/** * The inverse operation of calling toResponse. * * This function will attempt to parse a Response object into an * ApiResponse object, which can be useful for introspection and testing. * * @param Response $response * * @throws CoreException * @return static */ public static function fromResponse(Response $response) { $body = Std::jsonDecode($response->getContent()); $result = Spec::define(['messages' => Boa::arrOf(Boa::string()), 'status' => Boa::in(static::getValidStatuses()), 'code' => Boa::integer()])->check($body); if ($result->failed()) { throw new CoreException('Unable to parse an ApiResponse out of the content of a' . ' Response object. Make sure that the Response object was' . ' actually generated by an ApiResponse or a compatible' . ' implementation.'); } return new static(Arr::except($body, static::getReservedKeys()), $body['status'], $body['messages']); }
public function testExcept() { $this->assertEqualsMatrix([[[], Arr::except([1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2])], [[1 => 2], Arr::except([1, 2, 3], [0, 2])], [[0 => 1, 2 => 3], Arr::except([1, 2, 3], [1])]]); }