function test_filter_mediaplugin_link() { $this->resetAfterTest(true); // we need to enable the plugins somehow and the flash fallback. \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins('vimeo,youtube,videojs,html5video,swf,html5audio'); set_config('useflash', true, 'media_videojs'); $filterplugin = new filter_mediaplugin(null, array()); $longurl = '<a href="http://moodle/.mp4">my test file</a>'; $longhref = ''; do { $longhref .= 'a'; } while (strlen($longhref) + strlen($longurl) < 4095); $longurl = '<a href="http://moodle/' . $longhref . '.mp4">my test file</a>'; $validtexts = array('<a href="">test mp3</a>', '<a href="">test ogg</a>', '<a id="movie player" class="center" href="">test mp4</a>', '<a href="">test</a>', '<a href="" class="href=css">test file</a>', '<a href="" class="href=css">test file</a>', '<a href="" class="href=css">test file</a>', '<a href="" class="href=css">test file</a>', '<a class="youtube" href="">test file</a>', '<a class="_blanktarget" href="">test flv</a>', '<a class="hrefcss" href="">test file</a>', '<a class="content" href="">test ogg</a>', '<a id="audio" href="">test mp3</a>', '<a href="">test mp3</a>', '<a href="">test mp3</a>', '<a href="">youtube\'s</a>', '<a href=""> test mp3</a>', '<a class="content" href="">test wav </a>', '<a href="" >youtube\'s</a>', $longurl); //test for valid link foreach ($validtexts as $text) { $msg = "Testing text: " . $text; $filter = $filterplugin->filter($text); $this->assertNotEquals($text, $filter, $msg); } $insertpoint = strrpos($longurl, 'http://'); $longurl = substr_replace($longurl, 'http://pushover4096chars', $insertpoint, 0); $originalurl = '<p>Some text.</p><pre style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: normal;">' . '<a href="">Valid link</a></pre><pre style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: normal;">'; $paddedurl = str_pad($originalurl, 6000, 'z'); $validpaddedurl = '<p>Some text.</p><pre style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: normal;"><span class="mediaplugin mediaplugin_youtube"> <iframe title="Valid link" width="400" height="300" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="1"></iframe> </span></pre><pre style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: normal;">'; $validpaddedurl = str_pad($validpaddedurl, 6000 + (strlen($validpaddedurl) - strlen($originalurl)), 'z'); $invalidtexts = array('<a class="_blanktarget">href=""</a>', '<a>test test</a>', '<a >test test</a>', '<a >test test</a>', '<a >test test</a>', '<ahref="">sample</a>', '<a href="" test></a>', '<a href="">test</a>', '<a href="">test mp3', '<a href=""test</a>', '<a href="">test</a>', '<href="">test</a>', '<abbr href="">test mp3</abbr>', '<ahref="">test mp3</a>', '<aclass="content" href="">test mp3</a>', $longurl); //test for invalid link foreach ($invalidtexts as $text) { $msg = "Testing text: " . $text; $filter = $filterplugin->filter($text); $this->assertEquals($text, $filter, $msg); } // Valid mediaurl followed by a longurl. $precededlongurl = '<a href="">test.mp3</a>' . $longurl; $filter = $filterplugin->filter($precededlongurl); $this->assertEquals(1, substr_count($filter, '</audio>')); $this->assertContains($longurl, $filter); // Testing for cases where: to be filtered content has 6+ text afterwards. $filter = $filterplugin->filter($paddedurl); $this->assertEquals($validpaddedurl, $filter, $msg); }
/** * Obtains the list of core_media_player objects currently in use to render * items. * * The list is in rank order (highest first) and does not include players * which are disabled. * * @return core_media_player[] Array of core_media_player objects in rank order */ protected function get_players() { // Save time by only building the list once. if (!$this->players) { // Get raw list of players. $allplayers = $this->get_players_raw(); $sortorder = \core\plugininfo\media::get_enabled_plugins(); $this->players = []; foreach ($sortorder as $key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $allplayers)) { $this->players[] = $allplayers[$key]; } } } return $this->players; }
/** * Returns if the current player is enabled. * * @deprecated since Moodle 3.2 * @return bool True if player is enabled */ public function is_enabled() { debugging('Function core_media_player::is_enabled() is deprecated without replacement', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); $enabled = \core\plugininfo\media::get_enabled_plugins(); if ($enabled && preg_match('/^media_(.*)_plugin$/', get_class($this), $matches)) { return array_key_exists($matches[1], $enabled); } return false; }
/** * Assert other players do not apply after videojs was applied. */ public function test_prevent_other_players() { \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins('videojs,html5video'); $url = new moodle_url(''); $text = html_writer::link($url, 'Apply one player only'); $content = format_text($text, FORMAT_HTML); $this->assertRegExp('~mediaplugin_videojs~', $content); $this->assertEquals(1, substr_count($content, '</video>')); $this->assertNotRegExp('~mediaplugin_html5video~', $content); $this->assertRegExp('~<a class="mediafallbacklink" href="">Apply one player only</a>~', $content); }
$filterplugin->filter($sample); } filter_mediaplugin_perf_stop('No links'); // Second test: filter text with one link added (that doesn't match). $link = '<a href="">Link</a>'; $linksamples = array(); foreach ($samplebank as $sample) { // Make it the same length but with $link replacing the end part. $linksamples[] = substr($sample, 0, -strlen($link)) . $link; } filter_mediaplugin_perf_start(); foreach ($linksamples as $sample) { $filterplugin->filter($sample); } filter_mediaplugin_perf_stop('One link (no match)'); // Third test: filter text with one link added that does match (mp3). $link = '<a href="">MP3 audio</a>'; $linksamples = array(); foreach ($samplebank as $sample) { // Make it the same length but with $link replacing the end part. $linksamples[] = substr($sample, 0, -strlen($link)) . $link; } filter_mediaplugin_perf_start(); foreach ($linksamples as $sample) { $filterplugin->filter($sample); } filter_mediaplugin_perf_stop('One link (mp3)'); \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins($enabledmediaplugins); // End page. echo html_writer::end_tag('ul'); print $OUTPUT->footer();
/** * Test that plugin is returned as enabled media plugin. */ public function test_is_installed() { $sortorder = \core\plugininfo\media::get_enabled_plugins(); $this->assertEquals(['swf' => 'swf'], $sortorder); }
/** * Verifies sloppy swf embedding - this should have been removed long ago!! * @param bool $detailed * @return object result */ function report_security_check_mediafilterswf($detailed=false) { global $CFG; $result = new stdClass(); $result->issue = 'report_security_check_mediafilterswf'; $result->name = get_string('check_mediafilterswf_name', 'report_security'); $result->info = null; $result->details = null; $result->status = null; $result->link = "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/settings.php?section=managemediaplayers\">" . get_string('managemediaplayers', 'media') . '</a>'; $activefilters = filter_get_globally_enabled(); $enabledmediaplayers = \core\plugininfo\media::get_enabled_plugins(); if (array_search('mediaplugin', $activefilters) !== false and array_key_exists('swf', $enabledmediaplayers)) { $result->status = REPORT_SECURITY_CRITICAL; $result->info = get_string('check_mediafilterswf_error', 'report_security'); } else { $result->status = REPORT_SECURITY_OK; $result->info = get_string('check_mediafilterswf_ok', 'report_security'); } if ($detailed) { $result->details = get_string('check_mediafilterswf_details', 'report_security'); } return $result; }
/** * Obtains the list of core_media_player objects currently in use to render * items. * * The list is in rank order (highest first) and does not include players * which are disabled. * * @return core_media_player[] Array of core_media_player objects in rank order */ protected function get_players() { // Save time by only building the list once. if (!$this->players) { $sortorder = \core\plugininfo\media::get_enabled_plugins(); $this->players = []; foreach ($sortorder as $name) { $classname = "media_" . $name . "_plugin"; if (class_exists($classname)) { $this->players[] = new $classname(); } } } return $this->players; }
$plugins = core_plugin_manager::instance()->get_plugins_of_type('media'); $sortorder = array_values(\core\plugininfo\media::get_enabled_plugins()); $return = new moodle_url('/admin/settings.php', array('section' => 'managemediaplayers')); if (!array_key_exists($media, $plugins)) { redirect($return); } switch ($action) { case 'disable': $plugins[$media]->set_enabled(false); break; case 'enable': $plugins[$media]->set_enabled(true); break; case 'up': if (($pos = array_search($media, $sortorder)) > 0) { $tmp = $sortorder[$pos - 1]; $sortorder[$pos - 1] = $sortorder[$pos]; $sortorder[$pos] = $tmp; \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins($sortorder); } break; case 'down': if (($pos = array_search($media, $sortorder)) !== false && $pos < count($sortorder) - 1) { $tmp = $sortorder[$pos + 1]; $sortorder[$pos + 1] = $sortorder[$pos]; $sortorder[$pos] = $tmp; \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins($sortorder); } break; } redirect($return);