public static function addBot($bot, Logger $logger) { if (is_array($bot) && !isset($bot['bot_token'])) { throw new \Exception('no_bot_token'); } $loop = Factory::create(); $client = new WebSocketClient('ws://', $loop, $logger); $client->on("error", function () use($loop, $logger) { $logger->err("Add team incoming webhook : can't connect to websocket server"); $loop->stop(); }); $client->on("connect", function () use($client, $loop, $logger, $bot) { $logger->notice("Add team incoming webhook : " . json_encode($bot)); $loop->addTimer(2, function () use($client, $loop, $bot) { $message = ['type' => 'add_bot', 'bot' => $bot]; $client->send(json_encode($message)); $loop->stop(); }); }); $client->open(); $loop->run(); }
<?php use Bot2Hook\Consumer; use Bot2Hook\Logger; use Bot2Hook\Rabbitmq; $config = (require __DIR__ . '/../app/bootstrap.php'); $logger = new Logger($config['logger']); $logger->notice('Boot2Hook consumer starting'); $rabbitmq = new Rabbitmq($config['rabbitmq']); $consumer = new Consumer($config['server'], $rabbitmq, $config['cmd_php']); $consumer->launch();
public function addSlackClient(Bot $bot) { if (empty($bot->id)) { $this->logger->debug('Try to auth test for bot ' . $bot->bot_token); try { $auth = $this->authTest($bot->bot_token); $bot->setIds($auth->team_id, $auth->user_id); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger->err('Exception in Bot ' . $bot->bot_token . ' connexion : ' . $e->getMessage() . "\"" . $e->getTraceAsString()); return; } } $this->updateTeamBot($bot); if (!isset($this->bots_connected[$bot->id])) { $this->logger->debug('Try to start client for bot ' . $bot->id); $this->bots_connected[$bot->id] = false; try { $start = $this->rtmStart($bot); $this->publish($bot, ['type' => 'rtm_start', 'event' => $start]); $slack_client = new WebSocketClient($start->url, $this->loop, $this->logger); $slack_client->on("message", function (WebSocketMessage $message) use($bot) { $data = json_decode($message->getData(), true); if (!is_array($data) || !isset($data['type'])) { $this->logger->info('Client for bot ' . $bot->id . " receive a message without type:\n" . $message->getData()); return; } if ($data['type'] == 'team_migration_started') { $this->logger->notice("Team migration started for bot " . $bot->id); $this->setToRetry($this->bots[$bot->id]); } elseif ($data['type'] == 'message') { $bot->updateRoomLatest($data['channel'], $data['ts']); if (isset($data['subtype']) && $data['subtype'] == 'group_join') { $bot->addRoomMember($data['channel'], $data['user']); } if (isset($data['subtype']) && $data['subtype'] == 'group_leave') { $bot->removeRoomMember($data['channel'], $data['user']); } $this->publish($bot, ['type' => 'message', 'event' => $data]); $this->updateTeamBot($bot); } elseif (!in_array($data['type'], $this->config['events_excluded'])) { if ($data['type'] == 'group_joined') { $bot->rooms[$data['channel']['id']] = new Room(['members' => $data['channel']['members']]); } if ($data['type'] == 'group_left') { unset($bot->rooms[$data['channel']]); } $this->publish($bot, ['type' => $data['type'], 'event' => $data]); $this->updateTeamBot($bot); } }); $slack_client->on("close", function () use($bot) { $this->logger->warn("Client closed for bot " . $bot->id); $this->setToRetry($bot); }); $slack_client->on("connect", function () use($bot, $slack_client) { $this->logger->notice("Client connect for bot " . $bot->id); $this->bots_connected[$bot->id] = true; unset($this->bots_retrying[$bot->id]); $bot->setClient($slack_client); }); foreach ($start->channels as $channel) { if (!$channel->is_archived && $channel->is_member) { if (!$bot->isRoomUpToDate($channel->id, $channel->latest)) { try { $this->channelHistory($bot, $channel->id); } catch (NoMoreTokenException $nmte) { $this->publish($bot, ['type' => 'channel_recovery', 'channel' => $channel->id, 'latest' => $bot->rooms[$channel->id]->latest]); } } } } foreach ($start->groups as $group) { if (!$group->is_archived) { $bot->initRoom($group->id, $group->members); if (!$bot->isRoomUpToDate($group->id, $group->latest)) { try { $this->groupHistory($bot, $group->id); } catch (NoMoreTokenException $nmte) { $this->publish($bot, ['type' => 'group_recovery', 'group' => $group->id, 'latest' => $bot->rooms[$group->id]->latest]); } } } } foreach ($start->ims as $im) { if (!$bot->isRoomUpToDate($im->id, $im->latest)) { $this->imHistory($bot, $im->id); } } foreach ($start->mpims as $mpim) { if (!$bot->isRoomUpToDate($mpim->id, $mpim->latest)) { $this->mpimHistory($bot, $mpim->id); } } $slack_client->open(15)->otherwise(function ($e) use($bot) { if ($e instanceof \Exception) { $this->logger->err('Client bot ' . $bot->id . ' fail to connect, promise exception during connexion : ' . get_class($e) . ' ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString()); } else { $this->logger->err('Client bot ' . $bot->id . ' fail to connect, promise error during connexion' . $e); } $this->setToRetry($bot); }); } catch (InvalidTokenException $ite) { $this->logger->err('Bot ' . $bot->id . ' removed.'); $this->publish($bot, ['type' => 'bot_disabled']); $this->removeTeamBot($bot); unset($this->bots_connected[$bot->id]); unset($this->bots_retrying[$bot->id]); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger->err('Exception in Bot ' . $bot->id . ' connexion : ' . $e->getMessage() . "\"" . $e->getTraceAsString()); $this->bots_retrying[$bot->id] = true; unset($this->bots_connected[$bot->id]); } } else { if (!empty($this->bots_connected[$bot->id])) { $this->logger->debug('Client already connect for bot ' . $bot->id); } else { $this->logger->debug('Client connection already in progress for bot ' . $bot->id); } } }
<?php use Bot2Hook\Logger; use Bot2Hook\Rabbitmq; use Bot2Hook\Server; $config = (require __DIR__ . '/../app/bootstrap.php'); $logger = new Logger($config['logger']); $logger->notice('Boot2Hook server starting'); $rabbitmq = new Rabbitmq($config['rabbitmq']); $server = new Server($config['server'], $rabbitmq, $logger); $server->launch();
<?php use Bot2Hook\Logger; use Bot2Hook\Rabbitmq; use Bot2Hook\Server; $config = (require __DIR__ . '/../app/bootstrap.php'); $logger = new Logger($config['logger']); $logger->notice('Boot2Hook server starting', $config['server']); $rabbitmq = new Rabbitmq($config['rabbitmq']); $server = new Server($config['server'], $rabbitmq, $logger); $server->launch();