예제 #1
 public function signup(\ClassCentral\SiteBundle\Entity\User $user, $emailVerification = true)
     $em = $this->container->get('doctrine')->getManager();
     $templating = $this->container->get('templating');
     $mailgun = $this->container->get('mailgun');
     $verifyTokenService = $this->container->get('verification_token');
     $userSession = $this->container->get('user_session');
     // Normalize the email
     $password = $user->getPassword();
     // If the email has subscriptions to different newsletters, transfer it over to this user
     $emailEntity = $em->getRepository('ClassCentralSiteBundle:Email')->findOneByEmail($user->getEmail());
     if ($emailEntity) {
         foreach ($emailEntity->getNewsletters() as $newsletter) {
     // Create user prefrences for the user
     // Login the user
     // Create a successfull signup notification
     $userSession->notifyUser(UserSession::FLASH_TYPE_SUCCESS, 'Account successfully created', "You can now build your own library of courses by adding them to <a href='/user/courses''>My Courses</a>", 30);
     // Send a welcome email but not in the test environment
     if ($this->container->getParameter('kernel.environment') != 'test') {
         $name = $user->getName() ? ucwords($user->getName()) : "";
         $html = $templating->renderResponse('ClassCentralSiteBundle:Mail:welcome.html.twig', array('name' => $name, 'loginToken' => $this->getLoginToken($user), 'baseUrl' => $this->container->getParameter('baseurl'), 'utm' => array('medium' => Mailgun::UTM_MEDIUM, 'campaign' => 'new_user_welcome', 'source' => Mailgun::UTM_SOURCE_PRODUCT)))->getContent();
         $mailgunResponse = $mailgun->sendIntroEmail($user->getEmail(), "'Dhawal Shah'<*****@*****.**>", "Welcome to Class Central, what else can you learn?", $html);
         if ($emailVerification) {
             // Send an email for verification
             $value = array('verify' => 1, 'email' => $user->getEmail());
             $tokenEntity = $verifyTokenService->create($value, \ClassCentral\SiteBundle\Entity\VerificationToken::EXPIRY_1_YEAR);
             $html = $templating->renderResponse('ClassCentralSiteBundle:Mail:confirm.email.html.twig', array('token' => $tokenEntity->getToken()))->getContent();
             $mailgunResponse = $mailgun->sendSimpleText($user->getEmail(), "*****@*****.**", "Please confirm your email", $html);
             // Send user a notification about this email
             $userSession->notifyUser(UserSession::FLASH_TYPE_NOTICE, 'Confirm your email address', "A confirmation email has been sent to <b>{$user->getEmail()}</b>. Click on the confirmation link in the email to activate your account", 60);
     return $user;