public function createContent($pageName, $contentType, $contentItemTitle, $contentItem) { try { $pdo = new DbManager(); $conn = $pdo->getPdoInstance(); $result = ''; $stmt = $conn->prepare('INSERT INTO content(contentId, pageName, contentType, contentItemTitle, contentItem, created) VALUES (DEFAULT, :pagename, :contenttype, :contentitemtitle, :contentitem, curdate())'); $stmt->bindParam(':pagename', $pageName); $stmt->bindParam(':contenttype', $contentType); $stmt->bindParam(':contentitemtitle', $contentItemTitle); $stmt->bindParam(':contentitem', $contentItem); if (!$stmt->execute()) { $result .= 'Heuston we have a problem!'; } return $result .= 'Nice. Some new content created'; } catch (PDOException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } }
$config = parse_ini_file(realpath('../config/config.ini'), true); # get the theme and add it to the twig loaders path. $myTemplatesPath1 = __DIR__ . '/../themes/' . $config['themes']['theme'] . '/templates'; $myTemplatesPath2 = __DIR__ . '/../templates/admin'; # $loggerPath = dirname(__DIR__).'/logs'; $app = new Silex\Application(); $app['title'] = ''; if (isset($config['title']['title'])) { $app['title'] = $config['title']['title']; } $app['image'] = ''; if (isset($config['bg-image']['image'])) { $app['image'] = '/images/' . $config['bg-image']['image']; } # store regularly used variables(services?) in the app container $dbmanager = new DbManager(); # app['dbh'] is a connection instance and is passed to the constructor # of the database repository. $app['dbh'] = $dbmanager->getPdoInstance(); $db = new DbRepository($app['dbh']); # The $pages variable will be accessible in twig templates as app.pages. # and will (usually) be an array of page objects # so you can loop through with a twig for loop. # e.g {% for page in app.pages %}{{ page.pageName or page.pageTemplate }} # this will save having to query the database every time you want to access # the page objects. $app['pages'] = $db->getAllPages(); $app['images'] = $db->viewImages(); # twig loaders for templates: a database loader for dynamically created templates, # and a filesystem loader for templates stored on the filesystem. $app['loader1'] = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(array($myTemplatesPath1, $myTemplatesPath2));