예제 #1
파일: Home.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
 private function loadHomePage($gpage)
     $pageSize = Config::getInstance()->get_value("main.page.items");
     $postDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Post();
     $fp_size = $pageSize - 14;
     $fp_size = $fp_size <= 4 ? 4 : $fp_size;
     $featuredDBRows = $this->getFeaturedPosts($postDao, $fp_size);
     $userDBRows = array();
     // Do we have a login session? 4 user posts
     $loginId = Login::tryLoginIdInSession();
     if ($loginId != null) {
         $userDBRows = $postDao->getOnLoginId($loginId, 4);
     $short = $pageSize - (sizeof($featuredDBRows) + sizeof($userDBRows));
     // if page size is less than feature + user DB rows
     // even then we need to fetch few latest DB rows to make the
     // pagination right.
     $short = $short <= 4 ? 4 : $short;
     // atleast 4 latest items, at max page size of latest items
     $latestDBRows = $postDao->getLatest($short);
     $bucket = array_merge($userDBRows, $featuredDBRows);
     $count = sizeof($bucket);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
     for ($i = $count; $i < sizeof($latestDBRows); $i++) {
     $endId = NULL;
     if (sizeof($latestDBRows) > 0) {
         $endId = $latestDBRows[sizeof($latestDBRows) - 1]['id'];
     $endId = base_convert($endId, 10, 36);
     $nparams = array('gpa' => $endId, 'gpage' => 2);
     $nextPageUrl = Url::addQueryParameters("/", $nparams);
     $pageTitle = SeoData::getHomePageTitleWithNumber($gpage);
     $metaKeywords = SeoData::getHomeMetaKeywords();
     $metaDescription = SeoData::getHomeMetaDescriptionWithNumber($gpage);
     $file = APP_WEB_DIR . '/home.php';
     include $file;
예제 #2
파일: SocialGraph.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
 static function getPubWidget($row)
     $view = new \stdClass();
     $template = NULL;
     $userId = $row["login_id"];
     $pubUserId = PseudoId::encode($userId);
     $pubUserUrl = Url::base() . "/pub/user/" . $pubUserId;
     $view->pubUserUrl = $pubUserUrl;
     $view->name = $row["name"];
     $view->srcImage = $row["photo_url"];
     $view->hasImage = !Util::tryEmpty($view->srcImage);
     // whoever is browsing this widget will become the follower
     // and follow the user of this widget
     $loginIdInSession = Login::tryLoginIdInSession();
     $view->followerId = empty($loginIdInSession) ? "{loginId}" : $loginIdInSession;
     $view->followingId = $userId;
     //template depends on image availabality
     $template = $view->hasImage ? "/fragments/graph/pub/widget/image.tmpl" : "/fragments/graph/pub/widget/noimage.tmpl";
     $html = Template::render($template, $view);
     return $html;
예제 #3
파일: comment.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
try {
    $fhandler = new Form\Handler('web-form-1', $_POST);
    $fhandler->addRule('comment', 'Comment', array('required' => 1));
    $fhandler->addRule('post_id', 'post id', array('required' => 1));
    $fhandler->addRule('owner_id', 'owner id', array('required' => 1));
    $fhandler->addRule('post_title', 'post title', array('required' => 1));
    $fvalues = $fhandler->getValues();
    // UI checks
    if ($fhandler->hasErrors()) {
        throw new UIException($fhandler->getErrors());
    //trim comments to 512 chars
    $fvalues["comment"] = substr($fvalues["comment"], 0, 512);
    //use login is required for comments
    if (Login::hasSession()) {
        $gSessionLogin = \com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login::getLoginInSession();
        $commentDao = new com\indigloo\sc\dao\Comment();
        $commentDao->create($gSessionLogin->id, $gSessionLogin->name, $fvalues['owner_id'], $fvalues['post_id'], $fvalues['post_title'], $fvalues['comment']);
        // go back to comment form
        header("Location: " . $fUrl);
    } else {
        //create data object representing pending session action
        $actionObj = new \stdClass();
        $actionObj->endPoint = "/qa/form/comment.php";
        $params = new \stdClass();
        $params->ownerId = $fvalues['owner_id'];
        $params->postId = $fvalues['post_id'];
        $params->title = $fvalues['post_title'];
        $params->comment = $fvalues['comment'];
        $params->action = UIConstants::ADD_COMMENT;
        $actionObj->params = $params;
예제 #4
파일: login.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc

include 'sc-app.inc';
include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/header.inc';
use com\indigloo\Util;
use com\indigloo\Url;
use com\indigloo\ui\form\Sticky;
use com\indigloo\Constants;
use com\indigloo\Configuration as Config;
use com\indigloo\ui\form\Message as FormMessage;
$gWeb = \com\indigloo\core\Web::getInstance();
//do we already have a login?
if (\com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login::hasSession()) {
    header("Location: / ");
$qUrl = Url::tryBase64QueryParam("q", "/user/dashboard/index.php");
$fUrl = Url::current();
// should login do some action?
$gSessionAction = Url::tryQueryParam("g_session_action");
if (!empty($gSessionAction)) {
    $gWeb->store("global.session.action", $gSessionAction);
$fUrl = Url::current();
$sticky = new Sticky($gWeb->find(Constants::STICKY_MAP, true));
$stoken = Util::getMD5GUID();
$gWeb->store("mik_state_token", $stoken);
//Facebook OAuth2
$fbAppId = Config::getInstance()->get_value("facebook.app.id");
$host = Url::base();
$fbCallback = $host . "/callback/fb2.php";
$fbDialogUrl = "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=" . $fbAppId;
예제 #5
파일: Post.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
 static function getTile($postDBRow)
     $html = NULL;
     $template = NULL;
     $voptions = array("abbreviate" => true, "group" => true);
     $view = self::createPostView($postDBRow, $voptions);
     if ($view->hasImage) {
         $template = '/fragments/tile/image.tmpl';
         //Add thumbnail width and height
         $td = Util::foldX($view->width, $view->height, 190);
         $view->twidth = $td["width"];
         $view->theight = $td["height"];
     } else {
         $template = '/fragments/tile/text.tmpl';
     $loginIdInSession = \com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login::tryLoginIdInSession();
     $view->hasLoginInSession = is_null($loginIdInSession) ? false : true;
     if (!$view->hasLoginInSession) {
         $params = array("item_id" => $view->itemId);
         $listUrl = "/user/dashboard/list/select.php";
         $listUrl = Url::createUrl($listUrl, $params);
         $view->saveUrl = "/user/login.php?q=" . base64_encode($listUrl);
     $html = Template::render($template, $view);
     return $html;
예제 #6
파일: delete.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
use com\indigloo\Url;
use com\indigloo\Logger;
use com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login;
use com\indigloo\Constants;
use com\indigloo\ui\form\Sticky;
use com\indigloo\ui\form\Message as FormMessage;
use com\indigloo\sc\util\PseudoId;
$sticky = new Sticky($gWeb->find(Constants::STICKY_MAP, true));
//q is part of URL and base64 encoded
$qUrl = Url::tryBase64QueryParam("q", "/");
$fUrl = Url::current();
$itemId = Url::getQueryParam("id");
$postId = PseudoId::decode($itemId);
$postDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Post();
$postDBRow = $postDao->getOnId($postId);
if (!(Login::isOwner($postDBRow['login_id']) || Login::isAdmin())) {
    header("Location: /site/error/403.html");

<!DOCTYPE html>

        <title>3mik.com - Delete a post</title>
include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/meta.inc';
echo \com\indigloo\sc\util\Asset::version("/css/bundle.css");
예제 #7
파일: mails.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
include APP_WEB_DIR . '/user/dashboard/inc/menu.inc';


            <div class="row">
                <div class="span11 offset1">
                    <div class="page-header">
                        <span style="padding-left:20px;padding-right:20px;">Mail preferences</span>
                            <a class="btn-flat" href="/user/dashboard/profile.php">Edit profile</a>
if (\com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login::hasMikLogin()) {
    echo '<a class="btn-flat" href="/user/account/change-password.php">Change password</a>';


            <div class="row">
                <div class="span6 offset1">
예제 #8
파일: Post.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
 function delete($postId)
     $loginId = NULL;
     if (\com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login::isAdmin()) {
         //inject right loginId for admins
         $postDBRow = $this->getOnId($postId);
         $loginId = $postDBRow["login_id"];
     } else {
         $loginId = \com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login::getLoginIdInSession();
     mysql\Post::delete($postId, $loginId);
예제 #9
파일: User.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
 static function getPubHeader($userDBRow)
     $html = NULL;
     $view = new \stdClass();
     $template = '/fragments/user/pub/header.tmpl';
     $view = self::createUserView($userDBRow);
     $view->followingId = $userDBRow["login_id"];
     //userId in session is follower
     $loginId = Login::tryLoginIdInSession();
     $view->followerId = empty($loginId) ? "{loginId}" : $loginId;
     $html = Template::render($template, $view);
     return $html;
예제 #10
파일: twitter.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
function processUser($connection)
    $user_info = $connection->get('account/verify_credentials');
    if (isset($user_info->error)) {
        $message = "Error retrieving twitter user information";
    } else {
        // get screenName, profile Pic
        // exisitng record ? find on twitter_id
        // New record - create login + twitter record
        // start login session
        $id = $user_info->id;
        if (empty($id)) {
            trigger_error("Could not retrieve twitter id : please try again.", E_USER_ERROR);
        $image = $user_info->profile_image_url;
        $screenName = $user_info->screen_name;
        $name = $user_info->name;
        $location = $user_info->location;
        // do not know what twitter will return
        // we consider auth to be good enough for a user
        if (empty($name) && empty($screenName)) {
            $name = "Anonymous";
        $message = sprintf("Login:Twitter :: id %d ,name %s ", $id, $name);
        $twitterDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Twitter();
        $loginId = $twitterDao->getOrCreate($id, $name, $screenName, $location, $image);
        if (empty($loginId)) {
            $message = "Not able to create 3mik login for twitter user";
        //success - update login record
        // start 3mik session
        $remoteIp = \com\indigloo\Url::getRemoteIp();
        mysql\Login::updateIp(session_id(), $loginId, $remoteIp);
        $code = Login::startOAuth2Session($loginId, Login::TWITTER);
        $location = $code == Login::FORBIDDEN_CODE ? AppConstants::ERROR_403_URL : AppConstants::DASHBOARD_URL;
        header("Location: " . $location);
예제 #11
파일: extract-image.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc

header('Content-type: application/json');
include 'sc-app.inc';
include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/header.inc';
use com\indigloo\Util;
use com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login;
use com\indigloo\Logger;
$message = NULL;
//use login is required for image extraction
if (!Login::hasSession()) {
    $message = array("code" => 401, "message" => "Authentication failure: You need to login!");
    $html = json_encode($message);
    echo $html;
$target = $_POST["target"];
$parser = new \com\indigloo\text\UrlParser();
$response = $parser->extractUsingDom($target);
if (empty($response)) {
    $response = new \stdClass();
    $response->code = 500;
    $response->message = "Error retrieving images. Please try again.";
} else {
    $response->code = 200;
    $count = count($response->images);
    if ($count == 0) {
        $response->message = "success: No image found on target URL";
    } else {
        $response->message = sprintf("success : retrieved %d images.", $count);
예제 #12
파일: detail.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
$panelId = $sticky->get("panel_id");
$qparams = Url::getRequestQueryParams();
$gSessionLogin = \com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login::getLoginInSession();
$loginId = $gSessionLogin->id;
$loginName = $gSessionLogin->name;
if (is_null($loginId)) {
    trigger_error("Error : NULL or invalid login_id", E_USER_ERROR);
$plistId = Url::getQueryParam("list_id");
$listId = PseudoId::decode($plistId);
settype($listId, "int");
$listDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Lists();
$listDBRow = $listDao->getOnId($listId);
$listName = $listDBRow["name"];
//list owner check
if (!Login::isOwner($listDBRow["login_id"])) {
    header("Location: /site/error/403.html");
$listPubUrl = sprintf("%s/pub/list/%d/%s", Url::base(), $plistId, $listDBRow["seo_name"]);
//get items from sc_list_item table
$model = new \com\indigloo\sc\model\ListItem();
$filter = new Filter($model);
$filter->add($model::LIST_ID, Filter::EQ, $listId);
$pageSize = Config::getInstance()->get_value("user.page.items");
$filters = array();
array_push($filters, $filter);
$paginator = new \com\indigloo\ui\Pagination($qparams, $pageSize);
$itemDBRows = $listDao->getPagedItems($paginator, $filters);
$baseURI = "/user/dashboard/list/detail.php";
$fUrl = Url::current();
예제 #13
파일: fb2.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
 * @param access_token - access token returned by facebook for offline use
 * @param expires - time in seconds till the access_token expiry  
function processUser($user, $access_token, $expires)
    // exisitng record ? find on facebook_id
    // New record - create login + facebook record
    // start login session
    $id = $user->id;
    if (empty($id)) {
        trigger_error("Could not retrieve facebook id : please try again.", E_USER_ERROR);
    //rest of the properties may be missing
    $email = property_exists($user, 'email') ? $user->email : '';
    $name = property_exists($user, 'name') ? $user->name : '';
    $firstName = property_exists($user, 'first_name') ? $user->first_name : '';
    $lastName = property_exists($user, 'last_name') ? $user->last_name : '';
    $link = property_exists($user, 'link') ? $user->link : '';
    $gender = property_exists($user, 'gender') ? $user->gender : '';
    // do not know what facebook will return
    // we consider auth to be good enough for a user
    if (empty($name) && empty($firstName)) {
        $name = "Anonymous";
    $message = sprintf("Login:Facebook :: id %d ,email %s ", $id, $email);
    $facebookDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Facebook();
    $loginId = $facebookDao->getOrCreate($id, $name, $firstName, $lastName, $link, $gender, $email, $access_token, $expires);
    if (empty($loginId)) {
        $message = "Not able to create 3mik login for facebook user";
    //success - update login record
    // start 3mik session
    $remoteIp = \com\indigloo\Url::getRemoteIp();
    mysql\Login::updateTokenIp(session_id(), $loginId, $access_token, $expires, $remoteIp);
    $code = Login::startOAuth2Session($loginId, Login::FACEBOOK);
    $location = $code == Login::FORBIDDEN_CODE ? AppConstants::ERROR_403_URL : AppConstants::DASHBOARD_URL;
    header("Location: " . $location);
예제 #14
파일: Post.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
 function process($params, $options)
     if (is_null($params) || empty($params)) {
         $controller = new \com\indigloo\sc\controller\Http400();
     $itemId = Util::getArrayKey($params, "item_id");
     if ($itemId < 1200) {
         //@todo remove permanent redirect
         $redirectUrl = "/item/" . PseudoId::encode($itemId);
         header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
         header("Location: " . $redirectUrl);
     $postDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Post();
     $postId = PseudoId::decode($itemId);
     $postDBRow = $postDao->getOnId($postId);
     if (empty($postDBRow)) {
         //not found
         $controller = new \com\indigloo\sc\controller\Http404();
     $options = array();
     $options["group"] = true;
     $postView = \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::createPostView($postDBRow, $options);
     // links is separate from postView for historical reasons
     $linksJson = $postDBRow['links_json'];
     $dblinks = json_decode($linksJson);
     $links = array();
     foreach ($dblinks as $link) {
         $link = Url::addHttp($link);
         array_push($links, $link);
     /* data for facebook/google+ dialogs */
     $itemObj = new \stdClass();
     $itemObj->appId = Config::getInstance()->get_value("facebook.app.id");
     $itemObj->host = Url::base();
     /* google+ cannot redirect to local box */
     $itemObj->netHost = "http://www.3mik.com";
     $itemObj->callback = $itemObj->host . "/callback/fb-share.php";
     if ($postView->hasImage) {
         /* use original image for og snippets, smaller images may be ignored */
         /* facebook and google+ dialogs need absolute URL */
         $itemObj->picture = $postView->srcImage;
     } else {
         $itemObj->picture = $itemObj->host . "/css/asset/sc/logo.png";
     //do not urlencode - as we use this value as canonical url
     $itemObj->link = $itemObj->host . "/item/" . $itemId;
     $itemObj->netLink = $itemObj->netHost . "/item/" . $itemId;
     // title in DB is 128 chars long.
     // here on page we want to use a 70 char title.
     // also used in item images alt text
     // item description should be 160 chars.
     $itemObj->title = Util::abbreviate($postView->title, 70);
     $itemObj->title = sprintf("item %s - %s", $itemId, $itemObj->title);
     $itemObj->description = Util::abbreviate($postView->description, 160);
     $itemObj->description = sprintf("item %s - %s by user %s", $itemId, $itemObj->description, $postView->userName);
     $strItemObj = json_encode($itemObj);
     //make the item json string form safe
     $strItemObj = Util::formSafeJson($strItemObj);
     /* likes data */
     $bookmarkDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Bookmark();
     $likeDBRows = $bookmarkDao->getLikeOnItemId($itemId);
     $gWeb = \com\indigloo\core\Web::getInstance();
     /* sticky is used by comment form */
     $sticky = new Sticky($gWeb->find(Constants::STICKY_MAP, true));
     $gRegistrationPopup = false;
     $loginIdInSession = \com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login::tryLoginIdInSession();
     //show registration popup
     if (is_null($loginIdInSession)) {
         $register_popup = $gWeb->find("sc:browser:registration:popup");
         $register_popup = is_null($register_popup) ? false : $register_popup;
         if (!$register_popup) {
             $gRegistrationPopup = true;
             $gWeb->store("sc:browser:registration:popup", true);
     $group_slug = $postDBRow["group_slug"];
     $groupDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Group();
     $group_names = $groupDao->tokenizeSlug($group_slug, ",", true);
     $pageTitle = $itemObj->title;
     $metaKeywords = SeoData::getMetaKeywords($group_names);
     $pageUrl = Url::base() . Url::current();
     $file = APP_WEB_DIR . '/view/item.php';
     include $file;
예제 #15
파일: register.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
         $code = $ex->getCode();
         switch ($code) {
             case 401:
                 $message = "Wrong login or password. Please try again!";
                 throw new UIException(array($message));
                 $message = "Error during login. Please try after some time!";
                 throw new UIException(array($message));
     //success - update login record
     // start 3mik session
     $remoteIp = \com\indigloo\Url::getRemoteIp();
     mysql\Login::updateIp(session_id(), $loginId, $remoteIp);
     Login::startOAuth2Session($loginId, Login::MIK);
     //add overlay message
     $message = "success! Thanks for joining " . $fvalues['first_name'];
     $gWeb->store("global.overlay.message", $message);
     header("Location: " . AppConstants::DASHBOARD_URL);
 } catch (UIException $ex) {
     $gWeb->store(Constants::STICKY_MAP, $fvalues);
     $gWeb->store(Constants::FORM_ERRORS, $ex->getMessages());
     header("Location: " . $fUrl);
 } catch (DBException $ex) {
     $gWeb->store(Constants::STICKY_MAP, $fvalues);
     // @imp: this is mysql error code
     // @todo need to define this as a constant
     if ($ex->getCode() == 1062) {
예제 #16
파일: edit.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/role/user.inc';
use com\indigloo\Util;
use com\indigloo\Url;
use com\indigloo\ui\form\Sticky;
use com\indigloo\Constants;
use com\indigloo\ui\form\Message as FormMessage;
use com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login;
use com\indigloo\sc\util\PseudoId;
$sticky = new Sticky($gWeb->find(Constants::STICKY_MAP, true));
$encodedId = Url::getQueryParam("id");
$commentId = PseudoId::decode($encodedId);
$qUrl = Url::tryBase64QueryParam("q", "/");
$fUrl = Url::current();
$commentDao = new com\indigloo\sc\dao\Comment();
$commentDBRow = $commentDao->getOnId($commentId);
if (!(Login::isOwner($commentDBRow['login_id']) || Login::isAdmin())) {
    header("Location: /site/error/403.html");
$sticky = new Sticky($gWeb->find(Constants::STICKY_MAP, true));
$itemId = PseudoId::encode($commentDBRow['post_id']);

<!DOCTYPE html>

        <title> Edit Comment</title>
include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/meta.inc';
예제 #17
파일: edit.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
use com\indigloo\Constants;
use com\indigloo\exception\UIException;
use com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login;
if (isset($_POST['save']) && $_POST['save'] == 'Save') {
    $gWeb = \com\indigloo\core\Web::getInstance();
    $fvalues = array();
    $fUrl = \com\indigloo\Url::tryFormUrl("fUrl");
    try {
        $fhandler = new Form\Handler('web-form-1', $_POST);
        $fhandler->addRule('first_name', 'First Name', array('required' => 1, 'maxlength' => 32));
        $fhandler->addRule('last_name', 'Last Name', array('required' => 1, 'maxlength' => 32));
        $fhandler->addRule('email', 'Email', array('required' => 1, 'maxlength' => 64));
        $fhandler->addRule('qUrl', 'qUrl', array('required' => 1, 'rawData' => 1));
        $fvalues = $fhandler->getValues();
        //decode q param to use in redirect
        $qUrl = base64_decode($fvalues['qUrl']);
        if ($fhandler->hasErrors()) {
            throw new UIException($fhandler->getErrors());
        $loginId = Login::getLoginIdInSession();
        $userDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\User();
        $userDao->update($loginId, $fvalues['first_name'], $fvalues['last_name'], $fvalues['nick_name'], $fvalues['email'], $fvalues['website'], $fvalues['blog'], $fvalues['location'], $fvalues['age'], $fvalues['photo_url'], $fvalues['about_me']);
        header("Location: " . $qUrl);
    } catch (UIException $ex) {
        $gWeb->store(Constants::STICKY_MAP, $fvalues);
        $gWeb->store(Constants::FORM_ERRORS, $ex->getMessages());
        header("Location: " . $fUrl);
예제 #18
파일: google2.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
function processUser($user)
    $id = $user->id;
    if (empty($id)) {
        trigger_error("Could not retrieve google id : please try again.", E_USER_ERROR);
    //rest of the properties may be missing
    $email = property_exists($user, 'email') ? $user->email : '';
    $name = property_exists($user, 'name') ? $user->name : '';
    $firstName = property_exists($user, 'given_name') ? $user->given_name : '';
    $lastName = property_exists($user, 'family_name') ? $user->family_name : '';
    $photo = property_exists($user, 'picture') ? $user->picture : '';
    // we consider id + auth to be good enough for a user
    if (empty($name) && empty($firstName)) {
        $name = "Anonymous";
    $message = sprintf("Login:Google :: id %d ,email %s ", $id, $email);
    $googleDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Google();
    $loginId = $googleDao->getOrCreate($id, $email, $name, $firstName, $lastName, $photo);
    if (empty($loginId)) {
        $message = "Not able to create 3mik login for google user";
    //success - update login record
    // start 3mik session
    $remoteIp = \com\indigloo\Url::getRemoteIp();
    mysql\Login::updateIp(session_id(), $loginId, $remoteIp);
    $code = Login::startOAuth2Session($loginId, Login::GOOGLE);
    $location = $code == Login::FORBIDDEN_CODE ? AppConstants::ERROR_403_URL : AppConstants::DASHBOARD_URL;
    header("Location: " . $location);
예제 #19
파일: invite.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc

include 'sc-app.inc';
include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/header.inc';
use com\indigloo\Util;
use com\indigloo\Url;
use com\indigloo\ui\form\Sticky;
use com\indigloo\Constants;
use com\indigloo\ui\form\Message as FormMessage;
use com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login;
$gWeb = \com\indigloo\core\Web::getInstance();
$sticky = new Sticky($gWeb->find(Constants::STICKY_MAP, true));
$qUrl = Url::tryBase64QueryParam("q", "/");
$fUrl = Url::current();
$loginId = Login::tryLoginIdInSession();
//add security token to form
$formToken = Util::getBase36GUID();
$gWeb->store("form.token", $formToken);
$defaultMessage = \com\indigloo\sc\html\Site::getInvitationMessage();

<!DOCTYPE html>

        <title> 3mik.com - invite your friends</title>
include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/meta.inc';
예제 #20
파일: tag.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc

header('Content-type: application/json');
include 'sc-app.inc';
include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/header.inc';
use com\indigloo\Util;
use com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login;
use com\indigloo\sc\ui\Constants as UIConstants;
use com\indigloo\sc\util\Nest;
use com\indigloo\sc\Constants as AppConstants;
use com\indigloo\exception\DBException;
//Admin login is required
if (!Login::isAdmin()) {
    $message = array("code" => 401, "message" => "Authentication failure! Admin credentials missing.");
    $html = json_encode($message);
    echo $html;
$postId = Util::getArrayKey($_POST, "postId");
// Action from UI is ADD | REMOVE
// see com\indigloo\sc\ui\Constants file
$action = Util::getArrayKey($_POST, "action");
$postDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Post();
$message = NULL;
try {
    switch ($action) {
        case UIConstants::FEATURE_POST:
            $message = sprintf("success! item %s added to featured posts", $postId);
예제 #21
파일: change-password.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc

include 'sc-app.inc';
include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/header.inc';
include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/role/user.inc';
use com\indigloo\Util;
use com\indigloo\Url;
use com\indigloo\ui\form\Sticky;
use com\indigloo\Constants;
use com\indigloo\ui\form\Message as FormMessage;
use com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login;
use com\indigloo\exception\UIException;
$gSessionLogin = Login::getLoginInSession();
$loginId = $gSessionLogin->id;
if (strcmp($gSessionLogin->provider, Login::MIK) != 0) {
    $message = "change password only works for 3mik logins!";
    throw new UIException(array($message));
$userDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\User();
$userDBRow = $userDao->getonLoginId($loginId);
//tokens for use in next screen
$ftoken = Util::getMD5GUID();
$email = $userDBRow["email"];
$femail = Util::encrypt($email);
$gWeb = \com\indigloo\core\Web::getInstance();
$gWeb->store("change.password.email", $femail);
$gWeb->store("change.password.token", $ftoken);
$title = $userDBRow["email"];
$qUrl = base64_encode(Url::current());
$fUrl = Url::current();
예제 #22
파일: Comment.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
 function delete($commentId)
     $loginId = \com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login::tryLoginIdInSession();
     mysql\Comment::delete($commentId, $loginId);