예제 #1
 public function saveEntryAttributesForm(Form $form, Entry $entry)
     foreach ($form->getControls() as $control) {
         $type = $control->getControlType();
         $saver = $type->getSaveHandler($control);
         if ($saver instanceof SaveHandlerInterface) {
             $saver->saveFromRequest($control, $entry, $this->request);
     $ev = new Event($entry);
     \Events::dispatch('on_express_entry_saved', $ev);
     return $ev->getEntry();
예제 #2
 public function save()
     $entity = $this->repository->findOneById($this->request->request->get('entity_id'));
     if (is_object($entity)) {
         if (!$this->token->validate()) {
         if (!$this->error->has()) {
             $form = false;
             if ($this->request->request->has('form_id')) {
                 $form = $this->formRepository->findOneById($this->request->request->get('form_id'));
             if (!$form) {
                 $form = new Form();
             if ($this->request->request->has('form_id')) {
                 $this->flash('success', t('Form updated successfully.'));
             } else {
                 $this->flash('success', t('Form added successfully.'));
             $this->redirect('/dashboard/system/express/entities/forms', 'view_form_details', $form->getId());
         } else {
     } else {
 public function import(\SimpleXMLElement $sx)
     $em = \Database::connection()->getEntityManager();
     $em->getClassMetadata('Concrete\\Core\\Entity\\Express\\Form')->setIdGenerator(new \Doctrine\ORM\Id\AssignedGenerator());
     if (isset($sx->expressentities)) {
         foreach ($sx->expressentities->entity as $entityNode) {
             if (isset($entityNode->forms)) {
                 foreach ($entityNode->forms->form as $formNode) {
                     $entity = $em->find('Concrete\\Core\\Entity\\Express\\Entity', (string) $entityNode['id']);
                     $form = $em->find('Concrete\\Core\\Entity\\Express\\Form', (string) $formNode['id']);
                     if (!is_object($form)) {
                         $form = new Form();
                         $form->setId((string) $formNode['id']);
                     $form->setName((string) $formNode['name']);
                     if (isset($formNode->fieldsets)) {
                         $fieldSetPosition = 0;
                         foreach ($formNode->fieldsets->fieldset as $fieldSetNode) {
                             $fieldset = new FieldSet();
                             $fieldset->setDescription((string) $fieldSetNode['description']);
                             $fieldset->setTitle((string) $fieldSetNode['title']);
                             if (isset($fieldSetNode->controls)) {
                                 $manager = \Core::make('express/control/type/manager');
                                 $controlPosition = 0;
                                 foreach ($fieldSetNode->controls->control as $controlNode) {
                                     $type = $manager->driver((string) $controlNode['type']);
                                     $control = $type->getImporter()->import($controlNode, $entity);
     $em->getClassMetadata('Concrete\\Core\\Entity\\Express\\Form')->setIdGenerator(new UuidGenerator());
예제 #4
 public function validate(Form $form)
     $token = \Core::make('token');
     if (!$token->validate('express_form', $this->request->request->get('ccm_token'))) {
     foreach ($form->getControls() as $control) {
         $type = $control->getControlType();
         $validator = $type->getValidator($control);
         if (is_object($validator)) {
             $e = $validator->validateRequest($control, $this->request);
             if (is_object($e) && $e->has()) {
     return $this->error;
예제 #5
 public function save($data)
     if (isset($data['exFormID'])) {
         return parent::save($data);
     $requestControls = (array) $this->request->request->get('controlID');
     $entityManager = \Core::make('database/orm')->entityManager();
     $session = \Core::make('session');
     $sessionControls = $session->get('block.express_form.new');
     if (!$this->exFormID) {
         // This is a new submission.
         $c = \Page::getCurrentPage();
         $name = $data['formName'] ? $data['formName'] : t('Form');
         // Create a results node
         $node = ExpressEntryCategory::getNodeByName(self::FORM_RESULTS_CATEGORY_NAME);
         $node = \Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\ExpressEntryResults::add($name, $node);
         $entity = new Entity();
         $generator = new EntityHandleGenerator($entityManager);
         $form = new Form();
         // Create a Field Set and a Form
         $field_set = new FieldSet();
         $indexer = $entity->getAttributeKeyCategory()->getSearchIndexer();
         if (is_object($indexer)) {
     } else {
         // We check save the order as well as potentially deleting orphaned controls.
         $form = $entityManager->getRepository('Concrete\\Core\\Entity\\Express\\Form')->findOneById($this->exFormID);
          * @var $form Form
          * @var $field_set FieldSet
         $field_set = $form->getFieldSets()[0];
         $entity = $form->getEntity();
     $attributeKeyCategory = $entity->getAttributeKeyCategory();
     // First, we get the existing controls, so we can check them to see if controls should be removed later.
     $existingControls = $form->getControls();
     $existingControlIDs = array();
     foreach ($existingControls as $control) {
         $existingControlIDs[] = $control->getId();
     // Now, let's loop through our request controls
     $indexKeys = array();
     $position = 0;
     foreach ($requestControls as $id) {
         if (isset($sessionControls[$id])) {
             $control = $sessionControls[$id];
             if (!in_array($id, $existingControlIDs)) {
                 // Possibility 1: This is a new control.
                 if ($control instanceof AttributeKeyControl) {
                     $key = $control->getAttributeKey();
                     $type = $key->getAttributeType();
                     $settings = $key->getAttributeKeySettings();
                     // We have to merge entities back into the entity manager because they have been
                     // serialized. First type, because if we merge key first type gets screwed
                     $type = $entityManager->merge($type);
                     // Now key, because we need key to set as the primary key for settings.
                     $key = $entityManager->merge($key);
                     $key->setAttributeKeyHandle((new AttributeKeyHandleGenerator($attributeKeyCategory))->generate($key));
                     // Now attribute settings.
                     $settings = $entityManager->merge($settings);
                     $indexKeys[] = $key;
             } else {
                 // Possibility 2: This is an existing control that has an updated version.
                 foreach ($existingControls as $existingControl) {
                     if ($existingControl->getId() == $id) {
                         if ($control instanceof AttributeKeyControl) {
                             $settings = $control->getAttributeKey()->getAttributeKeySettings();
                             $key = $existingControl->getAttributeKey();
                             $type = $key->getAttributeType();
                             $type = $entityManager->merge($type);
                             // question name
                             $key->setAttributeKeyHandle((new AttributeKeyHandleGenerator($attributeKeyCategory))->generate($key));
                             // Key Type
                             $key = $entityManager->merge($key);
                             $type = $control->getAttributeKey()->getAttributeType();
                             $type = $entityManager->merge($type);
                             $settings = $control->getAttributeKey()->getAttributeKeySettings();
                             $settings = $settings->mergeAndPersist($entityManager);
                             // Required
                             // Finalize control
                             $indexKeys[] = $key;
                         } else {
                             if ($control instanceof TextControl) {
                                 // Wish we had a better way of doing this that wasn't so hacky.
                         // save it.
         } else {
             // Possibility 3: This is an existing control that doesn't have a new version. But we still
             // want to update its position.
             foreach ($existingControls as $control) {
                 if ($control->getId() == $id) {
     // Now, we look through all existing controls to see whether they should be removed.
     foreach ($existingControls as $control) {
         // Does this control exist in the request? If not, it gets axed
         if (!is_array($requestControls) || !in_array($control->getId(), $requestControls)) {
     $category = new ExpressCategory($entity, \Core::make('app'), $entityManager);
     $indexer = $category->getSearchIndexer();
     foreach ($indexKeys as $key) {
         $indexer->updateRepositoryColumns($category, $key);
     // Now, we handle the entity results folder.
     $resultsNode = Node::getByID($entity->getEntityResultsNodeId());
     $folder = Node::getByID($data['resultsFolder']);
     if (is_object($folder)) {
     $data['exFormID'] = $form->getId();
예제 #6
 public function add()
     $this->set('pageTitle', t('Add Data Object'));
     if ($this->request->isMethod('POST')) {
         if (!$this->token->validate('add_entity')) {
         $sec = \Core::make('helper/security');
         $vs = \Core::make('helper/validation/strings');
         $name = $sec->sanitizeString($this->request->request->get('name'));
         $handle = $sec->sanitizeString($this->request->request->get('handle'));
         if (!$vs->handle($handle)) {
             $this->error->add(t('You must create a handle for your data object. It may contain only lowercase letters and underscores.'), 'handle');
         if (!$name) {
             $this->error->add(t('You must give your data object a name.'), 'name');
         if (!$this->error->has()) {
             $entity = new Entity();
             if ($this->request->request->get('supports_custom_display_order')) {
             $form = new Form();
             // Create a results node
             $tree = ExpressEntryResults::get();
             $node = $tree->getRootTreeNodeObject();
             $node = \Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\ExpressEntryResults::add($entity->getName(), $node);
             if ($owned_by = $this->request->request->get('owned_by')) {
                 $owned_by = $this->entityManager->find('\\Concrete\\Core\\Entity\\Express\\Entity', $owned_by);
                 if (is_object($owned_by)) {
                     // Create the owned by relationship
                     $builder = \Core::make('express/builder/association');
                     if ($this->request->request->get('owning_type') == 'many') {
                         $builder->addOneToMany($owned_by, $entity, $entity->getPluralHandle(), $owned_by->getHandle(), true);
                     } else {
                         $builder->addOneToOne($owned_by, $entity, $entity->getHandle(), $owned_by->getHandle(), true);
             $indexer = $entity->getAttributeKeyCategory()->getSearchIndexer();
             if (is_object($indexer)) {
             $this->flash('success', t('Object added successfully.'));
             $this->redirect('/dashboard/system/express/entities', 'view_entity', $entity->getId());
     $r = $this->entityManager->getRepository('\\Concrete\\Core\\Entity\\Express\\Entity');
     $entities = $r->findAll(array(), array('name' => 'asc'));
     $select = ['' => t('** Choose Entity')];
     foreach ($entities as $entity) {
         $select[$entity->getID()] = $entity->getName();
     $this->set('entities', $select);