public static function checkNodeIsParentOfNode($primary, $childPrimary, $behaviour = array('ACCEPT_CODE' => false, 'CHECK_DIRECT' => false)) { if (!$behaviour['ACCEPT_CODE']) { return static::checkNodeIsParentOfNodeById($primary, $childPrimary, $behaviour); } $primary = Assert::expectStringNotNull($primary, '$primary'); $childPrimary = Assert::expectStringNotNull($childPrimary, '$childPrimary'); return static::checkNodeIsParentOfNodeByFilters(array('=CODE' => $primary), array('=CODE' => $childPrimary), $behaviour); }
private static function checkSiteId($siteId) { $siteId = Assert::expectStringNotNull($siteId, '$siteId'); $res = Main\SiteTable::getList(array('filter' => array('LID' => $siteId)))->fetch(); if (!$res) { throw new Main\ArgumentOutOfRangeException(Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_DEFAULTSITE_ENTITY_SITE_ID_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION')); } return $siteId; }
/** * * $parameters is an ORM`s getList compatible array of parameters * * */ public static function find($parameters, $behaviour = array('FALLBACK_TO_NOINDEX_ON_NOTFOUND' => true, 'USE_INDEX' => true, 'USE_ORM' => true)) { ///////////////////////////////// // parameter check and process Assert::expectArray($parameters, '$parameters'); if (!is_array($behaviour)) { $behaviour = array(); } if (!isset($behaviour['FALLBACK_TO_NOINDEX_ON_NOTFOUND'])) { $behaviour['FALLBACK_TO_NOINDEX_ON_NOTFOUND'] = true; } if (!isset($behaviour['USE_INDEX'])) { $behaviour['USE_INDEX'] = true; } if (!isset($behaviour['USE_ORM'])) { $behaviour['USE_ORM'] = true; } if (!isset($parameters['select'])) { $parameters['select'] = array('ID'); } Assert::expectArray($parameters['select'], '$parameters[select]'); if (isset($parameters['filter'])) { Assert::expectArray($parameters['filter'], '$parameters[filter]'); // spikes, refactor later if (isset($parameters['filter']['PHRASE']) || isset($parameters['filter']['=PHRASE'])) { $key = isset($parameters['filter']['PHRASE']) ? 'PHRASE' : '=PHRASE'; $parameters['filter'][$key] = Assert::expectStringNotNull($parameters['filter'][$key], '$parameters[filter][' . $key . ']'); $parameters['filter'][$key] = str_replace('%', '', $parameters['filter'][$key]); // cannot pass '%' to like } if (isset($parameters['filter']['SITE_ID']) || isset($parameters['filter']['=SITE_ID'])) { $key = isset($parameters['filter']['SITE_ID']) ? 'SITE_ID' : '=SITE_ID'; $parameters['filter'][$key] = Assert::expectStringNotNull($parameters['filter'][$key], '$parameters[filter][' . $key . ']'); // stronger here if (!Location\SiteLocationTable::checkLinkUsageAny($parameters['filter'][$key])) { unset($parameters['filter'][$key]); } } } if (isset($parameters['limit'])) { $parameters['limit'] = Assert::expectIntegerNonNegative($parameters['limit'], '$parameters[limit]'); } if (isset($parameters['offset'])) { $parameters['offset'] = Assert::expectIntegerNonNegative($parameters['offset'], '$parameters[offset]'); } ///////////////////////////////// if (isset($parameters['filter']['PHRASE']) || isset($parameters['filter']['SITE_ID']) || isset($parameters['filter']['=PHRASE']) || isset($parameters['filter']['=SITE_ID']) || $behaviour['USE_ORM'] === false) { if (static::checkIndexValid() && $behaviour['USE_INDEX']) { $result = static::findUsingIndex($parameters); if (!$behaviour['FALLBACK_TO_NOINDEX_ON_NOTFOUND']) { return $result; } else { $temporalBuffer = array(); while ($item = $result->fetch()) { $temporalBuffer[] = $item; } if (empty($temporalBuffer)) { return static::findNoIndex($parameters); } else { return new DB\ArrayResult($temporalBuffer); } } } else { return static::findNoIndex($parameters); } } else { return Location\LocationTable::getList($parameters); } }
public static function mergeRelationsFromTemporalTable($temporalTabName, $additinalFlds = array(), $fldMap = array()) { $dbConnection = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection(); $dbHelper = $dbConnection->getSqlHelper(); $temporalTabName = Assert::expectStringNotNull($temporalTabName, false, 'Name of temporal table must be a non-zero length string'); $temporalTabName = $dbHelper->forSql($temporalTabName); $entityTableName = static::getTableName(); if (!is_array($additinalFlds)) { $additinalFlds = array(); } $additinalFlds = array_merge(array('LEFT_MARGIN', 'RIGHT_MARGIN', 'DEPTH_LEVEL'), $additinalFlds); $fldReplace = array(); foreach ($additinalFlds as &$fld) { $fld = $dbHelper->forSql($fld); $fldReplace[$fld] = is_array($fldMap) && isset($fldMap[$fld]) ? $dbHelper->forSql($fldMap[$fld]) : $fld; } $idReplace = is_array($fldMap) && isset($fldMap['ID']) ? $dbHelper->forSql($fldMap['ID']) : 'ID'; if ($dbConnection->getType() == 'mysql') { $sql = 'update ' . $entityTableName . ', ' . $temporalTabName . ' set '; $additFldCnt = count($additinalFlds); for ($i = 0; $i < $additFldCnt; $i++) { $sql .= $entityTableName . '.' . $additinalFlds[$i] . ' = ' . $temporalTabName . '.' . $fldReplace[$additinalFlds[$i]] . ($i == count($additinalFlds) - 1 ? '' : ', '); } $sql .= ' where ' . $entityTableName . '.ID = ' . $temporalTabName . '.' . $idReplace; } elseif ($dbConnection->getType() == 'mssql') { $sql = 'update ' . $entityTableName . ' set '; $additFldCnt = count($additinalFlds); for ($i = 0; $i < $additFldCnt; $i++) { $sql .= $additinalFlds[$i] . ' = ' . $temporalTabName . '.' . $fldReplace[$additinalFlds[$i]] . ($i == count($additinalFlds) - 1 ? '' : ', '); } $sql .= ' from ' . $entityTableName . ' join ' . $temporalTabName . ' on ' . $entityTableName . '.ID = ' . $temporalTabName . '.' . $idReplace; } elseif ($dbConnection->getType() == 'oracle') { // update tab1 set (aa,bb) = (select aa,bb from tab2 where = $sql = 'update ' . $entityTableName . ' set (' . implode(', ', $additinalFlds) . ') = (select ' . implode(', ', $fldReplace) . ' from ' . $temporalTabName . ' where ' . $entityTableName . '.ID = ' . $temporalTabName . '.' . $idReplace . ')'; } $dbConnection->query($sql); }
/** * Check if there is a link between entity and locations, optionally of a certain type (default: locations) * * @param mixed $entityPrimary primary key for an entity * @param string $linkType link type (G or L (default)) * * @throws ArgumentNullException * * @return boolean */ public static function checkLinkUsage($entityPrimary, $linkType = self::DB_LOCATION_FLAG) { $entityPrimary = Assert::expectStringNotNull($entityPrimary, '$entityPrimary'); $linkType = Assert::expectEnumerationMember($linkType, array(self::DB_LOCATION_FLAG, self::DB_GROUP_FLAG), '$linkType'); if (!static::getUseLinkTracking()) { return true; } // force to true if link tracking is off $useGroups = static::getUseGroups(); if (!$useGroups && $linkType == self::DB_GROUP_FLAG) { return false; } // we know we dont use groups $usageFlags = static::getLinkUsageOptionValue(); if (isset($usageFlags[$entityPrimary][$linkType])) { return $usageFlags[$entityPrimary][$linkType]; } $strictFilter = array(static::getLinkField() => $entityPrimary); if ($useGroups) { $strictFilter['LOCATION_TYPE'] = self::DB_LOCATION_FLAG; } $usageFlags[$entityPrimary][self::DB_LOCATION_FLAG] = !!static::getList(array('limit' => 1, 'filter' => $strictFilter))->fetch(); if ($useGroups) { $usageFlags[$entityPrimary][self::DB_GROUP_FLAG] = !!static::getList(array('limit' => 1, 'filter' => array(static::getLinkField() => $entityPrimary, 'LOCATION_TYPE' => self::DB_GROUP_FLAG)))->fetch(); } static::setLinkUsageOptionValue($usageFlags); return $usageFlags[$entityPrimary]; }