public function read($path) { $dir = new Folder($path); $read = $dir->read(); $result = []; foreach ($read[0] as $folder) { $info = new Folder($path . DS . $folder); $reference = Router::fullBaseUrl() . '/' . $this->toRelative($path . '/' . $folder); $data = ['name' => $folder, 'type' => 'folder', 'path' => $path . DS . $folder, 'reference' => $reference, 'extension' => 'folder', 'size' => $info->dirsize()]; $result[] = $data; } foreach ($read[1] as $file) { $info = new File($path . DS . $file, false); $reference = Router::fullBaseUrl() . '/' . $this->toRelative($path . '/' . $file); $data = ['name' => $info->info()['basename'], 'type' => 'file', 'path' => $path, 'reference' => $reference, 'extension' => $info->info()['extension'], 'size' => $info->info()['filesize']]; $result[] = $data; } return $result; }
/** * Creates an Attachment entity based on the given file * * @param EntityInterface $entity Entity the file will be attached to * @param string $filePath Absolute path to the file * @param array $tags Indexed array of tags to be assigned * @return Attachment * @throws \Exception If the given file doesn't exist or isn't readable */ public function createAttachmentEntity(EntityInterface $entity, $filePath, array $tags = []) { if (!file_exists($filePath)) { throw new \Exception("File {$filePath} does not exist."); } if (!is_readable($filePath)) { throw new \Exception("File {$filePath} cannot be read."); } $file = new File($filePath); $info = $file->info(); // in filepath, we store the path relative to the Attachment.path configuration // to make it easy to switch storage $info = $this->__getFileName($info, $entity); $targetPath = $entity->source() . '/' . $entity->id . '/' . $info['basename']; $attachment = $this->newEntity(['model' => $entity->source(), 'foreign_key' => $entity->id, 'filename' => $info['basename'], 'filesize' => $info['filesize'], 'filetype' => $info['mime'], 'filepath' => $targetPath, 'tmpPath' => $filePath, 'tags' => $tags]); return $attachment; }
/** * Edit an attachment. * * @return \Cake\Network\Response|void */ public function edit() { $this->loadModel('BlogAttachments'); $this->loadModel('BlogArticles'); $attachment = $this->BlogAttachments->find()->where(['id' => $this->request->id])->first(); //Check if the attachment is found. if (empty($attachment)) { $this->Flash->error(__d('admin', 'This attachment doesn\'t exist or has been deleted.')); return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']); } if ($this->request->is(['put', 'post'])) { $this->BlogAttachments->patchEntity($attachment, $this->request->data()); //Check if the article has already an attachment $article = $this->BlogArticles->find()->contain(['BlogAttachments'])->where(['' => $this->request->data['article_id']])->first(); if (!is_null($article->blog_attachment) && $article->blog_attachment->id != $this->request->id) { $this->Flash->error(__d('admin', 'This article has already an attachment, you can edit it <a href="{0}" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger">here</a>.', Router::url(['_name' => 'attachments-edit', 'id' => $article->blog_attachment->id]))); return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']); } $attachment->user_id = $this->Auth->user('id'); $attachment->accessible('url_file', true); if ($editedAttachment = $this->BlogAttachments->save($attachment)) { $file = new File(WWW_ROOT . $editedAttachment->url); $editedAttachment->name = $file->name; $editedAttachment->extension = '.' . $file->info()['extension']; $editedAttachment->size = $file->info()['filesize']; $this->BlogAttachments->save($editedAttachment); $this->Flash->success(__d('admin', 'Your attachment has been edited successfully !')); return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']); } } $articles = $this->BlogAttachments->BlogArticles->find('list'); $this->set(compact('attachment', 'articles')); }