private function format($topics) { $_topics = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($topics as $topic) { $message = \CODOF\Format::message($topic['message']); $_topics[$i] = array("cat_alias" => $topic['cat_alias'], "cat_img" => $topic['cat_img'], "id" => $topic['id'], "avatar" => \CODOF\Util::get_avatar_path($topic['avatar'], $topic['id']), "name" => $topic['name'], "post_created" => \CODOF\Time::get_pretty_time($topic['post_created']), "topic_id" => $topic['topic_id'], "post_id" => $topic['post_id'], "safe_title" => \CODOF\Filter::URL_safe($topic['title']), "title" => \CODOF\Util::mid_cut($topic['title'], 200), "no_replies" => \CODOF\Util::abbrev_no($topic['no_posts'] - 1, 1), "no_views" => \CODOF\Util::abbrev_no($topic['no_views'], 1), "last_post_uid" => $topic['last_post_uid'], "last_post_name" => $topic['last_post_name'], "last_post_time" => \CODOF\Time::get_pretty_time($topic['last_post_time'] != $topic['topic_created'] ? $topic['last_post_time'] : NULL)); $excerpt = \CODOF\Format::excerpt($message, $topic['topic_id'], $_topics[$i]["safe_title"]); $_topics[$i]["message"] = $excerpt['message']; $_topics[$i]["overflow"] = $excerpt['overflow']; $_topics[$i]["status"] = $topic['topic_status']; $_topics[$i]["what"] = 'is_topic'; $i++; } return $_topics; }
private function gen_posts_arr($posts) { $_posts = array(); $i = 0; $topics_set = array(); foreach ($posts as $post) { if (isset($topics_set[$post['topic_id']])) { $_posts[$topics_set[$post['topic_id']]]['contents'][] = array("post_id" => $post['post_id'], "message" => \CODOF\Format::message($post['message']), "post_created" => \CODOF\Time::get_pretty_time($post['post_created'])); //$topics_set[$post['topic_id']]++; continue; } $_posts[$i] = array("id" => $post['id'], "avatar" => \CODOF\Util::get_avatar_path($post['avatar'], $post['id']), "name" => $post['name'], "no_replies" => \CODOF\Util::abbrev_no($post['no_posts'] - 1, 1), "no_views" => \CODOF\Util::abbrev_no($post['no_views'], 1), "topic_created" => \CODOF\Time::get_pretty_time($post['topic_created']), "cat_alias" => $post['cat_alias'], "cat_img" => $post['cat_img'], "contents" => array(array("post_id" => $post['post_id'], "message" => \CODOF\Format::message($post['message']), "post_created" => \CODOF\Time::get_pretty_time($post['post_created']))), "topic_id" => $post['topic_id'], "safe_title" => \CODOF\Filter::URL_safe($post['title']), "title" => html_entity_decode(\CODOF\Util::mid_cut($post['title'], 200), ENT_NOQUOTES, "UTF-8")); $topics_set[$post['topic_id']] = $i; $i++; } return $_posts; }
/** * Returns user info from database * @param string $qry * @param array $vals * @param PDO $db * @return object */ protected static function getUserObject($qry, $vals, $db) { $obj = $db->prepare($qry); $obj->execute($vals); $userDetails = $obj->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); foreach ($userDetails as $u) { $rids[] = $u->rid; if ($u->is_primary == '1') { $primary_rid = $u->rid; } } if (isset($userDetails[0])) { $user = $userDetails[0]; $user->rids = $rids; $user->rid = $primary_rid; unset($user->is_primary); //not required and is wrong } if (isset($user) && property_exists($user, 'id')) { $user->rawAvatar = $user->avatar; $user->avatar = \CODOF\Util::get_avatar_path($user->avatar, $user->id); return $user; } \CODOF\Util::log('Unable to fetch user data User.php:39 vals= ' . print_r($vals, true) . ' ' . print_r($_SESSION, true)); return false; }
/** private functions --------------------------------------------------------- */ public function gen_posts_arr($posts, $search = false) { $_posts = array(); $user = \CODOF\User\User::get(); $uid = $user->id; $i = 0; foreach ($posts as $post) { $message = \CODOF\Format::message($post['message']); if ($search) { $message = $search->get_matching_str($message); } $_posts[$i] = array("id" => $post['id'], "avatar" => \CODOF\Util::get_avatar_path($post['avatar'], $post['id']), "name" => $post['name'], "post_created" => \CODOF\Time::get_pretty_time($post['post_created']), "post_modified" => \CODOF\Time::get_pretty_time($post['post_modified']), "post_id" => $post['post_id'], "message" => $message, "imessage" => $post['imessage'], "reputation" => $post['reputation'], "role" => \CODOF\User\User::getRoleName($post['rid']), "no_posts" => \CODOF\Util::abbrev_no($post['no_posts'], 1), "signature" => $post['signature']); $_posts[$i]['tid'] = $this->tid; $_posts[$i]['page'] = $this->from + 1; $_posts[$i]['safe_title'] = $this->safe_title; if ($this->topic_post_id == $post['post_id']) { //is a topic $_posts[$i]['is_topic'] = true; if ($post['id'] == $uid) { //this topic belongs to current user $_posts[$i]['can_edit_topic'] = $user->can(array('edit my topics', 'edit all topics'), $this->cat_id); $_posts[$i]['can_delete_topic'] = $user->can(array('delete my topics', 'delete all topics'), $this->cat_id); } else { $_posts[$i]['can_edit_topic'] = $user->can('edit all topics', $this->cat_id); $_posts[$i]['can_delete_topic'] = $user->can('delete all topics', $this->cat_id); } $_posts[$i]['can_manage_topic'] = $_posts[$i]['can_edit_topic'] || $_posts[$i]['can_delete_topic']; } else { $_posts[$i]['is_topic'] = false; if ($post['id'] == $uid) { //this topic belongs to current user $_posts[$i]['can_edit_post'] = $user->can(array('edit my posts', 'edit all posts'), $this->cat_id); $_posts[$i]['can_delete_post'] = $user->can(array('delete my posts', 'delete all posts'), $this->cat_id); } else { $_posts[$i]['can_edit_post'] = $user->can('edit all posts', $this->cat_id); $_posts[$i]['can_delete_post'] = $user->can('delete all posts', $this->cat_id); } $_posts[$i]['can_manage_post'] = $_posts[$i]['can_edit_post'] || $_posts[$i]['can_delete_post']; } $_posts[$i]['can_see_history'] = $user->can('see history', $this->cat_id); if ($this->tuid == $uid) { //if my topic $_posts[$i]['can_reply'] = true; //i can reply to my own topic } else { $_posts[$i]['can_reply'] = $user->can('reply to all topics', $this->cat_id, $this->tid); } if ($search) { $_posts[$i]['in_search'] = true; } $i++; } return $_posts; }
public function gen_topic_arr($topics, $cid) { $_topics = array(); $user = \CODOF\User\User::get(); $uid = $user->id; $i = 0; foreach ($topics as $topic) { $message = \CODOF\Format::message($topic['message']); $_topics[$i] = array("id" => $topic['id'], "avatar" => \CODOF\Util::get_avatar_path($topic['avatar'], $topic['id']), "name" => $topic['name'], "post_created" => \CODOF\Time::get_pretty_time($topic['post_created']), "topic_created" => $topic['topic_created'], "topic_id" => $topic['topic_id'], "post_id" => $topic['post_id'], "safe_title" => \CODOF\Filter::URL_safe(html_entity_decode($topic['title'])), "title" => $topic['title'], "no_replies" => \CODOF\Util::abbrev_no($topic['no_posts'] - 1, 1), "no_views" => \CODOF\Util::abbrev_no($topic['no_views'], 1), "last_post_name" => $topic['lname'], "last_post_uid" => $topic['luid'], "sticky" => Forum::isSticky($topic['topic_status']), "last_post_id" => $topic['last_post_id'], "last_post_time" => \CODOF\Time::get_pretty_time($topic['lpost_time'] != $topic['topic_created'] ? $topic['lpost_time'] : NULL)); $excerpt = \CODOF\Format::excerpt($message, $topic['topic_id'], $_topics[$i]["safe_title"]); $_topics[$i]["message"] = $excerpt['message']; $_topics[$i]["overflow"] = $excerpt['overflow']; if ($topic['uid'] == $uid) { //this topic belongs to current user $_topics[$i]['can_edit_topic'] = $user->can(array('edit my topics', 'edit all topics'), $cid); $_topics[$i]['can_delete_topic'] = $user->can(array('delete my topics', 'delete all topics'), $cid); } else { $_topics[$i]['can_edit_topic'] = $user->can('edit all topics', $cid); $_topics[$i]['can_delete_topic'] = $user->can('delete all topics', $cid); } $_topics[$i]['can_manage_topic'] = $_topics[$i]['can_edit_topic'] || $_topics[$i]['can_delete_topic']; if (isset($search)) { $_topics[$i]['in_search'] = true; } if (in_array($topic['topic_id'], $this->new_topic_ids)) { $_topics[$i]["new_topic"] = true; } if (in_array($topic['topic_id'], $this->new_replies)) { $_topics[$i]["new_replies"] = $this->new_replies[$topic['topic_id']][0]; $_topics[$i]["last_reply_id"] = $this->new_replies[$topic['topic_id']][1]; } if (isset($this->tags[$topic['topic_id']])) { $_topics[$i]["tags"] = $this->tags[$topic['topic_id']]; } $i++; } return $_topics; }
/** * Get matched users with limit 10 * @param string $qry * @return array */ public function find($qry, $catid, $tid) { $cid = (int) $catid; $tid = (int) $tid; $selector = ''; if ($cid) { $selector = ', MAX(p.granted) AS allowed'; } $users = \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_users AS u'); $users->select(\DB::raw(', u.username, u.avatar' . $selector))->where('u.username', 'LIKE', "{$qry}%")->where('u.mail', '<>', 'anonymous@localhost'); if ($cid) { $users->leftJoin(PREFIX . 'codo_user_roles AS r', 'r.uid', '=', '')->leftJoin(PREFIX . 'codo_permissions AS p', function ($join) use($cid) { $join->on('p.permission', '=', \DB::raw('\'view all topics\''))->on('p.rid', '=', 'r.rid')->on('p.cid', '=', \DB::raw($cid))->on('p.tid', '=', \DB::raw(0)); })->groupBy(''); } $users = $users->take(10)->get(); $type = ''; if ($cid) { $type = 'new_topic'; } if ($tid) { $type = 'new_reply'; } $mutedIds = array(); if ($type != '' && count($users)) { $uids = array_column($users, 'id'); $subscriber = new Subscriber(); $mutedIds = $subscriber->mutedOf($type, $cid, $tid, $uids); } $_users = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($users as $user) { $_users[$i]["username"] = $user['username']; $_users[$i]["avatar"] = \CODOF\Util::get_avatar_path($user['avatar'], $user['id'], false); if ($cid) { //if $cid is not provided can't say whether user is mentionable or not $notMentionable = in_array($user['id'], $mutedIds) || $user['allowed'] === 0; $_users[$i]["mentionable"] = !$notMentionable ? 'yes' : 'no'; //better for js -> y/n } $i++; } return $_users; }