상속: extends bedezign\yii2\audit\components\db\ActiveRecord
예제 #1
  * Displays a single AuditTrail model.
  * @param integer $id
  * @return mixed
  * @throws \HttpInvalidParamException
 public function actionView($id)
     $model = AuditTrail::findOne($id);
     if (!$model) {
         throw new \HttpInvalidParamException('Invalid request number specified');
     return $this->render('view', ['model' => $model]);
예제 #2
  * Displays a single AuditTrail model.
  * @param integer $id
  * @return mixed
  * @throws NotFoundHttpException
 public function actionView($id)
     $model = AuditTrail::findOne($id);
     if (!$model) {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested trail does not exist.');
     return $this->render('view', ['model' => $model]);
예제 #3
  * @inheritdoc
 public function cleanup($maxAge = null)
     $maxAge = $maxAge !== null ? $maxAge : $this->maxAge;
     if ($maxAge === null) {
         return false;
     return AuditTrail::deleteAll(['<=', 'created', date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime("-{$maxAge} days"))]);
예제 #4
     * Clean up the audit data according to the settings.
    public function actionCleanup()
        $audit = Audit::getInstance();
        if ($audit->maxAge === null) {
        $entry = AuditEntry::tableName();
        $errors = AuditError::tableName();
        $data = AuditData::tableName();
        $javascript = AuditJavascript::tableName();
        $trail = AuditTrail::tableName();
        $threshold = time() - $audit->maxAge * 86400;
DELETE FROM {$entry}, {$errors}, {$data}, {$javascript}, {$trail} USING {$entry}
  INNER JOIN {$errors} ON {$errors}.entry_id = {$entry}.id
  INNER JOIN {$data} ON {$data}.entry_id = {$entry}.id
  INNER JOIN {$javascript} ON {$javascript}.entry_id = {$entry}.id
  INNER JOIN {$trail} ON {$trail}.entry_id = {$entry}.id
  WHERE {$entry}.created < FROM_UNIXTIME({$threshold})
예제 #5
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use yii\helpers\Html;
/* @var $this yii\web\View */
/* @var $dataProvider yii\data\ActiveDataProvider */
$this->title = Yii::t('audit', 'Audit Module');
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title;
$this->registerCss('canvas {width: 100% !important;height: 400px;}');
$dataSet = ['fillColor' => "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)", 'strokeColor' => "rgba(151,187,205,1)", 'pointColor' => "rgba(151,187,205,1)", 'pointStrokeColor' => "#fff"];
$options = ['height' => 400, 'width' => 400];
$days = [];
$count = ['entry' => [], 'trail' => [], 'javascript' => [], 'error' => []];
foreach (range(-6, 0) as $day) {
    $date = strtotime($day . 'days');
    $days[] = date('D: Y-m-d', $date);
    $count['entry'][] = AuditEntry::find()->where(['between', 'created', date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', $date), date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', $date)])->count();
    $count['trail'][] = AuditTrail::find()->where(['between', 'created', date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', $date), date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', $date)])->count();
    $count['mail'][] = AuditMail::find()->where(['between', 'created', date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', $date), date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', $date)])->count();
    $count['javascript'][] = AuditJavascript::find()->where(['between', 'created', date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', $date), date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', $date)])->count();
    $count['error'][] = AuditError::find()->where(['between', 'created', date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', $date), date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', $date)])->count();
//fake data
//foreach ($count as $type => $data) {
//    foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
//        if (!$v) {
//            $v = $type == 'entry' ? rand(100, 1000) : rand(0, 100);
//            $count[$type][$k] = $v;
//        }
//    }
<div class="audit-index">
예제 #6
  * Returns all linked AuditError instances
  * @return AuditError[]
 public function getTrail()
     return static::hasMany(AuditTrail::className(), ['audit_id' => 'id']);
예제 #7
  * @param $action
  * @param $newAttributes
  * @param array $oldAttributes
  * @throws \yii\db\Exception
 public function auditAttributes($action, $newAttributes, $oldAttributes = [])
     // If we are not active the get out of here
     if (!$this->active) {
     // Setup values outside loop
     $audit_id = $this->getAuditEntryId();
     $user_id = $this->getUserId();
     $model = $this->owner->className();
     $model_id = $this->getNormalizedPk();
     $stamp = date($this->dateFormat);
     // Build a list of fields to log
     $rows = array();
     foreach ($newAttributes as $name => $new) {
         $old = isset($oldAttributes[$name]) ? $oldAttributes[$name] : '';
         // If we are skipping nulls then lets see if both sides are null
         if ($this->skipNulls && empty($old) && empty($new)) {
         // If they are not the same lets write an audit log
         if ($new != $old) {
             $rows[] = [$audit_id, $user_id, $old, $new, $action, $model, $model_id, $name, $stamp];
     // Record the field changes with a batch insert
     if ($rows) {
         $columns = ['audit_id', 'user_id', 'old_value', 'new_value', 'action', 'model', 'model_id', 'field', 'stamp'];
         Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert(AuditTrail::tableName(), $columns, $rows)->execute();
예제 #8
<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-10">
echo Html::tag('h2', Yii::t('audit', 'Request'), ['id' => 'entry', 'class' => 'hashtag']);
echo DetailView::widget(['model' => $entry, 'attributes' => ['id', ['label' => $entry->getAttributeLabel('user_id'), 'value' => intval($entry->user_id) ? $entry->user_id : Yii::t('audit', 'Guest')], 'ip', 'created', ['attribute' => 'start_time', 'format' => 'datetime'], ['attribute' => 'end_time', 'format' => 'datetime'], ['attribute' => 'duration', 'format' => 'decimal'], 'referrer', 'redirect', 'url', 'route', ['attribute' => 'memory', 'format' => 'shortsize'], ['attribute' => 'memory_max', 'format' => 'shortsize']]]);
foreach ($entry->extraData as $data) {
    $attributes = [];
    foreach ($data->data as $name => $value) {
        $attributes[] = ['label' => $name, 'value' => Helper::formatValue($value), 'format' => 'raw'];
    echo Html::tag('h2', $data->name . ' (' . count($attributes) . ')', ['id' => $data->type, 'class' => 'hashtag']);
    echo DetailView::widget(['model' => $data, 'attributes' => $attributes, 'template' => '<tr><th>{label}</th><td style="word-break:break-word;">{value}</td></tr>']);
if (count($entry->trail)) {
    $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => AuditTrail::find()->where(['audit_id' => $entry->id]), 'pagination' => ['pageSize' => 1000]]);
    echo Html::tag('h2', Yii::t('audit', 'Trail ({i})', ['i' => count($entry->trail)]), ['id' => 'trail', 'class' => 'hashtag']);
    echo GridView::widget(['dataProvider' => $dataProvider, 'columns' => ['id', 'action', 'model', 'model_id', 'field', ['label' => Yii::t('audit', 'Diff'), 'value' => function ($model) {
        /** @var AuditTrail $model */
        return $model->getDiffHtml();
    }, 'format' => 'raw'], 'stamp', ['class' => 'yii\\grid\\ActionColumn', 'template' => '{view}', 'buttons' => ['view' => function ($url, $model, $key) {
        return Html::a(Html::tag('span', '', ['class' => 'glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open']), ['diff', 'id' => $model->id], ['class' => '', 'data' => ['toggle' => 'modal']]);
if (count($entry->linkedErrors)) {
    echo Html::tag('h2', Yii::t('audit', 'Errors ({i})', ['i' => count($entry->linkedErrors)]), ['id' => 'errors', 'class' => 'hashtag']);
    foreach ($entry->linkedErrors as $i => $error) {
        echo Html::tag('h3', Yii::t('audit', 'Error #{i}', ['i' => $i + 1]));
        echo DetailView::widget(['model' => $error, 'attributes' => ['message', 'code', ['label' => Yii::t('audit', 'Location'), 'value' => $error->file . '(' . $error->line . ')']]]);
 public static function actionFilter()
     return \yii\helpers\ArrayHelper::map(parent::find()->select('action')->groupBy('action')->orderBy('action ASC')->all(), 'action', 'action');
  * Save the audit trails for a delete action
 protected function saveAuditTrailDelete()
     $audit = Audit::getInstance();
     $audit->getDb()->createCommand()->insert(AuditTrail::tableName(), ['action' => 'DELETE', 'entry_id' => $this->getAuditEntryId(), 'user_id' => $this->getUserId(), 'model' => $this->owner->className(), 'model_id' => $this->getNormalizedPk(), 'created' => date($this->dateFormat)])->execute();
예제 #11
파일: Marry.php 프로젝트: tqsq2005/Yii2adv
  * ($this)  getAuditTrails : get trails for this model
  * @return  $this
 public function getAuditTrails()
     return $this->hasMany(AuditTrail::className(), ['model_id' => 'mid'])->andOnCondition(['REGEXP', 'field', '^\\[(.)*\\]$'])->andOnCondition(['model' => get_class($this)]);
예제 #12
  * Displays a single AuditEntry model.
  * @param integer $id
  * @return mixed
 public function actionDiff($id)
     $model = AuditTrail::findOne($id);
     return $this->render('diff', ['model' => $model]);
예제 #13
  * (string) actionHistory : 删除的历史数据
  * @param string $pid personal_id
  * @return string
 public function actionHistory($pid)
     return $this->render('@bedezign/yii2/audit/views/_audit_trails', ['query' => \bedezign\yii2\audit\models\AuditTrail::find()->andFilterWhere(['like', 'old_value', $pid]), 'params' => ['AuditTrailSearch' => []], 'columns' => ['user_id', 'entry_id', 'action', 'old_value', 'created'], 'filter' => false]);
예제 #14
  * Find an attribute from a version.
  * @param $class
  * @param $id
  * @param $attribute
  * @param $version
  * @return null|integer|float|string
 public static function findAttribute($class, $id, $attribute, $version)
     /** @var AuditTrail $trail */
     $trail = AuditTrail::find()->andWhere(['model' => $class, 'model_id' => $id, 'field' => $attribute])->andWhere(['<=', 'entry_id', $version])->orderBy(['id' => SORT_DESC])->one();
     return $trail ? $trail->new_value : null;
예제 #15
 public function actionRevertir($id)
     // buscamos los modelos
     $post1 = AuditTrail::findOne($id);
     $post = AccionCentralizada::findOne($post1->model_id);
     //si esta vacio el modelo es por que fue borrado
     if ($post != null) {
         //buscamos la ultima version
         $attributes = Version::lastVersion($post->className(), $post->id);
         //cargamos los datos de la ultima version
         $post = Version::find($post->className(), $post->id, $attributes);
         //solo para el caso de modelos que tenga fecha, formatear la fecha
         $post->fecha_inicio = date_create($post->fecha_inicio);
         $post->fecha_fin = date_create($post->fecha_fin);
         $post->fecha_inicio = date_format($post->fecha_inicio, 'd/m/Y');
         $post->fecha_fin = date_format($post->fecha_fin, 'd/m/Y');
     } else {
         //en que caso que fue borrado se busca la ultima version por medio del  id almacenado en el modelo trail
         $attributes = Version::lastVersion(AccionCentralizada::className(), $post1->model_id);
         //cargamos los datos
         $post = Version::find(AccionCentralizada::className(), $post1->model_id, $attributes);
         //solo en caso de modelos q tengan fecha
         $post->fecha_inicio = date_create($post->fecha_inicio);
         $post->fecha_fin = date_create($post->fecha_fin);
         $post->fecha_inicio = date_format($post->fecha_inicio, 'Y-m-d');
         $post->fecha_fin = date_format($post->fecha_fin, 'Y-m-d');
     //se almacena y redirecciona.
     if ($post->save()) {
         return $this->redirect('index.php?r=audit/trail');
     } else {
         return $this->redirect('index.php?r=audit/trail');
예제 #16
  * @inheritDoc
 protected function saveAuditTrail($action, $newAttributes, $oldAttributes, $entry_id, $user_id, $model, $model_id, $created)
     // Build a list of fields to log
     $rows = array();
     $fields = array();
     $newVal = array();
     $oldVal = array();
     foreach ($newAttributes as $field => $new) {
         $old = isset($oldAttributes[$field]) ? $oldAttributes[$field] : '';
         // If they are not the same lets write an audit log
         if ($new != $old) {
             $fields[] = $field;
             $newVal[] = $new;
             $oldVal[] = $old;
             $rows[] = [$entry_id, $user_id, $old, $new, $action, $model, $model_id, $field, $created];
     $rows[] = [$entry_id, $user_id, Json::encode($oldVal), Json::encode($newVal), $action, $model, $model_id, Json::encode($fields), $created];
     // Record the field changes with a batch insert
     if (!empty($rows)) {
         $columns = ['entry_id', 'user_id', 'old_value', 'new_value', 'action', 'model', 'model_id', 'field', 'created'];
         $audit = Audit::getInstance();
         $audit->getDb()->createCommand()->batchInsert(AuditTrail::tableName(), $columns, $rows)->execute();