예제 #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 function load(ObjectManager $manager)
     $point1 = new GeometryEntity();
     $point1->setGeometry(Point::xy(0, 0));
예제 #2
파일: PointProxy.php 프로젝트: brick/geo
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function coordinateSystem()
     if ($this->proxyGeometry === null) {
     return $this->proxyGeometry->coordinateSystem();
예제 #3
  * {@inheritdoc}
 function load(ObjectManager $manager)
     $point1 = Point::xy(0, 0);
     $point2 = Point::xy(1, 0);
     $point3 = Point::xy(1, 1);
     $lineString1 = new LineStringEntity();
     $lineString1->setLineString(LineString::of($point1, $point2, $point3));
예제 #4
  * {@inheritdoc}
 function load(ObjectManager $manager)
     $point1 = Point::xy(0, 0);
     $point2 = Point::xy(1, 0);
     $point3 = Point::xy(1, 1);
     $multiPoint1 = new MultiPointEntity();
     $multiPoint1->setMultiPoint(MultiPoint::of($point1, $point2, $point3));
예제 #5
  * Tests Countable and Traversable interfaces.
 public function testInterfaces()
     $point = Point::fromText('POINT (1 2)');
     $lineString = LineString::fromText('LINESTRING (1 2, 3 4)');
     $geometryCollection = GeometryCollection::of($point, $lineString);
     $this->assertInstanceOf(\Countable::class, $geometryCollection);
     $this->assertSame(2, count($geometryCollection));
     $this->assertInstanceOf(\Traversable::class, $geometryCollection);
     $this->assertSame([$point, $lineString], iterator_to_array($geometryCollection));
예제 #6
  * @dataProvider providerCreate
  * @param string[] $pointsWKT        The WKT of the Points that compose the CircularString.
  * @param boolean  $is3D              Whether the points have Z coordinates.
  * @param boolean  $isMeasured        Whether the points have M coordinates.
  * @param string   $circularStringWKT The WKT of the expected CircularString.
 public function testCreate(array $pointsWKT, $is3D, $isMeasured, $circularStringWKT)
     foreach ([0, 1] as $srid) {
         $instantiatePoint = function ($point) use($srid) {
             return Point::fromText($point, $srid);
         $cs = new CoordinateSystem($is3D, $isMeasured, $srid);
         $circularString = new CircularString($cs, ...array_map($instantiatePoint, $pointsWKT));
         $this->assertWktEquals($circularString, $circularStringWKT, $srid);
예제 #7
파일: LineString.php 프로젝트: brick/geo
  * Creates a rectangle out of two 2D corner points.
  * The result is a linear ring (closed and simple).
  * @param Point $a
  * @param Point $b
  * @return LineString
  * @throws CoordinateSystemException If the points use different coordinate systems, or are not 2D.
 public static function rectangle(Point $a, Point $b)
     $cs = $a->coordinateSystem();
     if ($cs != $b->coordinateSystem()) {
         // by-value comparison.
         throw CoordinateSystemException::dimensionalityMix($a, $b);
     if ($cs->coordinateDimension() != 2) {
         throw new CoordinateSystemException(__METHOD__ . ' expects 2D points.');
     $x1 = min($a->x(), $b->x());
     $x2 = max($a->x(), $b->x());
     $y1 = min($a->y(), $b->y());
     $y2 = max($a->y(), $b->y());
     $p1 = new Point($cs, $x1, $y1);
     $p2 = new Point($cs, $x2, $y1);
     $p3 = new Point($cs, $x2, $y2);
     $p4 = new Point($cs, $x1, $y2);
     return new LineString($cs, $p1, $p2, $p3, $p4, $p1);
예제 #8
  * {@inheritdoc}
 function load(ObjectManager $manager)
     $point1 = Point::xy(0, 0);
     $point2 = Point::xy(1, 0);
     $point3 = Point::xy(1, 1);
     $point4 = Point::xy(0, 1);
     $point5 = Point::xy(0, 0);
     $ring = LineString::of($point1, $point2, $point3, $point4, $point5);
     $poly1 = new PolygonEntity();
예제 #9
  * @dataProvider providerEarthDistanceFunction
  * @param string $pointA           The WKT of the first point, with Lon/Lat coordinates.
  * @param string $pointB           The WKT of the second point, with Lon/Lat coordinates.
  * @param float  $expectedDistance The expected distance in meters.
 public function testEarthDistanceFunction($pointA, $pointB, $expectedDistance)
     $pointA = Point::fromText($pointA, 4326);
     $pointB = Point::fromText($pointB, 4326);
     $em = $this->getEntityManager();
     $em->createQueryBuilder()->delete()->from(PointEntity::class, 'p')->getQuery()->execute();
     $pointEntity = new PointEntity();
     $actualDistance = $em->createQueryBuilder()->select('EarthDistance(p.point, :point)')->from(PointEntity::class, 'p')->setParameter('point', $pointB, 'point')->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult();
     $this->assertEquals($expectedDistance, $actualDistance, '', 100.0);
예제 #10
  * {@inheritdoc}
 function load(ObjectManager $manager)
     $point1 = Point::xy(0, 0);
     $point2 = Point::xy(1, 0);
     $point3 = Point::xy(1, 1);
     $lineString1 = LineString::of($point1, $point2, $point3);
     $point4 = Point::xy(2, 2);
     $point5 = Point::xy(3, 2);
     $point6 = Point::xy(3, 3);
     $lineString2 = LineString::of($point4, $point5, $point6);
     $multilineString1 = new MultiLineStringEntity();
     $multilineString1->setMultiLineString(MultiLineString::of($lineString1, $lineString2));
예제 #11
  * {@inheritdoc}
 function load(ObjectManager $manager)
     $point1 = Point::xy(0, 0);
     $point2 = Point::xy(1, 0);
     $point3 = Point::xy(1, 1);
     $point4 = Point::xy(0, 1);
     $point5 = Point::xy(0, 0);
     $ring1 = LineString::of($point1, $point2, $point3, $point4, $point5);
     $poly1 = Polygon::of($ring1);
     $point6 = Point::xy(2, 2);
     $point7 = Point::xy(3, 2);
     $point8 = Point::xy(3, 3);
     $point9 = Point::xy(2, 3);
     $point10 = Point::xy(2, 2);
     $ring2 = LineString::of($point6, $point7, $point8, $point9, $point10);
     $poly2 = Polygon::of($ring2);
     $multiPoly1 = new MultiPolygonEntity();
     $multiPoly1->setMultiPolygon(MultiPolygon::of($poly1, $poly2));
예제 #12
  * @dataProvider providerProxy
  * @param string  $data
  * @param boolean $isBinary
  * @param boolean $is3D
  * @param boolean $isMeasured
  * @param array   $coords
 public function testProxy($data, $isBinary, $is3D, $isMeasured, array $coords)
     if ($isBinary) {
         $data = hex2bin($data);
     $x = $coords ? $coords[0] : null;
     $y = $coords ? $coords[1] : null;
     $z = $coords && $is3D ? $coords[2] : null;
     $m = $coords && $isMeasured ? $coords[$is3D ? 3 : 2] : null;
     $spatialDimension = $is3D ? 3 : 2;
     $coordinateDimension = $spatialDimension + ($isMeasured ? 1 : 0);
     foreach ([0, 1] as $srid) {
         $pointProxy = new PointProxy($data, $isBinary, $srid);
         $this->assertInstanceOf(Point::class, $pointProxy);
         $this->assertSame($is3D, $pointProxy->is3D());
         $this->assertSame($isMeasured, $pointProxy->is3D());
         $this->assertSame(!$coords, $pointProxy->isEmpty());
         $this->assertSame($x, $pointProxy->x());
         $this->assertSame($y, $pointProxy->y());
         $this->assertSame($z, $pointProxy->z());
         $this->assertSame($m, $pointProxy->m());
         $this->assertSame('Point', $pointProxy->geometryType());
         $this->assertSame($coords, $pointProxy->toArray());
         $this->assertSame($srid, $pointProxy->SRID());
         $this->assertSame(0, $pointProxy->dimension());
         $this->assertSame($spatialDimension, $pointProxy->spatialDimension());
         $this->assertSame($coordinateDimension, $pointProxy->coordinateDimension());
         $asText = $isBinary ? Point::fromBinary($data)->asText() : $data;
         $this->assertSame($asText, (string) $pointProxy);
         $this->assertSame($asText, $pointProxy->asText());
         if ($coords) {
             $asBinary = $isBinary ? $data : Point::fromText($data)->asBinary();
             $this->assertSame($asBinary, $pointProxy->asBinary());
예제 #13
파일: GeometryTest.php 프로젝트: brick/geo
  * @expectedException \Brick\Geo\Exception\UnexpectedGeometryException
 public function testFromTextOnWrongSubclassThrowsException()
     Point::fromText('LINESTRING (1 2, 3 4)');
예제 #14
  * @return array
 public function providerWriteEmptyPointThrowsException()
     return [[Point::xyEmpty()], [Point::xyzEmpty()], [Point::xymEmpty()], [Point::xyzmEmpty()]];
예제 #15
파일: PointTest.php 프로젝트: brick/geo
  * @dataProvider providerToArrayAndInterfaces
  * @param string $point       The WKT of the point to test.
  * @param array  $coordinates The expected coordinates.
 public function testToArrayAndInterfaces($point, array $coordinates)
     $point = Point::fromText($point);
     $this->assertSame($coordinates, $point->toArray());
     $this->assertSame($coordinates, iterator_to_array($point));
     $this->assertSame(count($coordinates), count($point));
예제 #16
  * @param Point $point
  * @return string
 private function writePoint(Point $point)
     $result = $point->x() . ' ' . $point->y();
     if (null !== ($z = $point->z())) {
         $result .= ' ' . $z;
     if (null !== ($m = $point->m())) {
         $result .= ' ' . $m;
     return $result;
예제 #17
  * @param Point $point
  * @return string
  * @throws GeometryIOException
 private function packPoint(Point $point)
     if ($point->isEmpty()) {
         throw new GeometryIOException('Empty points have no WKB representation.');
     $binary = $this->packDouble($point->x()) . $this->packDouble($point->y());
     if (null !== ($z = $point->z())) {
         $binary .= $this->packDouble($z);
     if (null !== ($m = $point->m())) {
         $binary .= $this->packDouble($m);
     return $binary;
예제 #18
  * Creates a non-empty CircularString composed of the given points.
  * @param Point    $point1 The first point.
  * @param Point ...$pointN The subsequent points.
  * @return CircularString
  * @throws InvalidGeometryException  If the number of points is invalid.
  * @throws CoordinateSystemException If the points use different coordinate systems.
 public static function of(Point $point1, Point ...$pointN)
     return new CircularString($point1->coordinateSystem(), $point1, ...$pointN);
예제 #19
  * @dataProvider providerRectangleWithInvalidPoints
  * @expectedException \Brick\Geo\Exception\CoordinateSystemException
  * @param string $point1
  * @param string $point2
  * @param int    $srid1
  * @param int    $srid2
 public function testRectangleWithInvalidPoints($point1, $point2, $srid1 = 0, $srid2 = 0)
     $point1 = Point::fromText($point1, $srid1);
     $point2 = Point::fromText($point2, $srid2);
     LineString::rectangle($point1, $point2);
예제 #20
  * @param array   $coords     The expected coordinates of the Point as returned by toArray().
  * @param boolean $is3D       Whether the Point is expected to contain a Z coordinate.
  * @param boolean $isMeasured Whether the Point is expected to contain a M coordinate.
  * @param integer $srid       The expected SRID.
  * @param Point   $point      The Point to test.
 protected final function assertPointEquals(array $coords, $is3D, $isMeasured, $srid, Point $point)
     $this->assertSame($coords, $point->toArray());
     $this->assertSame($is3D, $point->is3D());
     $this->assertSame($isMeasured, $point->isMeasured());
     $this->assertSame($srid, $point->SRID());