예제 #1
 * and registers its namespace in the autoloader (these steps
 * are necessary because the bundle was used as the root package
 * during the execution of composer).
require __DIR__ . '/autoload.php';
use Claroline\BundleRecorder\Detector\Detector;
// convert errors to exceptions
set_error_handler(function ($severity, $message, $file, $line) {
    throw new ErrorException($message, 0, $severity, $file, $line);
if (count($argv) < 2) {
    echo "The bundle directory must be passed as argument\n";
$detector = new Detector();
$bundle = $detector->detectBundle($argv[1]);
$bundleFile = __DIR__ . '/config/bundles.ini';
$bundles = file_get_contents($bundleFile);
$bundles .= "\n{$bundle} = true";
file_put_contents($bundleFile, $bundles);
echo "Updated bundles.ini with target bundle:\n{$bundle}\n\n";
$bundleParts = explode('\\', $bundle);
$bundleNamespace = implode('\\', $bundleParts);
$loaderMask = <<<SRC

use Doctrine\\Common\\Annotations\\AnnotationRegistry;

\$loader = require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
\$loader->add('%s', '%s');
예제 #2
$operationHandler = new OperationHandler($operationFilePath);
$detector = new Detector($vendorDir);
$bundleHandler = new BundleHandler($configDir . '/bundles.ini');
$recorder = new Recorder(new Detector($vendorDir), new BundleHandler($configDir . '/bundles.ini'), new OperationHandler($configDir . '/operations.xml'), $vendorDir);
$kernel = new AppKernel('prod', false);
//I need to do that in order to access some services required for the installation...
$bundles = array();
//retrieve the current bundles
foreach ($recorder->getOperations() as $operation) {
    $package = $operation->getPackage();
    if ($package->getType() === 'claroline-plugin' || $package->getType() === 'claroline-core') {
        $bundles[] = array('type' => $package->getType(), 'name' => $package->getPrettyName(), 'new_version' => $package->getVersion(), 'is_installed' => false, 'fqcn' => $detector->detectBundle($package->getPrettyName()), 'dependencies' => array($recorder->getDependencies($package)));
//retrieve the already installed bundles
$sql = "SELECT * from `claro_bundle`";
$res = $conn->query($sql);
$operations = [];
foreach ($res->fetchAll() as $installedBundle) {
    foreach ($bundles as &$bundle) {
        if ($bundle['name'] === $installedBundle['name']) {
            $bundle['is_installed'] = true;
            $bundle['old_version'] = $installedBundle['version'];
    //removing last ref