table() 공개 메소드

Returns the database table name or sets a new one
public table ( string | null $table = null ) : string
$table string | null the new table name
리턴 string
예제 #1
  * Generates a SQL sub-query for replacing in ORDER BY clause.
  * @param string $column Name of the column being replaced by this sub-query
  * @param string|null $bundle Consider attributes only for a specific bundle
  * @return string SQL sub-query statement
 protected function _subQuery($column, $bundle = null)
     $alias = $this->_table->alias();
     $pk = $this->_table->primaryKey();
     $type = $this->_toolbox->getType($column);
     $subConditions = ['EavAttribute.table_alias' => $this->_table->table(), 'EavValues.entity_id' => "{$alias}.{$pk}", '' => $column];
     if (!empty($bundle)) {
         $subConditions['EavAttribute.bundle'] = $bundle;
     $subQuery = TableRegistry::get('Eav.EavValues')->find()->contain(['EavAttribute'])->select(["EavValues.value_{$type}"])->where($subConditions)->sql();
     return str_replace([':c0', ':c1', ':c2', ':c3'], ['"' . $this->_table->table() . '"', "{$alias}.{$pk}", '"' . $column . '"', '"' . $bundle . '"'], $subQuery);
예제 #2
  * Tests the table method
  * @return void
 public function testTableMethod()
     $table = new Table(['table' => 'users']);
     $this->assertEquals('users', $table->table());
     $table = new UsersTable();
     $this->assertEquals('users', $table->table());
     $table = $this->getMockBuilder('\\Cake\\ORM\\Table')->setMethods(['find'])->setMockClassName('SpecialThingsTable')->getMock();
     $this->assertEquals('special_things', $table->table());
     $table = new Table(['alias' => 'LoveBoats']);
     $this->assertEquals('love_boats', $table->table());
     $this->assertEquals('other', $table->table());
예제 #3
  * Returns the basepath for the current field/data combination.
  * If a `path` is specified in settings, then that will be used as
  * the replacement pattern
  * @return string
  * @throws LogicException if a replacement is not valid for the current dataset
 public function basepath()
     $defaultPath = 'webroot{DS}files{DS}{model}{DS}{field}{DS}';
     $path = Hash::get($this->settings, 'path', $defaultPath);
     if (strpos($path, '{primaryKey}') !== false) {
         if ($this->entity->isNew()) {
             throw new LogicException('{primaryKey} substitution not allowed for new entities');
         if (is_array($this->table->primaryKey())) {
             throw new LogicException('{primaryKey} substitution not valid for composite primary keys');
     $replacements = ['{primaryKey}' => $this->entity->get($this->table->primaryKey()), '{model}' => $this->table->alias(), '{relatedModel}' => $this->entity->model, '{table}' => $this->table->table(), '{field}' => $this->field, '{time}' => time(), '{microtime}' => microtime(), '{DS}' => DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR];
     return str_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $path);
예제 #4
  * Creates the associations between the bound table and every field passed to
  * this method.
  * Additionally it creates a `i18n` HasMany association that will be
  * used for fetching all translations for each record in the bound table
  * @param array $fields list of fields to create associations for
  * @param string $table the table name to use for storing each field translation
  * @param string $model the model field value
  * @param string $strategy the strategy used in the _i18n association
  * @return void
 public function setupFieldAssociations($fields, $table, $model, $strategy)
     $targetAlias = $this->_translationTable->alias();
     $alias = $this->_table->alias();
     $filter = $this->_config['onlyTranslated'];
     $tableLocator = $this->tableLocator();
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $name = $alias . '_' . $field . '_translation';
         if (!$tableLocator->exists($name)) {
             $fieldTable = $tableLocator->get($name, ['className' => $table, 'alias' => $name, 'table' => $this->_translationTable->table()]);
         } else {
             $fieldTable = $tableLocator->get($name);
         $conditions = [$name . '.model' => $model, $name . '.field' => $field];
         if (!$this->_config['allowEmptyTranslations']) {
             $conditions[$name . '.content !='] = '';
         $this->_table->hasOne($name, ['targetTable' => $fieldTable, 'foreignKey' => 'foreign_key', 'joinType' => $filter ? 'INNER' : 'LEFT', 'conditions' => $conditions, 'propertyName' => $field . '_translation']);
     $conditions = ["{$targetAlias}.model" => $model];
     if (!$this->_config['allowEmptyTranslations']) {
         $conditions["{$targetAlias}.content !="] = '';
     $this->_table->hasMany($targetAlias, ['className' => $table, 'foreignKey' => 'foreign_key', 'strategy' => $strategy, 'conditions' => $conditions, 'propertyName' => '_i18n', 'dependent' => true]);
  * Store to FileStorage table.
  * @param  object $docEntity Document entity
  * @param  string $field of the association
  * @param  array $fileData File data
  * @param  array $options for extra setup
  * @return object|bool Fresh created entity or false on unsuccesful attempts.
 protected function _storeFileStorage($docEntity, $field, $fileData, $options = [])
     $fieldsDefinitions = [];
     $fieldOption = [];
     $assocName = CsvMigrationsUtils::createAssociationName('Burzum/FileStorage.FileStorage', $field);
     $fileStorEnt = $this->_table->{$assocName}->newEntity($fileData);
     if (method_exists($this->_table, 'getFieldsDefinitions') && is_callable([$this->_table, 'getFieldsDefinitions'])) {
         $fieldsDefinitions = $this->_table->getFieldsDefinitions();
     if (!empty($fieldsDefinitions)) {
         foreach ($fieldsDefinitions as $tableField => $definition) {
             if ($tableField == $field) {
                 $fieldOption = $definition;
     if (!empty($options['ajax'])) {
         //AJAX upload doesn't know anything about the entity
         //it relates to, as it's not saved yet
         $patchData = ['model' => $this->_table->table(), 'model_field' => $field];
     } else {
         $patchData = [$this->_fileStorageForeignKey => $docEntity->get('id'), 'model' => $this->_table->table(), 'model_field' => $field];
     $fileStorEnt = $this->_table->{$assocName}->patchEntity($fileStorEnt, $patchData);
     if ($this->_table->{$assocName}->save($fileStorEnt)) {
         if (!empty($fieldOption) && $fieldOption['type'] == 'images') {
         return $fileStorEnt;
     return false;
  * Gets the field(s) from the args and checks if they're present in the table.
  * @param \Cake\ORM\Table $table Table object.
  * @return array Set of of fields explode()'ed from the args
 protected function _getFields(Table $table)
     $fields = explode(',', $this->args[1]);
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if (!$table->hasField($field)) {
             $this->abort(sprintf('Table `%s` is missing the field `%s`.', $table->table(), $field));
     return $fields;
예제 #7
  * Gets all attributes added to this table.
  * @param string|null $bundle Get attributes within given bundle, or all of them
  *  regardless of the bundle if not provided
  * @return array List of attributes indexed by name (virtual column name)
 public function attributes($bundle = null)
     $key = empty($bundle) ? '@all' : $bundle;
     if (isset($this->_attributes[$key])) {
         return $this->_attributes[$key];
     $this->_attributes[$key] = [];
     $conditions = ['EavAttributes.table_alias' => $this->_table->table()];
     if (!empty($bundle)) {
         $conditions['EavAttributes.bundle'] = $bundle;
     $cacheKey = $this->_table->table() . '_' . $key;
     $attrs = TableRegistry::get('Eav.EavAttributes')->find()->cache($cacheKey, 'eav_table_attrs')->where($conditions)->all()->toArray();
     foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
         $this->_attributes[$key][$attr->get('name')] = $attr;
     return $this->attributes($bundle);
예제 #8
  * Creates the associations between the bound table and every field passed to
  * this method.
  * Additionally it creates a `i18n` HasMany association that will be
  * used for fetching all translations for each record in the bound table
  * @param array $fields list of fields to create associations for
  * @param string $table the table name to use for storing each field translation
  * @param array $fieldConditions conditions for finding fields
  * @param string $strategy the strategy used in the _i18n association
  * @return void
 public function setupFieldAssociations($fields, $table, $fieldConditions, $strategy)
     $targetAlias = $this->_translationTable->alias();
     $alias = $this->_table->alias();
     $filter = $this->_config['onlyTranslated'];
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $name = $alias . '_' . $field . '_translation';
         $conditions = [$name . '.model' => $fieldConditions['model'], $name . '.field' => $field];
         foreach ($fieldConditions as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
             $conditions[$name . '.' . $fieldName] = $fieldValue;
         if (!TableRegistry::exists($name)) {
             $fieldTable = TableRegistry::get($name, ['className' => $table, 'alias' => $name, 'table' => $this->_translationTable->table()]);
         } else {
             $fieldTable = TableRegistry::get($name);
         $this->_table->hasOne($name, ['targetTable' => $fieldTable, 'foreignKey' => 'foreign_key', 'joinType' => $filter ? 'INNER' : 'LEFT', 'conditions' => $conditions, 'propertyName' => $field . '_translation']);
     $this->_table->hasMany($targetAlias, ['className' => $table, 'foreignKey' => 'foreign_key', 'strategy' => $strategy, 'conditions' => ["{$targetAlias}.model" => $fieldConditions['model']], 'propertyName' => '_i18n', 'dependent' => true]);
예제 #9
  * Sets the property name that should be filled with data from the target table
  * in the source table record.
  * If no arguments are passed, the currently configured type is returned.
  * @param string|null $name The name of the association property. Use null to read the current value.
  * @return string
 public function property($name = null)
     if ($name !== null) {
         $this->_propertyName = $name;
     if ($name === null && !$this->_propertyName) {
         $this->_propertyName = $this->_propertyName();
         if (in_array($this->_propertyName, $this->_sourceTable->schema()->columns())) {
             $msg = 'Association property name "%s" clashes with field of same name of table "%s".' . ' You should explicitly specify the "propertyName" option.';
             trigger_error(sprintf($msg, $this->_propertyName, $this->_sourceTable->table()), E_USER_WARNING);
     return $this->_propertyName;
예제 #10
  * Method that retrieves many to one associated records
  * @param  \Cake\ORM\Table       $table       Table object
  * @param  \Cake\ORM\Association $association Association object
  * @return array                              associated records
 protected function _manyToOneAssociatedRecords(\Cake\ORM\Table $table, \Cake\ORM\Association $association)
     $tableName = $table->table();
     $primaryKey = $table->primaryKey();
     $assocTableName = $association->table();
     $assocPrimaryKey = $association->primaryKey();
     $assocForeignKey = $association->foreignKey();
     $recordId = $this->request->params['pass'][0];
     $displayField = $association->displayField();
     $connection = ConnectionManager::get('default');
     $records = $connection->execute('SELECT ' . $assocTableName . '.' . $displayField . ' FROM ' . $tableName . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $assocTableName . ' ON ' . $tableName . '.' . $assocForeignKey . ' = ' . $assocTableName . '.' . $assocPrimaryKey . ' WHERE ' . $tableName . '.' . $primaryKey . ' = :id LIMIT 1', ['id' => $recordId])->fetchAll('assoc');
     // store associated table records
     $result = $records[0][$displayField];
     return $result;
  * Builds the path under which the data gets stored in the storage adapter.
  * @param Table $table
  * @param EntityInterface $entity
  * @return string
 public function buildPath($table, $entity)
     $path = '';
     if ($this->_config['tableFolder']) {
         $path .= $table->table() . DS;
     if ($this->_config['randomPath'] === true) {
         $path .= StorageUtils::randomPath($entity[$table->primaryKey()]);
     if ($this->_config['uuidFolder'] === true) {
         $path .= $this->stripDashes($entity[$table->primaryKey()]) . DS;
     return $path;
예제 #12
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function __construct(Table $table, array $config = [])
     $config['pk'] = $table->primaryKey();
     $config['tableAlias'] = (string) Inflector::underscore($table->table());
     $table->hasOne('Search.SearchDatasets', ['foreignKey' => 'entity_id', 'conditions' => ['SearchDatasets.table_alias' => $config['tableAlias']], 'dependent' => true]);
     parent::__construct($table, $config);