/** * Transform a game to standard Forsyth Edwards Notation * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forsyth%E2%80%93Edwards_Notation */ public static function export(Game $game, $positionOnly = false) { static $reverseClasses = array('Pawn' => 'p', 'Rook' => 'r', 'Knight' => 'n', 'Bishop' => 'b', 'Queen' => 'q', 'King' => 'k'); $board = $game->getBoard(); $emptySquare = 0; $forsyth = ''; for ($y = 8; $y > 0; $y--) { for ($x = 1; $x < 9; $x++) { if ($piece = $board->getPieceByPosNoCheck($x, $y)) { if ($emptySquare) { $forsyth .= $emptySquare; $emptySquare = 0; } $notation = $reverseClasses[$piece->getClass()]; if ('white' === $piece->getColor()) { $notation = strtoupper($notation); } $forsyth .= $notation; } else { ++$emptySquare; } } if ($emptySquare) { $forsyth .= $emptySquare; $emptySquare = 0; } $forsyth .= '/'; } $forsyth = trim($forsyth, '/'); if ($positionOnly) { return $forsyth; } // b ou w to indicate turn $forsyth .= ' '; $forsyth .= substr($game->getTurnColor(), 0, 1); // possibles castles $forsyth .= ' '; $hasCastle = false; $analyser = new Analyser($board); foreach ($game->getPlayers() as $player) { if ($analyser->canCastleKingSide($player)) { $hasCastle = true; $forsyth .= $player->isWhite() ? 'K' : 'k'; } if ($analyser->canCastleQueenSide($player)) { $hasCastle = true; $forsyth .= $player->isWhite() ? 'Q' : 'q'; } } if (!$hasCastle) { $forsyth .= '-'; } // en passant $enPassant = '-'; foreach (PieceFilter::filterClass(PieceFilter::filterAlive($game->getPieces()), 'Pawn') as $piece) { if ($piece->getFirstMove() === $game->getTurns() - 1) { $color = $piece->getPlayer()->getColor(); $y = $piece->getY(); if ($color === 'white' && 4 === $y || $color === 'black' && 5 === $y) { $enPassant = Board::posToKey($piece->getX(), 'white' === $color ? $y - 1 : $y + 1); break; } } } $forsyth .= ' ' . $enPassant; // Halfmove clock: This is the number of halfmoves since the last pawn advance or capture. // This is used to determine if a draw can be claimed under the fifty-move rule. $forsyth .= ' ' . $game->getHalfmoveClock(); // Fullmove number: The number of the full move. It starts at 1, and is incremented after Black's move. $forsyth .= ' ' . $game->getFullMoveNumber(); return $forsyth; }