  * If the call of the given frame index is a call from the class being tested.
  * @param int $distanceFromThisCall
  *   e.g.
  *   bar calls foo, foo calls this method
  *   To check about foo, specify 1.
  *   To check about bar, specify 2.
  * @return bool
  * @throws \Box\TestScribe\Exception\TestScribeException
 public function isCallFromTheClassBeingTested($distanceFromThisCall)
     // The file path should be an absolute path.
     $inputSourceFilePath = $this->globalComputedConfig->getInSourceFile();
     // Add one to the distance to take into consideration of the
     // additional frame between this call and
     // $this->callInformationCollector->getCallerInfoAt
     $callInfo = $this->callInformationCollector->getCallerInfoAt($distanceFromThisCall + 1);
     $filePathOfTheCaller = $callInfo->getFileName();
     $isImmediateCall = $inputSourceFilePath === $filePathOfTheCaller;
     return $isImmediateCall;
  * @return string
  * @throws \Box\TestScribe\Exception\TestScribeException
 private function getCallerInfoString()
     //  #0  Box\TestScribe\_fixture\_input\CalculatorUtil->calc()
     //  #1  mockClassInstance->add()
     //  #2  mockClassInstance->__routeAllCallsToTestGeneratorMockObjects()
     //  #3  Box\TestScribe\Mock\MockClass->invokeInterceptedCall()
     //  #4  Box\TestScribe\Mock\MockClassService->invokeInterceptedCall()
     //  #5  Box\TestScribe\Mock\MockClassServiceCallInfo::showCallInfo()
     //  #6  Box\TestScribe\Mock\MockClassServiceCallInfo->getCallerInfoString()
     // @TODO (ryang 5/28/15) : find a better way to maintain this logic and add a test
     // for it.
     // It's easy to pass the wrong parameter
     // when adding or subtracting a layer of calls here.
     $callerLocationInfo = $this->callInformationCollector->getCallerInfoAt(7);
     $lineNumberString = $callerLocationInfo->getLineNumberString();
     $callerInfoString = "line ( {$lineNumberString} )";
     return $callerInfoString;