make() 공개 정적인 메소드

An alias of factory().
또한 보기: Field::factory()
public static make ( $type, $name, $label = null )
    public function create_options_page($page_parent = '')
        if (!class_exists('\\Carbon_Fields\\Container\\Container')) {
        Container::make('theme_options', __('Instagram Settings', 'crb'))->set_page_parent($page_parent)->add_fields(array(Field::make('html', 'crb_instagram_settings_html')->set_html('
						<div style="position: relative; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 10px;">
							<h4><strong>' . __('Instagram API requires an Instagram client for communication with 3rd party sites. Here are the steps for creating and setting up an Instagram client:', 'crb') . '</strong></h4>
							<ol style="font-weight: normal; margin-left: 25px;">
								<li>' . sprintf(__('Go to <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">%1$s</a> and log in, if necessary.', 'crb'), '') . '</li>
								<li>' . __('Supply the necessary required fields. <strong>Valid redirect URIs</strong> field must be filled with the value from the <strong>Redirect URI</strong> field below.', 'crb') . '</li>
								<li>' . __('Click the Register button.', 'crb') . '</li>
								<li>' . __('On the next screen, copy the following fields: <strong>Client ID, Client Secret</strong> to the below fields.', 'crb') . '</li>
								<li>' . __('Save the updates using the "Save Changes" button on this page', 'crb') . '</li>
								<li>' . __('Click the "Authenticate" button and follow the on screen instructions.', 'crb') . '</li>
					'), Field::make('text', $this->client->carbon_config_fields['user_name'], __('Username', 'crb')), Field::make('textarea', $this->client->carbon_config_fields['hashtags'], __('Hashtags', 'crb'))->set_help_text(__('Separate hashtags with a comma.', 'crb')), Field::make('text', $this->client->carbon_config_fields['client_id'], __('Client ID', 'crb'))->set_width(50), Field::make('text', $this->client->carbon_config_fields['client_secret'], __('Client Secret', 'crb'))->set_width(50), Field::make('text', $this->client->carbon_config_fields['redirect_uri'], __('Redirect URI', 'crb'))->set_default_value($this->client->get_redirect_uri()), Field::make('html', 'crb_instragram_authenticate')->set_html($this->generate_page_buttons())));
 function setup()
     $this->field = Field::make('text', 'color');
  * @expectedException Carbon_Fields\Exception\Incorrect_Syntax_Exception
  * @expectedExceptionMessage can't be empty
 public function testFieldNameCantBeEmpty()
     Field::make('text', '');