protected function configure() { parent::configure(); $this->setName('claroline:migration:version')->setDescription('Displays information about the migration status of a bundle.')->setHelp(<<<EOT The <info></info> displays the list of available migrations for a bundle and marks the current installed one: <info> AcmeFooBundle</info> EOT ); }
protected function configure() { parent::configure(); $this->setName('claroline:migration:discard')->setDescription('Deletes migration classes which are above the current version of the bundle.')->setHelp(<<<EOT The <info></info> command deletes bundle migration classes which are above the bundle's current version: <info> AcmeFooBundle</info> EOT ); }
protected function configure() { parent::configure(); $this->setName('claroline:migration:generate')->setDescription('Creates migration classes on a per bundle basis.')->setHelp(<<<EOT The <info></info> command generates migration classes for a specified bundle: <info> AcmeFooBundle</info> Migrations classes are generated for all the default drivers's platforms in the <info>Migrations</info> directory of the bundle. EOT ); }
protected function configure() { parent::configure(); $this->addOption('output', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The bundle output if you want migrations to be generated somewhere else'); $this->setName('claroline:migration:generate')->setDescription('Creates migration classes on a per bundle basis.')->setHelp(<<<EOT The <info></info> command generates migration classes for a specified bundle: <info> AcmeFooBundle</info> Migrations classes are generated for all the default drivers's platforms in the <info>Migrations</info> directory of the bundle. EOT ); }
protected function configure() { parent::configure(); $this->setDescription(ucfirst($this->getAction()) . 's a specified bundle')->addOption('target', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The target bundle version', Migrator::VERSION_NEAREST)->setHelp(<<<EOT The <info></info> command {$this->getAction()}s a specified bundle: <info> AcmeFooBundle</info> By default, the {$this->getAction()} target is the nearest available version, but you can specify a target using the <info>--target</info> option: <info> AcmeFooBundle --target=YYYYMMDDHHMMSS</info> <info> AcmeFooBundle --target=farthest</info> <info> AcmeFooBundle --target=nearest</info> where <info>farthest</info> means a full {$this->getAction()}. EOT ); }