skey, true) . ", pos(int)=" . var_export($pos, true) . ", val(any)=" . var_export($val, true) . ", full(bool)=" . var_export($full))));
             throw new ParamNotValidExcepton(__CLASS__ . "::get()" . ": index(int)=" . var_export($index, true) . ", skey(string)=" . var_export($skey, true) . ", pos(int)=" . var_export($pos, true) . ", val(any)=" . var_export($val, true) . ", full(bool)=" . var_export($full));
     } else {
         $this->log(__METHOD__ . ": %", array(new ReadAccessException($this->get_shm_seg())));
         throw new ReadAccessExcepton($this->get_shm_seg());
     // detach from the shared memory segment to allow other write ops
     // return the element found
     return $found;
예제 #2
  * Write $values to the shared memory segment in the form
  * '[val1][...][valn-1][serialize(valn)];'. Each value need
  * to match the memory layout related which is currently set 
  * for the segment.
  * @param $values array containing values
  * @param $key postion to write to. -1 means simply append.
  * @throws SegmentException
  * @return number of bytes written.
 public function write($values = array(), $key = -1)
     $written_data = 0;
     if (!is_null($this->element) && strncmp(gettype($values), "array", 5) == 0) {
         // build string to put first
         $pstr = "";
         $l = $this->element->get_shm_seg_var_eleft();
         $r = $this->element->get_shm_seg_var_eright();
         $d = $this->element->get_shm_seg_var_delimiter();
         foreach (array_values($values) as $k => $v) {
             if ($k == count($values) - 1) {
                 $pstr = $pstr . $l . serialize($v) . $r . $d;
             } else {
                 $pstr = $pstr . $l . $v . $r;
         $this->log(__METHOD__ . ": pstr=%, key=%", array($pstr, $key));
         // check it against the memory layout first
         $has_layout = false;
         if (!StringUtil::has_layout($this->element->get_shm_seg_layout(), $pstr)) {
             $this->log(__METHOD__ . ": %", array(new SegmentException("layout=" . $this->element->get_shm_seg_layout() . ", data=" . $pstr, 2)));
             throw new SegmentException("layout=" . $this->element->get_shm_seg_layout() . ", data=" . $pstr, 2);
         } else {
             $has_layout = true;
         $woffset = -1;
         $has_space = false;
         // NOTE: concatenation of delimiter string needs to be done
         //       for performance reasons when it is necessary
         $smr = new SharedMemoryReader($this->element);
         // get the lenght of the current data stored
         $seglen = $smr->getlen();
         // segment type
         $segtype = $this->element->get_shm_seg_type();
         // get an indexable segment version
         $xseg = $smr->get();
         // unsetting the temporary element string
         $this->telement = "";
         $this->log(__METHOD__ . ": slen=%, len=%, type=%, cws=%", array($seglen, strlen($smr->read()), gettype($smr->read()), preg_replace("/[\t ]+/", " ", preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", " ", var_export(count_chars($smr->read()), true)))));
         // get the offset for simply appending
         if ($key == -1) {
             // space required
             $required = StringUtil::get_offset_last($r . $d, $pstr) + strlen($r . $d);
             // offset for next entry to put
             //$woffset = $this->element->get_shm_seg_size() - $seglen;
             $woffset = $seglen;
             // check the space left/needed before writing
             // fifo segment
             if (strncmp($segtype, "fifo", 4) == 0) {
                 // if the new fully entry does not fit into the segment we free some
                 // space according to the segment strategy but only if the new entry
                 // fits into the segment itself to avoid uneccessary flushing if the entry
                 // is to big for the empty segment
                 if (!($woffsef >= 0 && $woffset + $required <= $this->element->get_shm_seg_size()) && strlen($pstr) <= $this->element->get_shm_seg_size()) {
                     // fifo, free oldest entries first
                     $this->telement = $smr->read();
                     while (strlen($this->telement) > 0 && $woffset + $required > $this->element->get_shm_seg_size()) {
                         // get the next entry to discard
                         $discardoffset = StringUtil::get_offset_first($r . $d, $this->telement) + strlen($r . $d) - 1;
                         // free
                         $this->telement = substr($this->telement, $discardoffset);
                         // recalc free space
                         $woffset = $this->element->get_shm_seg_size() - strlen($this->telement);
                     $has_space = true;
                     // otherwise there is something wrong with the space
                 } else {
                     $has_space = false;
                     $this->log(__METHOD__ . ": %", array(new SegmentException("freeing failed", 0)));
                     throw new SegmentException("freeing failed", 0);
                 // lifo segment
             } else {
                 if (strncmp($segtype, "lifo", 4) == 0) {
                     // stor segment
                 } else {
                     if (strncmp($segtype, "stor", 4) == 0) {
                         // simply check if there is still place left to push elements
                         if ($seglen + strlen($pstr) <= $this->element->get_shm_seg_size()) {
                             $has_space = true;
                         } else {
                             $this->log(__METHOD__ . ": %", array(new SegmentException("no more space", 1)));
                             throw new SegmentException("no more space", 1);
             // writing to a specific index is a bit more complex
             // get the offset for writing to an index
         } else {
             if (strncmp(gettype($key), "integer", 7) == 0 && $key > -1) {
                 // if its a valid key
                 if ($key <= count($xseg) - 1) {
                     // calculate new minimum length for data stored
                     $segnlen = $seglen - strlen($xseg[$key] . $this->element->get_shm_seg_var_eright() . $this->element->get_shm_seg_var_delimiter()) + strlen($pstr);
                     // auto free space for fifo/lifo segment types if there is no more
                     // space left
                     // fifo segment
                     if (strncmp($segtype, "fifo", 4) == 0) {
                         // if the new segment data length is to big
                         if ($segnlen > $this->element->get_shm_seg_size()) {
                             $difflen = $segnlen - $this->element->get_shm_seg_size();
                             $tmp_key = 0;
                             while ($difflen > 0) {
                                 $difflen -= strlen(trim($xseg[$tmp_key]) . $this->element->get_shm_seg_var_eright() . $this->element->get_shm_seg_var_delimiter());
                                 $tmp_key += 1;
                                 // increase it as unset doesn't modify indexes
                         // after cleaning the fifo queue there should be enough space
                         $has_space = true;
                         // lifo segment
                     } else {
                         if (strncmp($segtype, "lifo", 4) == 0) {
                             // if the new segment data length is to big
                             if ($segnlen > $this->element->get_shm_seg_size()) {
                                 $difflen = $segnlen - $this->element->get_shm_seg_size();
                                 $tmp_key = count($xseg) - 1;
                                 while ($difflen > 0) {
                                     $difflen -= strlen(trim($xseg[$tmp_key]) . $this->element->get_shm_seg_var_eright() . $this->element->get_shm_seg_var_delimiter());
                                     $tmp_key -= 1;
                                     // increase it as unset doesn't modify indexes
                             // after cleaning the lifo queue there should be enough space
                             $has_space = true;
                             // if the segment type is 'stor' simply try to store it or throw an
                             // exception if the length do not fit
                         } else {
                             if (strncmp($segtype, "stor", 4) == 0) {
                                 // if the modified length is less or equal the segment size
                                 // simply write it
                                 if ($segnlen <= $this->element->get_shm_seg_size()) {
                                     $has_space = true;
                                 } else {
                                     $has_space = false;
                                     $this->log(__METHOD__ . ": %", array(new SegmentException("no more space", 1)));
                                     throw new SegmentException("no more space", 1);
             } else {
                 $this->log(__METHOD__ . ": %", array(new ParamNotValidException(__METHOD__ . ": key(int)=" . var_export($key, true))));
                 throw new ParamNotValidException(__METHOD__ . ": key(int)=" . var_export($key, true)) . "\n";
         // write it using shmop_write
         if ($has_layout && $has_space && $woffset > -1 && $this->element->get_shm_seg_id() > -1) {
             // TODO: WriterThread to allow multiple writes on different
             //       but "correctly calced" locations/offsets
             $this->log(__METHOD__ . ": tel=%, tels=%, pstr=%, pstrs=%, els=%, " . "woff=%, woff+lpstr=%, segs-(woff+lpstr)=%", array($this->telement, strlen($this->telement), $pstr, strlen($pstr), $this->element->get_shm_seg_size(), $woffset, $woffset + strlen($pstr), $this->element->get_shm_seg_size() - ($woffset + strlen($pstr))));
             // write modified prefix
             $written_prefix = shmop_write($this->element->get_shm_seg_id(), $this->telement, 0);
             // write additional entry from offset
             $written_data = shmop_write($this->element->get_shm_seg_id(), $pstr, $woffset);
             // write additional entry from offset
             // TODO: only write flush/whitespace pad for overlapping bytes at reduction
             $written_flush = shmop_write($this->element->get_shm_seg_id(), str_pad("", $this->element->get_shm_seg_size() - ($woffset + strlen($pstr)), " "), $woffset + strlen($pstr));
             $this->log(__METHOD__ . ": wp=%, wd=%, wf=%", array($written_prefix, $written_data, $written_flush));
             if ($written_prefix === false || $written_data === false || $written_flush === false) {
                 $this->log(__METHOD__ . "%", array(new SegmentException($this->element, 4)));
                 throw new SegmentException($this->element, 4);
     // close if
     return $written_data;