예제 #1
 public function error()
     $this->autoRender = false;
     $url = $this->request->url;
     \Cake\Log\Log::error('User hit with unknown api Endpoint : ' . $url);
예제 #2
 public function index()
     $this->autoRender = false;
     $userId = $this->request->query("userId");
     $restaurantId = $this->request->query("restaurantId");
     \Cake\Log\Log::debug("Download request come with userId  :- " . $userId . ' restaurantId :- ' . $restaurantId);
     if (empty($userId) or empty($restaurantId)) {
         \Cake\Log\Log::error("userId or restaurantID is blank ");
     $restaurantController = new RestaurantController();
     if (!$restaurantController->isValidate($restaurantId)) {
         \Cake\Log\Log::error("request with incorrect restaurantId :- " . $restaurantId);
     $userController = new UserController();
     if (!$userController->isUserValid($userId, $restaurantId)) {
         \Cake\Log\Log::error("request with incorrect  userId :- " . $userId);
     \Cake\Log\Log::debug('Download request is validate successfully ');
     $syncController = new SyncController();
     $syncController->download($userId, $restaurantId);
예제 #3
 public function takeawayInsert(UploadDTO\TakeawayUploadDto $takeawayRequest, $restaurantId)
     try {
         $tableObj = $this->connect();
         $newEntity = $tableObj->newEntity();
         $newEntity->TakeawayId = $takeawayRequest->takeawayId;
         $newEntity->TakeawayNo = $takeawayRequest->takeawayNo;
         $newEntity->Discount = $takeawayRequest->discount;
         $newEntity->DeliveryCharges = $takeawayRequest->deliveryCharges;
         $newEntity->CustId = $takeawayRequest->custId;
         $newEntity->RestaurantId = $restaurantId;
         $newEntity->UserId = $takeawayRequest->userId;
         $newEntity->SourceId = $takeawayRequest->sourceId;
         $newEntity->CreatedDate = date(VB_DATE_TIME_FORMAT);
         $newEntity->UpdatedDate = date(VB_DATE_TIME_FORMAT);
         if ($tableObj->save($newEntity)) {
             Log::debug('Takeaway entry stored for custId :- ' . $takeawayRequest->custId);
             return $takeawayRequest->takeawayNo;
         Log::error('Takeaway entry stored for custId :- ' . $takeawayRequest->custId);
         return FALSE;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         return FALSE;
 public function saveNetworkDeviceInfo(DTO\ClsNetworkDeviceInfoDto $infoDto)
     if ($infoDto and !$this->isPresent($infoDto->userId)) {
         $entity = $this->connect()->newEntity();
         $entity->UserId = $infoDto->userId;
         $entity->Board = $infoDto->board;
         $entity->Brand = $infoDto->brand;
         $entity->Manufacturer = $infoDto->manufacturer;
         $entity->Model = $infoDto->model;
         $entity->Product = $infoDto->product;
         $entity->FmVersion = $infoDto->fmVersion;
         $entity->IpAddress = $infoDto->ip;
         $entity->City = $infoDto->city;
         $entity->Region = $infoDto->region;
         $entity->Country = $infoDto->country;
         if ($this->connect()->save($entity)) {
             \Cake\Log\Log::debug("User Network Device Info save in database for userid : " . $infoDto->userId);
             return SUCCESS;
         \Cake\Log\Log::error("User Network Device Info not save in database for userid : " . $infoDto->userId);
         return FAIL;
     \Cake\Log\Log::error(" userid : " . $infoDto->userId . " record exist in database");
     return FAIL;
예제 #5
 public function index()
     $this->autoRender = false;
     $restaurantId = $this->request->query('restaurantId');
     $imei = $this->request->query('imei');
     $macAddress = $this->isNull($this->request->query('macId'));
     $info = base64_decode($this->request->query('info'));
     $ipAddress = $this->request->clientIp();
     $restaurantIMEIController = new RestaurantImeiController();
     if (!$restaurantIMEIController->isPresent($restaurantId, $imei, $macAddress)) {
         \Cake\Log\Log::error("request with incorrect restaurantId :- " . $restaurantId);
     $restaurantController = new RestaurantController();
     \Cake\Log\Log::info('Request is in Download Controller');
     if ($restaurantController->isValidate($restaurantId) and !empty($info)) {
         $networkDeviceDto = UploadDTO\NetworkDeviceInfoDto::Deserialize($info);
         $ipInfo = new Component\Ipinfo();
         $ipDetails = $ipInfo->getFullIpDetails($imei, $networkDeviceDto, $ipAddress);
         $networkDeviceController = new NetworkDeviceController();
         $addNetworkDeviceInfo = $networkDeviceController->addNetworkDeviceInfo($ipDetails, $restaurantId, $macAddress);
         $sqliteController = new SqliteController();
     } else {
  * Validate a google recaptcha.
  * @param string $value The captcha value.
  * @param array $context The form context.
  * @return bool
 public static function googleRecaptcha($value, $context)
     $httpClient = new Client();
     $googleReponse = $httpClient->post('https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify', ['secret' => Configure::read('Google.Recaptcha.secret'), 'response' => $value, 'remoteip' => Router::getRequest()->clientIp()]);
     $result = json_decode($googleReponse->body(), true);
     if (!empty($result['error-codes'])) {
         Log::error('Google Recaptcha: ' . $result['error-codes'][0]);
     return (bool) $result['success'];
예제 #7
 private function makeSyncEntry(UploadDTO\BillEntryDto $billEntryDto)
     $newBillEntry = $this->getTableObj()->getNewBill($billEntryDto->billNo, $billEntryDto->restaurantId, $billEntryDto->userId);
     if (!is_null($newBillEntry)) {
         $syncController = new SyncController();
         $syncResult = $syncController->billEntry($billEntryDto->userId, json_encode($newBillEntry), $this->insert, $billEntryDto->restaurantId);
         Log::debug(' New bill entry successfully place in sync table');
         return $syncResult;
     Log::error('Error occured in sync entry of new bill');
예제 #8
  * Casts given value from a database type to PHP equivalent
  * @param mixed $value value to be converted to PHP equivalent
  * @param Driver $driver object from which database preferences and configuration will be extracted
  * @return mixed
 public function toPHP($value, Driver $driver)
     if (!is_string($value) || $value === null) {
         return null;
     $unserialized = unserialize($value);
     if ($unserialized === false) {
         Log::error(__('Could not unserialize payload:'));
         $unserialized = [];
     return $unserialized;
 public function up()
     $this->autoRender = false;
     // $json = null;
     $json = $this->request->input();
     \Cake\Log\Log::debug("Upload request input json : " . $json);
     \Cake\Log\Log::debug("Checking is request empty or not");
     if (empty($json)) {
         \Cake\Log\Log::error("User requested with invalid data");
     $arr = DTO\ClsUploadDeserializerDto::Deserialize($json);
     if (empty($arr->user) or empty($arr->data)) {
         // $this->response->body(DTO\ClsErrorDto::prepareError(117));
     $user = DTO\ClsUserDto::Deserialize($arr->user);
     if ($this->userValidation($user->userId, $user->emailId, $user->userName)) {
         $senderUserId = $user->userId;
         foreach ($arr->data as $index => $record) {
             \Cake\Log\Log::info('Index : ' . $index . 'Record :' . $record->tableName);
             switch ($record->tableName) {
                 case $this->table['TC']:
                     \Cake\Log\Log::info("Comment section");
                     $commentDto = DTO\ClsCommentAndLikeDto::Deserialize($record->tableData);
                     $this->uploadComment($senderUserId, $commentDto);
                 case $this->table['TL']:
                     $likeDto = DTO\ClsCommentAndLikeDto::Deserialize($record->tableData);
                     $this->uploadLike($user->userId, $likeDto);
                 case $this->table['TA']:
                     $answerDto = DTO\ClsAnswerDto::Deserialize($record->tableData);
                     \Cake\Log\Log::debug("Accepted Answer data");
                     $this->uploadAnswer($user->userId, $answerDto);
                     //                    case $this->table['TU']:
                     //                        $userDto = DTO\ClsUserDto::Deserialize($record->tableData);
                     //                        $this->uploadUser($user->userId,$userDto);
                     //                        break;
                     //                    case $this->table['TI']:
                     //                        $imageDto = DTO\ClsImagesDto::Deserialize($record->tableData);
                     //                        $this->image($imageDto);
                     //                        break;
     } else {
예제 #10
 public function Insert($userId, $update, $table, $operation)
     try {
         $query = $this->connect()->newEntity();
         $query->UserId = $userId;
         $query->JsonSync = $update;
         $query->TableName = $table;
         $query->Operation = $operation;
         $query->UpdatedDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     } catch (Excetion $e) {
         \Cake\Log\Log::error("Database exception : " . $ex);
예제 #11
  * Authentication hook to authenticate a user against an LDAP server.
  * @param \Cake\Network\Request $request The request that contains login information.
  * @param \Cake\Network\Response $response Unused response object.
  * @return mixed False on login failure.  An array of User data on success.
 public function authenticate(Request $request, Response $response)
     // This will probably be cn or an email field to search for
     Log::debug("[Yalp.authenticate] Authentication started", 'yalp');
     $userField = $this->form_fields['username'];
     $passField = $this->form_fields['password'];
     $userModel = $this->config('userModel');
     list($plugin, $model) = pluginSplit($userModel);
     // Definitely not authenticated if we haven't got the request data...
     if (!isset($request->data[$userModel])) {
         Log::error("[Yalp.authenticate] No request data, cannot authenticate", 'yalp');
         return false;
     // We need to know the username, or email, or some other unique ID
     $submittedDetails = $request->data[$userModel];
     if (!isset($submittedDetails[$userField])) {
         //Log::write('yalp', "[Yalp.authenticate] No username supplied, cannot authenticate");
         return false;
     // Make sure it's a valid string...
     $username = $submittedDetails[$userField];
     if (!is_string($username)) {
         Log::error("[Yalp.authenticate] Invalid username, cannot authenticate", 'yalp');
         return false;
     // Make sure they gave us a password too...
     $password = $submittedDetails[$passField];
     if (!is_string($password) || empty($password)) {
         Log::error("[Yalp.authenticate] Invalid password, cannot authenticate", 'yalp');
         return false;
     // Check whether or not user exists on LDAP
     if (!$this->Yalp->validateUser($username, $password)) {
         Log::error("[Yalp.authenticate] User '{$username}' could not be found on LDAP", 'yalp');
         return false;
     } else {
         Log::debug("[Yalp.authenticate] User '{$username}' was found on LDAP", 'yalp');
     // Check on DB
     $comparison = 'LOWER(' . $model . '.' . $userField . ')';
     $conditions = array($comparison => strtolower($username));
     $dbUser = TableRegistry::get($userModel)->find('all', array('conditions' => $conditions, 'recursive' => false))->first();
     // If we couldn't find them in the database, warn and fail
     if (empty($dbUser)) {
         Log::warning("[Yalp.authenticate] Could not find a database entry for {$username}", 'yalp');
         return false;
     // ...and return the user object.
     return $dbUser->toArray();
예제 #12
 public function occupy($tableId, $isOccupied)
     if ($tableId) {
         $conditions = ['TableId =' => $tableId];
         $updateTable = $this->connect()->query()->update();
         $updateTable->set(['IsOccupied' => $isOccupied]);
         if ($updateTable->execute()) {
             Log::debug('Table Occupied status changes for giveen request');
             return true;
         Log::error('Table Occupied status changes for giveen request');
         return false;
예제 #13
 public function deleteCustomer(UploadDTO\CustomerUploadDto $customerInfo, $userInfo)
     $conditions = ['CustId =' => $customerInfo->custId, 'RestaurantId =' => $userInfo->restaurantId];
     try {
         $delete = $this->connect()->deleteAll($conditions);
         if ($delete) {
             Log::debug('Waiting Customer' . $customerInfo->custName . ' deleted from customer table');
             return true;
         Log::error('Error Occured in customer table during customer deletion');
         return false;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         return false;
예제 #14
 public function excutePreparedStatement($Text)
     $db = new \SQLite3($this->sqliteFile);
     if ($Text) {
         try {
             $success = $db->exec($Text);
             return $success;
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             throw "sqlite database error";
     \Cake\Log\Log::error('Table insert script is not valid');
     return false;
 private function updateUserInfo($userDto)
     if (is_null($userDto->userId) or is_null($userDto->emailId) or is_null($userDto->userName)) {
         \Cake\Log\Log::error("User information is empty");
         return FAIL;
     if ($this->getTableObj()->update($userDto)) {
         $this->response->body(DTO\ClsErrorDto::prepareSuccessMessage("User updated successfully for userid " . $userDto->userId));
         $syncController = new SyncController();
         $downloadUserDto = new DownloadDto\UserDto($userDto->userId, $userDto->userName, $userDto->photoUrl);
         $syncController->userEntry($userDto->userId, json_encode($downloadUserDto), INSERT);
     } else {
예제 #16
 private function makeSyncEntry($billNo, $userId, $restaurantId)
     $newBillDetailsEntryList = $this->getTableObj()->getNewDetails($billNo);
     if (!is_null($newBillDetailsEntryList)) {
         $syncController = new SyncController();
         foreach ($newBillDetailsEntryList as $newBillDetails) {
             $syncResult = $syncController->billDetailsEntry($userId, json_encode($newBillDetails), INSERT_OPERATION, $restaurantId);
             if (!$syncResult) {
                 return $syncResult;
         Log::debug(' New bill Details entry successfully place in sync table');
         return $syncResult;
     Log::error('Error occured in sync entry of new bill Details ');
 public function insert(UploadDTO\BillTaxTransactionDto $billTaxTransactions)
     $conn = ConnectionManager::get('default');
     $tableObj = $this->connect();
     $newBillTax = $tableObj->newEntity();
     $newBillTax->BillNo = $billTaxTransactions->billNo;
     $newBillTax->TaxId = $billTaxTransactions->taxId;
     $newBillTax->TaxAmount = $billTaxTransactions->taxAmt;
     $newBillTax->CreatedDate = date(VB_DATE_TIME_FORMAT);
     if ($tableObj->save($newBillTax)) {
         Log::debug('Bill Tax Transactions has been created for BillNo :-' . $billTaxTransactions->billNo);
         return $billTaxTransactions->billNo;
     Log::error('error ocurred in Bill Tax Transactions creating for BillNo :-' . $billTaxTransactions->billNo);
     return 0;
예제 #18
 public function update(UploadDTO\CustomerVisitUpldDto $customerVIsitData)
     $conditions = ['RestaurantId =' => $customerVIsitData->restaurantId, 'Month =' => $customerVIsitData->month, 'Year =' => $customerVIsitData->year, 'Day =' => $customerVIsitData->day];
     $timeSlot = $customerVIsitData->timeSlot;
     try {
         $tableObj = $this->connect();
         $entity = $tableObj->get($conditions);
         $entity->{$timeSlot} = $entity->{$timeSlot} + 1;
         if ($tableObj->save($entity)) {
             Log::debug('customer visit updated successfully');
             return TRUE;
         Log::error('customer visit error in update');
         return false;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         return false;
예제 #19
 public function Insert($userId, $update, $table, $operation, $restaurantId)
     try {
         $query = $this->connect()->newEntity();
         $query->UserId = $userId;
         $query->JsonSync = $update;
         $query->TableName = $table;
         $query->Operation = $operation;
         $query->UpdatedDate = date(VB_DATE_TIME_FORMAT);
         $query->RestaurantId = $restaurantId;
         $save = $this->connect()->save($query);
         if ($save) {
             return true;
         return false;
     } catch (Excetion $ex) {
         \Cake\Log\Log::error("Database exception : " . $ex);
예제 #20
 public function insert(UploadDTO\BillDetailsUploadDto $billDetails)
     $conn = ConnectionManager::get('default');
     $tableObj = $this->connect();
     $newBillDetails = $tableObj->newEntity();
     $newBillDetails->OrderId = $billDetails->orderId;
     $newBillDetails->BillNo = $billDetails->billNo;
     $newBillDetails->CreatedDate = date(VB_DATE_TIME_FORMAT);
     $newBillDetails->UpdatedDate = date(VB_DATE_TIME_FORMAT);
     $newBillDetails->OrderNo = $billDetails->orderNo;
     $newBillDetails->OrderAmount = $billDetails->orderAmt;
     if ($tableObj->save($newBillDetails)) {
         Log::debug('bill details has been created for BillNo :-' . $billDetails->billNo);
         return $billDetails->billNo;
     Log::error('error ocurred in Bill details creating for BillNo :-' . $billDetails->billNo);
     return 0;
 public function index()
     $this->autoRender = false;
     $userId = $this->request->query("userid");
     \Cake\Log\Log::debug("Download request input querystring userId is : " . $userId);
     if (empty($userId)) {
         \Cake\Log\Log::error("userId is blank " . $userId);
     $userDto = new DTO\ClsUserDto($userId);
     if ($this->isValied($userDto->userId)) {
         \Cake\Log\Log::debug("User validate");
         $syncController = new SyncController();
     } else {
         \Cake\Log\Log::error("User requested with invalid userid : " . $userId);
예제 #22
 public function insert(UploadDTO\OrderDetailEntryDto $orderDetailsEntryDto)
     $tableObj = $this->connect();
     $newOrder = $tableObj->newEntity();
     $newOrder->OrderPrice = $orderDetailsEntryDto->orderPrice;
     $newOrder->OrderQuantity = $orderDetailsEntryDto->orderQty;
     $newOrder->CreatedDate = date(VB_DATE_TIME_FORMAT);
     $newOrder->UpdatedDate = date(VB_DATE_TIME_FORMAT);
     $newOrder->OrderId = $orderDetailsEntryDto->orderId;
     $newOrder->MenuId = $orderDetailsEntryDto->menuId;
     $newOrder->SubMenuId = $orderDetailsEntryDto->subMenuId;
     $newOrder->MenuTitle = $orderDetailsEntryDto->menuTitle;
     $newOrder->Note = $orderDetailsEntryDto->note;
     if ($tableObj->save($newOrder)) {
         Log::debug('order Details has been saved for OrderDetailsId :-' . $newOrder->OrderDetailsId);
         return $newOrder->OrderDetailsId;
     Log::error('error ocurred in order Details for OrderId :-' . $orderDetailsEntryDto->orderId);
     return 0;
예제 #23
 public static function loadListeners()
     $eventManager = EventManager::instance();
     $cached = Cache::read('EventHandlers', 'default');
     if ($cached === false) {
         $eventHandlers = Configure::read('EventHandlers');
         $validKeys = array('eventKey' => null, 'options' => array());
         $cached = array();
         if (!empty($eventHandlers) && is_array($eventHandlers)) {
             foreach ($eventHandlers as $eventHandler => $eventOptions) {
                 $eventKey = null;
                 if (is_numeric($eventHandler)) {
                     $eventHandler = $eventOptions;
                     $eventOptions = array();
                 list($plugin, $class) = pluginSplit($eventHandler);
                 if (!empty($eventOptions)) {
                     extract(array_intersect_key($eventOptions, $validKeys));
                 if (isset($eventOptions['options']['className'])) {
                     list($plugin, $class) = pluginSplit($eventOptions['options']['className']);
                 if (class_exists('\\' . $plugin . '\\Event\\' . $class)) {
                     $cached[] = compact('plugin', 'class', 'eventKey', 'eventOptions');
                 } else {
                     Log::error(__d('croogo', 'EventHandler %s not found in plugin %s', $class, $plugin));
             Cache::write('EventHandlers', $cached, 'default');
     foreach ($cached as $cache) {
         if (Plugin::loaded($plugin)) {
             $settings = isset($eventOptions['options']) ? $eventOptions['options'] : array();
             $namespace = '\\' . $plugin . '\\Event\\' . $class;
             $listener = new $namespace($settings);
             $eventManager->on($listener, $eventKey, $eventOptions);
예제 #24
 public function addPrinter(DownloadDTO\RPrinterDownloadDto $entiry, $restaurantId)
     try {
         $obj = $this->connect();
         $newEntity = $obj->newEntity();
         $newEntity->IpAddress = $entiry->ipAddress;
         $newEntity->PrinterName = $entiry->name;
         $newEntity->ModelName = $entiry->model;
         $newEntity->Company = $entiry->company;
         $newEntity->MacAddress = $entiry->macAddress;
         $newEntity->Active = $entiry->active;
         $newEntity->RestaurantId = $restaurantId;
         if ($obj->save($newEntity)) {
             Log::debug('new printer insert operation is done.' . $newEntity->PrinterId);
             return $newEntity->PrinterId;
         Log::error('Error in new printer insert operation.');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw Exception;
예제 #25
 public function insertImage($imageid, $userid, $destid, $path)
     try {
         $image = $this->connect();
         $query = $image->newEntity();
         $query->ImageId = $imageid;
         $query->ImagePath = $path;
         $query->CreatedDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $query->UserId = $userid;
         $query->DestId = $destid;
         $query->Visibility = 1;
         if ($image->save($query)) {
             \Cake\Log\Log::debug("image saved in database : " . $path);
             return SUCCESS;
         Log::error("image not saved in database " . $path);
         return FAIL;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new \PDOException("database error");
예제 #26
 public function insert(UploadDTO\NetworkDeviceInfoDto $networkDeviceDto)
     $tableObj = $this->connect();
     $newEntry = $tableObj->newEntity();
     $newEntry->IMEI = $networkDeviceDto->imei;
     $newEntry->IpAddress = $networkDeviceDto->ip;
     $newEntry->City = $networkDeviceDto->city;
     $newEntry->Region = $networkDeviceDto->region;
     $newEntry->Country = $networkDeviceDto->country;
     $newEntry->Brand = $networkDeviceDto->brand;
     $newEntry->Board = $networkDeviceDto->board;
     $newEntry->Manufacturer = $networkDeviceDto->manufacturer;
     $newEntry->Model = $networkDeviceDto->model;
     $newEntry->Product = $networkDeviceDto->product;
     $newEntry->FmVersion = $networkDeviceDto->fmVersion;
     if ($tableObj->save($newEntry)) {
         Log::debug("User Network Device Info save in database for userid : " . $networkDeviceDto->imei);
         return true;
     Log::error("User Network Device Info not save in database for userid : " . $networkDeviceDto->imei);
     return false;
 public function index()
     $this->autoRender = false;
     $data = $this->request->data;
     if (empty($data)) {
         \Cake\Log\Log::debug("Image data empty");
     if (!array_key_exists('userId', $data) or !array_key_exists('emailId', $data) or !array_key_exists('userName', $data)) {
         \Cake\Log\Log::debug("Image data empty");
     $userTable = new Table\UserTable();
     if (!$userTable->userCkeck($data['userId'], $data['emailId'], $data['userName'])) {
     if (array_key_exists('destId', $data)) {
         $imagesController = new ImagesController();
         $result = $imagesController->uploadDestinationImage($data);
         if ($result) {
             \Cake\Log\Log::debug("Destination image uploaded successfully");
         } else {
             \Cake\Log\Log::error("Invalid image extension");
     } else {
         $imagesController = new ImagesController();
         $result = $imagesController->uploadProfileImage($data);
         if ($result) {
             \Cake\Log\Log::debug("profile image uploaded successfully");
         } else {
             \Cake\Log\Log::error("Invalid image extension");
 public function submit($senderUserId, DTO\ClsAnswerDto $answer)
     $check = $this->getTablObj()->isAnswerNew($answer);
     if ($check) {
         $result = $this->getTablObj()->update($answer);
     } else {
         $result = $this->getTablObj()->Insert($answer->userId, $answer->destId, $answer->optionId);
         if ($result) {
             $json = json_encode(new DTO\ClsAnswerDto($answer->userId, $answer->destId, $answer->optionId, $result, date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
             $syncController = new \App\Controller\SyncController();
             $syncController->answerEntry($senderUserId, $answer->userId, $json, INSERT);
             \Cake\Log\Log::debug("Sync Entry for Answer");
     if ($result) {
         \Cake\Log\Log::debug('answer submited');
         $this->response->body(DTO\ClsErrorDto::prepareSuccessMessage("Answer Saved"));
     } else {
         \Cake\Log\Log::error('answer not submited');
 public function index()
     $this->autoRender = false;
     //$tempUserId = null;
     $tempUserId = $this->request->query("userid");
     $info = base64_decode($this->request->query('info'));
     $ip = "";
     \Cake\Log\Log::debug('DownloadDb request input querystring info : ' . $info);
     if (empty($tempUserId) or empty($info)) {
         \Cake\Log\Log::error("User requested with blank user id :" . $tempUserId);
     $networkDeviceInfoDto = DTO\ClsNetworkDeviceInfoDto::Deserialize($info);
     $ipInfo = new Component\Ipinfo();
     $fullDetails = $ipInfo->getFullIpDetails($tempUserId, $networkDeviceInfoDto, $ip);
     $networkDeviceInfoTable = new Table\NetworkDeviceInfoTable();
     $userDto = new DTO\ClsUserDto($tempUserId);
     \Cake\Log\Log::debug('TempUserId is send to Validate' . $tempUserId . " userIP : " . $ip);
     if ($this->isValid($userDto->userId)) {
         \Cake\Log\Log::debug("User validate");
         $sqliteController = new SqliteController();
         \Cake\Log\Log::debug("Sqlite database sended to user");
     } else {
         $userController = new UserController();
         \Cake\Log\Log::debug('UserId send to save in database');
         if ($userController->userSignUp($userDto->userId)) {
             $sqliteController = new SqliteController();
             \Cake\Log\Log::debug("sqlite file sended  to user after userid saving");
예제 #30
파일: LogTest.php 프로젝트: Slayug/castor
  * test convenience methods
 public function testConvenienceMethods()
     Log::config('debug', ['engine' => 'File', 'path' => LOGS, 'types' => ['notice', 'info', 'debug'], 'file' => 'debug']);
     Log::config('error', ['engine' => 'File', 'path' => LOGS, 'types' => ['emergency', 'alert', 'critical', 'error', 'warning'], 'file' => 'error']);
     $testMessage = 'emergency message';
     $contents = file_get_contents(LOGS . 'error.log');
     $this->assertRegExp('/(Emergency|Critical): ' . $testMessage . '/', $contents);
     $this->assertFileNotExists(LOGS . 'debug.log');
     $testMessage = 'alert message';
     $contents = file_get_contents(LOGS . 'error.log');
     $this->assertRegExp('/(Alert|Critical): ' . $testMessage . '/', $contents);
     $this->assertFileNotExists(LOGS . 'debug.log');
     $testMessage = 'critical message';
     $contents = file_get_contents(LOGS . 'error.log');
     $this->assertContains('Critical: ' . $testMessage, $contents);
     $this->assertFileNotExists(LOGS . 'debug.log');
     $testMessage = 'error message';
     $contents = file_get_contents(LOGS . 'error.log');
     $this->assertContains('Error: ' . $testMessage, $contents);
     $this->assertFileNotExists(LOGS . 'debug.log');
     $testMessage = 'warning message';
     $contents = file_get_contents(LOGS . 'error.log');
     $this->assertContains('Warning: ' . $testMessage, $contents);
     $this->assertFileNotExists(LOGS . 'debug.log');
     $testMessage = 'notice message';
     $contents = file_get_contents(LOGS . 'debug.log');
     $this->assertRegExp('/(Notice|Debug): ' . $testMessage . '/', $contents);
     $this->assertFileNotExists(LOGS . 'error.log');
     $testMessage = 'info message';
     $contents = file_get_contents(LOGS . 'debug.log');
     $this->assertRegExp('/(Info|Debug): ' . $testMessage . '/', $contents);
     $this->assertFileNotExists(LOGS . 'error.log');
     $testMessage = 'debug message';
     $contents = file_get_contents(LOGS . 'debug.log');
     $this->assertContains('Debug: ' . $testMessage, $contents);
     $this->assertFileNotExists(LOGS . 'error.log');