/** * Registers the BitPay autoloader to run before Magento's. This MUST be * called before using any bitpay classes. */ public function registerAutoloader() { if ($this->useAutoloader() && true === empty($this->_autoloaderRegistered)) { $autoloader_filename = \Mage::getBaseDir('lib') . '/Bitpay/Autoloader.php'; if (true === is_file($autoloader_filename) && true === is_readable($autoloader_filename)) { require_once $autoloader_filename; \Bitpay\Autoloader::register(); $this->_autoloaderRegistered = true; $this->debugData('[INFO] In Bitpay_Core_Helper_Data::registerAutoloader(): autoloader file was found and has been registered.'); } else { $this->_autoloaderRegistered = false; $this->debugData('[ERROR] In Bitpay_Core_Helper_Data::registerAutoloader(): autoloader file was not found or is not readable. Cannot continue!'); throw new \Exception('In Bitpay_Core_Helper_Data::registerAutoloader(): autoloader file was not found or is not readable. Cannot continue!'); } } }
/** * BitPay Library constructor * @param Registry $registry */ public function __construct($registry) { $this->registry = $registry; // Load up the BitPay library $autoloader = __DIR__ . '/Bitpay/Autoloader.php'; if (true === file_exists($autoloader) && true === is_readable($autoloader)) { require_once $autoloader; \Bitpay\Autoloader::register(); } else { // OpenCart uses a custom error handler for reporting instead of using exceptions // Which is why an error is triggered instead of an exception being thrown trigger_error($this->language->get('log_error_install'), E_USER_ERROR); } // Setup logging $this->logger = new Log('bitpay.log'); // Setup encryption $this->load->library('encryption'); $fingerprint = substr(sha1(sha1(__DIR__)), 0, 24); $this->encryption = new Encryption($fingerprint); }
Author URI: https://bitpay.com Version: 2.2.7 License: Copyright 2011-2014 BitPay Inc., MIT License License URI: https://github.com/bitpay/woocommerce-plugin/blob/master/LICENSE GitHub Plugin URI: https://github.com/bitpay/woocommerce-plugin */ // Exit if accessed directly if (false === defined('ABSPATH')) { exit; } $autoloader_param = __DIR__ . '/lib/Bitpay/Autoloader.php'; // Load up the BitPay library if (true === file_exists($autoloader_param) && true === is_readable($autoloader_param)) { require_once $autoloader_param; \Bitpay\Autoloader::register(); } else { throw new \Exception('The BitPay payment plugin was not installed correctly or the files are corrupt. Please reinstall the plugin. If this message persists after a reinstall, contact support@bitpay.com with this message.'); } // Exist for quirks in object serialization... if (false === class_exists('PrivateKey')) { include_once __DIR__ . '/lib/Bitpay/PrivateKey.php'; } if (false === class_exists('PublicKey')) { include_once __DIR__ . '/lib/Bitpay/PublicKey.php'; } if (false === class_exists('Token')) { include_once __DIR__ . '/lib/Bitpay/Token.php'; } // Ensures WooCommerce is loaded before initializing the BitPay plugin add_action('plugins_loaded', 'woocommerce_bitpay_init', 0);