function addvisit_2_exec($Frm, $Err) { if (!$Err) { if (!isset($_SESSION["make_visit_tmp"]["klient"])) { $Frm->_gui->ERR("Клиент не определен"); return; } $kln = kln_get($_SESSION["make_visit_tmp"]["klient"]); if (!$kln) { $Frm->_gui->ERR("Клиент не определен"); return; } $ord_id = 0; if (isset($_SESSION["make_visit_tmp"]["order"]) && intval($_SESSION["make_visit_tmp"]["order"])) { $ord_id = intval($_SESSION["make_visit_tmp"]["order"]); if (!Order::find($ord_id)) { $Frm->_gui->ERR("Заказ не найден"); return; } } // Проверить время $t1 = $Frm->GetNmValue("start"); $t2 = $Frm->GetNmValue("finish"); if ($t2 <= $t1) { $Frm->_gui->ERR("Некорректно задано время"); return; } $dt = explode("-", $_SESSION["make_visit_tmp"]["date"]); $dt = mktime(0, 0, 0, $dt[1], $dt[0], $dt[2]); $fil = intval($_SESSION["make_visit_tmp"]["filial_id"]); if ($fil <= 0) { $Frm->_gui->ERR("Некорректный филиал"); return false; } $courier_id = $Frm->GetNmValueI("user"); $visits = db::get_single_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . TABLE_VISITS . " WHERE user_id = " . db::input($courier_id) . " AND tm_start <= " . db::input($t1) . " AND tm_finish > " . db::input($t1) . " AND date = " . db::input($dt)); if ($visits) { $Frm->_gui->ERR("На это время уже назначена встреча"); return false; } $vis_id = Meeting::create(array("user_id" => $courier_id, "date" => $dt, "status" => 0, "tm_start" => $t1, "tm_finish" => $t2, "client_id" => $kln["id"], "order_id" => $ord_id, "filial_id" => $fil, "created" => time(), "creator_id" => $_SESSION["user"]["data"]["id"], "summa" => $_SESSION["make_visit_tmp"]["summa1"], "about" => $_SESSION["make_visit_tmp"]["about"], "opisanie_klienta" => $Frm->GetNmValueH("opisanie_klienta"), "opisanie_pyti" => $Frm->GetNmValueH("opisanie_pyti"), "station_id" => $Frm->GetNmValueI("station"))); $Frm->_gui->OK("Встреча создана"); // Создаем сообщение при необходимости if ($courier_id != $_SESSION["user"]["data"]["id"]) { $prior = 1; $msg_id = mls_Send("u" . $courier_id, "u" . $_SESSION["user"]["data"]["id"], "Новая встреча №" . $vis_id, "Вы проводите встречу " . date("d.m.Y", $dt) . " c " . utils_cvt_i2times($t1) . " по " . utils_cvt_i2times($t2) . "." . " <a href='?section=vis&subsection=2&visit=" . $vis_id . "'>Подробнее...</a><br>Внимание! Ответ на данное сообщение обязателен!", $prior, 0, 0, 0, 0, $vis_id, 0); if ($msg_id) { \Components\Classes\Author::enqueue_message_to_email($msg_id, array($courier_id), \Components\Entity\EmailNotificationType::TO_CLIENT_ON_ORDER_CHANGE); Meeting::update($vis_id, array('uved_umsg' => $msg_id)); } } page_reloadToSec("2"); } }
public static function getPersistable($checkDb = null) { if ($checkDb == null) { $checkDb = EmailNotificationType::$_checkDbChanges; } if ($checkDb || empty(EmailNotificationType::$_persistable)) { //EmailNotificationType::$_persistable = EmailNotificationType::findBy(array('persist'=>1)); EmailNotificationType::$_persistable = db::get_single_values_array("SELECT id FROM " . TABLE_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_TYPES . " WHERE action_type in (1,2)"); //EmailNotificationType::$_persistable = EmailNotificationType::findBy(array('action_type'=>array(0,1,2))); } return EmailNotificationType::$_persistable; }
function edit_description_exec($Frm, $Err) { global $email_notifications_types; if (!$Err) { $id = intval($Frm->GetValue(0)); $descr = str_replace("'", '"', htmlspecialchars($Frm->GetValue(1))); //$persist = (null !== $Frm->GetValue(2)) ? 1 : 0; //$send = (null !== $Frm->GetValue(3)) ? 1 : 0; $action_type = $Frm->GetValue(2); in_array($action_type, array(0, 1, 2)) or $action_type = 0; if (isset($email_notifications_types[$id])) { db::update(TABLE_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_TYPES, array('description' => $descr, 'action_type' => $action_type), "id=" . $id); $Frm->_gui->informer->OK("Сохранено"); page_reloadAll(); } } }
function editclient_exec($Frm, $Err) { if (!$Err) { $client_info = Client::find($Frm->GetNmValueI("id")); if (!$client_info) { $Frm->_gui->ERR("Клиент не найден"); page_reloadToSec(2); } $filial_id = $Frm->GetNmValueI("filial_id"); if (empty($filial_id)) { $Frm->_gui->ERR("Не указан филиал"); return; } $new_password = $client_info['hpwd']; $pwd = $client_info['password']; if ($Frm->GetNmValueH("newpwd") != "") { if ($Frm->GetNmValueI("genpwd")) { $pwd = generate_pasw(5); } else { $pwd = $Frm->GetNmValueI("newpwd"); } if (strlen($pwd) < 5) { $Frm->_gui->ERR("Длина пароля должна быть не менее 5 символов"); return; } if (strlen($pwd) > 20) { $Frm->_gui->ERR("Длина пароля должна быть не более 20 символов"); return; } $eml = strtolower($Frm->GetNmValueH("email")); $new_password = md5($pwd . $eml); } db::insert(TABLE_CLIENTS_HISTORY, array('change_date' => time(), 'change_user_id' => $_SESSION['user']['data']['id'], 'client_id' => $client_info["id"], 'filial_id_new' => $filial_id, 'fio_new' => $Frm->GetNmValueH("fio"), 'hpwd_new' => $new_password, 'email_new' => $Frm->GetNmValueH("email"), 'telnum_new' => $Frm->GetNmValueH("telnum"), 'city_new' => $Frm->GetNmValueH("city"), 'icq_new' => $Frm->GetNmValueH("icq"), 'skype_new' => $Frm->GetNmValueH("skype"), 'contacts_new' => $Frm->GetNmValueH("contacts"), 'about_new' => $Frm->GetNmValueH("about"), 'filial_id_old' => $client_info['filial_id'], 'fio_old' => $client_info['fio'], 'hpwd_old' => $client_info['hpwd'], 'email_old' => $client_info['email'], 'telnum_old' => $client_info['telnum'], 'city_old' => $client_info['city'], 'icq_old' => $client_info['icq'], 'skype_old' => $client_info['skype'], 'contacts_old' => $client_info['contacts'], 'about_old' => $client_info['about'])); Client::update($client_info['id'], array('filial_id' => $filial_id, 'fio' => $Frm->GetNmValueH("fio"), 'email' => $Frm->GetNmValueH("email"), 'telnum' => $Frm->GetNmValueH("telnum"), 'city' => $Frm->GetNmValueH("city"), 'hpwd' => $new_password, 'password' => $pwd, 'icq' => $Frm->GetNmValueH("icq"), 'skype' => $Frm->GetNmValueH("skype"), 'contacts' => $Frm->GetNmValueH("contacts"), 'about' => $Frm->GetNmValueH("about"), 'ref_id' => $Frm->GetNmValueI('ref'), 'from_id' => $Frm->GetNmValueI('client_from'))); db::update(TABLE_ORDERS, array('filial_id' => $filial_id), 'klient_id = ' . $client_info["id"]); $Frm->_gui->OK("Сохранено"); page_reloadAll(); } }
public static function getActiveAuthorsId_Fio() { $activeAuthorsId_Fio = db::get_assoc('SELECT id, fio FROM ' . TABLE_USERS . ' WHERE group_id=' . Author::ROLE_ID . ' AND blocked = 0 AND black_list = 0'); if (is_array($activeAuthorsId_Fio)) { asort($activeAuthorsId_Fio); } else { $activeAuthorsId_Fio = array(); } return $activeAuthorsId_Fio; }
function add_order($client_id, &$err) { $err = ""; try { $client = Client::find($client_id); } catch (Exception $e) { $err = "Ошибка - не указан клиент"; return false; } try { $filial = Filial::find($client['filial_id']); } catch (Exception $e) { $filial = Filials::getDefault(); Client::update($client['id'], array('filial_id' => $filial['id'])); db::update(TABLE_ORDERS, array('filial_id' => $filial['id']), 'klient_id = ' . $client['id']); } $pgs = get_min_max_from_str($_SESSION["zf_work_pages"]); // disc id try { $discipline = Discipline::find($_SESSION["zf_work_predm"]); $disc_id = $discipline['id']; } catch (Exception $e) { $discipline = Discipline::findOneBy(array('name' => $_SESSION["zf_work_predm"])); if ($discipline) { $disc_id = $discipline['id']; } else { $disc_id = Discipline::create(array('name' => $_SESSION["zf_work_predm"])); } } $info = $_SESSION["zf_work_dopinfo"]; $worktype_custom = ''; $worktype = null; try { $worktype = Worktypes::find($_SESSION["zf_work_type"]); } catch (Exception $e) { $worktype = Worktypes::findOneBy(array('name' => $_SESSION["zf_work_type"])); if (!$worktype) { $worktype_custom = $_SESSION["zf_work_type"]; $worktype['id'] = null; } } $id = Order::create(array("filial_id" => $filial['id'], "klient_id" => $client['id'], "type_id" => $worktype['id'], "type_user" => $worktype_custom, "disc_id" => $disc_id, "time_kln" => strtotime($_SESSION["zf_work_date"]), "subject" => $_SESSION["zf_work_tema"], "about_kln" => $info, "pages_min" => $pgs["min"], "pages_max" => $pgs["max"])); if ($id > 0) { //////////////////////// // Текст клиенту $txt = "<p>Здравствуйте, " . $client["fio"] . "!</p>"; // Если первый раз if (@$_SESSION["new_klient_added"]) { $txt .= "<p>Мы очень рады, что Вы решили воспользоваться нашими услугами и высоко ценим Ваше доверие!</p>" . "<p>Теперь Вы можете войти в личный кабинет:<br>" . " Логин: " . $client["email"] . "<br>" . " Пароль: " . $client["password"] . "<br></p>"; } else { $txt .= "<p>Спасибо, что Вы с нами! Для постоянных клиентов у нас всегда есть интересные и выгодные предложения!</p>"; } $zak = "<p>Номер заказа: " . $id . "<br>" . "Дата: " . date("d.m.Y") . "<br>"; $zak .= "Вид работы: "; if (!empty($worktype_custom)) { $zak .= $worktype_custom . "<br>"; } else { $zak .= $worktype["name"] . "<br>"; } $zak .= "Дисциплина: "; if ($discipline) { $zak .= $discipline['name'] . "<br>"; } else { $zak .= $_SESSION["zf_work_predm"] . "<br>"; } $zak .= "Тема работы: " . $_SESSION["zf_work_tema"] . "<br>" . "Требования: " . $_SESSION["zf_work_dopinfo"] . "<br>" . "Дата сдачи: " . $_SESSION["zf_work_date"] . "<br>" . "Число страниц: " . $_SESSION["zf_work_pages"] . "<br>" . ($txt .= "<p>Ваш заказ принят, и в ближайшее время наш менеджер свяжется с Вами.</p>" . "<p>Содержание заказа: <br>" . $zak . "</p>"); $txt .= "<p><i>С уважением, компания по написанию студенческих работ.</i></p>"; $email = new Email(); $email->setData(array('email' => $client['email'], 'name' => $client['fio']), "Ваш заказ принят!", $txt, array(), true, array(), array('email' => $filial['email'], 'name' => $filial['name'])); //$m->SMTPDebug = true; if ($email->send()) { $user_send_res = "Письмо клиенту отправлено"; } else { $user_send_res = "Ошибки при отправке письма клиенту: " . $email->ErrorInfo; } //////////////////////// // Текст в приемную заказов $zak .= "<p>Заказчик:<br>"; if (@$_SESSION["new_klient_added"]) { $zak .= "Новая регистрация<br>"; } $zak .= "id: " . $client["id"] . "<br>" . "Имя: " . $client["fio"] . "<br>" . "Почта: " . $client["email"] . "<br>" . "Телефон: " . $client["telnum"] . "<br>" . "Город: " . $client["city"] . "<br>" . "Другие контакты: " . $client["contacts"] . "<br>"; $zak .= $user_send_res; // Прикалываем файлы $files = check_user_files(); $message_id = \Components\Entity\Message::create(array('parent_id' => 0, 'order_id' => $id, 'klient_id' => $client["id"], 'visit_id' => 0, 'tender_id' => 0, 'created' => time(), 'creator_id' => 'k' . $client["id"], 'addr' => 'u' . $filial['id'], 'subject' => "Поступил новый заказ #" . $id, 'text' => $zak, 'prior' => 1, 'uvedom' => 1, 'readed' => 0, 'needansv' => 0, 'basket' => 0)); if (!empty($message_id)) { \Components\Classes\Author::enqueue_message_to_email($message_id, $filial['id'], EmailNotification::TO_MANAGER_ON_CLIENT_CREATED_ORDER); } /* ОТПРАВИТЬ В РЕАЛЬНОМ ВРЕМЕНИ $email = new Email(); $email->setData(array( 'email' => FIRM_ORD_MAIL, 'name' => 'Приемная заказов', ), "Поступил новый заказ #" . $id, $zak, $files, true, array(), array( 'email' => $filial['email'], 'name' => $filial['name'], )); $email->send(); ENDOF ОТПРАВИТЬ В РЕАЛЬНОМ ВРЕМЕНИ */ // move file if (count($files)) { $path = DIR_FS_ORDER_FILES . $id; if (!file_exists($path)) { mkdir($path); } foreach ($files as $f) { $fid = OrderFile::create(array('order_id' => $id, 'creator_id' => 0, 'created' => time(), 'name' => $f["name"], 'size' => $f["size"])); if ($fid > 0) { $ext = substr($f["name"], strrpos($f["name"], ".") + 1); $f_s = fopen($f["path"], "r"); $f_d = fopen($path . "/" . $fid . "." . $ext, "w"); fwrite($f_d, fread($f_s, $f["size"])); fclose($f_s); fclose($f_d); } unlink($f["path"]); } } $path = TMPFILES_PATH . session_id(); if (file_exists($path)) { rmdir($path); } return true; } else { return false; } }
function get_role_rights($role_id) { $modules = get_modules(); $module_rights = db::get_single_values_array("SELECT module_id FROM " . TABLE_ROLES_TO_MODULES . " WHERE role_id = " . $role_id); $submodule_rights = db::get_single_values_array("SELECT submodule_id FROM " . TABLE_ROLES_TO_SUBMODULES . " WHERE role_id = " . $role_id); $command_rights = db::get_single_values_array("SELECT command_id FROM " . TABLE_ROLES_TO_COMMANDS . " WHERE role_id = " . $role_id); $column_rights = db::get_single_values_array("SELECT column_id FROM " . TABLE_ROLES_TO_COLUMNS . " WHERE role_id = " . $role_id); $result = array(); $result[] = '<table style="width: 100%;">'; if (count($modules)) { foreach ($modules as $module_id => $module_name) { $result[] = '<tr style="background-color: #d3d3d3;">'; $result[] = '<td style="width: 100px;">'; $result[] = '<i>модуль</i>'; $result[] = '</td>'; $result[] = '<td colspan="100">'; // $result[] = '<div class="module">'; $result[] = '<div class="module_name"><label for="module[' . $module_id . ']">' . $module_name . '</label></div>'; $result[] = '<input type="checkbox" ' . (in_array($module_id, $module_rights) ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' name="module[' . $module_id . ']" class="module_checkbox" id="module[' . $module_id . ']">'; $result[] = '</td>'; // $result[] = '<div class="clear"></div>'; $result[] = '</tr>'; $submodules = get_submodules($module_id); if (count($submodules)) { foreach ($submodules as $submodule_id => $submodule_name) { $result[] = '<tr>'; $result[] = '<td>'; $result[] = '</td>'; $result[] = '<td style="width: 100px;">'; $result[] = '<i>подмодуль</i>'; $result[] = '</td>'; $result[] = '<td colspan="2">'; // $result[] = '<div class="submodule">'; $result[] = '<div class="submodule_name"><label for="submodule[' . $submodule_id . ']">' . $submodule_name . '</label></div>'; $result[] = '<input type="checkbox" ' . (in_array($submodule_id, $submodule_rights) ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' name="submodule[' . $submodule_id . ']" class="submodule_checkbox" id="submodule[' . $submodule_id . ']">'; // $result[] = '</div>'; $result[] = '</tr>'; $commands = get_commands($submodule_id); if (count($commands)) { $result[] = '<tr>'; $result[] = '<td>'; $result[] = '</td>'; $result[] = '<td>'; $result[] = '</td>'; $result[] = '<td style="width: 100px;">'; $result[] = '<i>команды</i>'; $result[] = '</td>'; $result[] = '<td>'; foreach ($commands as $command_id => $command_name) { $result[] = '<div class="command_wrap">'; $result[] = '<div class="command_name"><label for="command[' . $command_id . ']">' . $command_name . '</label></div>'; $result[] = '<input type="checkbox" ' . (in_array($command_id, $command_rights) ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' name="command[' . $command_id . ']" class="command_checkbox" id="command[' . $command_id . ']">'; $result[] = '</div>'; } $result[] = '</td>'; $result[] = '</tr>'; } $columns = get_columns($submodule_id); if (count($columns)) { $result[] = '<tr style="background-color: lightCyan;">'; $result[] = '<td>'; $result[] = '</td>'; $result[] = '<td>'; $result[] = '</td>'; $result[] = '<td style="width: 100px;">'; $result[] = '<i>колонки</i>'; $result[] = '</td>'; $result[] = '<td>'; foreach ($columns as $column_id => $column_name) { $result[] = '<div class="column_wrap">'; $result[] = '<div class="column_name"><label for="column[' . $column_id . ']">' . $column_name . '</label></div>'; $result[] = '<input type="checkbox" ' . (in_array($column_id, $column_rights) ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' name="column[' . $column_id . ']" class="column_checkbox" id="column[' . $column_id . ']">'; $result[] = '</div>'; } $result[] = '</td>'; $result[] = '</tr>'; } $result[] = '</td>'; } // $result[] = '</tr>'; } // $result[] = '</div>'; // $result[] = '</tr>'; // $result[] = '<div class="clear"></div>'; } } $result[] = '</table>'; return join($result, "\n"); }
if (!defined('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT')) { define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); } require_once DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/config/config.php"; if (MAINTENANCE_MODE && isset($_SESSION["user"]['data'])) { if ($_SESSION["user"]["data"]["group_id"] != 0) { echo '<h1>Проводятся технические работы. Работа сайта будет восстановлена в ближайшее время</h1>'; die; } } require_once DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/config/constants.php"; require_once DIR_FS_CONFIGS . "db_config.php"; require_once DIR_FS_CONFIGS . "email_config.php"; require_once DIR_FS_CONFIGS . "tables.php"; require_once DIR_FS_INCLUDES . "autoloader.php"; db::connect(); set_error_handler('Components\\Classes\\ErrorLogger::all_error_handler'); set_exception_handler('Components\\Classes\\ErrorLogger::exception_handler'); if (!isset(ErrorLogger::$hostname)) { if (!isset($_SERVER) || !isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) || $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] == "") { ErrorLogger::$hostname = getenv("HOSTNAME"); } else { ErrorLogger::$hostname = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; } } ErrorLogger::create_path(DIR_FS_LOGFILES, DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT); require_once DIR_FS_INCLUDES . "functions.php"; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_GET = stripslashes_array($_GET); $_POST = stripslashes_array($_POST); $_REQUEST = stripslashes_array($_REQUEST);
$column->Caption = "Доход фирмы"; $column->Key = "company_profit"; $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn(); $column->Caption = "Оплачено фирме"; $column->Key = "company_paid"; $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn(); $column->Caption = "Долг перед фирмой"; $column->Key = "debt_to_company"; if ($isDirector) { $column->instantEdit = true; } $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn(); $column->Caption = "Заказы"; $column->Key = "orders"; $column->hidden = true; $column->id = 'orders_list'; } $result = array('id' => 'Стоимость, руб.', 'client_price' => 0, 'client_payed' => 0, 'client_debt' => 0, 'author_price' => 0, 'author_payed' => 0, 'debt_to_author' => 0, 'company_profit' => 0, 'company_paid' => 0, 'debt_to_company' => 0, 'orders' => ''); foreach (db::get_arrays("SELECT cost_kln, cost_auth, oplata_kln, author_paid, filial_id, id, company_paid FROM " . TBL_PREF . $Filter->DstTable . " WHERE " . (!empty($result_filter) ? $result_filter : "1")) as $row) { $result['client_price'] += $row['cost_kln']; $result['client_payed'] += $row['oplata_kln']; $result['client_debt'] += $row['cost_kln'] - $row['oplata_kln']; $result['author_price'] += $row['cost_auth']; $result['author_payed'] += $row['author_paid'] ? $row['author_paid'] : 0; $result['company_profit'] += calculate_debt_to_company($row['cost_kln'], $row['cost_auth'], $row['filial_id']); $result['company_paid'] += $row['company_paid']; $result['orders'] .= empty($result['orders']) ? $row['id'] : ',' . $row['id']; } $result['debt_to_author'] = $result['author_price'] - $result['author_payed']; $result['debt_to_company'] = $result['company_profit'] - $result['company_paid']; $stat_tbl->AddRow($result, "id");
function _before_start_table($tbl) { // get client names global $clients_info; $ids = $clients_info = array(); foreach ($tbl->Rows as $r) { $ids[$r["data"]["klient_id"]] = $r["data"]["klient_id"]; $ids[$r["data"]["referrer_id"]] = $r["data"]["referrer_id"]; } if (count($ids)) { $clients = db::get_assoc_arrays("SELECT id, fio, telnum, email, city FROM " . TABLE_CLIENTS . " WHERE id IN (" . join(', ', $ids) . ")"); foreach ($clients as $r) { $clients_info[$r["id"]] = $r; } } }
function MakeHTML() { $this->_check_sort_links(); if ($this->isort) { $this->_inlinesort(); } $where = ""; if ($this->mysql_filter != "") { $where = " WHERE " . $this->mysql_filter; } if ($this->mysql_source) { $this->Rows = array(); $limit = ""; if ($this->pager) { $this->pager->allcount = intval(db::get_single_value("SELECT COUNT(" . $this->mysql_source_alias . "id) AS cnt FROM " . TBL_PREF . $this->mysql_source . $where)); $limit = $this->pager->GetLimitStr(); } $ord_str = "ORDER BY "; if (!is_null($this->order_rules)) { $ord_str .= $this->order_rules . ","; } $ord_str .= !$this->GetCurSortKey() ? $this->mysql_source_alias . "id" : $this->mysql_source_alias . $this->GetCurSortKey(); foreach (db::get_arrays("SELECT " . $this->mysql_flds . " FROM " . TBL_PREF . $this->mysql_source . $where . " " . $ord_str . $limit) as $r) { $this->AddRow($r, $this->mysql_source_alias . "id"); } } else { if ($this->pager) { $this->pager->allcount = count($this->Rows); if ($this->pager->GetLimitStr() != '') { $tmp = $this->Rows; $this->Rows = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->pager->onPage; $i++) { if (isset($tmp[$this->pager->curPage * $this->pager->onPage + $i])) { $this->Rows[$i] = $tmp[$this->pager->curPage * $this->pager->onPage + $i]; } } } } } $this->StartTable(); $this->HtmlB = ""; foreach ($this->Rows as $kr => $r) { $rdata = $r["data"]; $r["style"]["cursor"] = "arrow"; $r["style"]["background-color"] = ""; if ($this->OnRowStart) { eval("\$" . "s = " . $this->OnRowStart . "(\$" . "r);"); } if (is_array($this->Highlite)) { if ($rdata[$this->Highlite[0]] == $this->Highlite[1]) { $r["style"]["background-color"] = "yellow"; } } if (!empty($_SESSION['user']['data']['conf_ord_colors']) && $this->useColors) { $currentColors = unserialize($_SESSION['user']['data']['conf_ord_colors']); $r["style"]["background-color"] = isset($currentColors[$rdata['id']]) ? $currentColors[$rdata['id']] : '#FFFFFF'; } else { $currentColors = array(); } $st = $this->makeRowStyle($r); $this->HtmlB .= "<tr style='" . $st . "' data-color='" . (isset($currentColors[$rdata['id']]) ? $currentColors[$rdata['id']] : '#FFFFFF') . "' data-row-id='" . $rdata['id'] . "'"; if ($this->RowSelect) { $this->HtmlB .= " onmouseover='jQuery(this).css(\"background-color\", \"" . $this->RowSelectCol . "\");' onmouseout='jQuery(this).css(\"background-color\", \"" . $r["style"]["background-color"] . "\");'"; if ($this->RowEvent != "") { $this->HtmlB .= " onclick='" . $this->RowEvent . "(" . $r["data"][$r["ek"]] . ");'"; } else { if ($this->RowEvent2 != "") { if (strpos($this->RowEvent2, "%var%") != false) { $s = str_replace("%var%", $r["data"][$r["ek"]], $this->RowEvent2); } else { $attr_index = strpos($this->RowEvent2, "%var."); $s = str_replace("%var.", '', $this->RowEvent2); $attr_ends = strpos($s, '%', $attr_index); $attr_name = substr($s, $attr_index, $attr_ends - $attr_index); $s = str_replace($attr_name . '%', $r["data"][$attr_name], $s); } $this->HtmlB .= " onclick='" . $s . "'"; } } } $this->HtmlB .= ">" . "\n"; foreach ($this->Columns as $k => $v) { $s = ""; if (count($v->Custom)) { $v = $v->Custom[$this->Settings["cust"][$k]]; } if ($v->Key != "" && isset($rdata[$v->Key])) { if (is_array($v->ExtData)) { $s = $v->ExtData[$rdata[$v->Key]]; } else { $s = $rdata[$v->Key]; } } if ($v->Process != "") { $this->Rows[$kr]['info'][$k] = ''; eval("\$" . "s=" . $v->Process . "(\$" . "s, \$" . "rdata, \$" . "this, \$" . "this->Rows[\$" . "kr]['info'][\$" . "k]);"); } elseif ($v->Format) { switch ($v->Format) { case CGUI_TABLE_FMT_SIZE: $s = _tbl_fmt_size($s); break; case CGUI_TABLE_FMT_DATE: $s = _tbl_fmt_date($s); break; case CGUI_TABLE_FMT_DATETIME: $s = _tbl_fmt_datetime($s); break; } } if (!empty($this->Rows[$kr]["info"][$k])) { $s = $this->Rows[$kr]["info"][$k]->GetHTML($s); } $this->HtmlB .= "<td"; if ($v->NoWrap) { $this->HtmlB .= " nowrap"; } if ($v->Align) { $this->HtmlB .= " style='text-align: " . $v->Align . "'"; } if ($v->hidden) { $this->HtmlB .= ' class="hide"'; } if ($v->id) { $this->HtmlB .= ' id="' . $v->id . '"'; } $this->HtmlB .= ">"; if ($v->instantEdit) { $this->HtmlB .= '<span class="instantEditOldValue">' . $s . '</span><span class="instantEdit" data-title="' . $v->Caption . '" data-field="' . $v->Key . '" data-value="' . $rdata[$v->Key] . '"></span>' . "\n"; } else { $this->HtmlB .= $s . "\n"; } $this->HtmlB .= "</td>" . "\n"; } $this->HtmlB .= "</tr>" . "\n"; } $this->EndTable(); }
function loginform_exec($Frm, $Err) { if ($Err) { $Frm->_gui->Vars["login_message"] = "Ошибки при заполнении формы"; return; } // clr db::delete(TABLE_LOGIN_HOST, "time < " . (time() - 900)); $last_login_time = db::get_arrays("SELECT time FROM " . TABLE_LOGIN_HOST . " WHERE ip = '" . db::input($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) . "' ORDER BY time"); $cnt = count($last_login_time); $rowx["time"] = 0; if ($cnt) { $rowx = $last_login_time[0]; } $user = Employee::findOneBy(array('email' => strtolower($Frm->GetValue(0)), 'hpwd' => md5($Frm->GetValue(1) . $Frm->GetValue(0)))); if (!$user || $cnt > 2) { if ($cnt > 1) { $t = 900 - time() + $rowx["time"]; if ($t > 60) { $w = floor($t / 60) . " мин."; } else { $w = " минуту"; } $Frm->_gui->Vars["login_message"] = "Попытки исчерпаны. Подождите " . $w; } else { $Frm->_gui->Vars["login_message"] = "Ошибка. Осталось попыток: " . (2 - $cnt); db::insert(TABLE_LOGIN_HOST, array('ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'time' => time())); } return; } else { // ok if ($user["blocked"] || $user["black_list"]) { $Frm->_gui->Vars["login_message"] = "Доступ запрещен"; return; } $ll = array(); if ($user["last_login"]) { $ll = unserialize($user["last_login"]); while (count($ll) > 99) { array_shift($ll); } } $ll[] = array("ip" => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], "time" => time()); Employee::update($user['id'], array('last_act' => time(), 'last_login' => serialize($ll))); unset($user["last_act"]); unset($user["last_login"]); $_SESSION["user"]["auth"] = true; $_SESSION["user"]["data"] = $user; page_reload(); } }
print "<div style='overflow:auto; background:white; border: 1px solid gray; height: 78px'>" . "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style='font-size:8pt; margin-left:2px;'>" . "<tr style='color:gray'><td>Сотрудник</td><td style='width:10px' nowrap></td><td>Занятость</td></tr>"; // Филиал сотрудника. Если нет филиала, то используем 8 часов раб день $worklong = 0; if ($_SESSION["user"]["data"]["filial_id"]) { $fil = fils_get($_SESSION["user"]["data"]["filial_id"]); $dweek = date("w", $date) - 1; if ($dweek == -1) { $dweek = 6; } fils_getworktime($fil, $dweek, $st, $en); $worklong = $en - $st; } if (!$worklong) { $worklong = 480; } foreach ($users as $u) { print "<tr><td>" . $u["fio"] . "</td><td></td><td>" . round(100 * $u["visits_sum"] / $worklong) . "%</td></tr>"; } print "</table></div>"; } else { $meetings = db::get_arrays("SELECT tm_start, tm_finish, station_id FROM " . TABLE_VISITS . " WHERE user_id = " . $uid . " AND date = " . $date); if ($meetings) { print "<div style='font-size:10pt'>"; foreach ($meetings as $r) { print utils_cvt_i2times($r["tm_start"]) . "-" . utils_cvt_i2times($r["tm_finish"]) . ' - ' . get_station_name($r['station_id']) . "<br>"; } print "</div>"; } else { print "на выбранную дату у сотрудника нет встреч"; } }
/** * @deprecated * @return array */ function kln_getrawlist() { if ($_SESSION["user"]["data"]["group_id"] == 1 || $_SESSION["user"]["data"]["group_id"] == 0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_CLIENTS; } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_CLIENTS . " WHERE filial_id = " . db::input($_SESSION["user"]["data"]["filial_id"]); } return db::get_assoc_arrays($sql); }
<?php use Components\Classes\db; $client_change_history = db::get_single_row("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_CLIENTS_HISTORY . " WHERE id = " . db::input($_REQUEST['change'])); /******************** before edit start ********************/ $h = 580; $frm = $GUI->Form("Данные о клиенте до изменений", 400, $h); $frm->VLine(10, $h - 80, 380); $b = $frm->Button("Назад", 155, $h - 60, 100); $b->Event = "document.location.href=\"?section=kln&subsection=2&kln_id=" . $_REQUEST['kln_id'] . "&action=history_table\""; $ypos = 10; $frm->Label("Имя", 10, $ypos); $t = $frm->Text(10, $ypos += 20, 380, $client_change_history["fio_old"]); //1 $t->linkName = "fio"; $frm->Label("Филиал", 10, $ypos += 30); $t = $frm->Text(10, $ypos += 20, 380, get_filial_name($client_change_history["filial_id_old"])); //1 $t->linkName = "filial_id"; $before_edit_pass = '******'; $frm->Label("Пароль", 10, $ypos += 30); $t = $frm->Text(10, $ypos += 20, 380, $before_edit_pass); //1 $t->linkName = "hpwd"; $frm->Label("Почта", 10, $ypos += 30); $t = $frm->Text(10, $ypos += 20, 180, $client_change_history["email_old"]); //4 $t->linkName = "email"; $frm->Label("Телефон", 210, $ypos - 20); $t = $frm->Text(210, $ypos, 180, $client_change_history["telnum_old"]); //5
public static function getAuthors($discipline_id) { return db::get_assoc("\n SELECT, u.fio\n FROM " . TABLE_USERS . " u\n JOIN " . TABLE_AUTHOR_TO_DISCIPLINE . " atd ON atd.author_id =\n WHERE\n u.group_id in ( " . Author::ROLE_ID . " ) AND\n u.blocked = 0 AND\n u.black_list = 0 AND\n atd.discipline_id = " . db::input($discipline_id)); }
/** * @param $id * * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public static function delete($id) { if (empty($id) || !is_numeric($id)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(self::getEntity()); } db::delete(static::TABLE, 'id = ' . $id); return true; }
<?php use Components\Classes\db; require_once '../../includes/application_top.php'; if (!$_SESSION["user"]["auth"]) { die("запрещено"); } if (db::get_single_value("SELECT id FROM " . TABLE_MESSAGES . " WHERE addr = 'u" . db::input($_SESSION["user"]["data"]["id"]) . "' AND readed = '0' AND basket = '0'")) { die("1"); } else { die("0"); }
$usrs = array(); $usrs[0] = "-выберите-"; $ruk_group = Role::findOneBy(array('name' => 'Руководитель')); $elder_manager_group = Role::findOneBy(array('name' => 'Старший менеджер')); foreach ($data_users as $u) { if ($u["black_list"]) { continue; } if ($u["group_id"] == $ruk_group['id'] || $u["group_id"] == $elder_manager_group['id']) { $usrs[$u["id"]] = sotr_getFullName($u["id"]); } } $f = $frm->Select(310, $ypos, 278, $usrs, "", $filial["user_id"]); $f->linkName = 'manager'; $f->AddValidator(new CGUI_VALIDATOR_NOZERO()); $h = $frm->Hidden(db::get_single_values_string("SELECT city_id FROM " . TBL_PREF . "filial_to_city WHERE filial_id = " . db::input($filial['id']), '_')); $h->linkName = 'city'; city_modal($h->idname, $id); $b = $frm->Button("Города", 10, $ypos += 30, 70); $b->Event = 'open_cities("' . $h->idname . '", "' . $GUI->Vars["city_modal_form"]->idname . '");'; $frm->Label("Email филиала", 10, $ypos += 30); $t = $frm->Text(10, $ypos += 20, 573, $filial["email"]); $t->linkName = 'email'; $frm->Label("Адрес сайта", 10, $ypos += 30); $t = $frm->Text(10, $ypos += 20, 573, $filial["web"]); $t->linkName = 'url'; $frm->Label("Путь к форме заказа", 10, $ypos += 30); $t = $frm->Text(10, $ypos += 20, 573, $filial["order_form_path"]); $t->linkName = 'order_form_path'; $frm->Label("Описание", 10, $ypos += 30); $t = $frm->TextArea(10, $ypos += 20, 573, 50, $filial["about"]);
$column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn(); $column->Caption = "Итого"; $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn(); $column->Caption = "Стоимость"; $column->Key = "client_price"; $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn(); $column->Caption = "Оплачено"; $column->Key = "client_paid"; $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn(); $column->Caption = "Долг"; $column->Key = "client_debt"; $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn(); $column->Caption = "Мой доход"; $column->Key = "consumption"; $result = array('client_price' => 0, 'client_paid' => 0, 'client_debt' => 0, 'consumption' => 0, 'id' => 0); foreach (db::get_arrays("SELECT id, cost_kln, oplata_kln FROM " . TBL_PREF . $Filter->DstTable) as $row) { $info = ''; $result['client_price'] += $row['cost_kln']; $result['client_paid'] += $row['oplata_kln']; $result['client_debt'] += $row['cost_kln'] - $row['oplata_kln']; $result['consumption'] += get_consumption(0, $row, null, $info); } $stat_tbl->AddRow($result); echo '<div style="margin: 10px auto 0;width: 50%;" class="gui_style">'; echo $GUI->tables[1]->PrintTable(); echo '</div>'; } else { echo 'text'; } } function tp_users_cmds_frame($value, $row, $table, &$info)
$r1->DoSort = $custom_column['do_sort']; $r1->Key = $custom_column['internal_name']; $r1->Align = $custom_column['align']; $r1->Process = $custom_column['on_execute']; $r->Custom[] = $r1; } } else { $r = $tbl->NewColumn(); $r->Caption = $column['name']; $r->DoSort = $column['do_sort']; $r->Key = $column['internal_name']; $r->Align = $column['align']; $r->Process = $column['on_execute']; } } $GUI->Vars['tm_started'] = db::get_single_value("select p_value from ofc_sys_log where p_name='email_notify_last_tm_start'"); $ds = time() - $GUI->Vars['tm_started']; if ($ds < 60) { $GUI->Vars['tm_info'] = "менее минуты"; } else { if ($ds < 60 * 15) { $GUI->Vars['tm_info'] = ceil($ds / 60) . " мин."; } else { $GUI->Vars['tm_info'] = "более 15 мнут"; } } $GUI->Vars['tm_needcnt'] = db::get_single_value("select count(id) from ofc_email_notifications"); $GUI->Vars['tm_working'] = db::get_single_value("select p_value from ofc_sys_log where p_name='email_notify_last_tm_work'"); $GUI->Vars['tm_allcnt'] = db::get_single_value("select p_value from ofc_sys_log where p_name='email_notify_last_all_cnt'"); $GUI->Vars['tm_goodcnt'] = db::get_single_value("select p_value from ofc_sys_log where p_name='email_notify_last_good_cnt'");
function imp_station_exec($Frm, $Err) { if (!$Err) { $file = $Frm->GetValue(0); if (!strpos($file["type"], "ms-excel")) { $Frm->_gui->informer->ERR("Неправильный тип файла"); page_reloadSubSec(); } else { $trancate = ""; if ($Frm->GetValue(1)) { db::truncate(TABLE_SUBWAY_STATIONS); $trancate = "Таблица очищена. "; } include_once "ext/Excel/reader.php"; $data = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader($file["tmp_name"]); if ($data->sheets[0]['numCols'] != 1) { $Frm->_gui->informer->ERR("В таблице должна быть 1 колонка (" . $data->sheets[0]['numCols'] . ")"); page_reloadSubSec(); return; } $names = array(); $addcnt = 0; for ($i = 1; $i <= $data->sheets[0]['numRows']; $i++) { $name = $data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][1]; if (!isset($names[$name])) { SubwayStation::create(array('name' => $name)); $names[$name] = true; $addcnt++; } } $Frm->_gui->informer->OK($trancate . "Добавлено " . $addcnt . " строк"); page_reloadSubSec(); } } }
$r->Caption = "Сдать клиенту"; $r->DoSort = true; $r->Key = "time_kln"; $r->Align = "left"; $r->Process = "format_date"; foreach ($orders as $row) { $tbl->AddRow($row, 'id'); } $visits_fields = array('id', 'status', 'date', 'client_id'); $visits_order_by = ' ORDER BY id ASC'; if (isset($_REQUEST['sort_cgui_table_id_usotr_visits2'])) { $visits_order_by = ' ORDER BY ' . $visits_fields[$_REQUEST['sort_cgui_table_id_usotr_visits2']] . ' ASC'; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['sort_cgui_table_id_usotr_visits2_up'])) { $visits_order_by = ' ORDER BY ' . $visits_fields[$_REQUEST['sort_cgui_table_id_usotr_visits2_up']] . ' DESC'; } $visits = db::get_assoc_arrays("SELECT " . join(", ", $visits_fields) . " FROM " . TABLE_VISITS . " WHERE user_id = " . $id . $visits_order_by); $tbl = $GUI->Table("sotr_visits" . $n); $tbl->Width = "50%"; $tbl->RowEvent2 = "document.location.href=\"?section=vis&subsection=2&visit=%var%\""; $r = $tbl->NewColumn(); $r->Caption = "Номер встречи"; $r->DoSort = true; $r->Key = "id"; $r = $tbl->NewColumn(); $r->Caption = "Статус"; $r->DoSort = true; $r->Key = "status"; $r->Align = "left"; $r->Process = "get_status"; $r = $tbl->NewColumn(); $r->Caption = "Дата";
$column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn(); $column->Caption = "Долг"; $column->Key = "client_debt"; $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn(); $column->Caption = "Расход"; $column->Key = "consumption"; $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn(); $column->Caption = "Статус выплат"; $column->Key = "referrer_payment_status_all"; if (is_director($_SESSION['user']['data']['id'])) { $column->instantEdit = true; } $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn(); $column->Caption = "Заказы"; $column->Key = "orders"; $column->hidden = true; $column->id = 'orders_list'; $result = array('id' => '', 'client_price' => 0, 'client_paid' => 0, 'client_debt' => 0, 'consumption' => 0, 'referrer_payment_status_all' => 0, 'orders' => ''); $result['referrer_payment_status_all'] = 'Не оплачено'; foreach (db::get_arrays("SELECT id, cost_kln, oplata_kln, referrer_payment_status FROM " . TBL_PREF . $Filter->DstTable) as $row) { $info = null; $result['client_price'] += $row['cost_kln']; $result['client_paid'] += $row['oplata_kln']; $result['client_debt'] += $row['cost_kln'] - $row['oplata_kln']; $result['consumption'] += get_consumption(0, $row, null, $info); if ($row['referrer_payment_status'] == 1) { $result['referrer_payment_status_all'] = 'Оплачено'; } $result['orders'] .= empty($result['orders']) ? $row['id'] : ',' . $row['id']; } $stat_tbl->AddRow($result);
$tbl->Width = "100%"; $tbl->DataMYSQL("messages"); $tbl->FilterMYSQL("creator_id='u" . $_SESSION["user"]["data"]["id"] . "'"); $tbl->Pager(CGUI_PAGER_FLAG_SEL | CGUI_PAGER_FLAG_RR | CGUI_PAGER_FLAG_R | CGUI_PAGER_FLAG_FF | CGUI_PAGER_FLAG_F, 10, array(10, 20, 50, 100, 0)); global $n; if (Roles::isActionAllowed($GUI->mmenu->selected->id, $GUI->mmenu->selected->selected->id, $_SESSION["user"]["data"]["group_id"], "Просмотр сообщения")) { $tbl->RowEvent2 = "document.location.href=\"?section=mls&subsection=2&type=o&read=%var%\""; } $columns_resource = Roles::getColumns($GUI->mmenu->selected->id, $GUI->mmenu->selected->selected->id, $_SESSION["user"]["data"]["group_id"]); if (!is_resource($columns_resource)) { $GUI->ERR($columns_resource); page_reload(); } $new_columns = array(); $column_group_name = array(); while ($row = db::fetch_array($columns_resource)) { if ($row['group_internal_name'] != "") { $column_group_name[] = $row['group_internal_name']; $new_columns[$row['group_internal_name']]['custom'][] = $row; } else { $new_columns[] = $row; } } foreach ($new_columns as $column) { if (isset($column['internal_name']) && in_array($column['internal_name'], $column_group_name)) { continue; } if (isset($column['custom']) && count($column['custom'])) { $r = $tbl->NewColumn(); foreach ($column['custom'] as $custom_column) { $r1 = new CGUI_TableColumn();
$i++; } $tbl->FilterMYSQL($result_filter); $totals = db::get_arrays("\n SELECT filial_id, SUM(`value`) as total_expenses\n FROM " . TBL_PREF . $Filter->DstTable . "\n WHERE " . $result_filter . "\n GROUP BY filial_id\n"); if ($totals) { $stat_tbl = $GUI->Table("expenses_stat" . $n); $stat_tbl->Width = "50%"; $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn(); $column->Caption = "Филиал"; $column->Key = "id"; $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn(); $column->Caption = "Общий расход"; $column->Key = "total_expenses"; if (is_director($_SESSION['user']['data']['id'])) { $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn(); $column->Caption = "Итого расход руководителя"; $column->Key = "director_expenses"; } foreach ($totals as $row) { $res = array(); if ($row['filial_id'] == 0) { $res['id'] = 'Руководитель'; $res['director_expenses'] = ''; } else { $res['id'] = get_filial_name($row['filial_id']); $res['director_expenses'] = $row['total_expenses'] * (1 - db::get_single_value("SELECT consumption FROM " . TBL_PREF . "data_filials WHERE id = " . $row['filial_id'])); } $res['total_expenses'] = $row['total_expenses']; $stat_tbl->AddRow($res); } }
function import_city_exec($Frm, $Err) { if (!$Err) { $v = $Frm->GetValue(0); if (!strpos($v["type"], "ms-excel")) { $Frm->_gui->informer->ERR("Неправильный тип файла"); page_reloadSubSec(); } else { $s = ""; if ($Frm->GetValue(1)) { db::truncate(TABLE_CITIES); $s = "Таблица очищена. "; } include_once "ext/Excel/reader.php"; $data = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader($v["tmp_name"]); if ($data->sheets[0]['numCols'] != 1) { $Frm->_gui->informer->ERR("В таблице должна быть 1 колонка"); page_reloadSubSec(); return; } for ($i = 1; $i <= $data->sheets[0]['numRows']; $i++) { db::insert(TABLE_CITIES, array('name' => htmlspecialchars($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][1]))); } $Frm->_gui->informer->OK($s . "Добавлено " . $data->sheets[0]['numRows'] . " строк"); page_reloadSubSec(); } } }
<?php use Components\Classes\db; require_once '../../includes/application_top.php'; if (!$_SESSION["user"]["auth"]) { die("запрещено"); } if (!isset($_REQUEST["num"])) { die("нет данных"); } $num = intval($_REQUEST["num"]); $message = db::get_single_row("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_MESSAGES . " WHERE id = " . db::input($num) . " AND (creator_id = 'u" . $_SESSION["user"]["data"]["id"] . "' OR addr = 'u" . $_SESSION["user"]["data"]["id"] . "')"); if (!$message) { die("сообщение не найдено"); } $tp = "i"; if ($message["addr"] != "u" . $_SESSION["user"]["data"]["id"]) { $tp = "o"; } if ($message["basket"]) { $tp = "b"; } die("<p><input type='button' value='Перейти' onclick='document.location.href=\"?section=mls&subsection=2&type=" . $tp . "&read=" . $num . "\"'></p>" . text_to_html($message["text"]));
if ($bDoUpdate) { Order::update($_GET['order_id'], array($_GET['field'] => $value)); $order_info = Order::find($_GET['order_id']); if ($bDoHistoryUpdate) { $data = array('change_date' => time(), 'change_user_id' => $_SESSION['user']['data']['id'], 'order_id' => $_GET['order_id'], 'filial_id_new' => $order_info['filial_id'], 'klient_id_new' => $order_info['klient_id'], 'vuz_id_new' => $order_info['vuz_id'], 'vuz_user_new' => $order_info['vuz_user'], 'type_id_new' => $order_info['type_id'], 'type_user_new' => $order_info['type_user'], 'napr_id_new' => $order_info['napr_id'], 'disc_id_new' => $order_info['disc_id'], 'disc_user_new' => $order_info['disc_user'], 'time_kln_new' => $order_info['time_kln'], 'cost_kln_new' => $order_info['cost_kln'], 'payment_id_new' => $order_info['payment_id'], 'subject_new' => $order_info['subject'], 'about_kln_new' => $order_info['about_kln'], 'about_mng_new' => $order_info['about_mng'], 'kurs_new' => $order_info['kurs'], 'prakt_pc_new' => $order_info['prakt_pc'], 'pages_min_new' => $order_info['pages_min'], 'pages_max_new' => $order_info['pages_max'], 'src_min_new' => $order_info['src_min'], 'src_max_new' => $order_info['src_max'], 'from_id_new' => $order_info['from_id'], 'oform_new' => $order_info['oform'], 'next_rel_date_new' => $order_info['next_rel_date'], 'status_id_new' => $order_info['status_id'], 'ok_comment_new' => $order_info['ok_comment'], 'ok_comment_date_new' => $order_info['ok_comment_date'], 'payment_comment_new' => $order_info['payment_comment'], 'cost_auth_new' => $order_info['cost_auth'], 'time_auth_new' => $order_info['time_auth'], 'oplata_kln_new' => $order_info['oplata_kln'], 'author_paid_new' => $order_info['author_paid'], 'company_paid_new' => $order_info['company_paid'], 'filial_id_old' => $order_info['filial_id'], 'klient_id_old' => $order_info['klient_id'], 'vuz_id_old' => $order_info['vuz_id'], 'vuz_user_old' => $order_info['vuz_user'], 'type_id_old' => $order_info['type_id'], 'type_user_old' => $order_info['type_user'], 'napr_id_old' => $order_info['napr_id'], 'disc_id_old' => $order_info['disc_id'], 'disc_user_old' => $order_info['disc_user'], 'time_kln_old' => $order_info['time_kln'], 'cost_kln_old' => $order_info['cost_kln'], 'payment_id_old' => $order_info['payment_id'], 'subject_old' => $order_info['subject'], 'about_kln_old' => $order_info['about_kln'], 'about_mng_old' => $order_info['about_mng'], 'kurs_old' => $order_info['kurs'], 'prakt_pc_old' => $order_info['prakt_pc'], 'pages_min_old' => $order_info['pages_min'], 'pages_max_old' => $order_info['pages_max'], 'src_min_old' => $order_info['src_min'], 'src_max_old' => $order_info['src_max'], 'from_id_old' => $order_info['from_id'], 'oform_old' => $order_info['oform'], 'next_rel_date_old' => $order_info['next_rel_date'], 'status_id_old' => $order_info['status_id'], 'ok_comment_old' => $order_info['ok_comment'], 'ok_comment_date_old' => $order_info['ok_comment_date'], 'payment_comment_old' => $order_info['payment_comment'], 'cost_auth_old' => $order_info['cost_auth'], 'time_auth_old' => $order_info['time_auth'], 'oplata_kln_old' => $order_info['oplata_kln'], 'author_paid_old' => $order_info['author_paid'], 'company_paid_old' => $order_info['company_paid']); $data[$_GET['field'] . '_new'] = $_GET['value']; OrderHistory::create($data); } } } break; case 'get': if (!empty($_GET['field'])) { switch ($_GET['field']) { case 'status_id': $result[] = db::get_select("SELECT id, status_name FROM " . TBL_PREF . "orders_status", 'status', '', $_GET['value'], 'class="instantEditNewValue"'); break; case 'referrer_payment_status': $result[] = 'Оплатить?<input type="hidden" value="1" class="instantEditNewValue"/>'; break; case 'oplata_kln': case 'cost_kln': case 'cost_auth': case 'author_paid': case 'company_paid': $result[] = '<input type="text" class="instantEditNewValue" value="' . $_GET['value'] . '"/>'; break; case 'time_auth': $result[] = '<input type="text" class="instantEditNewValue" value="' . _get_fmt_date($_GET['value']) . '"/>'; break; case 'debt_to_author':
public static function getDisciplines($napravl_id) { return db::get_single_values_array("SELECT discipline_id FROM " . TABLE_DISCIPLINE_TO_NAPRAVL . " WHERE napravl_id = " . db::input($napravl_id)); }