예제 #1
  * Sends a request to RouterOS.
  * @param Request $request The request to send.
  * @return self|Client The client object.
  * @see sendSync()
  * @see sendAsync()
 protected function send(Request $request)
     $request->send($this->com, $this->registry);
     return $this;
예제 #2
  * Executes a RouterOS script.
  * Same as the public equivalent, with the addition of allowing you to get
  * the contents of the script post execution, instead of removing it.
  * @param string $source A script to execute.
  * @param array  $params An array of local variables to make available in
  *     the script. Variable names are array keys, and variable values are
  *     array values. Note that the script's (generated) name is always added
  *     as the variable "_", which you can overwrite from here.
  *     Native PHP types will be converted to their RouterOS equivalents.
  *     DateTime and DateInterval objects will be casted to RouterOS' "time"
  *     type. Other types are casted to strings.
  * @param string $policy Allows you to specify a policy the script must
  *     follow. Has the same format as in terminal. If left NULL, the script
  *     has no restrictions.
  * @param string $name   The script is executed after being saved in
  *     "/system script" under a random name (prefixed with the computer's
  *     name), and is removed after execution. To eliminate any possibility
  *     of name clashes, you can specify your own name.
  * @param bool   $get    Whether to keep the script after execution.
  * @return ResponseCollection|string If the script was not added
  *     successfully before execution, the ResponseCollection from the add
  *     attempt is going to be returned. Otherwise, the (generated) name of
  *     the script.
 private function _exec($source, array $params = array(), $policy = null, $name = null, $get = false)
     $request = new Request('/system/script/add');
     if (null === $name) {
         $name = uniqid(gethostname(), true);
     $request->setArgument('name', $name);
     $request->setArgument('policy', $policy);
     $finalSource = '/' . str_replace('/', ' ', substr($this->menu, 1)) . "\n";
     $params += array('_' => $name);
     foreach ($params as $pname => $pvalue) {
         $pname = static::escapeString($pname);
         $pvalue = static::escapeValue($pvalue);
         $finalSource .= ":local \"{$pname}\" {$pvalue};\n";
     $finalSource .= $source . "\n";
     $request->setArgument('source', $finalSource);
     $result = $this->client->sendSync($request);
     if (0 === count($result->getAllOfType(Response::TYPE_ERROR))) {
         $request = new Request('/system/script/run');
         $request->setArgument('number', $name);
         $result = $this->client->sendSync($request);
         if ($get) {
             $result = $this->client->sendSync(new Request('/system/script/print .proplist="source"', Query::where('name', $name)))->getArgument('source');
         $request = new Request('/system/script/remove');
         $request->setArgument('numbers', $name);
     return $result;