protected function loadData() { if (!($theme = Theme::getActiveTheme())) { throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('cms::lang.theme.not_found_name', ['name' => Theme::getActiveThemeCode()])); } $this->vars['theme'] = $theme; $this->vars['inMaintenance'] = MaintenanceSetting::get('is_enabled'); }
protected function loadData() { $manager = UpdateManager::instance(); $manager->requestUpdateList(); $this->vars['inMaintenance'] = MaintenanceSetting::get('is_enabled'); $this->vars['updates'] = DB::table('system_parameters')->where('item', 'count')->pluck('value'); $this->vars['plugins'] = DB::table('system_plugin_versions')->count(); $count = 0; if ($themes = opendir('themes')) { while (false !== ($theme = readdir($themes))) { if ($theme != '.' && $theme != '..' && !File::isFile($theme)) { $count++; } } closedir($themes); } $this->vars['themes'] = $count; }
protected function loadData() { $this->vars['theme'] = Theme::getActiveTheme(); $this->vars['inMaintenance'] = MaintenanceSetting::get('is_enabled'); }
/** * Finds and serves the requested page. * If the page cannot be found, returns the page with the URL /404. * If the /404 page doesn't exist, returns the system 404 page. * @param string $url Specifies the requested page URL. * If the parameter is omitted, the current URL used. * @return string Returns the processed page content. */ public function run($url = '/') { if ($url === null) { $url = Request::path(); } if (!strlen($url)) { $url = '/'; } /* * Hidden page */ $page = $this->router->findByUrl($url); if ($page && $page->is_hidden) { if (!BackendAuth::getUser()) { $page = null; } } /* * Maintenance mode */ if (MaintenanceSetting::isConfigured() && MaintenanceSetting::get('is_enabled', false) && !BackendAuth::getUser()) { if (!Request::ajax()) { $this->setStatusCode(503); } $page = Page::loadCached($this->theme, MaintenanceSetting::get('cms_page')); } /* * Extensibility */ if (($event = $this->fireEvent('page.beforeDisplay', [$url, $page], true)) || ($event = Event::fire('', [$this, $url, $page], true))) { if ($event instanceof Page) { $page = $event; } else { return $event; } } /* * If the page was not found, render the 404 page - either provided by the theme or the built-in one. */ if (!$page || $url === '404') { if (!Request::ajax()) { $this->setStatusCode(404); } // Log the 404 request if (!App::runningUnitTests()) { RequestLog::add(); } if (!($page = $this->router->findByUrl('/404'))) { return Response::make(View::make('cms::404'), $this->statusCode); } } /* * Run the page */ $result = $this->runPage($page); /* * Post-processing */ $result = $this->postProcessResult($page, $url, $result); /* * Extensibility */ if (($event = $this->fireEvent('page.display', [$url, $page, $result], true)) || ($event = Event::fire('', [$this, $url, $page, $result], true))) { return $event; } if (!is_string($result)) { return $result; } return Response::make($result, $this->statusCode); }