public static function makeFileName(\Bitrix\Iblock\InheritedProperty\BaseTemplate $ipropTemplates, $templateName, $arFields, $arFile) { if (preg_match("/^(.+)(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+)\$/", $arFile["name"], $fileName)) { if (!isset($arFields["IPROPERTY_TEMPLATES"]) || $arFields["IPROPERTY_TEMPLATES"][$templateName] == "") { $templates = $ipropTemplates->findTemplates(); $TEMPLATE = $templates[$templateName]["TEMPLATE"]; } else { $TEMPLATE = $arFields["IPROPERTY_TEMPLATES"][$templateName]; } if ($TEMPLATE != "") { list($template, $modifiers) = Helper::splitTemplate($TEMPLATE); if ($template != "") { $values = $ipropTemplates->getValuesEntity(); $entity = $values->createTemplateEntity(); $entity->setFields($arFields); return \Bitrix\Iblock\Template\Engine::process($entity, $TEMPLATE) . $fileName[2]; } elseif ($modifiers != "") { $simpleTemplate = new NodeRoot(); $simpleTemplate->addChild(new NodeText($fileName[1])); $simpleTemplate->setModifiers($modifiers); $baseEntity = new Entity\Base(0); return $simpleTemplate->process($baseEntity) . $fileName[2]; } } } return $arFile["name"]; }
function exportInheritedTemplates($level, \Bitrix\Iblock\InheritedProperty\BaseTemplate $template) { $templates = $template->get(); if (!empty($templates)) { $ws = str_repeat("\t", $level); fwrite($this->fp, $ws . "<" . GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_INHERITED_TEMPLATES") . ">\n"); foreach ($templates as $CODE => $TEMPLATE) { fwrite($this->fp, $ws . "\t<" . GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_TEMPLATE") . ">\n"); fwrite($this->fp, $ws . "\t\t<" . GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_ID") . ">" . htmlspecialcharsbx($CODE) . "</" . GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_ID") . ">\n"); fwrite($this->fp, $ws . "\t\t<" . GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_VALUE") . ">" . htmlspecialcharsbx($TEMPLATE["TEMPLATE"]) . "</" . GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_VALUE") . ">\n"); fwrite($this->fp, $ws . "\t</" . GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_TEMPLATE") . ">\n"); } fwrite($this->fp, $ws . "</" . GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_INHERITED_TEMPLATES") . ">\n"); } }
/** * @param integer $iblockId Identifier of the iblock of element. * @param integer $elementId Identifier of the element. */ function __construct($iblockId, $elementId) { $entity = new ElementValues($iblockId, $elementId); parent::__construct($entity); }